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The Endangered Off Roader: Official Newsletter of San Diego Off Road Coalition



The California bill introduction deadline has passed and all the bills for the year are available for the legislature and public to see. I met with our state lobbyist recently to describe what types of bills we are concerned with. I told him to flag bills that have to do with transportation, State Parks and resources (environment).

Out of the thousands of bills introduced, he found 28 that may affect us. Out of those we will be keeping an eye on a dozen and will be giving a position on two bills. The bill from last year having to do with red sticker bikes is officially dead. That was SB708 from Brian Jones and would have had State Parks issue registration stickers to racing motorcycles that don't quality for green stickers. The only good news related to red sticker bikes is that next year they will all transition to green stickers, opening all seasons and areas to these bikes.

Bill AB3163 will reduce or eliminate fees for vets and active-duty military for entry into State parks. This includes State Vehicular Recreation Areas that usually cost $5 to enter. We support this bill to help our miliary and vet friends.

Bill SB903 will prohibit the use of PSAF chemicals in the state. ROHVA (Recreational Off Highway Vehicle Association), boating and other groups are opposing this bill because boats and off-road vehicles have a lot of these chemicals in their construction and banning would have a very negative effect on our activities. We are opposing this bill and joining with a larger coalition that opposes it.

I am personaly interested in watching bill AB2392. This bill will exempt the on road motorcycle helmet law for people wearing turbans or Patkas.

Dirt Sports Expo

We have been planning another expo similar to last summer's jamboree, but we hit a couple snags. We chose the date June 22 to have it at the Diane Jacobs Equestrian Center. A little later, we found out that their expo the same day in Escondido. Since they had the date first, we started working on moving ours. We looked at the fall and October 5th would be good for a back to the desert event. The problem was when we spoke to vendors, they were not keen on that date. So we are not sure what we will do, but will keep you posted as developments happen.


There was a primary election recently and the two candidates SDORC endorsed are both moving to the general election in November. Our election system sends the top two candidates and Mayor Bill Wells got second to Sarah Jacobs in their congressional race. In the State Assembly, Carl Demaio received the most votes with our endorsed Andrew Hayes coming in second. Both of these candidates could use some help to secure these offices. Consider donating time or money to their campaigns.

SDORC is also having an election. If you are interested in running for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer or a board position, come to the next membership meeting at Ranch House or email us at info@sdorc.org.

Out of state trouble

The BLM in the Owyhee region of southwestern Idaho is forming a new management plan and is threatening to close hundreds of miles of trails. The Blue Ribbon Coalition is working on this and you can help by going to https://www.sharetrails.org and reading about the Grandview Travel Management Plan.

The BLM is looking at increasing solar energy in western states because of a presidential order (excluding California, thanks to the Desert Renewable Energy Conservation Plan). You can read more about it at https://eplanning.blm.gov/eplanning-ui/project/2022371/510

Join San Diego Off Road Coalition to help protect off road areas: www.sdorc.org/join-sdorc/

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