6 minute read

Dr. De Forest's Off Road Health Tips

Hello Off Roadies! One of the most common questions I get from folks on chiropractic treatment is “Doc, once I've had chiropractic treatment, do I have to keep coming back for more treatment?” And I think that is a fair question. My standard answer to it is “Once a person has had dental care/treatment, do they ever need to go back for more treatments?” And I think that is a fair answer. It gets most folks to think anyway! After all, once you go to a dentist, do you have to go back? The short answer is “No.” After all, once you have had your teeth examined, often x-rays as well, maybe that cavity that you did not know you needed filled, teeth cleaned, do you need to go back?

But, we all can understand the value of regular dental care, let’s say once or twice a year, even if we have no pain in our teeth or mouths, for ourselves and our kids, right? Or, should we wait till we have tooth/mouth pain to see a dentist? The answer is no. A person would generally be better off seeing their dentist once or twice a year to get an examination and check for small problems like build up of plaque, a cavity which may not be creating any pain or symptoms at all and get all that treated before the little problems become big ones. Makes sense to me!

Makes sense to most of you reading this unless you are from Arkansas!

Most folks understand the value of preventative maintenance on their teeth, ATV's, buggies, bikes, motorhomes and trucks. Most folks do not understand the value of regular chiropractic care for their spines and that of their children. Odd part of that is that you can neglect dental care, as some folks do and still lead a fairly normal life. If you lose a tooth from the neglect that could have been prevented with regular care, it's no big deal and the teeth can and are replaceable! Crowns, implants, bridges, dentures are all readily available if you lose your tooth or teeth. Sure are! Is the back, spine or nervous system that runs through it replaceable? The answer is NO! You cannot replace any of those structures. You have to keep the original equipment as best you can. There are no replacements for the spine and the associated nerves that run through it from your brain to every living cell in your body. It's irreplaceable. No spare parts, nope!

Yet, daily, over the last 30 plus years in the clinic here, I see folks of all ages, who have never been to a chiropractor, never had regular chiropractic treatments, only come in when and if they have back or neck pains. Hmm? Makes one wonder how folks would do if the only time they went to see a dentist is when and if their teeth hurt? Think about that now, let it sink in. Again, dental care neglect is treatable with replacement teeth of sorts. The spine and nerves are not. I personally understood the value of regular chiropractic check-ups and treatments and have had treatments about one time per month since about age 18. I'm now approaching 60 years of age and my spine still looks about 25 years old, even with all the motocross and dirt bikes since about age 11. The regular chiropractic treatments helped keep my spinal joints, disc and vertebrae aligned and balanced. Hence, just like tires and wheels on any vehicle, that has made my spine last longer in spite of the stress and impacts off road riding puts on the body. The MD's generally just do not get that idea. I do! I feel so lucky to have been turned on to chiropractic care at a fairly young age!

If I have an acute injury to my back or neck, I get treated about three times a week until all the pain and stiffness is gone and the back is aligned, balanced and moving properly. Then I go back to getting a tune-up treatment about one time per month. Sure, it's easy for me as I work in a DC office with other DC's right here to treat me any time generally. Lucky me! A great type of healthcare with no drugs, thank you! I'm all for drugs and surgery when needed. But, I'd rather avoid them when and if possible. Are you with me on these concepts? Only about 10% of the US population, or anywhere in the western world, knows about the benefits or have tried chiropractic health care. Imagine if only 10% of the general public went in for regular dental care or prevention? You would see a lot of toothless folks from the likes of Arkansas (see picture). It helps get the point across and no offense to the folks in Arkansas!

For acute chiropractic treatment, like for a back or neck injury or condition, treatments at about 3 to 4 times for the first few weeks is usual. As with any physical type of treatments, like physical therapies, work out programs, diets, stretches, yoga, it will not do you much good to go just one time, one day and quit. Physical treatments and the likes have a cumulative effect that takes time to work! You are not just taking a drug to make you feel better for the short or long term and even with drugs, you would have to keep taking them, right? Hence our nation of prescription drug addicts. Yep! With prescription drugs killing over 100,000 per year, roughly and illegal drugs killing about 15,000 per year, where should the real War on Drugs be focused? Those facts are on the CDC Website if you care to look them up.

After the first few weeks of 3 to 4 times per week with chiropractic treatments and maybe associated physical therapy treatments, a person should know by then if it is helping. As progress is made, treatments are generally reduced to 2 times per week for a few weeks, then to one time per week for a few weeks, then when correction of the spinal condition (vertebral misalignment/subluxation/ pinched/irritated nerve or disc/pain muscle spasm) is achieved, treatment can be one time every 2 weeks. Then suggested tune -up, maintenance, check ups, about one time per month or at least 6 times per year to keep it healthy and prevent the return of the condition and associated pain and other symptoms. That is the key. That is what I do for myself. Let me know when you find the other doctors that take their own medicine and walk their own talk. It's been working fantastic for me and others I know that see the value in regular care.

Heck, I'm semi-retired after over 30 years in this profession. I don't even need your business! I'm just here pecking out a column on health care telling you what I know. Now you know more than most folks out there! The choices are your's to make. Make well informed choices on your health care. And this DC is due for a tune-up adjustment after pecking this out at the desk for an hour! Stay safe and have fun with your off road adventures!

Dr Gary DeForest is a San Diego based chiropractor in practice for 35 years. He is always happy to speak with you about any health concerns. You can reach him at his clinic in Mission Valley at 619-261-2462 or e-mail him at deforest192@yahoo.com

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