NetRiders Europe, Middle East and Africa Moldova 2013 CCNA NetRiders Posted 18 June 2013
Moldova 2013 CCNA Rank Name 1* 2* 3* 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Oleg Proscurchin Tatiana Romanciuc Serghei Proscurchin Ion Chirca Dumitru Osoianu Andrei Marian Andrian Namolovan Gheorghi Isac Vitali Plagov Daniel Gribinet Vitalie Jurjiu Nadejda Ciuprina Tudor Popov Artur Moraras Nicu Dumbraveanu Dumitru Cebotari Ghenadie Serbeniuc Alexandru Lefter Ion Ciorici Serghei Luca
Academy Technical University of Moldova Technical University of Moldova Technical University of Moldova Technical University of Moldova Technical University of Moldova Public Association RENAM Public Association RENAM Technical University of Moldova Technical University of Moldova Technical University of Moldova Public Association RENAM Public Association DNT Public Association DNT Public Association RENAM Public Association DNT Public Association RENAM Public Association DNT Technical University of Moldova Technical University of Moldova Technical University of Moldova
*The top male score, top female score and next two top scores advance and represent the Republic of Moldova in the EMEA International NetRiders on 24 September 2013. See rules (Terms and Conditions) for details.