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Eclipse Internet Settings

Eclipse Internet Setting 1. Start Eclipse IDE. 2. Select Preferences option from Windows Menu.

3. Select Install / Update option from the left pane of the Preferences dialogue

4. Enable the Http Proxy Settings by selecting the check box

5. Key in the values in host address & 8080 in host port.

Installing Maven to Eclipse

Installing Maven 1. Start Eclipse IDE 2. Go to Help Menu -> Software Updates & select Find & Install

3. Select Search for new features to install from the Install /Update Dialogue and click next.

4. Click on the New Remote Site Button & Key in the Name & URL as Maven IDE & http://mevenide.codehaus.org/release/eclipse/update/3.0 respectively.

5. select / check Maven IDE option and click on Finish.

6. explode Maven IDE option & check all, Maven option as shown in the figure and click next.

7. Accept the license and click on next.

8. select the location where you want to install the maven.

9. We will get a verification dialogue where it says it will be installing these features. Further click on Install All.

10. Once it is installed it prompts you to restart the Eclipse. Click on Yes.

Configuring PCM Project

Configure PCM Project 1. Start Eclipse IDE 2. select Project Menu & uncheck Build Automatically option

3. Right click on Navigator workspace select New -> Project

4. Select java project & click on next.

5. Name the Project as “pcm” with the proper project location and click on finish

6. Right click on the pcm project select New -> Folder

7. select Advanced button & check Link to folder in the file system select the dev folder of pcm Proejct from the mystarteam main line

8. select the properties of pcm project, select the Java Build Path click on Add folder select “src” & “test”

9. explode src, select exclude and click on edit and select all the folders except com folder

10. set the Default output folder as pcm/dist/maven/target/classes

11. Select Libraries tab and click on Add External JARs i. select weblogic.jar & webservices.jar from “bea/weblogic81/server/lib” ii. select ant.jar from “bea/weblogic81/server/lib/ant” iii. select junit.jar from “eclipse/plugins/org.junit_3.8.1” 12. Click on Add Jars and expand all the sub folder under lib folder of dev and select all the jars and click ok o

13. Change the perspective to java perspective by right clicking on the project say Open

Perspective -> select java 14. set the layout as Hierarchical

15. Finally check the Build Automatically option from Project Menu it starts building

Building PCM Build

1. select PCM project & click on window menu & Preferences option.

2. In the left index select maven & locations option and set the JAVA Home, Maven Home, Maven Local home, Maven local repository & tools.jar locations properly.

3. Open the project.properties file from mystarteam\conformia\pcm\dev\scripts\maven & check/ update the following variables with proper paths. i. base ii. BeaHome

iii. iv.

buildWebservice isSplitDeployment





4. Click on external tools icon as shown in the image below.

5. Click on Run Maven as shown in the image below

6. Create a new Configuration & name it as Build PCM & the goal name as build_pcmear

7. Select the main tab from the configuration dialogue box and select the base Directory

8. click on OK button Note: Add ant & weblogic folder to lib folder under these create jars folder & copy ant.jar & (weblogic.jar & webservices.jar) to the respective folders. Please verify manually all the jars are located in dev/lib<respective folder>/jars folder.

Adding Server (webLogic) to Eclipse

1. Click on eclipse RunDebug.on the screen displayed, click JavaApplicationNew. Here you will get one new_configuration with some tabs, give the name as PCMServer (any name) in the name field and weblogic.Server in main Class.

2. Click on Arguments Tab and place the following into VM Arguments File -Xms200m -Xmx300m -Djava.library.path="C:\bea\weblogic81\server\bin" -Dweblogic.Name=myserver -Dbea.home="C:\bea" -Dweblogic.management.discover=false -Dweblogic.management.username=weblogic -Dcom.cfm.pcm.isCollocated=true -Dweblogic.management.password=weblogic -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=false -Djava.security.policy=="C:\bea\weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.policy" a. (Note: You have to verify and set the above paths correctly for your settings) And working Directory as your workspace in Weblogic (Ex: C:\bea\user_projects\domains\mydomain) 3. Click the JRE tab. If the existing JRE is differ from existing j2sdk in your system, then select alternate JRE. ->click Installed JREs and add J2sdk from your system.

4. Click Classpath tab Add external jars-> Add weblogic.jar and webservices.jar files under “User Entries”. 5. Click Add Jar’s and all the jars from pcm/dev/lib and the subfolders

6. Click Add jars tab ->click PCMdevdistcfmlib and add all jar fileS in that folder.

7. Source path setting is as given below


9. Click the Environment TabNew. Then In name field give as CFM_HOME, and in value filed give the path of $:\mystarteam\conformia\pcm\dev\dist 10. Click Apply and close the window.

Deploy pcm ear to weblogic

Pcm ear will be saved under ”pcm/dist/maven”. Earlier build scripts (Eclipse ant and jbuilder) will keep the build files directory under “pcm/dev/dist/maven” and if you have set your CFM_HOME/cfm.home environment variables to “pcm/dev/dist” change that to “pcm/ dist/maven” Run goal “deploy­in­weblogic” to deploy the ear to weblogic domain. To configure this goal in Eclipse please follow the configuration steps above. To make a clean pcm ear build use goal “build_pcmear”. To configure this goal in Eclipse please follow the configuration steps above. You can also delete the “dist” folder under “pcm/dev” to do a clean build. After deleting “dist” folder refresh your pcm project.

Configuring SUMS Project

Configure PCM Project 1. Start Eclipse IDE 2. select Project Menu & uncheck Build Automatically option

3. Right click on Navigator workspace select New -> Project

4. Select java project & click on next.

5. Name the Project as “sums” with the proper project location and click on finish

6. Right click on the sums project select New -> Folder

7. select Advanced button & check Link to folder in the file system select the dev folder of sums Proejct from the mystarteam main line

8. select the properties of sums project, select the Java Build Path click on Add folder select “src” & “test”

9. explode src, select exclude and click on edit and select all the folders except com folder

10. set the Default output folder as sums/dist/maven/target/classes

11. Select Libraries tab and click on Add External JARs vii. select weblogic.jar & webservices.jar from “bea/weblogic81/server/lib” viii. select ant.jar from “bea/weblogic81/server/lib/ant” ix. select junit.jar from “eclipse/plugins/org.junit_3.8.1” 12. Click on Add Jars and expand all the sub folder under lib folder of dev and select all the jars and click ok o

13. Change the perspective to java perspective by right clicking on the project say Open

Perspective -> select java 14. set the layout as Hierarchical

15. Finally check the Build Automatically option from Project Menu it starts building

Adding Server (webLogic) to Eclipse

1. Click on eclipse RunDebug.on the screen displayed, click JavaApplicationNew. Here you will get one new_configuration with some tabs, give the name as SUMSServer (any name) in the name field and weblogic.Server in main Class.

2. Click on Arguments Tab and place the following into VM Arguments File -Xms200m -Xmx300m -Djava.library.path="C:\bea\weblogic81\server\bin" -Dweblogic.Name=myserver -Dbea.home="C:\bea" -Dweblogic.management.discover=false -Dweblogic.management.username=weblogic -Dcom.cfm.pcm.isCollocated=true -Dweblogic.management.password=weblogic -Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=false -Djava.security.policy=="C:\bea\weblogic81/server/lib/weblogic.policy" a. (Note: You have to verify and set the above paths correctly for your settings) And working Directory as your workspace in Weblogic (Ex: C:\bea\user_projects\domains\mydomain) 3. Click the JRE tab. If the existing JRE is differ from existing j2sdk in your system, then select alternate JRE. ->click Installed JREs and add J2sdk from your system.

4. Click Classpath tab Add external jars-> Add weblogic.jar and webservices.jar files under “User Entries”. 5. Click Add Jar’s and all the jars from pcm/dev/lib and the subfolders

6. Click Add jars tab ->click PCMdevdistcfmlib and add all jar fileS in that folder. 7. Click Add jars tab ->click SUMSdevdistcfmlib and add all jar file in that folder.

8. Source path setting is as given below


10. Click the Environment TabNew. Then In name field give as CFM_HOME, and in value filed give the path of $:\mystarteam\conformia\sums\dev\dist 11. Click Apply and close the window.

Deploy sums ear to weblogic

Sums ear will be saved under ”sums/dist/maven”. Earlier build scripts (Eclipse ant and jbuilder) will keep the build files directory under “sums/dev/dist/maven” and if you have set your CFM_HOME/cfm.home environment variables to “sums/dev/dist” change that to “sums/ dist/maven” Run goal “deploy­in­weblogic” to deploy the ear to weblogic domain. To configure this goal in Eclipse please follow the configuration steps above. To make a clean sums ear build use goal “build_sumsear”. To configure this goal in Eclipse please follow the configuration steps above. You can also delete the “dist” folder under “sums/dev” to do a clean build. After deleting “dist” folder refresh your sums project.

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