Community Projects Get Some Bounce From SSTC GIVIN G B A C K TO TH E PEOPLE OF S ASKATCHEWAN
• • • • • Ten innovative and unique community projects around Saskatchewan received Community Demonstration Grants from the Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation in 2008, allowing them to undertake projects making use of recycled tire products. The program provides matching grants of up to $5,000 for new projects each year.
• City of Yorkton • Greystone Heights Parent Council (Saskatoon) • Craik Sustainable Living Project • Town of Macklin • Town of Kindersley • Ogema Regional Park Authority
• Prairie Literacy Awareness Network (Coronach) • Milestone School Community Council • Vanguard Senior Citizens Association • Town of Morse The program is open to all Saskatchewan municipalities, registered non-profit organizations/community groups, schools, First Nations and Métis settlements.
FALL 2008
More information is available at
The projects ranged from rubberized asphalt and rubber paving stones to playground surfaces and swings. The grant projects help demonstrate some of the innovative uses for scrap tires, provide an incentive for communities to make use of scrap tire products, and help SSTC give back to the people of Saskatchewan.
Re-tire Reclaim Recycle
SSTC Executive Director Theresa McQuoid says they are on track to have the landfill clean-up completed next year.
Playground services are just one example of products eligible under the program
Landfill Clean-Up A Summer Success 2008 will be remembered as a summer of success for the Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation (SSTC). The SSTC is in the final stages of cleaning up scrap tires from every landfill in Saskatchewan.
Grants were provided to the following recipients:
Return undeliverable copies to: Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation PO Box 1936 Regina SK S4P 3E1
which resulted in reclaiming over 30 million pounds of material. “That amount, and its impact, is so important,” says McQuoid. “It’s the equivalent of 1.5 million passenger car tires.”
Kindersley, Lumsden and many communities in between had their scrap tires removed in 2008. A complete list of communities where landfills have been cleared of scrap tires is available on the SSTC website: The next goal is to complete landfill clean-up entirely, and to embark on Phase Three of the SSTC program, which is to identify, remove and recycle private stockpiles of tires that have not been addressed by the municipal landfill efforts.
“We removed tires from the landfills of 28 communities, and with the completion of the last dozen or so sites, all of the landfills registered for clean-up will be done by 2009.” The program is offered to all municipalities at no cost, and is funded by the Environmental Handling Fee on new tires. In addition to removing millions of potentially hazardous nuisance products from landfills, the removal of the tires creates more space in existing landfill sites, allowing them to function longer. The completed work represents over ten years of efforts by SSTC and its stakeholders. Nearly 300 landfill sites have had their scrap tires removed,
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Scrap tires like these have been removed from landfills across Saskatchewan
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Saskatchewan’s environmental stewardship groups joined together this fall to create a one-stop shop for everyone in the province to get green information: Recycle Saskatchewan. The website and resource initiative was launched in mid-October to help kick off Waste Reduction Week in
Saskatchewan. Partners in the initiative include the Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation, SARCAN, SWEEP, Product Care (paint recycling), the Saskatchewan Association for Resource Recovery (SARRC) and will be maintained by the Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council.
The launch event for the site was held at Mosaic Stadium, and was attended by Minister of the Environment Nancy Heppner, as well as special guests from the Saskatchewan Roughriders.
Rubber Meets the Road On Saskatchewan Highways
Recycle Saskatchewan serves as a place for individuals, schools, communities and companies to get started, and to share tips for keeping Saskatchewan green. The website will grow and evolve, and a second phase aimed at students and teachers is in the planning stages.
Comments, ideas and recycling tips and hints are welcomed. Visit to share your tips or to give feedback on the site.
aggregate for the Maple Creek road went forward this year, while repaving is scheduled for 2009. About 64 km of other lanes in the Saskatoon area on highways 5, 7, 12, 15, 16 and 41 was also resurfaced using a process called thin lift overlays. Those stretches of road used about 32,000 tires.
• • • • • If you hit a whisper-quiet stretch of road on your way to Grandma’s for the holidays, chances are it’s been re-paved with crumb rubber asphalt. The Government of Saskatchewan used the special asphalt in several highway construction projects over the last year, which helped to divert an estimated 130,000 tires from landfills and added life to the pavement.
150,000 scrap tires. Highway 10 near Fort Qu’Appelle has nearly 17 km of lanes resurfaced with rubberized asphalt, using approximately 44,000 scrap tires. The Trans Canada (Highway 1) near Maple Creek will have more than 30 km of one lane resurfaced using rubberized asphalt, which will use about 39,000 tires. Production of the
“This government has placed a focus on using innovative technology to build and maintain our transportation system,” Highways and Infrastructure Minister Wayne Elhard said in a news release. “Our engineers utilize rubber asphalt as another pavement option when it’s the best fit for a project, which also helps reduce the waste going into the environment.”
“There are literally hundreds of uses for reclaimed scrap tires,” said SSTC Executive Director Theresa McQuoid. “We are very pleased to see some of the innovative uses for the product, such as rubber asphalt.” Highway 2 near Meacham had almost 6 km of road in both directions resurfaced in August this year, which used about
Environment Minister Nancy Heppner speaks at the launch of Recycle Saskatchewan
A screen shot from
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Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council Executive Director Joanne Fedyk speaks at the launch of Recycle Saskatchewan
Advertising Roll-Out SSTC is continuing its awareness campaign over the fall and winter months
with updated advertising on transit bus boards and radio advertising. Look for new
signs on city buses in Regina and Saskatoon to roll past you in traffic soon.
To hear the new radio ads, visit the SSTC website at and
click on “Marketing Campaigns.”