Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation Treads Summer 2010

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Issue 4 | Summer 2010 | Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation

“Gold Rush is Grant Program Encourages aimed at cleaning Communities to Use Recycled Tire upProducts. all private stockpiles of scrap tires.”

Photo Credit: Children enjoy the benefits of the SSTC Program

Scrap Tire Corporation Launches “Black Gold Rush” The Black Gold Rush is on. The Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation has launched a pilot project in Southwest Saskatchewan aimed at cleaning up all private stockpiles of scrap tires in the region. The project is the start of what the corporation calls Phase 3 of the stewardship program.

“The pilot program is branded under the ‘Black Gold Rush’ theme to underscore the value of the scrap tires being collected and to highlight the incentive for community groups and others participating in the clean up. The tires we collect are recycled into a growing number of useful products including rubberized asphalt, and crumb rubber playground surfaces ,” said Scrap Tire Corporation Executive Director Theresa McQuoid.


The first phase of the pilot project will ask the public and municipalities to “stake their claim” by identifying existing tire stockpiles. (Continuted on page 2.)

Inside this Edition: • Black Gold Rush • North Battleford Landfill • Bike Tires • Community Demonstration Grants


“Since its inception in 1996, the corporation has collected and recycled more than 13,000,000 tires...” “We have set up the Black Gold Rush area on the Scrap Tire website where the public can tell us where their scrap tire stockpile is and approximately how many tires are in it. We are collecting information from municipalities and residents now and will start actively picking up tires in July” said Project Manager Linda Thauberger -Smith.

The deadline for tire pick-up in the pilot project is September 15th 2010.

The Scrap Tire Corporation will be communicating directly with municipalities involved in the clean-up area and will be supporting public awareness of the campaign by providing print material (posters/flyers) for municipalities to distribute as well advertising initiatives including radio, newspaper and television. A map of the clean-up area is available in the Black Gold Rush section of “The first step is to identify where the stockpiles are so we can determine the most effective and efficient way to collect them. We may test several means to collect the tires as a part of this pilot project. The pilot project will guide the development of a scaled-up version of the program next year,” said Smith. Since its inception in 1996, the corporation has collected and recycled more than 13,000,000 tires generated by retailers and collected from municipal landfills.


Final municipal landfill clean up underway Work is now underway in North Battleford to complete the last landfill clean up in what was known as Phase 2 of the Scrap Tire Corporation’s program. The Scrap Tire Corporation has been dilligently working through a long list of municipalities who had registered for the one time clean up, and now only one more remains: North Battleford.

“The North Battleford site has four piles with an estimated 200,000 tires to be removed.” The project went to tender in May and both Shercom Industries and Paul Tendler Trucking were awarded contracts to remove and process the tires. In the past 10 years SSTC has cleaned up more than 300 municipal landfills. In exchange for the free clean up municipalities were required to pass bylaws banning scrap tires from their landfill. With the final municipal landfill complete, SSTC is now turning its attention to Phase Three of the program; removing all private stockpiles of scrap tires.


Six Projects to Receive Community Demonstration Grants Six projects have been selected to receive funding through the Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation’s Community Demonstration Grant Program. The grant program encourages communities and non-profit groups to undertake projects that make use of recycled tire products. It helps fund pilot projects that serve as examples to other communities across the province through matching grants of up to $5,000.

Scrap Tire Corporation Offers Free Bike Tire Recycling

• Watrous - Rubber mats for players boxes and dressing rooms • Martensville - Rubber playground surfacing • Prud’homme - Rubber paving overlay

Approximately $30,000 in grants will be provided to the following recipients: • Weyburn - Crumb rubber fill and paving stones at a Day Care • Macklin - Rubber mats for a seniors outdoor exercise space • Radville - Low maintenance landscaping material at the water treatment plant

“The Community Grant program is a great way for the scrap tire corporation to give back to the communities that have helped make SSTC one of the most successful recycling programs in the country. The grants encourage innovative uses for recycled scrap tires,” said McQuoid.

in Saskatoon were the participating retailers who set up drop off bins in their stores.

to pay the cost of recycling, no such fee is attached to bicycle tires.

“Bicycle tires are not normally a part of our program,” said Theresa McQuoid, Executive Director of SSTC. “However we are interested in trying to keep all kinds of tires out of the waste stream, and seeing them responsibly recycled.”

For the second year in a row, the Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation

“We are interested in trying to keep all kinds of tires out of the waste stream.” offered consumers a chance to recycle their old bicycle tires. SSTC recently partnered with two companies in Regina and Saskatoon to offer free recycling program. Western Cycle Source for Sports in Regina and Doug’s Spoke ‘n Sport

“There is a wide variety of innovative products made from recycled rubber and this year’s grant recipients are demonstrating that with six unique projects,” said SSTC Executive Director Theresa McQuoid.

Hundreds of tires have been collected in the two years that the clean-up has been running. While an Environment Handling Fee (EHF) is currently charged on new vehicle tires sold in Saskatchewan


For more information:

“The bicycle tires will be processed into crumb rubber at Saskatchewan facilities,” said McQuoid. “That becomes the raw material for the manufacture of numerous products like rubberized asphalt or crumb rubber for artificial turf, like the turf at Mosaic Stadium.”

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