Keep it Simple Sam Stelloh ART 130
Table of Contents D-School --------------------------------- 3 Dot Line ---------------------------------- 4 Text Letter ------------------------------- 7 Object Iterations ----------------------- 10 Data Visualization ---------------------- 13 Designer Presentation ---------------- 15
D-School Given the amount of time it was a little difficult to figure out what I wanted to do at first. Going through the five sketches I diffident know what I really
wanted to do in the short period that was available. But by getting to know more about the person, on a more personal/ more of an in depth level, it then finally came to
Dot Line what I was going to do. This made me think more about what the person would think as a good item, even though it’s not the best work possible.
Looking back on this, I do think that the time consecrate was a good thing because it put you in the hot seat and made you basically come up with the best, but also first thing in your mind. I learned that this can be a learning piece of trial and error. A thing that I would do over would be change a concept of what
The first “real� project of the year was dot/line. Hearing and seeing it first really questioned why I was taking an art class beucase it seemed so simple that anyone could do it. The tricky part of this came right away when I had to make some sketches of the words that I chose. I had to have a limited format of dots and lines.
Final Iterations
For me, I always try to have a nice clean and really presentable piece of work. I spent the extra time getting the littlest detail down, even if I had restart.
I also had to surround myself in the theory of gestalt. This is a theory that people use see the world by using different shapes, forms, and ideas to make something whole. Theses ideas can include scale, shape, space etc.
Trying to fit the “right� pieces while only using a limited use of dots and lines really helped me understand more about abstract work. Seeing other compositions of the same word also helped. Even a simple shift or flip would totally make the work better or worse.
Stability For me coming up with starter ideas was the easy part, just by thinking of simple but good examples of the words, but then trying to change it into something different using different pieces was tough to do anything with. Having classemates give good critical feedback of what could still be impoved on made these images alot better then I once thought, which made me statified with the work that was finally produced.
Text and Letter In doing hand-lettering I have learned and expanded my knowledge of letter forms. I didn’t realize how much of a impact some types forms can and cannot be. Just by adding or taking away something small can make a big difference or even possibly have a different feel of
what is trying to be said. Some techniques that I would like to continue to work and improve on would be fixing the issue of lowercase, and upper-case lettering. In my compositions I had some inconsistency in my work. Moving on to something new would to implement serif into my work.
For the next project it was to deal with text. The case for this was to do this all by hand to shy away from the everyday noraml computerized text that we are all acustomed to seeing. For the word that I wanted to work with was dig. The objective wsa to try and illisteate the word dog by using with diffrent ideas, such as form and content.
Final Iterations
Object Iterations The next porject that was assigned was the one I had the most fund doing was the object interatoins. The first step that was to be done was to pick a specife animal or interactive object. For me I wanted to shy away the basic animals that people are use to seeing, so thats why I choose the Giant Oceanic Manta Ray. The objective was to find ways to express my animal that communicate ways that don’t go with the tipical images that we are use to see. It was also required to use diffrent forms of media suchs as collage, typecollage, continous line, two master arsits, ans a geometic iteration.
For the word “Dig” it was hard trying to find a way to try and implement that into my work. In my finished pieces I think that my ideas are the strongest element. This is because I tried to go off of the mind map to get the ideas that I had on paper, into a form of art. I feel my ideas were strong with text/letter and helped me improved my thinking.
For me the most teiduious iterations that I worked on was one of my master artist inspired by Piet Mondrian. The proccess of doing this iteration was a long process by hand, then trying to decide what path I wanted to take with the layout with each of the sections. In the end I felt acomplished with the final product.
The iteration that I found to be the most enjoable doing was my collage iteration. Doing some research on this manta ray I found some images of the animal being affeced by oil spills and pollution. This was inspired me to make a college around the “oil� and polution that may had affected them by alos retaning the same form of a manta ray.
Final Iterations At the begining of this project I was unsure of what direction I would go with with each type of format. Trying to get accross the same image that is asssoicated with a manta ray was the biggest challege with this project. I had to nail down the key features that are associated with a manta ray.
If I were to continue to work on with these iterations for a little while longer I would have more formats other then the one-dimeatinoal images that were worked with such as clay or wood.
Data Visualization The last project of the year, other then his book, was the data viz project. During this project I fianlly had the opertunity to use color. That helped express both visually and was easy to understand. I used color that was assoicated with my topic of Sleep Among College Athlets.
Fianl Iteration
The objective of this project was to work with data that was cretable fom diffrent sources while using it to create a poster while using the pronciples of design.
All-Star Sleepers Lack of sleep in college athletes effects their performance in the classroom and in competition
All-Star Sleepers Lack of sleep in college athletes effects their performance in the classroom and in competition
responded to have sleep being their No. 1 priority if they were granted an extra hour during the day.
Disturbed sleep can reduce physical
performance, mental health and recovery from injury.
87% self report of having less then 8 hours per night on average
of people self report of having less then 8 hours per night on average
55% reponded to have sleep being their No. 1 priority if they were granted an extra hour during the day. Disturbed sleep can reduced physical
performance, mental helath and recovery from injury.
How to Fix: • Eating a large meal 3 hours before bed
How to Fix:
•Avoid caffeine and alcohol
• Eating a large meal 3
•Visit local heath and wellness services
hours before bed
•Avoid caffeine and
•Visit local heath and wellness services
Sleep for a better preformance in the classroom and out in competition!
Sleep for a better prefoamce on and off the field! Sources:
I first got accousomed to what data vislaization can look like with the use of the mind maps and other forms of data vislization that could be used for my final interation.
This was my first try at this poster.
A aspect of my work is that it’s as simple as possible. As humans we tend just to glance at a poster or sign without reading any fine print. I wanted to make this look attention grabbing enough that a person could view it or see it from a longer didtance. I also used colors assoiced with the feeling of sleep.
Designer Presentations
Here are some examples of Lukova’s most famous work
What drew me to research and present my presentation on Luba Lukova the simplicity of her work. I love when art work can be really simple with as little to it as possible but still can have a strong message. I also learned about her while in my History of Modern Design Class which is another reason why I chose her.
For me presenting in front of people for any period of time is not that difficult. I try and make the presentation engaging and try to connect my viewer to what I’m trying to tell them.
One of designers I would do more research on would be Charles S. Anderson. It seemed really interesting that I could connect Lukova’s work with Anderson’s work. With Anderson’s advertising it seems that the colors are connected to his work and make the image pop out.
This process book was made as part of Introduction to Design at St. Norbert College in the Spring semester of 2018. The fonts that were used were Bell MT and Rockwell. It was digitally printed and saddle stapled by the college print center. All images were crafted by Sam Stelloh.