Undergraduate Architecture Design Portfolio

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Sean Strayer Undergraduate Design Portfolio

Official Undergraduate portfolio Of Sean Strayer Valencia College, Orlando, FL University of Florida, Gainesville, FL Publishing Date: May, 2016

Table of Context Carver Clinic..................01 Eco-Resort.....................02 Shoe Box Art Gallery....03 Structural Facade..........04 Ivory Tower....................05 UrbanSuburbia..............06 Dancing Facade.............07

Can a Hospital Bridge A Community? School: University of Florida Project 1: Carver Clinic, White Springs Fl Program: Emergency Clinic


its correlation to increased health recovery in hospital

White springs Florida is home to the Suwannee Bicycle Association and has 22 trails that run through the town. It

settings. Carver clinic addresses this concept by constantly

also has direct accesses to the river this makes it a potential

directing occupants view towards the exterior, where nat-

destination spot for local outdoor enthusiasts.

ural native foliage will help the patients of the clinic to re-

proper infrastructure to help support those groups of people

cover faster as recent studies have shown. This is keeping in

it will help make white springs a tourist destination once again.

carver clinic is an exploration in biophilic design and

the design strategies set by the

Having the

W.E.L.L. building standard. The

The project requirements were to analysis the site of Carver element school, a segregated black american school before integration, after speaking with several former students of the school, and local town officials I decided to go with a small scale clinic that could grow into the a full scale hospital as the community grows. This is a dire need for the community of white springs as the closest hospital to them is Lake City Florida, 12.8 miles along I-75. This is problematic for members of the community and it affects the recreational sports activity located within the city itself.

design is focused on interacting with its environment

while representing the segregation and recover that makes the site so special.


center brick work is to represent

the dividing line that once was a key factor in the purpose of the original structure; however, the site now holds a site of healing. It will carry rain water as it falls off the roof of the structure.


sound will help remind occu-

pants of our daily interaction with nature even within the built environment.


clinic itself shows how



still healing and recovering from segregation, and yet it provides a necessary function for a growing community.

Carver Clinic


Can Nature Promote Urban Growth? School: Universtiy of Florida Project 2: White Springs Eco Resort, White Springs Fl Program: Eco-Lodge and Park

Glass Railing

Railing posts

Deck Treads Runner



Eco-lodge Floor Plan

Clear Story Windows Roof

Privacy dividers

Steel Structure Glass Front door Glass windows

Side Elevation

Restaurant Plan / Structural Support

Restaurant Plan

White Springs Florida was named


for its sulfur springs that once

of these structures will work

master plan shows how all


together and bridge the norther


and southern site’s to one an-

however, over time the springs

other, at the same time allowing

dried up and all that was left

for easy access to the town its

is a hallow shell of a structure

self and the

that was once thriving with vis-

do not pass through the site.
















bike trials that


lodge is simplistic keeping

springs will never return to the

with the ideas of a Japanese home.

city, it does hold the possibility


of become a major tourist des-







is relatively small with large directing




views have

towards a


addition of key infrastructure

bathroom on the backside of the

that will raise property value for


everyone with-in the community.

lack of amenities located with in

White springs is home to the Suwannee Bicycle Association, and there are 22 trails running throughout the city. It

the lodge, this makes occupants

also has a boat dock located

other major project on the site

on our southern site, and just

is the plug in restaurant.

downstream there are a series

in keeping with local tradition

of class






Because of the size and

interact with other visitors, and suggest going out and exploring nature and its wonders.





food and festivals.



plan is to tap into these previ-

structure is a large open space

ously unsupported activates with

that allows for flexibility with-

a series of structures that will

in its program.

White Springs tourist destination.


site over-

once again make

looks the river once again bring


in the connection with nature.


Parmaetric Sun Control School: University of Florida Project 1: Jacksonville Art Gallery Jacksonville Fl Program: Art Gallery Jacksonville Art Gallery

is a study on urban context

with emphasis on parametric design for façades, the purpose is to diffuse natural light as it penetrates down

Gallery spaces, shielding exhibits from harmful The site gives a unique challenge to capture light as the dimensions of the site are 35’ wide by 100’ long in a North East facing direction. The Direction to the

sun rays.

of the site made heat gain a minimal threat with the greater challenge being placed in how best to capture what little light was given to the site and redirect it down into the construct.


lead to an innovation

of a light wall located at the center of the construct.


primary program requirements are one gallery

on the ground floor, a second gallery on a separate level, a roof top garden, and a main lobby with a double high ceiling and a communal stair.

Two office gallery, a second



ondary requirements are

suits one for

the director of the

for the assis-

tant director, and a library space to document past works.


this project we also an introduction

to egress stair ways which had to be located near the back of the construct as a secondary exit point.


staggering the floor plans in the building and the

use of highly reflective material it allows for light to easily pass through the construct and effectively light the entire space.


is crucial to the building

efficiently, because it allows for less artificial lighting to be required on site during operating hours.

Shoe box Art Gallery


East Face Section

Map Key:




8 5

4 9 7







2 Ground Floor


First Floor

circulation of the construct is as follows, front en-

Second Floor


Roof Garden

parametric design is a simple component that is ap-

trance and lobby area located next to the elevator, and

plied to the faรงade in a gradual gradient that rotates from

across from the bathroom located on the ground floor.

closed to open.


in a way to capture the light during specific moments and

opens up into the main atrium space that is well lit and

contains the ceremonial stair.


located on the ground

The Direction of the opening is positioned

control the direction that it enters into the site.


floor is the first gallery space in an enclosed environment

closed in areas that receive little light or light in un-

allowing for more control over lighting.

On the first floor The second floor contains the second gallery space, a long narrow walkway that allowed to maximize square footage, and maximize the amount of light penetration. Following up a second ceremonial stair you arrive at the roof garden. As an

wanted areas across the faรงade, and opened fully in ar-

we have the mezzanine space and office spaces.

eas that receive more of the sun to allow for more of

occupant walks around the construct they are always guided

level of the construct and replacing the space with col-

by light brought down from the roof in the center wall.

umns that resend from the buildings support structure.

North Face Elevation

it to penetrate down the four layers of the construct.


challenge with the parametric design was to relate

the faรงade with the surrounding commercial buildings, this was accomplished by lifting the faรงade above the first

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Main Lobby Bathrooms Ticket Counter/Coat Check First Gallery Gallery Stair Mezzanine Level Administrative Hallway Administartive Offices Second Gallery Roof Garden Mud Room Roof Garden

North Face Section

Can a Parametric Facade Carry the Load? School: University of Florida Project 2: King Street Theater and institute for Modern Dance Charleston S.C. Program: Black Box Theater and Dance Institute

The king street theater is an exploration in parametric design, more specifically the development in a multi-functional faรงade that address key issues in the built environment. The parametric acts as the main structural element for the building, which then transfers the load to internal pilotis that drive the force into the ground. Because of the envelopes thickness at 5 feet it severs to shield the building from a portion of the solar radiation. Final it creates a unique dialog between shadow and light formulating a dance between them as the sun tracks across the sky. Finding a faรงade that could solve these problems was the primary drive for development, but also finding something that had a link to the program itself.

The early design for the faรงade addressed a few of the key issues, but not all of them together, they also related more specifically to the city of Charleston and had very little relevance to the program itself. Then while working on a case study on C-Wall by Matsys design I discovered the cellular voronoi that became the root idea for the multi-functional faรงade for the king street theater. C-wall was a concentration that looked to further develop the idea of honeycomb and voronoi cellular structure. The king street theater looks at the application of this geometry in a large scale public space, while.

The voronoi parametric has ties to the texture of Charleston itself as it resembles the cobblestone sidewalks that are spread throughout the city. However it has more of a correlation to the program itself. Modern dance is a collection of broken geometry that works together through regulation to develop the full body of work. You can also begin to read the cellular structure as individual components that cooperate and respond to one another to generate the whole picture. Meanwhile generating an interesting lighting effect that manifests itself as a dance between showdown and light.

Structureal Facade









Ground Floor

Map Key:

North Face Section

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Main Lobby Ticket Counter/ Coat Check Gift Shop Private Garden Dance Studios Mezzanine Level Bathrooms Kitchen Bar Black Box Theather Secretary Desk/Copy Room Locker Room Administrative offices Classrooms


7 12





13 13



11 6


13 13 13



13 14





First Floor

Second Floor

Third Floor

can a Hotel learn from a Monastery? THE LAST THING YOU NEED IN A HOTEL IS... NO SE



School: University of Florida Project 1: Ivory Tower, Hotel and Monastery Tribeca, New York Program: Hotel and Monastery


Major Roads



Park Cloister

Ivory Tower


Hudson Cloister

Brooklyn Cloister

Downtown Cloister

Upper Downtown Cloister

Upper Downtown Cloister Refactory


Absorbing a city is always an intense experience, of an urban agglomeration. we propose the essential idea that a hotel is a refuge, or disconnect from the concerns of daily life. The cloister offers moments of isolation, a place of calm for the occupants as they have highlighted views of the city, and a physical connection with nature.

Lower Downtown Cloister

Lower Park Cloister

Store Front

Upper Downtown Cloister Upper Hudson Cloister

Library Lower Brooklyn Cloister

Lower Hudson Cloister

St. Johns Chaple


Facade Axo

Can the suburbs be relocated within a New York City Block? School: University of Florida Project 2: Residential Block Manhattan, New York

Program: Health / Wellness / Commercial Gym Arcade Internet Cafe Boys and Girls Club Tanning Day Spa

Urban Super Market Walgreen’s Clinic Doctors office Dentist Farmers Market GNC Sporting Goods

Units with distinctive individualities Units with personal green space Intrusion of surrounding parks into the public level Green space with varying public intensities Dynamic public walkways Exterior circulation elements The Chelsea burbs is a proposal to relocate the suburbs with-in the density of the Chelsea neighborhood, Manhattan. This will allow for residence to occupy green spaces with varying public intensities. Concentrating on the programmatic relationship of health and wellness, housing, and commercial elements. Dynamic public walkways along with exterior circulation elements provide a way for Chelsea Park to intrude into the block.

stage 1

stage 2

stage 3

stage 4

272 Units 176,800 SqFt

63,008 SqFt

191,459 SqFt

82,944 SqFt

32,489 SqFt









Private Parks

Public Parks

06 Residential Blcok

546,700 SqFt

Glass work


Rib Cage

Housing Structural System

Suburban Street

Community Block

Community Parks

Public Park


Kinetic Facade Through Origami School: University of Florida Project 1: Dancing Facade Program: Kenetic Facade

Dancing Facade


Mounting Bolts Inner Structure

Inner Geometry Outer Structure Outer Geometry

Closed Stage 1

Motion Mapping

Open Stage 1

Closed Stage 2

The typical devices used to prevent unwanted glare, or thermal heat from affecting a space are quite limited. The Dancing Faรงade allows for a unique solution to this problem. A faรงade that interacts with its environment, which can be programed to respond to seasonal change that can better solve these issues. However it is much more than just a sun shade device the slow change in position acts as a pendulum tracking time as it slowly marches forward. The use of color makes occupants more aware of its presence, and allows for a delightful interaction within the construct.

The faรงade was developed from the origami pattern called dancing squares, utilizing this as a structural member for the faรงade allowed for 180 degrees of rotational motion. The Geometry embedded within the structure is completely versatile, and can be changed to a variety of shapes or dimensions depending on the specific needs of the program. The one utilized within this mock up is meant to pull external light towards the interior, and soften it

though a steady glow instead of hard light. When more light is desired the faรงade can close and move position depending on where more light is needed. The ultimate goal is to decrease thermal heat, while increasing internal luminous for a specified space. Better than typical vertical or horizontal shading systems. The multiple layers of structure allows this to be accomplished.

“We cannot solve our Problems with the same thinking we used when we created them� Albert Einstein

Aboute Me:

Architecture design major looking for an entry level job. Hard worker, and quick learner always looking for ways to be creative, and more efficient. Driven by my desire to push my limits, and discover all that can be accomplished. Education: Valencia College Orlando, FL 2012-2014 University of Florida Gainesville, FL 2014-2016

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