Western Teacher - Volume 48.3 - April 2019

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Volume 48.3 – Federal election 2019 edition

The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

Federal election 2019 edition

Which parties will support students in public schools and TAFE? Labor

The Greens





Federal election: What the parties have pledged for education pg 2


sstuwa.org.au Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) 1 West Street, West Perth WA 6005. Printed by Vanguard Press, 26 John Street, Northbridge WA 6003. April 2019.

Western Teacher

Federal election 2019 edition

Federal election: Australian Labor

What the parties have pledged Labor’s announcement on public school funding On 10 October 2018, the Australian Labor Party announced they would increase funding to public schools by $14.1 billion over 10 years, with $500 million to be directed to Western Australian schools. • About $3.3 billion would be spent in the first three school years of a Labor government: 2020-22.

• In return for Labor’s extra funding, the states would be required to sign up to a national plan “to improve schools with clear and ambitious goals and targets”, with the funds intended for “more help with the basics, such as reading, writing, maths and science”, as well as support for teachers to continue their own skill growth.

• Labor has vowed to abolish the 80:20 arbitrary funding cap and says its plan would provide 22.2 per cent of funding by 2022 for all states and territories except the NT, which would receive 25 per cent.

Early childhood education

Labor’s $1.7 billion early childhood plan, funding 15 hours of subsidised kindy or pre-schools for three and four year olds A Labor government would establish a new National Preschool and Kindy Program – guaranteeing every three and four year old can access the quality early education they need for the best start in school and life. A new National Preschool and Kindy Program would: • Commit permanent ongoing funding to the national preschool and kindy program for all four year olds.

• Extend the program to cover all three year olds on a contribution basis with the states – commencing in 2021. • Establish a $100 million facilitation fund to support the roll-out of the program, including workforce development and supporting expanded capacity where required. • Ensure early learning centres are of a high quality and safe by restoring the $20 million safety and quality funding cut by the Liberals.

• Ensure schooling is offered across a variety of settings, including long day care, sessional preschools and kindergartens, so parents will have the flexibility to choose the services that best meets their needs. • Waive upfront fees for 10,000 students to attend early childhood courses at TAFE .

Labor plan for TAFE • Labor has guaranteed that at least two-thirds of government funding will go to TAFE if it wins government.


Western Teacher    April 2019

• Labor has committed to conducting a comprehensive national enquiry into post-secondary education in Australia.

• Labor plans to ensure public institutions (TAFEs and universities) are at the centre of Australia’s postsecondary education system.

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) 1 West Street, West Perth WA 6005. Printed by Vanguard Press, 26 John Street, Northbridge WA 6003. April 2019.

The Greens

Western Teacher

Federal election 2019 edition


The Greens





The Greens public education pledge • “Free from three” education from kindy through tertiary studies. • Fully fund our public schools by committing $20.5 billion in additional funds over the next 10 years. Every public school will reach 100 per cent of their Schooling Resource Standard funding needs by 2023.

• Build the teaching and learning facilities our students and teachers need, guaranteeing $320 million of capital funding a year to public schools. • Work to reverse cuts to funding for students with disability and ensure that the disability funding tiers match

the actual cost of delivering high quality education. • Legislate to remove the artificial cap on the federal share of public school funding.

Free TAFE and university • The Greens will support unlimited free TAFE and undergraduate university courses:


• Provide free undergraduate university and TAFE for all students.

• Raise Youth Allowance, Austudy and Abstudy by $75 a week.

• Tie the HELP repayment threshold to the median wage.

• Boost university funding by 10 per cent per student to improve learning and teaching conditions.

• Support university staff by linking funding to increases in security of their work.

The Coalition position The Morrison Government has legislated a funding model which guarantees private schools receive 100 per cent of their Schooling Resource Standard (SRS) through combined state and federal government funding while public schools receive only 95 per cent of their SRS from the same source. In addition, the LNP has promised a further $4.6 billion special deal over 10 years for Catholic and independent schools, including a $1.2 billion choice and affordability fund.

• Catholic schools would receive $718 million over a decade from the fund while independent schools would get $485 million, to be spent at the sector’s discretion.

Under the new system, data from parents’ tax returns would be used to calculate school communities’ capacity to contribute, which reduces federal funding to schools.

• A new $3.2 billion funding model over the 2020-2029 period would be introduced to implement recommendations of the Chaney review to use parents’ income rather than the less precise socioeconomic status score of schools to determine funding.

Non-government schools currently funded over the schooling resource standard would receive two years of compensation, out of this $3.2 billion parcel, to allow them to prepare for their funding reduction.

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) 1 West Street, West Perth WA 6005. Printed by Vanguard Press, 26 John Street, Northbridge WA 6003. April 2019.

Western Teacher    April 2019


Western Teacher


Western Teacher    April 2019

Federal election 2019 edition

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) 1 West Street, West Perth WA 6005. Printed by Vanguard Press, 26 John Street, Northbridge WA 6003. April 2019.

Volume 48.3 April 2019

The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

pg 16


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Volume 48.3 April 2019

In this edition Correspondence: The Editor, PO Box 212 West Perth WA 6872 editor@sstuwa.org.au Ph: 9210 6000

Timely access to legal advice invaluable....6 Q and A with Member Assist.......................7 School leaders face a rise in workplace violence.......................................................8 Bargaining framework: GA 2019 Schools... 10 Budget’s silence on TAFE speaks volumes........................................11

2019 Publishing Dates Deadline Distributed

Member Assist:

Ph: 9210 6060 memberassist@sstuwa.org.au Print post publication 100004470 | $4.95 ABN: 544 780 946 35

On the road with the Growth Team...........16 Job share gratitude...................................18

18 January

29 January

22 February

Closing the gender financial security gap...............................................20

5 March

18 April

IDAHOBIT Day and recording of gender...22

29 April

31 May


4 June

28 June

From the President.....................................5

1 July

26 July

12 August

6 September

9 September

4 October

Cover: The SSTUWA Growth Team has journeyed to various schools across WA in Term 1. Read more about their travels on page 16.

4 October

29 November

Find us on Facebook facebook.com/sstuwa

TAFE in the 21st century...........................12

19 November

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) 1 West Street, West Perth WA. Printed by Vanguard Press, 26 James Street, Northbridge WA. April 2019.

To access the digital copy of Western Teacher, type the link below into your browser: www.sstuwa.org.au/westernteacher

In this edition

Dates are subject to change

From the General Secretary.......................9 National education news..........................24 Education and Training.............................28 Member Benefits......................................30 Classifieds.................................................32 Noticeboard...............................................34

Advertisements in Western Teacher are the responsibility of advertisers. While Western Teacher makes reasonable efforts to ensure that no misleading claims are made by advertisers, responsibility is not accepted by The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) for statements made or the failure of any product or service to give satisfaction. Inclusion of a product or service should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation by The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

Western Teacher is the official publication of The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

How can we help you? Have an industrial, legal or workers’ compensation issue? The team in Member Assist is ready to answer your question, assist with your issue, or refer you to a specialist. You can also visit the members tab at sstuwa.org.au to access the full series of Know Your Rights information sheets detailing your rights and entitlements and offering union advice. You’ll also find the Little Red eBook here. During the school year, Member Assist is open from 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday, except public holidays. During school holidays, Member Assist is open from 10am to 2pm.

Member Assist

9210 6060 | 1800 106 683 memberassist@sstuwa.org.au

SSTUWA Member Assist Prompt, professional advice

Western Teacher    April 2019


From the President

The education election: Make your vote count By Pat Byrne President

This is an education election – one that will decide the direction of the school and TAFE systems in Australia for generations to come. We cannot get this wrong. We need members to assess the pledges of each party and then support the one that will do the most for public schools and TAFE colleges in Australia It is not the way of the SSTUWA – an unaffiliated trade union – to make direct recommendations on how to vote. However, in this election there is a clear difference between the two parties that will be able to form government in May. The Turnbull/Morrison Government has legislated a funding model which guarantees private schools receive 100 per cent of their Schooling Resource Standard (SRS) through combined state and federal government funding while public schools receive only 95 per cent of their SRS from the same source! Think about that. A piece of legislation which requires governments to fund private schools at a higher rate than public schools, notwithstanding the fact that public schools educate the vast majority of students, including those in regional and remote areas, students with foreign language backgrounds, Aboriginal students, students from low socioeconomic backgrounds and students with disabilities. This is entirely unacceptable, as a matter of principle. It is simply wrong. This funding model means the Morrison Government will strip $1.9 billion from state schools in 2018 and 2019 and $14 billion in federal funding over 10 years.

It means that WA schools stand to lose $6 billion in combined state and federal funding over the same 10 year period. In contrast the Labor Party is offering a $3.3 billion funding guarantee to schools across the country over the next three years, plus an extra $300 million for students with disabilities. For WA public schools this would mean an additional $500 million over the next three years, a level of funding which would deliver enormous opportunities both to individual schools and to the WA education system as a whole. It holds out the hope that can start to address the key in-school issues – class sizes, infrastructure, proper support for children with disabilities and staffing levels. Maybe, just maybe, we might even see an end to the need for educators to dip into their own pockets to buy basic classroom supplies. Increasing funding to individual schools is one thing. What is also needed is a massive re-investment in system support structures, which could be by way of redirection of some funds that would otherwise go to individual schools. The state government could then begin to address the cavernous funding gaps inherited from the Barnett Government. This would enable money to be directed to curriculum support, including the reinstatement of curriculum officers and provision of curriculum materials; to a proper, funded, leadership strategy to support school leaders; to additional specialist staff and facilities to support at risk students; to the re-employment of community liaison workers and attendance officers. All of these supports are critical to a well-run public system.

TAFE In relation to the VET sector, this government has overseen a 17 per cent drop in national recurrent expenditure since 2013 – meaning $4.5 billion less has been spent on the VET system than would have been if expenditure had remained steady. We have seen that fees have skyrocketed and shonky private providers have flourished. There are now fewer students enrolled in TAFE across Australia than there were in 1996! We need a TAFE system that gets proper investment and is accessible to all, not just those with deep pockets. Indeed, the coalition government has treated TAFE with such arrogant disrespect that it has stripped out $3 billion in funding but expects gratitude for returning just $500 million in the most recent budget. If we are to have properly funded state schools and TAFEs, backed by the best possible support systems, we need a federal government to commit, not only to proper funding, but to working cooperatively with states and territories to achieve worthwhile outcomes for our students. The SSTUWA does not normally recommend to our members how they should vote. However, it is our view that this federal government does not deserve to be reelected on the strength of its performance in the public education sphere – both schools and TAFE. This education election is crucial. Please make your vote count. Western Teacher    April 2019


Legal services

Timely access to legal advice invaluable By John Theodorsen Legal services consultant

A recent case has highlighted the benefits to SSTUWA members of the union’s ability to provide access to timely legal advice and representation. In this case, the union believed that the member had been unfairly accused of breaching discipline by restraining a student, in circumstances we argued where there was no other reasonable option available.

This raised an important question as to whether an employee, having succeeded in having a disciplinary matter overturned in the WAIRC, would be entitled to expect that the matter was over. The union obtained legal advice that supported our view that the original decision of the Commission should have ended the matter.

The union took the matter to the WA Industrial Relations Commission (WAIRC), and the case was decided in the member’s favour.

With the assistance of the union’s lawyers, Slater and Gordon, we made an urgent application asking the WAIRC to order the employer to discontinue the disciplinary action.

The Commission decided that it had not been reasonable for the employer to conclude that the member’s actions were inappropriate. The Commission ordered that the disciplinary findings and penalty should be quashed.

Following an initial conference, the Commission ordered the employer to refrain from taking any action until the matter had been fully dealt with. After further discussions the employer agreed to discontinue the disciplinary action.

Generally this could be expected to be the end of the matter. Unfortunately, the employer believed that it was able to re-run the disciplinary process so long as it “corrected” the flaws in the earlier process.

While it was pleasing that the matter did not ultimately have to go to a hearing, it was clear that the union’s capacity and willingness to obtain legal advice and representation was a key factor in achieving a fair outcome for the member.

The employer advised the member that he was being asked to respond to the initial allegations again and that adverse findings might be made against him.

The ability to support members by providing access to timely and competent legal support is an important benefit of SSTUWA membership.


Western Teacher    April 2019

Our member told Western Teacher:

“I feel that without the support of the union there would have been a totally different outcome, as I did not have the time, capacity or emotional strength to defend the allegations made against me. A different outcome would have created an injustice and may have resulted in my career in education finishing prematurely. I am very much indebted to the hard working and professional staff in the union.”

Guide to legal services Being involved in legal matters can be stressful and difficult. SSTUWA members can be reassured that their union has them covered. The full SSTUWA members’ guide to legal services may be found at sstuwa.org.au/legal Contact Member Assist with any queries: (08) 9210 6060 | 1800 106 683 memberassist@sstuwa.org.au

QA and

Members’ matters

The team in Member Assist answers some of members’ most commonly asked questions

with Member Assist


I don’t work on a Wednesday; do I still have to attend staff meetings that fall on this day?


No. Teachers who work part-time are not required to attend staff meetings that fall on a day that they do not work. However if a part-time teacher works on the day the meetings are scheduled, then they are required to attend. This is also the case where professional development days fall on a day a teacher would not ordinarily work. If the teacher is asked to attend on a day they would not ordinarily work and agrees to do so, they must be paid for the time they are required to attend.


What happens if I fall pregnant whilst already on unpaid parental leave?


Know Your Rights


As a permanent teacher on parental leave, if you fall pregnant again while on parental leave or leave without pay and are yet to return back to your substantive

position, you will be granted another entitlement to paid parental leave the same as you received prior.


My partner is about to have a baby, am I entitled to any leave?


Yes. An employee who is not the primary care giver is entitled to a period of paid partner leave of up to one week at the time of the child’s birth; this leave does not apply if the preceding five days would be part of a school vacation period.


I am a permanent teacher but I have been offered a fixed-term contract, can I accept it?


Yes. You must however obtain permission from the principal of your substantive school to be released; the approval to release a permanent teacher is at the discretion of the principal unless the contract is for the Remote

Have a question? A full compilation of Know Your Rights information sheets are available on the SSTUWA website and app. Schools: sstuwa.org.au/schoolsKYR | TAFE: visit sstuwa.org.au/TAFEkyr You can also speak with your union rep and contact Member Assist: (08) 9210 6060 | 1800 106 683 | memberassist@sstuwa.org.au

Teaching Service. If your principal does not grant permission and you still wish to accept the fixed- term appointment you will need to terminate your permanent status with the Department of Education.


Can I take short leave to attend my best friend’s wedding?


No. Short leave can only be taken for events that are of a personal and pressing nature, which arise with little or no notice and require immediate attention and cannot reasonably be conducted outside normal business hours. However, you could submit an application for leave without pay, and will be subject to the principal’s approval.


I heard that if you call in sick on the first or last day of term you must supply a medical certificate. Is this correct?


Yes. If an employee is absent on sick leave on the first or last day of term they are required to produce medical evidence that they were unwell. This is even the case if an employee has not used any of their entitlement that doesn’t require medical evidence. Western Teacher    April 2019



School leaders face a rise in workplace violence A new survey has highlighted a growing trend of violence affecting school leaders at their workplace. The annual Australian Principal Occupational Health, Safety and Wellbeing Survey has revealed that principals are being increasingly either threatened with violence, or having acts of violence perpetrated on themselves. In WA, 45 per cent of school leaders reported acts of violence last year, up from 44.4 per cent in 2017 and 41.4 per cent in 2011, when the survey began. Threats of violence made against WA school leaders in 2018 were 43 per cent, in terms of the number of surveyed principals reporting these threats. This was up from 41.3 per cent in 2017 and 32 per cent in 2011. Nationally, close to one in two school leaders reported being threatened with violence (up from 38 per cent in 2011), which is up to 5.6 times the general population prevalence. One in three school leaders were affected by incidents of physical violence nationally, with women school leaders more at risk than men. The data was gleaned from a survey of nearly 2,400 school leaders nationwide in 2018. Some examples from the survey of violent threats or incidents towards principals include: • Guns being pointed at school leaders by students, or brandished by parents. Knives and scissors were other common weapons principals were threatened with. 8

Western Teacher    April 2019

• Instances of punching, kicking, pinching, being spat at or head-butted. • Incidents of verbal abuse and stalking by parents. The survey also covered other occupational safety and health issues such as stress, working hours and job satisfaction. About 53 per cent of school leaders worked more than 56 hours per week during the term, while about a quarter worked 61-65 hours a week. While these figures have remained stable since 2011, the survey notes that the hours “remain too high for a healthy lifestyle to be maintained.”

were the two greatest sources of stress reported by school leaders in the survey, while dealing with mental health issues of staff and students, as well as teacher shortages were the rising issues in terms of school leader stress. The survey advises that systemic attention needs to be: “… paid to the professional learning of principals and deputy/assistant principals, and presumably teachers, in the emotional aspects of their roles and the emotional investment of parents in their children, which may underlie the high rate of violence and threats principals and deputy/assistant principals are experiencing.

Working long hours could lead to increased risk of health problems including heart disease, unhealthy weight gain, sleeping problems and depression, while relationships are also impacted by long work hours.

“In-service provision of education on the emotional aspects of teaching, learning, organisational function, emotional labour, dealing with difficulties and conflicts in the workplace, employee assistance programs, and debriefing self and others, appear to be urgently needed.”

About 81 per cent of those surveyed said they were in a partner relationship in 2018, down five per cent from 2011, which the study attributes to long work hours and a work-family imbalance.

Despite all this, school leaders in the survey still reported high levels of job satisfaction, mainly due to the ideological and altruistic reasons school leaders have chosen their specific careers.

The massive quantity of work and the lack of time to focus on teaching and learning

To read the full survey report visit: http://bit.ly/2Ht8OfZ

From the General Secretary

NAPLAN: It’s time to talk NAPLAN versus sample testing

Making our schools safe and the 10 Point Plan

The Gonski Institute for Education at UNSW Sydney has called for the scrapping of NAPLAN.

The Department of Education’s information and training forums for all school leaders travelled around WA last term.

The NAPLAN debate has been long and difficult for the teaching profession and a recent submission to the Coalition of Australian Governments (COAG) by the Gonski Institute has nailed on the head the concerns put forward by the teacher union members in WA and nationally. Director of the Gonski Institute for Education, Professor Adrian Piccoli, said there was little evidence the now 10-year-old NAPLAN had improved education outcomes for students. “There is growing evidence NAPLAN is having a negative impact on schools, students and teachers,” he said. NAPLAN and the publishing of results on the My School website has imposed a high stakes dimension to student testing and this has led to increased student anxiety, teaching to the test and a narrowing of the curriculum. Professor Piccoli called for the current tests to be replaced with a sample-based test of students across Australia. “This new approach would mean the publication of school-by-school results on the My School website will no longer be possible,” he said. “As a result, the high stakes nature of the current national assessment program on both students and teachers would be dramatically reduced.” The submission was delivered to the federal government in March. Recommendations from the review are expected to be handed to COAG in June 2019. I strongly recommend you read this report and table it for discussion and information at your next staff meeting.

Many principals prioritised this as a new government initiative by Education Minister Sue Ellery and we acknowledge the clear messages given at the training regarding the minister’s directive for exclusion and instructions for suspension. Our union reps, OSH reps, principals and union staff have identified (in our internal review and planning) the areas currently requiring attention: Education and training for all staff: The SSTUWA has asked Lisa Rodgers, director general, to lead and support a whole of staff education and implementation program at all schools over the next semester. Alternative education centres/options: The union will expect to see the Labor state government deliver funding to support the extension of this action in the 10 Point Plan. Without it, duty of care to the schools, students, families and community will not be deliverable by the minister. Re-entry and restorative justice: Every member meeting on this 10 Point Plan has given us a strong message that there must be system-wide agreements that deliver quality re-entry and restorative justice practices for those assaulted and damaged, and for those who assault and damage. Members acclaim the minister’s commitment that they will be protected and kept safe. For the fellow member assaulted this means they will not be put back in front of an adult or student who has assaulted and harmed them until they are ready.

Application of the suspension and exclusion processes: This has generally been consistently applied under the new processes. Where fault in processes has occurred and union reps and branches have sought union support, our actions with the regional executive directors and district offices alongside the school leadership team has generally ensured an open review of school process. The tracking of consistent application is, however, essential.

Acknowledgements I would like to acknowledge Shark Bay Primary School principal Kay Mack and Belmont Primary School deputy principal Lesley-Ann Hoare as they take up retirement. Both members have provided their union colleagues with continued support and solidarity through their years of union membership. They understand the drive we have to protect and improve schools over this big state and they understand and practice the principle of being a member for the collective good. We wish you well on your retirement. I would like to also acknowledge our staff and union reps – a huge well done for your leadership and team work. Together, through many different actions, we have increased our union membership for TAFE and schools in Term 1. Thank you. We look forward to Term 2, when we can shout out and vote for Fair Funding, gear up for a new round of enterprise bargaining in TAFE and schools, and most importantly, protect our professional work through collective workload decisions.

Vale The SSTUWA wishes to acknowledge the recent passing of Retired Teachers’ Association (RTA) member Frances Murphy. Frances served faithfully in the RTA for many years, including in the role of hospitality convenor, and will be missed greatly. The union extends its condolences to her family and friends. Western Teacher    April 2019


General Agreement 2019 Schools: Bargaining framework

April 2019 | No. 2

Bargaining framework

General Agreement 2019 Schools The General Agreement 2017 nominally expires on 5 December 2019, meaning negotiations are due to commence, for a replacement Agreement, in the early part of Semester 2 2019. The bargaining framework endorsed by the November 2018 State Council for this claim is as follows:

Salary At the time of writing, the government wages policy – which has been in place since May 2017 – remains in place with only a minor amendment preventing a right of return (to a previous position) for persons taking up positions in the Senior Executive Service. Public sector unions have met with Minister Bill Johnston and indicated our expectation that the next round of bargaining will deliver improved wage outcomes. Note: The November 2018 State Council voted to reject the state government’s salary wage fixing policy.

The work of teaching and leading Executive endorsed the conduct of a survey into the work of teachers and school leaders. This survey was carried out between weeks 2-6 of Term 4 2018. The purpose of the survey was to look at the changing nature of teachers’ and leaders’ work and, in particular, the utility of this work. The aim of the survey was to provide specific data to influence the department in relation to managing workload in the near to mid future, as well as for bargaining purposes in the 2019 round.

System support It is obvious that the public education system in WA is under extreme stress. The removal of system support since 2008 has been enormous. We have seen a loss of central and regional support in the areas of curriculum, induction programs, finance, legal, family liaison, professional learning, student behaviour, etc. At the same time almost all of these responsibilities have been delegated to schools with little training/support provided for principals and other staff. Schools have been encouraged to act as individual entities rather than be reminded that we are all part of a system. This undermines a fundamental premise of public education – the public, as opposed to individual, good. We need to rebuild our system as a system.

Schools General Agreement 20 19 and Award 1993 Safety in schools The 2020 stage of the education minister’s 10 point plan to protect staff and students will need targeted funds to support the delivery of specific initiatives, including behaviour management, restorative justice, professional learning, intervention initiatives and skilled staff support.

Decisions of State Council, November 2018 • That the proposed framework, as outlined, for EBA negotiations be endorsed. • That, following member input during Semester 1 of 2019, a draft Log of Claims be presented to June 2019 State Council prior to a membership vote. • That for the purposes of negotiating the GA 2019, the SSTUWA rejects the current state wages policy.

Timeline for 2019 Terms 1 & 2 – Log of Claims consultation • Draft Log of Claims finalised • Consultation with members via District Councils and branch meetings • Education re: GA processes for District Council delegates and union reps

Term 2 – Log of Claims finalised • State Council endorses Log of Claims

Attraction and retention

• Advise and share with members

This is strongly linked to re-establishing system links. The abolition of the transfer system is leading to regional shortages and staffing instability. It is possible to retain the principle of local staff selection and combine it with a central staffing function in a way which allows the centre to maintain the capacity to place staff as needed.

• Member/branch vote on Log of Claims via branch and cluster meetings

TAFE General Agreement 2019

• Communications – GA news


Western Teacher    April 2019


Terms 3 & 4 – Member/rep/delegate education • Cluster district and branch meetings • Actions as required to progress GA 2019 claim

Consideration of offer/s • Decision making re: offer, options and actions

GA GA 2019





TAFE Committee is currently reviewing a potential log of claims and wider consultation will be undertaken with members.

August-September – Negotiations commence



Budget’s silence on TAFE speaks volumes The Morrison Government’s budget has failed to provide a single dollar of specific funding for TAFE – in fact it is completely silent on TAFE altogether, according to the Australian Education Union (AEU).

“There is no additional specified funding for TAFE in the budget. What we have is a sleight of hand by the Morrison Government with the majority of the $525 million actually being repurposed money.

The AEU believes the budget’s focus on industry over TAFE shows a complete abrogation of the government’s responsibility to ensure that Australia has a strong, public TAFE system at the heart of vocational education.

“This funding is essentially a repackaging of the Skilling Australians Fund. In reality, there is just $55 million of new money for vocational education over five years.

Since being in government the Federal Coalition has overseen: • 140,000 fewer apprentices now than when it was elected. • $3 billion cut from vocational education.

“The states and territories that signed up to this fund stand to lose over $80 million from what they were promised last year. “This is on top of the cuts to VET in last year’s budget, in which $270 million was cut from apprenticeships when Scott Morrison was Treasurer.

• A decline in enrolments in vocational education and training.

“With the 140,000 apprenticeships lost since the Coalition came to office, 80,000 apprentices over five years does not make up the shortfall and will not address existing skills shortages.

• A decline in TAFE enrolments in particular, which have plummeted by 24.5 per cent.

“Meanwhile, the additional incentives for businesses and apprentices are no guarantee of success.”

AEU Federal President Correna Haythorpe (pictured right) said that the budget would do nothing to revitalise the TAFE sector. She said the lack of extra funding for TAFE was exacerbated by the Morrison Government’s announcement of a National Skills Commission which would give industry free reign over VET qualification design.

Ms Haythorpe said the establishment of the National Skills Commission would mean that industry would dominate VET course design in what can only be viewed as more evidence of Scott Morrison’s privatisation agenda.

“Scott Morrison’s budget continues the Federal Coalition’s agenda of privatising vocational education in Australia,” Ms Haythorpe said. “This is a budget which fails to give a fair go to TAFE. It will deny many thousands of Australians the opportunity to build the skills they need for the careers they want.

“TAFE needs to be the heart of a strong, public vocational education sector in Australia,” she said.

thousands of students left with bad debts. “The Australian Skills Quality Authority, the government’s own regulator, said parts of the Australian training market are already in a race to the bottom. The Productivity Commission has described the Australian VET system as ‘a mess’. “The solution is quite simple. We need a strong public TAFE sector that is fully funded, but unfortunately Scott Morrison has neglected to deliver that in this budget for our students. “The Morrison budget has failed the ‘fair go’ test when it comes to TAFE. By contrast, Labor has guaranteed that at least two-thirds of government funding will go to TAFE if it wins government.

“The introduction of private for-profit education providers has been a disaster for Australia’s vocational education system. Putting industry in charge of qualification design will make things even worse.

“Labor has also said that they will conduct a comprehensive post-secondary review, which has been welcomed broadly across the sector and which will be in stark contrast to the short-term, politicallydriven, industry-based focus of the Steven Joyce review commissioned by the Morrison Government.

“The VET FEE HELP scheme saw billions of dollars flow to dubious for-profit training providers with hundreds of

“If this budget is Scott Morrison’s idea of a fair go for TAFE students, then it’s time for Mr Morrison to go.” Western Teacher    April 2019



TAFE in the 21st century By Dr Anne Jones Professor Emeritus, Victoria University, Melbourne

The crisis in Australian vocational education is more than a funding, marketisation or system design issue: it is a question of the fitness of our vocational education model for our times. In the context of revolutionary digital technologies, continued globalisation, population ageing and changes to work patterns such as the emergence of the gig and post-work economies, we are failing to repurpose our vocational education resources to develop the 21st century capabilities needed by individuals, communities and industries.

Manpower on steroids After 40 years of training reform policymakers, industry stakeholders and even many educators regard vocational education primarily as a means of producing manpower as cheaply as possible. Successive state/territory and federal governments have managed vocational education as a cost to be reduced rather than as an investment in the individual or in social good.

Vocational education continues to be the Cinderella of the education system despite the fact that in 2016, 4.2 million Australians participated in it.

The understanding that the vocational education sector exists primarily to serve industry rather than individuals 12

Western Teacher    April 2019

or communities is almost universally accepted in the public policy and polemic concerning the sector. Yet, over the past five years there has been growing evidence that the vocational education sector has suffered from an excess of training reform. Growth in for profit private provision has siphoned government and individual investment into private pockets with little return to industry or community. Vocational education continues to be the Cinderella of the education system despite the fact that in 2016, 4.2 million Australians participated in it. Reduced funding has meant less investment in teaching practice and vocational education research, greatly affecting the capacity of the sector to maintain its knowledge, renew its educational practices and adapt as society and industry change. Despite their best efforts, vocational education providers, even the enduring public institutions, are not resourced to innovate. Given the public ownership of, and historical investment in, TAFE institutions, these ought to be leading the development of new vocational education knowledge and innovative practices. However, TAFE institutions have lost much of their capacity to evaluate and renew their educational practice and thinking. Australia’s vocational education sector remains in the past, painstakingly preparing people to perform known, narrowly defined tasks for yesterday’s industries. Vocational education and the vocational education system are not positioned to meet the needs of 21st

Dr Anne Jones century industries, let alone individuals and communities. We do not know how work and employment opportunities will change in the near future. What we do know is that people will need occupational breadth as well as educational depth to adapt and thrive as industries and society change. Researchers who have looked specifically at how vocational education can prepare people for digital disruption emphasise the importance of acquiring broad technical skills that can be adapted and applied in novel contexts, complemented by what have become known as 21st century capabilities (Baker, 2016; Committee for Economic Development of Australia, 2015). Capabilities are much broader than the combinations of skills and knowledge specified by the Australian Qualifications Framework: capabilities also encompass dispositions and attitudes (Barnett & Coate, 2005; Hager & Holland, 2007).

TAFE I identify five critical gaps in the preparedness of Australian vocational education to support the preparation and ongoing education of individuals for 21st century life and work: • There is insufficient capacity to ensure learners graduate with the strong core literacy, numeracy and digital skills needed to underpin all other learning. • Australian vocational education curriculum and teaching do not address the 21st century capabilities needed for long-term employability and community engagement. • The applied and workplace-situated pedagogies required to develop highlevel technical skills are not regarded as distinctive pedagogies requiring research and development to keep pace with workplace change. • Our vocational education institutions and systems are not well prepared to respond to disruptive change. • Vocational education institutions have neither capability nor capacity for innovation. Evidence of the vocational education contribution to innovation comes from the Office of the Chief Scientist, which in March 2016 reported that “… people with vocational education level qualifications had a much higher level of business ownership compared to those with university level qualifications” and “… of the STEM-qualified population, approximately two-thirds held vocational education and training (vocational education) qualifications, while onethird were higher education graduates with bachelor degrees or higher … The vocational education sector makes a critical contribution to Australia’s STEM skills base, a contribution yet to be fully reflected in the evidence base for policy development” (Office of the Chief Scientist, 2016, p.158). This contribution is invisible to policymakers, the media and the general public. For example, the vocational education sector did not initially feature in the Australian government’s National Innovation and Science Agenda. Lack of recognition of vocational education’s role in innovation means that we have neglected to build the capability

needed to optimise that contribution. Recent policies have failed to build the capacity of vocational education institutions and their graduates to undertake research and foster innovative capability. TAFE institutes, as permanent public institutions, ought to be the natural leaders for developing and sustaining applied vocational education research and innovation in Australia. Despite limited resources, some are working towards this, such as Holmesglen Institute with its Centre for Applied Research and Innovation and TAFE Queensland, which is building an applied research portfolio. However lack of resources means that TAFE institutes and the vocational education sector generally are not achieving their potential contribution to innovation. Significant investment in applied research and innovation infrastructure and staff capability is needed to enable Australian TAFE institutes to create the organisational cultures that will produce future adjusters and implementers of innovations.

Strong core skills First, there must be a genuine, adequately funded commitment to ensuring all adults have strong core literacy, numeracy and digital skills as a basis for ongoing participation in work and community. This commitment must acknowledge the specialised needs of significant groups such as early school leavers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders and recently arrived migrants.

Qualifications for 21st century industries Our narrow, behaviourist vocational qualifications need to be broadened for the 21st century to ensure that technical skills are transferable and complemented by 21st century capabilities such as critical thinking, creativity, adaptability and entrepreneurship. The range of qualifications levels available through vocational education must expand. Vocational education of the future could offer vocational qualifications ranging from AQF 1 to 10 designed for applied and workplace-situated learning. Higher, including degree level, apprenticeships could be expanded to cover a much larger range of industries, recognising the value of situating vocational education in real workplaces. Incentives may be needed to encourage reluctant employers to host on-the-job learning. In the future even more than in the past, vocational education qualifications must meet the needs of individuals seeking to reskill or upskill throughout a lengthened working life as well as new entrants to the workforce; some of these will be seeking new employment opportunities after interrupted lives. These many circumstances require an expanded range of qualifications, skill sets, micro-credentials and pathways. Skilful curriculum design will be necessary to ensure that individuals are able to achieve the mix of core skills, technical skills and capabilities needed at each critical life and employment stage. To address this complexity, many are arguing for a localised approach to (Continued on page 14) Western Teacher    April 2019


TAFE (Continued from page 13) ownership and development of vocational education qualifications, giving providers ownership and allowing them to respond agilely to local needs (Billett, 2016; Wheelahan, 2015). Such a change would mean an end to industry ownership of national qualifications, but not necessarily of vocational standards. The development of national industry standards to frame technical skills development in locally developed qualifications could maintain the qualification portability and recognition which has been so useful in Australia.

Twenty-first century teaching There is a need to recognise and resource high-quality, self-renewing vocational education teaching. This requires serious initial and continuing teacher education in applied and workplace-situated pedagogies. To develop and maintain its relevance in a changing workforce environment, vocational education teaching practice must be based on applied research into the development and evaluation of the applied and workplace-situated pedagogies required to develop highlevel technical skills and 21st century capabilities in context. Twenty-first century vocational education must operate within a lifelong learning context, respond to digital disruption in education as well as industry and nurture innovation. It will take much more professional development than a Certificate IV to meet these needs.

Future ready vocational education providers We need a network of “grown-up” institutions, each with its own sense of purpose related to its aspirations for its students, not to current government policy. TAFE institutions, as large, enduring public providers, are the natural anchor institutions for such a network (Wheelahan, Buchanan, Goedegebuure, Mallet & McKew, 2017). There is no reason why TAFE institutions could not become the repositories for excellence in vocational education practice on behalf of all education institutions. Autonomous 21st century vocational education providers should develop their own qualifications and quality standards reflecting local needs and national industry standards as appropriate. TAFE and other vocational education institutions already deliver mixes of vocational qualifications from foundation certificate to postgraduate level (AQF 1-9) depending on local needs.

An integrated tertiary education sector

As the need for higher-level vocational education increases, it becomes increasingly nonsensical to retain hard sectoral and funding boundaries between institutions that primarily deliver vocational education and those that primarily deliver higher education. Parity of esteem can only come with parity of policy and resourcing. This article first appeared in The Australian TAFE Teacher (Spring 2018) and has been reproduced here with permission. It is an edited extract from Vocational Education for the 21st Century, published by the LH Martin Institute at the University of Melbourne. The full version is available at: bit.ly/2B8bH12

References Baker, K. (2016). The digital revolution: the impact of the fourth industrial revolution on employment and education. Retrieved from http://www.edge.co.uk/ media/193777/digital_revolution_web_ version.pdfution_web_version.pdf Barnett, R. & Coate, K. (2005). Engaging the Curriculum in Higher Education. England: Society for Research into Higher Education, Open University Press.

Given that the workforce will need more higher-level vocational qualifications in future, perhaps we no longer need to designate qualifications as vocational and higher education.

Billett, S. (2016). Beyond competence: an essay on a process approach to organising and enacting vocational education. International Journal of Training Research, 14(3), 197-214. DOI: 10.1080/14480220.2016.1254365

In future it may be more useful to differentiate what we now think of as VET institutions on the basis of their specialist expertise in applied and workplacesituated learning, understanding that increasingly learning will take place in and around workplaces.

Committee for Economic Development of Australia. (2015). Australia’s future workforce? Melbourne. Hager, P. & Holland, S. (2007). Graduate Attributes, Learning and Employability Dordrecht: Springer. Office of the Chief Scientist. (2016). Australia’s STEM Workforce: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. Retrieved from http://www. chiefscientist.gov.au/wp- content/uploads/ Australia’s-STEM-workforce_full- report. pdf content/uploads/Australia’s-STEMworkforce_full- report.pdf Wheelahan, L. (2015). The future of Australian vocational education qualifications depends on a new social settlement. Journal of Education and Work, 28(2), 126-146. DOI:10.1080/136390 80.2014.1001333 Wheelahan, L., Buchanan, J., Goedegebuure, L., Mallet, S. & McKew, M. (2017). VET in crisis. Melbourne: Centre for Vocational and Educational Policy, University of Melbourne.


Western Teacher    April 2019

Occupational safety and health

OSH rep profile

How long have you been the occupational safety and health representative at your school? I have been the OSH rep at my school since February.

What sort of issues have you had to deal with in your role? I have been asked to complete a Workplace Inspection Checklist, and as we share a driveway with both a day care centre and a school, I am looking into having some speed limit signs erected.

What do you think are the barriers to changing the safety culture in schools? Time. We are a School of Special Education Needs: Behaviour and Engagement (SSEN:BE) and with many of us working off site, trying to find a time when we are together and can discuss issues has been difficult. I’m hoping now that staff will use the forms I have set up in Microsoft Outlook to identify any risks, hazards, or issues that they would like my help with.

What more could be done to support OSH reps in schools? I think as teachers we are always time poor and we could do with some more dedicated time to carry out the extra duties that come with being an OSH rep.

Why have you chosen to be an OSH rep for your school? Since joining SSEN:BE in 2016 I have been able to see the invaluable support our previous OSH rep has contributed in upgrading the existing building that the Redcliffe Avenue Engagement Centre operated from. The previous rep was also instrumental in gathering and collating information for the administration staff in order for the new classrooms and staff area to be built. This work was instrumental in providing a happier and safer working environment and has also been part of the ongoing improvement to staff morale. I would like to be part of this continuous improvement.

What did you learn from the OSH rep training you participated in? The week of OSH training is very intense but after putting the theory into practice I was able to process the information and feel more comfortable that I am able to do the job. The resource materials are brilliant and knowing that I can ask the SSTUWA OSH organiser Joy Barrett for assistance makes it a less daunting prospect.

What have you learnt that’s valuable and why?

Name Annette Stewart School School of Special Education Needs: Behaviour and Engagement

I have noticed that I am much more aware of risks and hazards, not only in the workplace but also in my daily life. One standout learning component for me was the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) which provides notable information regarding the storing and/or permitting of dangerous products at schools.

Why is it important for schools to have an OSH rep and what advice would you give to somebody who is considering taking up the role? In busy schools it is easy to overlook health and safety issues. An example of this would be teachers and education assistants risking their welfare when they hang students’ pictures and posters on classroom walls. There is pressure on teachers to have their classrooms looking beautiful but standing on desks is not the answer. Now I will look at issues differently, be more circumspect and look at what is legislated for my colleagues’ safety. I would recommend OSH rep training to all OSH representatives. Knowing and understanding the school safety legislation increases your awareness of what constitutes a sound safety culture at your school and makes for a safer, happier and more productive work environment.

Western Teacher    April 2019


New educator update

Up north

Heading to a new location can be a daunting experience but many early career teachers are taking up wonderful opportunities to work in regional and remote locations. We have been visiting schools and attending graduate modules in regional areas, and having great conversations with beginning teachers. We have visited Karratha SHS, Roebourne DHS, Hedland SHS, Port Hedland PS, La Grange RCS in Bidyadanga, Broome SHS, Millars Well PS, Tambrey PS, Broome PS and Broome North PS. We would like to thank the staff at these schools who made us feel very welcome during our visits.

Did you know? Changes to Graduate Module Four

Over the first two years of teaching (or longer if working casual or part time), graduate teachers are required to participate in structured professional learning designed by Statewide Services. Seize these opportunities to gain some much needed reflection time, to sharpen and refine skills, network and advance in your career. Did you know that the structure of the Graduate Modules has changed for 2019? Modules one and two were completed during your first year of teaching, while modules three and four were to be completed in your second year. However, in response to the Minister’s 10 point plan and safety in schools, the fourth Graduate Module can now be completed during your first or second year. This module is presented by Team Teach and focuses on de-escalation and positive handling. This fourth module, unlike the others, no longer has to be completed sequentially. It may be accessed at any time within the first 30 months of teaching. Relief teachers are also encouraged to attend.


Western Teacher    April 2019

New educator update Have you received your graduate entitlements yet? Curriculum materials allowance A curriculum materials allowance is available to support contracted first year graduate teachers in acquiring personal curriculum materials. Primary and district high school graduate teachers have access to $150 and secondary graduate teachers have access to $78. You should use your own professional judgement to choose the materials suited to your needs. Materials purchased will belong to you. You will need to produce receipts to your school

to be reimbursed. Funding for the graduate teacher curriculum materials allowance is allocated directly to your school once the department is notified of your appointment. Graduate teacher allowance Full time graduate teachers also receive a graduate teacher allowance of $1,600 per year for each of their first two years. Part-time teachers will receive this allowance pro rata. This allowance is paid directly to you through payroll.

Remote Teaching Service More than 220 teachers live and work in 38 remote communities throughout WA. They overcome the obstacles associated with remote areas to deliver highquality education programs to students. The Remote Teaching Service (RTS) program attracts a number of incentives, including:

Moving into GROH Regional and remote communities deserve the best quality education and Government Regional Officer Housing (GROH) rent increases impact the ability of school communities to recruit and retain staff in these locations. Our GROH campaign continues in 2019 against high rents and poor conditions in GROH housing for country teachers. Any dealings with your local Department of Housing/GROH office should be in writing. Be sure to keep a copy. It is important to remember that maintenance requests to your local Department of Housing/GROH office should be completed within certain time frames depending on the category the maintenance falls under. Category: Emergency. Max time for completion: 8 hours. Examples of maintenance covered: No power, faulty smoke alarm, smell of gas. Category: Urgent. Max time for completion: 24 hours. Examples of maintenance covered: No hot water, blocked toilets, burst water pipes. Category: Priority. Max time for completion: 48 hours.

CTP and RTS Country Teaching Program Working in the Country Teaching Program (CTP) attracts specific financial and professional incentives. CTP schools are a specific list of schools which can be found in Schedule C of the Little Red Book. Refer to Clauses 31 and 32 in the General Agreement 2017 for the provisions applied to teachers and school leaders employed at these schools.

New educator update

Examples of maintenance covered: Faulty stove, locks and glazing, leaking taps, security lights not working. Category: Routine. Max time for completion: 28 days.

• Flexible school year and school organisation. • Allowances and special leave entitlements (including bereavement, parental and sick leave). • RTS breaks, which are accrued leave entitlements. • Travel benefits. Refer to General Agreement 2017 Clauses 33-40 for more information, and Schedules E and F for RTS allowances and included schools.

Examples of maintenance covered: Rehanging doors, replacing washing line, rewiring fly screens to windows and/or doors. All members are reminded to contact GROH Maintenance Escalation if you are having difficulties with maintenance that has not been actioned within the GROH timelines and to continue logging this at every instance. They can be reached via email: GROHescalationmaintenance. housing@housing.wa.gov.au Also contact SSTUWA Member Assist to inform us of continuing issues: 9210 6060 | memberassist@sstuwa.org.au

Western Teacher    April 2019



Job share gratitude Jill Jamieson and Chris Pitman have been in a job share partnership that has lasted longer than some marriages. The primary school teachers at Karrinyup Primary School have been tandem teaching together for over two decades and refer to themselves as being “twins separated at birth”. Their shared love of teaching and complimentary habits has made their story so successful. Their so-called “arranged marriage” arose after Jill wanted to return to work part-time following maternity leave. Chris (pictured left) had been doing relief at the school when a colleague recommended her as the perfect job share partner for Jill (pictured right). “We always say that we are like twins in the classroom because of our approach to teaching, our attention to detail, our classroom management and our love for the children we teach,” said Chris. Added Jill: “We really are the Yin and Yang of teaching! Chris is talented in maths, science, history, can get the kids to achieve outstanding handwriting and is so observant with the idiosyncrasies/needs of every child.” “My strengths are in English, the creative/ artsy subjects, timetabling/organising and behaviour management of challenging students.” Fundamentally the relationship has been so successful because they’ve had principals who have supported, valued and seen the benefits of their job sharing. Children in their classes have experienced consistency in the educational program when either teacher needed to take leave. “We have just stepped in and very rarely have the children we’ve taught had a relief teacher. Professionally and personally this is so reassuring when you know someone 18

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has your back and can seamlessly continue in the job,” Jill said. Both Jill and Chris attribute their successful job share to their mutual commitment to the profession and their frequent communication. “As well as being job share partners we are friends for life! We are both very hard working and are prepared to go that extra mile to make sure that our classroom, our teaching programs, our professional development and our care of the children we teach is the best that we can provide,” Chris said. Jill said: “Like any good marriage if you’re not happy with something the other person has done, be honest and let them know”. “We’ve been collaborating, planning together, moderating tasks/assessments, reporting and having professional

conversations regarding students, participating in parent meetings, developing handover documentation and compiling comprehensive evidence-based documents for (over) 22 years…it works!” she added. Most of all it’s been Jill’s love of teaching that has helped her manage the many challenging aspects of the job. “...Thank goodness for the SSTUWA to bring knowledge, awareness and support to navigate curriculum changes, administrative tasks, schedule meetings, offer structured guide-lines for dealing with issues in a professionally equitable manner and keeping members informed,” she said. Chris added: “(It’s)… important to support a union who strives to provide teachers with better pay and conditions (and)… there is comfort knowing that these services are provided by the union if necessary”.


Jill & Chris’ job share tips for teachers and principals:

Be prepared to do your FTE of the workload, not only the teaching but also the planning, assessment, reporting, etc.

Be 100 per cent knowledgeable of the class.

Every classroom will have students who will feel more comfortable, challenged, stimulated and behave better/ worse for their teacher and relate to one more than the other.

Be aware that professional development days, staff meetings and year level collaborative planning days may not fall on your allocated working days.*

Communication is vital for planning, handover and assessment. Be prepared to talk on the phone a lot and use technology.

Collaborate – setting up your room, planning, assessment, reporting and assemblies.

Devolve specific learning areas such as science, geography and health equitably between both job share teachers.

Each teacher is responsible for a specific area within the subject such as maths and English.

Plan your teaching days a week in advance. This allows both teachers to continue the learning sequentially.

Two heads are better than one during parent teacher meetings, information nights, during planning for and organising assemblies, and during report writing time.

Embrace the work/life balance that a wonderful job share can bring. Try to stick to your days and trust your job share partner has it totally covered. Learn to let go!

See the potential of having teachers creating job share situations that allows for individual teaching strengths and passions.

Know you are supporting parents/care givers to remain in teaching when also caring for their families.

Recognise the potential of a job share combining a new graduate with an experienced teacher.

Realise that finding relief staff when either of the job share teachers take leave may no longer be an issue.

Foster a good teacher match – this is fundamental to job share success.

*Note: If a teacher is asked to attend professional development days or staff meetings on a day they would not ordinarily work and agrees to do so, they must be paid for the time they are required to attend. Western Teacher    April 2019



Closing the gender financial security gap Whilst women still grapple with unparalleled gender pay gaps and predominantly deal with the onus of juggling work while caring for their families, they also face a far greater gap – a gender gap in their future economic security. The report, Closing the gender gap: Female consumer engagement in financial products, led by globally recognised law firm Pinsent Masons and the UK’s leading gender equality and women’s rights charity The Fawcett Society, found that the gap is related to unequal work and reward from work. It also found that higher income earning women do not equally benefit from savings, investments, insurance and pensions as do their male counterparts. As a direct result, women are not prepared for long-term financial stability in their retirement years. But it’s not all doom and gloom. Whilst women’s incomes are still unequal, they are increasing. Carolyn Saunders, head of pensions and long-term savings at Pinsent Masons says: “Women’s wealth is on an upwards trajectory and more financial decisions are being taken by women than ever before.” 20

Western Teacher    April 2019

Whilst the gender pay gap for full-time workers from the last two decades has declined, falling from 20.7 per cent in 2007 to 13.9 per cent, report findings conclude that: “the gap widens significantly after motherhood, is driven by men being overrepresented in more senior roles, and by occupational segregation, and outright discrimination continues to play a part. “Survey data found that women are increasingly taking household financial decisions, with 2020 cited as the ‘tipping point’ when women will make the majority of financial decisions in the home.” However, the Equality and Human Rights Commission estimates there are still 54,000 mothers a year in the UK who are forced to leave their jobs through pregnancy discrimination by employers. The report found that women face factors such as: • Lower starting salaries when they enter work. • A wider pay gap. • Having to take time out to care for children or relatives. • Unequal split of assets and loss of income after divorce.

Issues • Childcare costs. • Higher prospects of living with severe health conditions. “While women earn less than men, they also have higher outgoings and less spare time. As well as the gap in care, women do over twice as much housework as men on average. As a result, research finds that despite women doing fewer hours of paid work, they still on average spend more time doing a combination of paid and unpaid work overall than men.” A large number of the findings are relevant and consistent to what women face in Australia. The Workplace Gender Equality Agency collects data annually in Australia from businesses in the non-public sector with over 100 employees. Their 2017-18 data showed men working full time earn 21.3 per cent ($25,717) more than women working full time.

“While women earn less than men, they also have higher outgoings and less spare time. As well as the gap in care, women do over twice as much housework as men on average. As a result, research finds that despite women doing fewer hours of paid work, they still on average spend more time doing a combination of paid and unpaid work overall than men.”

• Women’s disproportionate share of unpaid caring and domestic work. • Lack of workplace flexibility to accommodate caring and other responsibilities, especially in senior roles. • Women’s greater time out of the workforce impacting career progression and opportunities. Fawcett Society Chief Executive Sam Smethers says: “Women are both carrying more risk throughout their lives and also less able to take action to address those risks. This is partly because women earn less and also tend to prioritise other things over their own financial security.” The Fawcett Society’s research also found that sexist pricing has women paying more for basic toiletries and clothing. “Overall women earn less than men for their paid work, work more than men overall and pay more for basic goods. They are time-poor (an important insight when designing services that meet women’s needs), as well as having fewer financial resources,” the report said. Not only were discrepancies found between hours of paid work and outgoings but Pinsent Masons also made correlations between the direct advertising of investment products and the gearing towards men. “Pensions and investment products need to work harder for women. Financial service providers and policy makers need to help change the perception that finance is a man’s world, boost women’s confidence in their financial capabilities and develop products and advertising that speak to women,” said Saunders. As the 2019 International Women’s Day campaign theme Balance for Better reminds us, we need to be proactive in reducing the gender pay gap for our generations to come.

The Workplace Gender Equality Agency notes the issues contributing to this include: • Discrimination and bias in hiring and pay decisions. • Women and men working in different industries and different jobs, with female-dominated industries and jobs attracting lower wages.

For more information on the gender pay gap in Australia visit http://bit.ly/2Y7kiem or to read the full report on Closing the gender gap: Female consumer engagement in financial products visit bit.ly/2HuIIKu. When considering your future financial planning, look out for the Police and Nurses financial planning sessions offered through the Education and Training Centre at the SSTUWA in the July and October school holidays. Visit sstuwa.org.au/training for more information.

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Western Teacher    April 2019



IDAHOBIT Day and recording of gender The International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) is on 17 May.

For more information and resources to celebrate IDAHOBIT Day visit: bit.ly/2TwJw6p

On this day people stand against discrimination and in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer (LGBTIQ) mates, colleagues and families.

For professional development and support for WA schools and school staff, Inclusive Education WA resources are available at: bit.ly/2TFJoBL

Anti-discrimination laws, including marriage equality, increased community knowledge, recognition and acceptance have improved the wellbeing of LGBTIQ peoples and families. However, in Australia: •

75 per cent of LGBTIQ youth experience some form of discrimination.

61 per cent of LGBTIQ youth experience verbal abuse.

19 per cent of LGBTIQ youth experience physical bullying.

24.4 per cent of lesbian, gay and bisexual people experience depression.

36.2 per cent of transgender people experience depression.

We are pleased that on 16 February 2019 the Department of Education included the gender option indeterminate/intersex on the Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS). This is in addition to the gender categories previously available – female or male. The new inclusion of the indeterminate/ intersex gender option is a move to strengthen workplace culture and equitable practices. Individuals can change their currently recorded gender through their principal, line manager, or payroll officer and may be required to provide supporting documentation.


Western Teacher    April 2019













Encourage everyone to stand out against homophobia, biphobia and transphobia at school by wearing splash of rainbow for the day. Students can bring a gold coin donation.


Ask your teachers to show their support by reading out a pledge to stand up against homo/bi/transphobia at the start of their classes that day. You can see a sample pledge at idahobit.org.au



Create a photobooth with rainbow dress ups and signs. Share these and the photos from your events on the day using the hashtag #IDAHOBIT and show the world why supporting LGBTI students and staff is so important.


mAY 17

Go rainbow in other ways - change your social media profile picture, decorate the school, raise a rainbow flag or put up posters.


Get a group of friends together to make rainbow ribbon pins. You can give these out to people to wear, or provide them in exchange for a gold coin donation.


For information on recording your gender option contact Elaine Loo, policy officer, workforce policy: 9264 4726 or elaine.loo2@education.wa.edu.au


Teaching LGBTI diversity doesn’t have to be hard! The All Of Us lesson plans and teaching guides are a great tool to easily teach about LGBTI young people within classrooms.

RUN AN EVENT Run an event, like a BBQ, lunchtime concert or assembly. Students could make a public pledge to support sexual and gender diversity – invite students to sign their name on a banner that can be displayed for the rest of the year.

START A PROJECT Use IDAHOBIT as a way to rally other students and staff together to start an ongoing project that supports sexual and gender diversity. You can check out the Stand Out resource from Safe Schools and Minus18 for a head start at sscv.org.au

GIVE A LITTLE Use your IDAHOBIT activity to raise much needed funds for LGBTI youth projects. You can donate via the IDAHOBIT fund at idahobit.org.au

On May 17, 1990, the World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization approved the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD 10), which no longer listed homosexuality as a diagnosis. International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia & Transphobia (IDAHOBIT) launched in 2004 to celebrate LGBTI people globally. Today, in Australia, we wear rainbow and use the day to make change and raise funds for LGBTI youth. IDAHOBIT.ORG.AU




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National education news

National education news The Morrison Government’s federal budget fails to put public education first The Morrison Government’s federal budget has failed the fairness test by neglecting to put public education first.

Ms Haythorpe said the budget was a continuation of the Federal Coalition’s six years of attacks on public education.

“We have travelled across the country visiting schools and communities and we know how important fair school funding is to parents and children,” Australian Education Union (AEU) Federal President Correna Haythorpe said.

“Scott Morrison has proven once and for all that his idea of a fair go means a fair go for some, not a fair go for all. He has cut billions of dollars from public schools and given billions extra to private schools,” Ms Haythorpe said.

“This will be a critical federal election issue, and Prime Minister Scott Morrison has once again demonstrated his lack of leadership on the issue of public school funding.”

“This budget has left 99 per cent of public schools under the Schooling Resource Standard and without the additional funding they need for smaller class sizes, more one-on-one teaching and more support for students with disability.”

With this federal budget the Morrison Government insults to public education include: • No restoration of the $14 billion in public school funding cuts. • No capital works funding for public schools. Only a one-off $200,000 per electorate for libraries, classrooms and play equipment, while private schools continue to enjoy a $1.9 billion capital works fund. • No guarantee of ongoing permanent funding for 15 hours of preschool for four-year-old children and no funding for three-year-olds.

Ms Haythorpe said that the Morrison Government’s failure to provide a capital works fund for public schools or to reverse its cuts to funding for students with disability was deeply unfair by any measure. “Public schools are experiencing significant enrolment growth and it is the public sector which has the greatest need for classrooms, libraries, science labs or sporting facilities,” she said. “These cuts hit hardest the students who need our help the most.”

• No reversal of the $3 billion they have cut from VET since elected, just $525 million over five years to “upgrade the VET sector” with not a single mention of TAFE in the budget papers.

Ms Haythorpe said the Morrison Government’s announcement to roll over preschool funding for four-yearold children for only two years does not provide funding certainty for the preschool sector.

• A clear indication of their privatisation agenda with industry to design the qualifications and reshape VET.

“Scott Morrison’s failure to guarantee ongoing funding for two years of preschool for every three and four-year-


Western Teacher    April 2019

old child makes absolutely no sense. Two years of early child education is fast becoming the global standard,” Ms Haythorpe said. “Australia is just one of 11 OECD nations which do not provide two years of early childhood education. “This budget announcement can only be viewed as a cynical vote-buying exercise, not a genuine commitment to preschool education for our children.” Ms Haythorpe said the Morrison Government’s announcement of additional funding for apprenticeships would do nothing to revitalise the TAFE sector. “Morrison Government budget cuts have left the TAFE sector in crisis, and its new apprenticeship scheme does nothing to address the real needs of the public TAFE system,” she said. “Mr Morrison has ignored the critical need for his government to reverse the deep cuts to TAFE which are denying many thousands of Australians the opportunity to build the skills they need to work for the careers they want. “Australia needs a strong TAFE for public provision for vocational education. “This can only happen if the cuts to TAFE are reversed, and a minimum guarantee of 70 per cent of all government funding for vocational education is made for TAFE. “If this budget is Scott Morrison’s idea of a fair go, then it’s time for Mr Morrison to go.”

National education news

Thousands of public schools take to Parliament to fight funding cuts Public schools took over the lawns of Parliament House in Canberra before the handing down of the 2019 federal budget to highlight the importance of reversing the Morrison Government’s $14 billion in public school funding cuts. Thousands of school cut-outs were planted outside Parliament House in a spectacular display as part of the Fair Funding Now! campaign to win fair funding for public schools. The schools were joined by nine Fair Funding Now! vans and volunteers, who brought a message from parents and teachers across the country to Scott Morrison. Australian Education Union (AEU) Federal President Correna Haythorpe said the Fair Funding Now! van fleet had spent the last two months travelling the country talking to teachers and parents about what they wanted for their children and their schools. “We have a very clear message from parents, teachers and voters about their disappointment over the Morrison Government’s decision to cut $14 billion in public school funding over the next decade,” Ms Haythorpe said. “Mr Morrison’s idea of a fair go is to cut billions from public schools and give billions extra to private schools. After six years of funding cuts we know the Coalition doesn’t support public schools. Mr Morrison’s plan will leave 99 per cent of public schools below the national resource standard. That’s his idea of a fair go. “Today we have demonstrated the impact of Scott Morrison’s public school funding

cuts with our field of Fair Funding Now! schools. This is a visual representation of every public school in Australia planted on the lawns before Parliament House.” “Each school on this lawn signifies a real public school in our community and the extra funding it stands to receive under Labor’s commitment for an extra $3.3 billion in public school funding in the first three years of a Shorten Labor Government.

about the failure of the Morrison Government to fairly fund public schools. This national campaign will run across television, radio, newspapers, online and social media as well as billboards in the lead up to the federal election. “Under Prime Minister Scott Morrison and the Coalition we have had six years of attacks on public schools,” Ms Haythorpe said.

“This additional funding, under Labor, is critically important for our schools and will provide for smaller class sizes, more one-on-one support and more help for students with disability.

“Two thirds of Australian school students attend public schools, yet the Morrison government has turned its back on these children.

“We also welcome the commitment of the Australian Greens to Fair Funding Now! for all public schools.”

“It is time for a change of government, one that is serious about investing in our public schools.”

The AEU has launched a national advertising campaign reminding voters

The AEU’s new national advertisement can be viewed at: http://bit.ly/2uGt4SX

Public schools denied fair funding despite soaring enrolments The Morrison Government will cut $14 billion in funding from public schools in Australia over the next decade, despite figures showing that public schools are experiencing the lion’s share of growth in new student enrolments.

According to a new report from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), in the past five years public schools across Australia have seen 75.9 per cent of new student enrolments, while student enrolments to Catholic schools actually

dropped over the past twelve months. Australian Education Union (AEU) Federal President Correna Haythorpe said that this new ABS report demonstrated the (Continued on page 26) Western Teacher    April 2019


National education news (Continued from page 25) urgency behind the need to restore the Morrison Government’s cuts to public school funding. “Public school student enrolments are soaring, and yet the Morrison Government has cut public school budgets by $14 billion over the next 10 years. It just doesn’t make sense,” she said. “Two out of every three students (65.7 per cent) attend public schools. These figures show that public schools are experiencing huge enrolment growth. It is time for public school funding to reflect this. “The Morrison Government must restore the funds cut from public schools. The Federal Coalition’s 2017 school funding legislation is directly responsible for leaving public schools under-resourced. Our 2.5 million public school students

can’t wait – their schools need this funding now.” According to the ABS report: • Over the past five years, 75.9 per cent of student enrolment growth occurred in public schools. • Public school enrolments soared by more than 150,000 students, from 2,406,495 students in 2014, to 2,558,169 students in 2018. • Catholic school enrolments rose by only 8,000 students over this time (757,749 to 765,735) and actually dropped over the past twelve months. • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students made up 5.7 per cent of all students, with 83.9 per cent enrolled in government schools.

• The Northern Territory had the highest proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student enrolments at 39 per cent. “The Northern Territory has been hit particularly hard by public school funding cuts under the Morrison Government,” Ms Haythorpe said. “Under its new bilateral school funding agreement with the Morrison Government it will be funded at only 79 per cent of the Schooling Resource Standard by 2023. “If the Morrison Government can’t deliver equity in school funding, then it’s time for a change of federal government – one which puts public schools first. “That’s why we have welcomed the commitment by Labor to restore the $14 billion in public school funding cuts.”

American teachers strike over pay and schools funding Teachers across several US states have been conducting strike action to protest against stagnating wages and education cuts. In West Virginia, teachers went on strike to protest against pay rises of two, one and one per cent respectively over the next three years, which US teacher unions

say won’t cover inflation. West Virginian teachers rank 48th in terms of teachers salary in the US, ahead of only Oklahoma, Mississippi and South Dakota.

went on strike over pay, and demands for smaller class sizes, more oversight over privately-run charter schools and funding for more school nurses and counsellors.

Their Oklahoman counterparts took strike action over the same issues with pay, while teachers in Oakland, California

The strikes have involved more than 100,000 public school teachers across six US states.

Students must be protected from NAPLAN data misuse A newspaper which inappropriately published simplistic league tables of NAPLAN performance between South Australian public schools has breached the terms of use of the website from which the data is located.

of the data in the Advertiser article could have profound and negative consequences for students, teachers and parents in those school communities.

The Adelaide Advertiser has used NAPLAN data located on the My School website in the article “Which South Australian public schools are NAPLAN high achievers?” to create league tables.

“The publication of these league tables is damaging to school communities, and it represents a significant breach in trust of the principles upon which this data was established and a breach of trust between education department and school communities,” Mr Spreadbury said.

AEU South Australia Branch President Howard Spreadbury said that the misuse

“NAPLAN was never intended to be used for the public comparison of


Western Teacher    April 2019

results of individual schools. “It is not appropriate to compare school with school for the simple reason that issues like socio-economics and parent achievement are significant factors in determining student success.” AEU Federal President Correna Haythorpe has written as a matter of urgency to Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan calling on him to stop newspapers from using the data for similar purposes in future articles.

Financial & Lifestyle Planning Financial solutions for teachers & families

Helping you & your family take control of your finances • • • •

Certainty for the future Maximise your family time & budget Pay off your mortgage faster & get ahead Super – How much is enough?

Education and Training Centre

Education & Training Centre Industrial Training Events (TUT) Title


Women’s Contact Officer Training: Level One

Monday and Tuesday 6-7 May

Assertiveness for Women: TAFE

Friday 24 May

Performance Management: Changes and the Process

Monday 27 May

Violence: Skilled Up and Safe – Geraldton

Wednesday and Thursday 29-30 May

Governance Training for State Council Delegates

Thursday 13 June

Union Representative Training Level One: Schools

Thursday and Friday 20-21 June

Union Delegate Training Level Two: Schools

Tuesday and Wednesday 25-26 June

Know Your Rights – New General Agreement 2017: Schools

Friday 28 June

OSH Training Title


Education Specific Five-Day Introductory Course for OSH Reps

Monday-Friday 13-17 May

Education Specific Two-Day Refresher Course for OSH Reps

Thursday and Friday 6-7 June

Professional Events Title


Writing a Competitive Job Application for Teaching Positions

Saturday 25 May

Conferences and Forums Title


Instructional Intelligence Facilitator Conference

Friday 31 May

Early Childhood Forum

Tuesday 18 June

State Council Conference

Friday 14 June

School Leader Forum

Thursday 27 June

Online Learning Events Title


Ten Top Tips for Great Lesson Structures and Sequences

Wednesday 8 May

Mentoring Pre-Service Teachers

Tuesday 21 May

The Real Principles of Restorative Practice in Secondary Schools

Tuesday 21 May

Numeracy in the Primary School – Developing Vocabulary

Tuesday 21 May

Using Feedback in the Classroom

Tuesday 21 May

Ten Top Tips for Looking After Yourself

Wednesday 29 May

Ten Top Tips for Parent Teacher Interviews

Wednesday 29 May

Dyslexia – Understand the Condition

Tuesday 4 June

Assessment Techniques for Secondary – Formative Assessment

Tuesday 4 June

Literacy in the Secondary Classroom: Improving Writing

Tuesday 4 June

Ten Top Tips in Your Duty of Care

Wednesday 12 June

Working with Students who have Experienced Trauma

Tuesday 18 June

Dyslexia – Responding Effectively

Tuesday 18 June

Working with EALD Students

Tuesday 18 June


Western Teacher    April 2019

Education and Training Centre

Join the Instructional Intelligence Facilitator Course – September 2019 The SSTUWA is proud to offer another opportunity for schools to train a team of at least two instructional intelligence facilitators across their worksite. Over 270 educators from 70 different schools have previously participated in the 10-day course and are reaping the benefits of having an onsite team of facilitators to share professional learning and ongoing support with other teachers. The train the trainer event runs over two years and will be presented by Professor Barrie Bennett from Canada. Sixty hours of professional learning will be provided and will centre on what instructionally intelligent teachers do to support learning in classrooms. A range of interrelated topics that support effective teaching and learning will be covered. The topics will be introduced as a gradual shift from the least complex (but not necessarily least important) to the most complex and powerful. Each area is designed to help facilitate the idea of the teacher as a reflective, analytical, creative practitioner. They include: • Instructional concepts. • Instructional skills. • Instructional tactics. • Lesson design. • Effective group work. • Instructional strategies. • Concept attainment. • Concept formation. • Picture word inductive model. • Graphic organisers. • Socratic dialogue. Facilitators will experience a multi-layered course that will focus on: • Implementing the new learning in their classrooms. • Learning how to share information with other teachers. • How to plan for the provision of ongoing support to others. Facilitators will receive: • Modules. • PowerPoint slides. • PowerPoint notes. • Electronic copy of all resources on USB. • Permission to copy modules for use in training back at school.

Course starts September 2019 Register your interest today: Contact Kevlynn Annandale to receive further information or details about being part of this outstanding learning opportunity, starting September 2019. kannandale@sstuwa.org.au | 9210 6035

Information sessions Information sessions will be conducted on Wednesday 12 June 2019 by Barrie Bennett and the SSTUWA to outline the commitment, costs, materials, benefits and outcomes of training a team of facilitators in your school. Visit sstuwa.org.au/training to register for these two-hour sessions, either at 9.30am or 1pm. Western Teacher    April 2019


Member benefits

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Western Teacher   April 2019

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Inn the Tuarts Guest Lodge

Forest retreat, 4-star, with indoor pool, Jacuzzi, sauna and BBQ. Adults (12 years+) only. Five minutes to Busselton. Studios and rooms. 22.5% off rack rate or best available rate.


International Teacher Identity Card (ITIC)

Discounts on flights, restaurants, movies, shopping, groceries and more. $5 off ITIC for members.


Jarrah Grove Forest Retreat

Cost plus 5% on all products. Osborne Park location only; in store or via phone. Nation-wide delivery available.

Luxurious, self-contained accommodation in Margaret River. Discounted rates for members.



Teacher Superstore

Mandurah Houseboats



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The Good Guys Commercial

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Vet Products Direct

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Rottnest ferry tickets

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Western Teacher   April 2019



Classifieds Block for sale: Albany

Three acres zoned for caravan park, camp sites, park homes. Cleared and ready to go. On tourist route, 150m from water. EOI to purchase. 9841 4749

Block for sale: Kalbarri

Large 770sqm block, ready to build on, two streets from the beach. 22m frontage with north facing winter aspect. Walking distance to all facilities. Be quick as seller will negotiate. All offers considered. 0402 349 203

For sale: Albany

Family home on 3 acres. Double storey brick and iron. 4x2x8. Study, lounge, family, entry, sun room, dining, veranda and patio. BIRs and storage. Two sheds. Bore reticulation, orchard, veggies, poultry, garden, bush and wildlife. Close to shop, school, town, beaches, yachts and national park. Dave: 0438 579 689

For sale: Cooloongup

3x2 plus large utility room, fully powered workshop set amongst a quiet street and bushland. Large patio area and backyard for entertaining and family time. Offers from $350,000. EOI: 0401 847 317

For sale: Preston Beach

Fully renovated 2x1 villa in maintained complex on Panorama Drive. Open plan living with vaulted ceilings, carport, huge undercover paved patio facing sand dunes and beach, split system air-con, modern appliances. Fully furnished including white goods, outdoor setting and BBQ. 0411 839 556

Albany (Little Grove)

Silent Grove Cottage. Self-contained two bedroom (queen/two singles) on two hectares of bushland. Undercover parking. Close to yacht club, walking/ bike trails, national park and beaches. Teachers’ rate: $150 per night. Stay seven, get one free. www.silentgrove.iinet.net.au 9844 4950 | merron@iinet.net


“Wywurry Holidays” in 2x1 fully furnished cottage. Min 2 nights, max 6 weeks. Sleeps 4, more with camp beds. Pet friendly. 20 min walk to Middleton Beach. $100/night for 4 people; $10/night per extra person. $550/week. $2,000/month. Linen fee optional $50 per visit/week. Sara: 0499 057 647 saralindsay41@gmail.com


3x1 spacious holiday rental. One double, one queen, five singles. 200m from the river and town. Magnificent river views. One large living area, three sided veranda and BBQ. Provide own linen and towels. $150 per night plus $50 cleaning fee. gregrowl@iinet.net.au

Cowaramup (Margaret River Region) Private B&B within newly built home. Parkland setting. Private queen bedroom, bathroom and breakfast room. Private entry and dedicated parking. 10 mins to Margaret River, Gracetown, central to wineries/breweries and beaches. $120 per night per couple including breakfast. Lee: 0412 902 932


The Rise is a modern, comfortable, 3x2 fully equipped house close to town with elevated views. Located close to Scotsdale and Mt Shadforth drives and their many tourist attractions. Stay for 7 nights and pay for 6 nights. Bookings.denmark.com.au (property The Rise) (08) 9848 2055, 9am to 5pm

Dunsborough (Quindalup)

Large 4x2 holiday home on Geographe Bay Rd. Swimming beach 30m away. Free use of private boat mooring. Room to park boats with boat ramp a minute away. Slow combustion wood heater and reversecycle air-con. Available all year except for leavers’ vacation. No pets. 0419 943 203 | 9448 5527 a_r_moore@bigpond.com


Après Huit and Dwell Cottage provide luxury self-contained accommodation set in beautifully landscaped gardens. Can be rented separately or together. Après Huit: 2x2, main house. Dwell Cottage: 1x1, furnished in a French theme. Robert: 0419 954 079 dwellcottage.com.au


Shady two bedroom beach cottage 300 metres from surf beach and protected Falcon Bay. Located on a grassy, peppermint gum 1012 sq metre block. Sleeps eight. Well-equipped including BBQ. Close to Miami Village and all amenities, great for crabbing and fishing. Less than one hour from Perth’s CBD along Forrest Hwy. $150 per night for Western Teacher readers. 0415 035 390 | richard.wright@iinet.net.au


Studio B&B. New, stylish single room. Fridge, kitchenette, TV, aircon in lovely peaceful Floreat house and garden. Linen, tea/coffee, continental/cooked breakfast

ingredients supplied. Suit mature person wishing to enjoy quiet accommodation. Close to city, buses, shops, hospitals and beaches. $85 per night, min two nights. Weekly and monthly rates available. SMS: 0422 333 057

France (South)

3x2 house located in quaint village adjacent to Canal du Midi - noted for having 300 days of sunshine per year and hence lots of vineyards. Spain is 1hr drive; Barcelona is 2hr drive. $700 per week. 0407 368 511 | craigrebecca@bigpond.com


Short term accommodation in central Fremantle. Recently refurbished with all conveniences for modern living. Townhouse has three queen-sized bedrooms plus provision for two singles. Enjoy time in the rear garden, complete with BBQ. Secure parking for two cars, access controlled by electric gates. 9430 4458 | 0407 083 174 info@westerley.com.au


Serenity Escape is a 2x1 apartment with full kitchen, offering comfort and convenience. 20 min walk to beach, 5 min drive to train station, walking distance to Whitfords Brewing Co, cinema and shops. Toiletries, slippers and coffee machine provided. Min 2 nights. Sleeps 4, or 5 with mattress. No pets. $125/night for 3 people; $10/night per extra person. Molly: 0428 166 559 mollysletters@gmail.com

Mt Lawley/Dianella

Newly built 1x1 self-contained extension, furnished, with laundry, dining, lounge, kitchen and one undercover parking bay. Aircon, TV, fridge, washing machine and microwave included. Quiet residential area close to city, buses, Galleria Morley, Mt Lawley cafe strip and Northbridge. 10 min walk to Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre; golf course across the road. $80 per night, min two nights. $50 per night for weekly and monthly rentals. 0439 964 239 | cymbie.burgoyne@gmail.com


Renovated, self-contained 30s-style three bedroom house with beautiful river views. Short walk across the bridges to town. Sleeps six-eight. Kevin: 0414 446 431


One bedroom private spa apartment in quiet Prevelly cul-de-sac. Two minute walk from beach. Suits couples. $165 per night for Western Teacher readers. Lucy: lcartell@iinet.net.au

Email 50 words or fewer to editor@sstuwa.org.au with your phone and union membership numbers. Free for members. 32

Western Teacher    April 2019


Classifieds Scarborough

Stay on Brighton. Comfortable 3x2 unit is a home away from home with everything you need. Sleeps six adults. Caters for children. Conveniently located near shops and café; 10 minute walk to beach. Western Teacher special: stay six nights and the seventh night is free. Lisa: 0408 914 090 lisamaree77@hotmail.com


Self contained accommodation. Kitchen, laundry, bedroom plus foldout couch. Free WiFi and Netflix. Find us on Facebook. Kerry: 0409 884 330 | FB: @justriggin 67justriggin@gmail.com


Rammed earth cottage, 2x1, nestled amongst bushland. Well located, short walk to Studio Gallery Bistro, two-minute drive to Caves House. Beaches, galleries, wineries and restaurants close by. Sleeps six. No dogs. stayz.com.au (property 136151) Kirsty: 0419 927 660

Victoria (Jan Juc Beach)

Planning a holiday to Victoria? Stay on the beautiful Surf Coast, in between Torquay and the famous Bells Beach. Sleeps eight comfortably. Walking distance to the beach, golf club, shops and river mouth. Everything you need is already there. Large entertaining areas. Discount for Western Teacher readers. 0403 803 064

Tranquillity Counselling, Psychotherapy and Career Development

I provide holistic, confidential practical counselling to help you deal with an array of issues, some being: general relationship, mental health, anger issues/management; anxiety; depression; self-harm; grief and trauma; addiction; abuse; palliative care. Milica Robinson, MCnsig&Psychthpy, GradCertCareerDev, BEd. 0422 358 187

Retirement coach

Are you recently retired or retiring soon? You probably have a financial plan in place but developing a plan for the non-financial side of retirement can be as important as preparing financially. I offer support and guidance for the transition from work to retirement, helping you to find purpose and meaning in retirement. Contact me to arrange an obligation free chat. retirementcoaching01@gmail.com

Marriage celebrant

Marriage celebrant with 12 years of experience, working in the Peel, South West and Perth areas. Specialising in creating personalised ceremonies for couples at their chosen wedding location. I’d love to help you plan your special day! Meridith: 0400 312 535 meri.lake4@gmail.com

Marriage celebrant

Heart Centered Ceremonies for couples wanting a personalised wedding. Lee will help you design your dream wedding – a memorable occasion. Mention this ad to receive a discount. Lee: 0404 655 567 leehalligancelebrant.com.au

Marriage celebrant

Experienced professional celebrant available, all areas. Formal or informal, large or small weddings. A Beautiful Ceremony will help you design an unforgettable and uniquely personal ceremony. Mary: 0418 906 391 maryburke40@hotmail.com

Learn to social dance

Learn jive, waltz, rumba, samba, tango and other dances for social events (ball, wedding, cruise, etc). A fun and easy course with quality instruction. Join with or without a partner. Melville (LeisureFit) Recreation Centre. Mondays 7.30-9pm. $118/8 weeks. Beginners’ course held every term. Term 2 starts 6 May. Stan: 9330 6737 | stan@stansdancing.com

First aid training for students

St John Ambulance WA offers free first aid training to all school aged students, ranging from Triple 000 Hero for kindergarten students to Road Trauma First Aid for secondary school students. Courses are curriculum mapped. 9334 1259 | youth@stjohnambulance.com.au


The Mathematical Association of Western Australia offers professional learning opportunities, conferences and consultancy services to teachers and schools and networks. MAWA members receive 10 per cent discount on MAWA shop resources. For more information: mawainc.org.au 9345 0388 | eo@mawainc.org.au

Calling all retired teachers!

Are you a retired teacher with a spirit of adventure and time to spare? Would you like to assist families in remote areas of WA? You may like to join REVISE WA as a tutor. For more info, visit www.revisewa.com.au

Wanted: Overhead projector

Wanted: A working overhead transparency projector. Please call: Diana: 0400 337 760

Wanted: Teacher resources

Wanted: Your unwanted teacher resources and materials. Declutter and make some extra cash at the same time. If you have unused and unwanted resources cluttering up your classroom or home, call Kris. Kris: 0401 263 070

Belly Rubs Boarding Kennels

Personalised approach to boarding your canine companion. $25 per dog – mention you’re a teacher to receive a 10 per cent discount. Located in Southern River. Elisa: 0417 620 766 | bellyrubsboarding.com

Western Teacher    April 2019



Email to editor@sstuwa.org.au

Retired Teachers’ Association The AGM was held on 27 March at the SSTUWA building in West Perth. The speaker was Lisa Sprlyan, the coordinator for the Orange Sky Van Project. Constitution regulations were discussed and we enjoyed a light lunch.

The choir is enjoying their new songs.

convenor, has retired. We thank her for all her care.

Literature on 8 April was given by Ann Strauss on love poems and on 29 April by Peter Hopper on Banjo Paterson. The speaker on 13 May on Robbie Burns is yet to be confirmed.

There will be a visit to the WA Art Gallery on 22 May at 10.30am to view the “Desert River Sea – Portraits of the Kimberley” exhibition. Please join us.

Frances Murphy, a previous hospitality convenor who gave us many years of help and service, passed away in February.

Please join us for some activities. Ann Strauss: 9387 2906

Janet Lee, our recent hospitality

Level 3 Classroom Teachers’ Association

State Council Conference

2019 meeting dates: Saturdays, 10.30am-noon at the State Library

State Council Conference will run on Friday and Saturday 14-15 June. Members/branches wishing to submit motions for November State Council must do so by 5pm Friday 27 September 2019.

Term 2

Term 3

Term 4

18 May

27 July

19 October

8 June

10 August

23 November

14 September

Mon 9 December Celebration event

Venue subject to change. Visit www.l3cta.org.au for venue information and to confirm attendance, or email contact@l3cta.org.au

Rosemary Richards Scholarship 2019 Applications are now open for the 2019 Rosemary Richards Scholarship. Now in its 13th year, the scholarship is valued at $10,000 and provides women AEU members with an opportunity to increase their skills and experience in the union’s work through an innovative project, research or study experience. The scholarship covers project expenses

including travel, conferences, workplace visits, training, work-shadowing, research, project design and implementation.

bit.ly/2GZVwGC or contact the SSTUWA women and equity officer, Colleen Mack at cmack@sstuwa.org.au | 9210 6000.

The scholarship is named after Rosemary Richards, a leader, proud feminist, unionist and educator, who worked tirelessly to advance gender equality across the AEU.

One nominee from WA will be endorsed by the SSTUWA selection panel. Their application will then be forwarded to the AEU Federal Office.

For more information visit sstuwa.org.au/scholarships and

Applications are due 10 May 2019.

SSTUWA committee meeting dates:

Early Childhood Educators’ Committee Time: 4.15pm 18 June 21 August

6 November

New Educator Committee Time: 4.30pm 18 June 27 August


19 November

Western Teacher    April 2019

TAFE Committee

Venue: SSTUWA office | Contact: (08) 9210 6000 or contact@sstuwa.org.au Teleconference facilities are available

International Committee

LGBTIQ Committee

Dates to be confirmed

Dates to be confirmed

Dates to be confirmed

Women’s Committee

Psych Services Committee

ATSIE Committee

Time: 5pm

Time: 4.15pm

Dates to be confirmed

Time: 4.30pm

Time: 4.45pm 6 June 29 August

28 November

Time: 4pm

Time: 4pm 23 May 15 August

31 October

It feels good to be ethical

Globally, 128 companies were named as a 2019 World’s Most Ethical Company1, including 5 banks. And we’re one of them for the 6th year in a row!

Join us^ tmbank.com.au ^Membership is open to citizens or permanent residents of Australia who are current or retired employees of the Australian education sector or family members of members of the Bank. 1 The Ethisphere Institute is a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practice. The World’s Most Ethical Company assessment is based upon the Ethisphere Institute’s Ethics Quotient (EQ) framework and honours superior achievements in transparency, integrity, ethics and compliance. Worlds Most Ethical Companies and ‘Ethisphere’ names and marks are registered trade marks of Ethisphere LLL. www.ethisphere.com Teachers Mutual Bank Limited ABN 30 087 650 459 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 238981 | 00711-CSR-0419-WME-A4-WT

Transition to Retirement Specialists

Financial solutions and advice to help you transition

TTR and Tax benefits will continue into 2019 & beyond! Please see tipsfs.com.au

Are You Retiring or Reducing Hours in 2019? What you will need to consider … • • • •

Can I afford to drop a day? How much will be enough to retire on? How can I maximize my income & reduce tax? When is it best to pay off my mortgage?

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