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Email to editor@sstuwa.org.au
Retired Teachers’ Association
We continue to practise new pieces of music at choir. November’s literature consisted of poems popular in England in 2021. All members were encouraged to contribute. The final practice was Monday 15 November and was more of a relaxed gathering. On Monday 6 December we will be guests of the union at morning tea from 10-11.30am. This has a Christmas theme. To ensure appropriate catering please ring reception at the union on (08) 9210 6000 if attending. Wishing all members a happy Christmas and new year. Ann Strauss: 0458 625 520
Festive season office closure dates
The SSTUWA office will close at 4.30pm on Friday 24 December and reopen at 8am on Monday 10 January 2022. Have a happy, safe and enjoyable holiday season.
Second-hand computers and monitors available
The SSTUWA has 44 sets of PCs and monitors available for donation. Each set has a PC, monitor, keyboard, VGA cable to connect the PC to the monitor, and two power cords, one for the PC and one for the monitor.
They do have quite a few years on the clock and would be best suited for a school or training facility that uses an IT lab, where students can learn about hardware, software installation, networking and troubleshooting. Even though they are in great working order and perform quite well, given their age we would expect that some of the hardware will start to fail.
They have Windows 7 pre-installed and can be upgraded to Windows 10. Hardware features: CD-ROM drive; Intel i3 CPU; 4GB RAM; 256GB HDD; 10 x USB 2.0; 1 x display port; 1 x VGA port; keyboard; mouse; monitor.
If your school is interested in receiving any of these, please submit your request to contact@sstuwa.org.au
International Volunteer Day
International Volunteer Day (IVD), mandated by the UN General Assembly, is held each year on 5 December. It is viewed as a unique chance for volunteers and organisations to celebrate their efforts, to share their values, and to promote their work among their communities, nongovernmental organisations (NGOs), United Nations agencies, government authorities and the private sector. For more information visit: un.org/en/observances/volunteer-day
Human Rights Day
Human Rights Day is observed every year on 10 December — the day the United Nations General Assembly adopted, in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Human Rights Day is an opportunity to reaffirm the importance of human rights in re-building the world we want, the need for global solidarity, as well as our interconnectedness and shared humanity. For more visit: un.org/en/observances/human-rights-day
State Council Conference
Items for June 2022 State Council must be received by 5pm Friday 8 April.
The event will be held on 10-11 June 2022 at the SSTUWA.
SSTUWA committee meeting dates:
Early Childhood Educators’ Committee TAFE Committee
Time: 4.15pm 2022 dates TBC Time: 5pm 16 December
New Educator Committee
Venue: SSTUWA office Contact: (08) 9210 6000 or contact@sstuwa.org.au Teleconference facilities are available
Teleconference facilities are available
School Psychologists’ Committee
Time: 4.45pm 2022 dates TBC
Time: 4.15pm 2022 dates TBC