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Noticeboard Noticeboard

Email to editor@sstuwa.org.au


Retired Teachers’ Association

We began choir practice on Monday 10 February at 10am. It was followed by morning tea and a committee meeting at 12.10pm.

Molly Worsnop, age 98, was present at the Christmas morning tea in December.

We also noted the passing of member Mollie Dinham, whose obituary was published in The West newspaper on 21 January. She had continued her membership of the RTA although unable to attend for many years. Vale Mollie Dinham.

Literature will begin on 6 April at noon.

Ann Strauss: 9387 2906

Rosemary Richards scholarship – call for nominations

Rosemary Richards was a proud feminist, unionist and educator. A trailblazing leader, she was committed to advancing gender equality across the AEU.

In her memory, the Rosemary Richards Scholarship – valued at $10,000 – continues her legacy by building the capacity of women as activist and leaders. For more information, visit sstuwa.org.au/scholarships or contact the SSTUWA women and equity officer, Colleen Mack on cmack@sstuwa.org.au or (08) 9210 6000.

Applications must be received by 1 May.

State Council Conference

Members/branches wishing to submit motions for June State Council must do so by 5pm Thursday 9 April.

Items for November State Council must be received by 5pm Friday 25 September.

Do you enjoy singing?

If so, Working Voices Choir would like you to join us. We sing songs of social justice, union and environmental songs. No auditions needed.

For more information, visit workingvoiceschoir.org.au

Level 3 Classroom Teachers’ Association 2020 meeting dates: Saturdays, 10.30am-12.30pm at the SSTUWA premises

Term 1 7 March

Term 2 23 May

Term 3 22 August

Term 4 28 November

Venue subject to change. Visit www.l3cta.org.au for venue information and to confirm attendance, or email contact@l3cta.org.au

SSTUWA committee meeting dates: Venue: SSTUWA office | Contact: (08) 9210 6000 or contact@sstuwa.org.au Teleconference facilities are available Early Childhood Educators’ Committee Time: 4.15pm 26 February 19 May 6 August 21 October New Educator Committee Time: 4.30pm 24 March 16 June 8 September 17 November TAFE Committee Time: 5pm Dates to be confirmed International Committee Time: 4.30pm Dates to be confirmed Women’s Committee Time: 4.15pm Dates to be confirmed ATSIE Committee Time: 4pm 31 March 19 May 13 August 5 November Psych Services Committee Time: 4.45pm Dates to be confirmed LGBTIQ Committee Time: 4pm Dates to be confirmed

We’ve made a promise.

To be a champion for our teachers - the way they’re champions for our kids.

So that even on days that feel a little tougher than usual, you can be sure someone’s there to care for your health and wellbeing.

Lisa, THF member

We’re for teachers – that’s our promise. To find out more about what we can do for you, head to teachershealth.com.au/promise

Financial solutions and advice to help you transition

TTR and Tax benefits will continue into 2020 & beyond! Please see tipsfs.com.au

Are You Retiring or Reducing Hours in 2020?

What you will need to consider …

Can I afford to drop a day? How much will be enough to retire on? How can I maximize my income & reduce tax? When is it best to pay off my mortgage?

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