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Q&A with Member Assist

QA and The team in Member Assist answers some of members’ most commonly asked questions

with Member Assist


QCan you bring forward long service leave (LSL) but receive fewer days? My LSL accrues in Term 4 next year but I really need it in Term 1.

ANo, you must accrue the full entitlement.

QHow many days of LSL can we bank, i.e. not have to use within the two years?

AFive days.

QCan LSL be partially paid out? Do you have to wait until the end of two years?

AClause 38.13(a) states “An employee may by agreement with their employer, cash out any portion of an accrued entitlement to long service leave.”

QCan a contracted employee hold payout of accrued LSL when their contract ends in case they get another fixed term or permanent position in the following six months?

AYes, you can. The Award allows for this, as breaks of up to six months are not considered breaks in service.

QI have reached the magic age where I can get LSL pro-rata. How do I access it as it does not show on my pay slip?

AYou need to check with your payroll officer what entitlement you have of pro-rata LSL and when you can access this leave.

QCan a mix of contracts and casual/relief be combined for LSL?

AYes. The Award allows for part time or casual employees to accrue LSL entitlements at the same rate as a full-time employee but paid on a pro-rata basis.

QCan we take LSL on half pay?

AA complete entitlement can be taken on full pay or half pay. Pro-rata LSL can be taken at half, full or double pay.

QIs the LSL for casual employees going to be backdated?

AThe Department of Education is getting advice on this matter and will inform those affected in due course as to the decision.


Know Your Rights

Have a question? A full compilation of Know Your Rights information sheets are available on the SSTUWA website and app. Schools: sstuwa.org.au/schoolsKYR | TAFE: visit sstuwa.org.au/TAFEkyr You can also speak with your union rep and contact Member Assist: (08) 9210 6060 | 1800 106 683 | memberassist@sstuwa.org.au

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