2 minute read


Email to editor@sstuwa.org.au

Retired Teachers’ Association


The choir continues to practise and hopes to give a small public performance.

The literature group continued with Peter Hopper speaking on 3 October. Ann Strauss will give a talk on 17 October. The AGM was held on Wednesday 28 September. Richard Offen was our guest speaker; he spoke about Perth Town Hall.

Ann Strauss: 0458 625 520

State Council Conference

November State Council Conference will be held on 11-12 November.

World Teachers Day 2022

World Teachers Day is celebrated globally on 5 October and in Australia on 28 October. The day is an opportunity to celebrate and thank teachers for their important role in our communities and for the positive impact they have on the lives of students.

For more information visit: unesco.org/en/days/teachers-day and worldteachersday.edu.au

2022 World Mental Health Day and WA Mental Health Week

World Mental Health Day on 10 October raises awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health. The theme for World Mental Health Day 2022 is Making Mental Health & Well-Being for All a Global Priority. WA Mental Health Week runs 8-15 October and is timed to coincide with World Mental Health Day. The theme for this year’s events is: Where we live. How we live. What we’ve lived.

For more information and resources visit: who.int/campaigns/world-mental-health-day/2022 and mentalhealthweek.org.au

Anti-Poverty Week: 16-22 Oct

Anti-Poverty Week supports the Australian community to have an increased understanding of poverty and to take action collectively to end it. Poverty exists. Poverty hurts us all. We can all do something about it. In 2022, Anti-Poverty Week will be held from 16-22 October. It runs to coincide with the United Nations Day for the Eradication of Poverty on 17 October. For more information visit: antipovertyweek.org.au

Level 3 Classroom Teachers’

Association: 2022 meeting dates

Saturdays, 9.30am at the SSTUWA premises

Term 4 26 Nov

Venue subject to change. Visit www.l3cta.org.au for venue information and to confirm attendance, or email contact@l3cta.org.au

SSTUWA committee meeting dates: Venue: SSTUWA office | Contact: (08) 9210 6000 or contact@sstuwa.org.au Early Childhood Educators’ Teleconference facilities are available

Committee TAFE Committee School Psychologist LGBTIQ Committee

Time: 4pm 3 November

New Educator Committee

Time: 4.30pm 22 November Time: 5pm 27 October 1 December Committee Time: 4.30pm 9 November

Women’s Committee

Time: 5pm 8 November 13 December Time: 4pm 18 October

ATSIE Committee

Time: 4pm 25 October

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