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Education and Training

Education & Training Centre

The team at the SSTUWA Education and Training Centre (ETC) look forward to welcoming you to the union to participate in any of the high-quality learning opportunities on offer throughout 2022. Join us face-to-face or choose to be part of our extensive list of online learning opportunities. We invite you to visit the SSTUWA website to browse our calendar of events on a regular basis. Join us for a seminar, workshop, conference, afternoon forum, online course, or one of our industrial training courses. All events are designed to support educators to keep up with the ever-changing educational landscape and to ensure quality teaching and learning continues in schools and TAFE colleges. Courses on offer are developed and delivered by highly-skilled, passionate and experienced educators. Our high quality inhouse and external facilitators ensure that your precious time is used well, and that quality outcomes and sustainable learning is achieved. We will continue to strive to be the number one provider of high-quality learning opportunities for public school educators across WA.


Face-to-face professional learning opportunities

During each of the school holiday periods, our calendar is packed with a range of affordable, high-quality professional learning opportunities for educators. Join us at the SSTUWA building to re-energise and network with others. Members can access outstanding full-day learning events for just $200. Part-time and relief teachers receive a further discount. Lunch and morning tea are provided. Course schedules for each holiday period are published online at the start of each term. Be sure to visit sstuwa.org.au/training regularly to see what’s on offer. New courses and presenters are continually added to the suite of options as needed.

Online professional learning opportunities

In 2022, the SSTUWA is proud to continue to work in partnership with the Teacher Learning Network (TLN) in Melbourne to offer members online professional learning opportunities. Whether you are working in a regional area, finding it difficult to find time to attend face-to-face professional learning events, or just prefer the comfort of your own learning space, then these online events are for you. If you choose to be part of our online learning community you will benefit from interacting with educators from all across Australia and be able to download valuable handouts and resources. The following options will be available in 2022: • Live 60-minute events. • Live three-hour events. • Live full-day events. • On-demand courses.

Join us for some great learning in 2022

Industrial training options

We encourage union representatives and other delegates to plan for their industrial training needs for the year. Consider your context, the industrial skills and knowledge you wish to develop, and the timing of the courses to map out a possible training pathway for the year. Some courses provide travel and accommodation funding for regional delegates. All industrial courses have been approved by the Department of Education as eligible for trade union training leave. Employees in schools (Teachers’ Award 1993 clause 63) and TAFE colleges (TAFE Lecturers’ General Agreement 2019 clause 69) are eligible for five days of paid leave per year to attend trade union training.

Work health and safety (WHS) training for health and safety representatives

In 2022 the OSH training will be re-branded as WHS training for health and safety representatives (HSR) to link in with the WHS Act 2020, WA. In 2022 the following options will be available for HSRs to attend training and maintain their registration as a fully-trained health and safety representative.

Five-Day Education Specific Introductory


An updated Five-Day Education Specific Introductory Course will be offered each term for newly elected HSRs in schools.

One-Day Transition Courses

There will also be a series on newly developed One-Day Transition Courses on offer for six months. Eight events have been scheduled throughout Term 1 and 2 for all current HSRs to attend. These transition courses will introduce changes to the Act and provide updated information regarding HSR functions and powers.

Refresher Courses

In second Semester 2022, Refresher Courses will be made available to HSRs who have completed the five-day course one year ago or more or who did not attend the Transition Course in Semester 1.

Conferences and forums

We look forward to offering a range of conferences and forums throughout the year. Each event will provide you the opportunity to hear from amazing keynote speakers addressing topics of interest in a lively, safe environment. Watch out for the following events during 2022: • Early Childhood Conference and Forums. • Women’s Conference. • Work Health and Safety Conference. • ATSIE Conference. • Early Career Conference. • Union Delegate Conference.

Visit sstuwa.org.au/training

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