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Noticeboard Noticeboard
Email to editor@sstuwa.org.au
Retired Teachers’ Association
The choir welcomes the return of conductor Keith Davies from a short break.
On Monday 5 October Richard Le Serve will speak on the writings of Australia in the 1890s. On 19 October we will have a talk on George Johnston, the author of My Brother Jack and other Australian novels. The speaker on 2 November is yet to be finalised.
The RTA annual luncheon is due to take place at the Commonwealth League headquarters in Shenton Park on Monday 9 November at the cost of $25 for members and $35 for nonmembers.
Ann Strauss: 9387 2906
State Council Conference
Items for November State Council must be received by 5pm Friday 25 September.
Lynette Virgona Scholarship
Applications are now open for the Lynette Virgona Scholarship. The deadline for applications is Friday 25 September.
More info: sstuwa.org.au/scholarships
This year Enviroweek will take place from 19-25 October. Schools can partake in many activities during the year that help them to connect with the local environment and make positive everyday choices for the environment. These are showcased during Enviroweek. For more information visit enviroweek.org
Anti-Poverty Week
Anti-Poverty Week will run 11-17 October. It aims to help the Australian community understand poverty and take collective action to end it. This year’s focus is to ensure all Australians have a home and that the rate of unemployment payment is kept above a minimum level in the midst of a pandemic crisis. For more information visit antipovertyweek.org.au
Claremont Teachers’ College 1963 graduates Annual reunion
COVID-19 has caused a rethink of our annual luncheon get-together at The Herdy. To allow social distancing this year’s gathering will be a BYO everything picnic lunch including chair/table. Noon on Tuesday 27 October, near the Vietnam Memorial Pavilion, May Drive, Kings Park. BBQs and toilets available nearby. Indication of numbers please/or enquires to: Clive: 9451 2950 | diplodocus46@bigpond.com, or Jardine: 9446 7375 | jardanne@bigpond.com
Level 3 Classroom Teachers’ Association
2020 meeting dates: Saturdays, 10.30am-12.30pm at the SSTUWA premises
Term 4 28 November
Venue subject to change. Visit www.l3cta.org.au for venue information and to confirm attendance, or email contact@l3cta.org.au
SSTUWA committee meeting dates: Venue: SSTUWA office | Contact: (08) 9210 6000 or contact@sstuwa.org.au Early Childhood Educators’ TAFE Teleconference facilities are available
Committee Committee International Committee LGBTIQ Committee
Time: 4.15pm Time: 5pm Time: 4.30pm Time: 4pm 21 October Dates to be confirmed Dates to be confirmed Dates to be confirmed
New Educator Committee
Time: 4.30pm 17 November
Women’s Committee
Time: 3.45pm 26 October
Psych Services Committee
Time: 4.45pm Dates to be confirmed
ATSIE Committee
Time: 4pm 5 November