Western Teacher - Volume 49.1 - January 2020

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Volume 49.1 January 2020

The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

Also inside: Getting Organised 2020

A support package for

Electing union reps and OSH reps Establishing branches Joining union committees Nominating State Council delegates

Please retain this document. It contains important information relating to: establishing branches, nominations for branch positions, nominations for State Council, occupational safety and health and other significant union information. Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

We’ve got you covered in 2020 Refer a friend and win! Pg 21 sstuwa.org.au

Getting Organised January 2020


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Volume 49.1 January 2020

In this edition Correspondence:

The Editor, PO Box 212 West Perth WA 6872 editor@sstuwa.org.au | Ph: 9210 6000

In this edition

Play is Learning forums.............................6 Know your rights: Class sizes....................8 Learning Progressions represent a step backwards.................................................10 How to survive a multi-aged group classroom.................................................12

2020 Publishing Dates Deadline Distributed 25 November 17 January

Anna Stewart Project................................13 Why you should elect a safety rep............14 Our mandate.............................................19 Parental leave case win............................20

28 January

21 February

3 March

27 March

28 April

22 May

2 June

26 June

6 July

31 July

From the General Secretary.......................7

10 August

4 September

Education and Training.............................24

7 September

2 October

Member Benefits......................................26

Cover: Make sure you are fully covered in 2020 by getting organised with the SSTUWA. Find Getting Organised 2020 included with this edition of Western Teacher.

2 November

27 November


To access the digital copy of Western Teacher, visit: sstuwa.org.au/westernteacher

Advertisements in Western Teacher are the responsibility of advertisers. While Western Teacher makes reasonable efforts to ensure that no misleading claims are made by advertisers, responsibility is not accepted by The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) for statements made or the failure of any product or service to give satisfaction. Inclusion of a product or service should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation by The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

Member Assist:

Ph: 9210 6060 memberassist@sstuwa.org.au Print post publication 100004470 | $4.95 ABN: 544 780 946 35 Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) 1 West Street, West Perth WA. Printed by Vanguard Press, 26 James Street, Northbridge WA. January 2020.

Find us on Facebook facebook.com/sstuwa

Dates are subject to change

Seen around the SSTUWA........................22

Regulars From the President.....................................5


Western Teacher is the official publication of The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

Barrie Bennett reference books Effective Group Work BEYOND COOPERATIVE LEARNING n


Instructional Intelligence Building Instructional Expertise for the Classroom

An SSTUWA project in collaboration with Barrie Bennett © B. Bennett, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

Instructional Intelligence

Effective Group Work

Classroom Management

Graphic Intelligence

Dr Barrie Bennett is an internationally renowned educational expert and emeritus professor at the University of Toronto. His books cover a range of interrelated topics that support effective teaching and learning. Members can access special pricing on the series.

Place your order at sstuwa.org.au/shop Western Teacher    January 2020


General Agreement 2019 Schools

General Agreement 2019 Schools

At time of going to press, there has been no change in the state of negotiations. Please check eNews for further updates. 2019


Western Teacher    January 2020


GA GA 2019

Time to rebuild school support systems

From the President

By Pat Byrne President

The SSTUWA welcomes the broad aims laid out in the Department of Education Focus 2020 and Building on Strength documents released late in 2019. We welcome the positive nature of the department’s vision for the coming year and the next few years. One of the core values of the SSTUWA is the provision of high quality public education for all and we know this is a value we share with the department. We are also well aware of the difficulties in achieving such a goal. In noting this, the union has been greatly encouraged by the willingness of the department to listen to concerns in the past 12 months. This has borne fruit in a cooperative approach to making schools safer workplaces for all through the Safety is Our Priority campaign. It has seen a change of emphasis from the department in the actions of the standards and integrity unit and it has led to negotiations for the 2019 General Agreement that have seen us reach accommodations on a range of issues. However, there is still much to do. Our workload survey identified real problems: • Teachers commonly report working over 50 hours per week, some up to 75. • 72.7 per cent of teachers say workload has increased under IPS, SCFM and one-line budget.

• Almost 90 per cent report expansion in collection, analysis and reporting of data. • Over 91 per cent report an increase in admin requirements. • 73 per cent don’t get uninterrupted recess breaks. • 85 per cent do not get an uninterrupted lunch break. • 79 per cent say work negatively impacts on their career aspirations. • 85 per cent say work conflicts with their family commitments and worklife balance. • 57 per cent rarely or never have enough time to complete all tasks. • 85 per cent say red tape with policy hinders their classroom teaching. None of these issues will provide any great surprise to leaders and teachers in schools – they have been steadily worsening over a long period of time. Part of our frustration is the knowledge that much of it reflects additional administrative requirements which don’t necessarily improve the quality of the education that students receive.

government position is particularly harsh with a cap of $1,000 per annum being imposed by the McGowan Government, despite credible economists highlighting the damage being done to the economy by such a policy. Potentially most dangerous of all, both state and federal governments have committed to a bi-lateral agreement which permits WA school funding to fall by up to 10 per cent below what is required in real terms to properly fund WA public schools. This will mean an inability by any future government to restore what was lost to our system as a result of the Barnett Government cuts in 2013/14. It is imperative that every one of us with a love of and commitment to public education works to rebuild those elements of the system which provide support to students and teachers in schools – curriculum support, professional learning, specialist teaching programs, supported progression in genuine career paths, attraction and retention strategies.

School staff see review results and league tables published that misrepresent research and reviews and demoralise school and college communities.

The GA negotiations will provide for improvements in these areas but it will require a strong focus and commitment from government – on a long term basis – to regain lost ground. This will not happen without the core issues of salary caps and long term funding guarantees being addressed.

While wage suppression is currently widespread in Australia, the WA state

Our aim is to do so in 2020. We will need your support. Western Teacher    January 2020



Play is Learning forums Share and inspire By Natalie Blewitt Vice President

Play-based learning and child-initiated play are widely recognised as central to healthy development and learning for children in Kindergarten, Pre-Primary, Year 1 and 2 classrooms and the school yard. So, it is essential we continue to advocate for the rights of young children to learn through play. Despite the introduction of the Early Years Learning Framework and the National Quality Standards, in some instances pedagogical decisions have been make with little knowledge or experience in early childhood education and with little consultation with trained early childhood education staff. With this in mind and as a follow-on from an SSTUWA-initiated survey, a series of Play is Learning – Share and Inspire forums were devised. The purpose of these forums were to provide an opportunity for attendees to hear about the campaign, share experiences, provide inspiration and ideas, generate support, build relationships and engage and activate our early childhood members. Forums were held across a variety of metro and regional areas with early childhood educators coming together to network and share how a balanced approach, one where play is integral to learning, is taking place in our classrooms. Attendees had an opportunity to share and discuss strategies used in classrooms, in teams and across schools. They devised actions and new ways to teach their students through play and were even treated to classroom tours of early childhood rooms in hosting schools. There really are some amazing things happening in our schools. These forums also provided participants with an opportunity to share what actions they would like to undertake in planning for their 2020 school year. 6

Western Teacher    January 2020

These included developing a play statement or strategy at a school level, talking to parents about the importance of play-based learning, allowing time for uninterrupted play, updating resources and quite simply, planning to play.

Primary School, White Gum Valley Primary School, South Bunbury Primary School, Vasse Primary School, Yakamia Primary School and Wandina Primary School – for providing this wonderful opportunity for our members.

Thank you to all of the staff involved at our host schools – Lesmurdie Primary School, Lakelands Primary School, Beaumaris

To learn more and get involved with the Play is Learning campaign, visit: playislearning.org.au

Get on board for 2020

From the General Secretary

By Mary Franklyn General Secretary

Get on board and get organised for 2020 This edition of Western Teacher incorporates Getting Organised 2020. Your school/college branch is the heart and soul of the union. Having your union team in place at your workplace ensures everyone is looking after every member and all working together to keep and improve our conditions. Step up and ensure you elect your union team. Do this as a collective.

We need more than ever our union members behind us when we stand up for big calls – for fair wages from this government, for workload management from our department and for a system that ensures you can move from one school to another without having to compete with 400 other colleagues. We do this through each school/college having a union team. Many thanks to those who have stepped up to be reps, OSH reps, deputy reps or women’s contact officers. For those considering it, I encourage you to do it. It’s an amazing privilege and challenge. You will receive training and support all the way, because as we like to remind members – you’re never alone in a union.

SSTUWA competition

I would urge all of you who are currently members to see if you can persuade one colleague each to join. A reminder, members get: • Expert advice at your fingertips. • Support when you need it. • Journey Accident Cover insurance. • Access to Teachers Health Fund. • Huge savings on professional development. • Member benefit discounts.

Union fees are 100 per cent tax deductible. Members also get a wide range of free training as well significant savings on professional learning through the SSTUWA’s Education and Training Centre.

activities they organise, you can turn to the Noticeboard on page 30 of Western Teacher.

Union shop

Encourage a colleague to sign up in Term 1 and both of you will go into a draw to win cash prizes or a Barrie Bennett book. Visit sstuwa.org.au/joincomp for more details.

Are you proud to be a teacher and a member of our strong, independent union? Show your pride in 2020 with a new stylish SSTUWA polo shirt. Looking for something warmer? There are also softshell vests and jackets. High visibility safety vests are also now available. Free postage is available to members. Browse the full range at the SSTUWA shop at sstuwa.org.au/shop

Ensuring integrity bill

Farewell Joy Barrett

Research shows that union members get better pay (around $100 more a week) and better conditions. Union membership makes life better for everyone.

We have had success in the first round of the fight against the Ensuring Integrity Bill, with it being defeated in the Australian Senate late last year. Thank you to all of our members who participated in the ACTU campaign against the bill, standing up and saying no to union bashing. The fight is not over as the Morrison Government is continuing its efforts to have the bill passed again through Parliament. For more information visit standupforworkers.com

Retired Teachers Association

It was wonderful to welcome our Retired Teachers Association (RTA) members to the SSTUWA building last month for the annual Christmas morning tea celebration. I had a lovely time personally catching up with our much-valued retired members, who have devoted their lives to the betterment of public education and the attainment of working rights members enjoy today. Many thanks to the union’s Education and Training Centre team for organising the event. They did an outstanding job as they have done in previous years. I understand the RTA is now on the lookout for a piano accompanist for their choir – so if that is something that interests you, please contact SSTUWA reception. For more information about the RTA and the

Joy Barrett, our union’s long-time occupational safety and health organiser, has decided it is time to leave the SSTUWA. Joy has given many years of distinguished service to the SSTUWA and its members, which has resulted in an amazing legacy our members and the WA and federal union movement will inherit. Joy has achieved many concrete outcomes and results in the fight to ensure our members have the basic right to being able to carry out their duties safely in their workplace. She leaves at the end of February commanding the highest level of respect from those who have worked and dealt with her, a respect that has come from her work ethic, tenacity and professionalism. I want to thank Joy on behalf of the union, Executive and its members for her work and wish her all the best for the next chapter of her life. Note: Thanks to Clarkson Primary School union rep Laura Cooke and deputy union rep Jody McKeown. The school’s union members took time to meet with me on the last day of the school year to thank them for their work and let them know that we are all behind them in the great work they do. Western Teacher    January 2020



Know your rights: Class sizes

Class sizes

Maximum class numbers The General Agreement 2017 Clause 12.2 states: “Schools are to plan to not exceed the class sizes as per table A”. Table A class size numbers are therefore the maximum class numbers.

General Agreement 2017 Clause 12 12.1 It is recognised class sizes have implications on teacher workloads and schools will prioritise class sizes in school planning and staff deployment. 12.2 Schools are to plan not to exceed class sizes as per Table A – General Class Sizes, but, where it can be achieved within available school resources, schools are to attempt to reduce class sizes in line with Table B – Notional Class Size Target. ** It is recommended that in a K/P 20 – 27 class, there are no more than 20 students in a class at any one time. ∞ It is recommended that in a 3/4 class, there are no more than 23 students in a class at any one time. # A practical class is one where issues of safety and workspace are critical to meeting duty of care and is determined by the principal. 12.3 Schools will seek to keep class sizes at or below those in Table A. It is recognised, however that school and student needs may require variation from these class sizes, provided that: (a) The principal, in consultation with the teacher/s affected, considers the provision of additional support to ensure workloads are distributed as equitably as possible; 8

Western Teacher    January 2020


Table A - General Class Sizes

Table B – Notional Class Size Targets





25 (non purpose built centres)

23(non purpose built centres)


27 (purpose built centres)

25(purpose built centres)


20 – 27**

20 – 25 **


20 at any one time

20 at any one time


24 ∞

24 ∞




Mixed Years [Applies to Yr. 4 – 6]









Practical #

16 - 22

16 - 22

(b) Teacher(s) requested to accept a class size greater than those referred to in Table A can utilise the grievance procedures if they feel aggrieved by any proposed variation; and (c) Implementation of (a) and (b) is to be within available physical and human resources. 12.4 When planning class sizes, each school must manage its class sizes within its own school-based resources. 12.5 Where schools have been able to form class sizes consistently lower than the sizes identified in Clause 12.2 these schools will attempt to maintain, during the length of the Agreement, the reduced levels by continuing to apply available school resources to that effect. 12.6 The annual audit report on class sizes will be provided to EREC for information and consideration.

Union position P/1 composite classes – There is no class size number for P/1 classes in the Agreement or Award. The union position is that the class size maximum is 24 at any one time. Union advice: why class sizes should not be exceeded Below are the common reasons why class sizes should not be exceeded. Points (a) (b) and (d) are grounds for grievance but point (c) should be dealt with using the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984. (a)

It is essential that members of the SSTUWA do not support breaches of the General Agreement and Teachers Award. Schools are adequately staffed so maximum class sizes do not have to be exceeded. The SSTUWA has long advocated for reduced class sizes and it is important members support this stance.

Industrial (b)

There are duty of care and standard of care issues that are associated with class sizes. For example student safety may be compromised if the teacher cannot adequately control or supervise students. Members have the responsibility to ensure that they can exercise an appropriate standard of care towards their students.


OSH concerns often arise when maximum class sizes are exceeded. This is most common in practical classes. If a large class results in a demonstrable hazard occurring, the Occupational Health and Safety Act 1984 enables members to exercise legislative rights to address OSH concerns.


There are considerable workload implications associated with oversized classes. This can impact on the OSH of employees. For many years our employer has agreed with the SSTUWA that workload is a major concern and has committed to the development of workload management strategies and work practises that address workload issues.

School dispute resolution guidelines Member and union representative action

Outcome 1: School leadership re-distributes students so class sizes match Table A in consultation with affected members. Outcome 2: School leadership provides extra resources to ensure duty of care of students and OSH of employees as an interim measure. • Education assistant support time • Support teacher time • Additional DOTT • Larger classroom

Step 1

• Other: _______________

Meet with the union representative to establish:

Seek to resolve the matter through discussion and negotiation.


In the event a resolution is not achieved

The class size issue/s. For example • Number of oversize classes. • N umber of students over the class maximum in each class. • O SH issues including practical classes. • Size and type of classroom. • Duty of care issues. • Age of student. • S pecific Learning Needs of students.


Decide on resolution/s to match the above class size situation to present to the school leadership.

(iii) Branch rep to meet with principal/ school leadership to raise the branch's concerns and seek resolution.

Union representative advises branch union members that the issue is not resolved and calls a branch meeting as soon as possible. At the meeting, the members should consider passing a branch motion that supports the union position. For example: "The ___________Primary/Secondary School Branch of the SSTUWA does not support members teaching in classes where student numbers are greater than those stipulated in Clause 12 of the General Agreement 2017. The branch requests the school’s administration takes immediate steps to ensure that: • Union members who teach classes that are at capacity in regards to General Agreement 2017 Clause 12 – Class Sizes Table A do not have any additional students allocated to them.

• Union members who are currently teaching in a class that has more students than stipulated in Clause 12 of the General Agreement 2017 have the number of students reduced until numbers conform to this clause. • The union representative/branch negotiate additional support provisions (additional teacher assistant time, DOTT, classroom space) to support teachers with oversized classes. • In the event that students are assigned to oversized classes, members have resolved that they will not be accepting these students into their classrooms due to duty of care and OSH concerns. • That should adequate resolution not be formed by __________ (date), the branch will enact dot point four above."

Step 2 The union representative/branch officers meet with the principal to report on the branch decisions and negotiate a resolution.

Step 3 If class sizes are not adjusted in a reasonable time frame branch members then need to consider taking further action. This stage requires formal dispute resolution action. The union representative should contact Member Assist for advice to progress the matter to a formal dispute through either the OSH disputes resolution process or the General Agreement grievance resolution process. Western Teacher    January 2020



Learning Progressions represent a step backwards By Minh Lam

SSTUWA Senior Vice President Paul Bridge has warned any return to Learning Progressions will see teacher burn out and would ignore the lessons learned in WA when the flawed system was in place around 20 years ago. Mr Bridge said the system being pushed by Federal Education Minister Dan Tehan was similar to an educational model implemented about 20 years in WA known as the Outcomes and Standards Framework. He said that while the philosophy behind the models was positive, the actual implementation of it proved to be too onerous on schools, with teachers and school leaders suffering from burnout at the workload it involved. 10

Western Teacher    January 2020

“Learning Progressions ask you to have each student on their own, individual learning within that class of 32. It is just practically impossible,” Mr Bridge said. “Personalised learning is good if you can create that circumstance, if you have got a teacher ratio of one to six or seven. But most classrooms are one to 32. How do you personalise that?” He said existing curriculum materials were abandoned as teachers had to devise new materials to cater for the Learning Progressions of individual students, while the assessment process was so onerous that teachers had to organise moderation sessions.

“You had early childhood teachers that would be saying, ‘where is this kid at?’ based on these work samples,” Mr Bridge said. “You would have five or six early childhood teachers sitting around and they would be saying, ‘Where is this kid, in terms of their learning progression – where are they at?’ “How many work samples do we need to say that that child has achieved that?" Mr Bridge was a first time school leader at the time and saw the effects increased workload had on his staff. “You had people giving up their time,” he said. “You had people doing after school moderation sessions, travelling to do

Issues moderation session, teleconferences. “It burnt out good people … schools just ended up saying ‘we were not going to follow it’.” Mr Bridge said there was not enough resourcing to help schools and teachers implement the model and parents were confused by school reports that reported using the progression learning model. “It drove the school in the end, it was all consuming,” Mr Bridge said. “All school development days were taken up by it, PDs on the roll out. Basically everything got tied up, there were no other aspects to the school." Mr Bridge said the latest push for Learning Progressions revived concerns that the resourcing would not be there again to support educators. He said in New South Wales schools have been employing relief teachers to allow classroom teachers to have time to collate assessment data on their computers. “We’ve been there and we didn’t have the resourcing to pull teachers out,” Mr Bridge said. “We were doing it after school and at staff meetings. “We’re really nervous about a model that has shown that it has never worked in the past. When we implemented it, it was a dismal failure. “We are really concerned that we are going to go back to something that failed in WA, simple as that.”

Opposed by public educators The Australia Education Union opposes the introduction of Learning Progressions and have called on Minister Tehan (via a letter jointly signed by Federal President Correna Haythorpe and all the state branch presidents) to abandon the implementation of the alpha-phase of Learning Progressions and Online Formative Assessment Initiative “We note that the National School Reform Agreement (NSRA) outlines eight national policy initiatives including 'assisting teachers monitor individual student progress and identify student learning needs through opt-in online and on demand student learning

assessment tools with links to student learning resources, prioritising early years foundation skills' and that the NSRA makes no reference to a singular learning assessment tool, the Learning Progressions or a formative assessment tool,” the AEU letter reads. “We reject any assertion that Learning Progressions or a formative assessment tool are the most appropriate mechanisms for achievement of the objective stated in the NSRA. “We understand that development of these mechanisms is well advanced and yet there has been no formal consultation with the teaching profession in public schools and their union, the Australian Education Union. “This failure to engage with the teaching profession through its representatives has restricted consideration of alternatives to a pre-determined model that only represents a narrow view of assessment tools. “We cannot support the implementation of such reforms unless the teaching profession as practitioners and experts

We’re really nervous about a model that has shown that it has never worked in the past. When we implemented it, it was a dismal failure. We are really concerned that we are going to go back to something that failed in WA, simple as that.

is formally involved through its union from the very beginning of the process to determine the future of student assessment from first principles. “Any student assessment program must have teaching and learning at its heart, be aligned to the Australian Curriculum, be owned, informed and supported by the teaching profession through its democratic union structures and address any workload impacts and professional learning concerns through appropriate additional resourcing.”

Learning Progressions: background Learning Progressions are a formative assessment tool that the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) has developed, in conjunction with the NSW Department of Education, which it claims will assist teachers in implementing the Australian Curriculum, especially in the areas of English and Mathematics. They describe common literacy and numeracy learning pathways for K-10 students, with ACARA believing that the progressions will support teachers in locating where individual students are in terms of their literacy and numeracy development. ACARA also states that Learning Progressions will help teachers understand typical sequencing of learning for literacy and numeracy. “Students acquire literacy and numeracy skills at different rates,” ACARA then-CEO Robert Randall said in January 2018.

“It is up to their school and teacher(s) to teach the Australian Curriculum: English and Mathematics to each of them, including the range of students in between. “The Learning Progressions are not tied to year levels, as they recognise that students typically follow the same sequence or path of learning, albeit at different rates. “The progressions will also allow teachers to identify those students who have not yet reached the age-equivalent curriculum expectations of the Australian Curriculum: English and Mathematics, as well as those who have exceeded them, so they can adjust their teaching to ensure all students make progress.” Trials of the Learning Progressions have taken place across the country, particularly in NSW, where its state education department intends to forge ahead with its implementation.

Western Teacher    January 2020



How to survive a multiaged group classroom By Chloe Scott K-2 teacher, Eneabba Primary School

Working in regional and remote areas can be a very rewarding and fulfilling experience. In some of these areas, student numbers are such that multi-aged group (MAG) classrooms are required. One of our new educators, Chloe Scott (pictured) shares her thoughts and tips for any early career teachers who are teaching or contemplating teaching MAG classes. Multi-Aged Group (MAG) classes can present many challenges for a teacher. Not only are there multiple levels of curriculum to teach, but low numbers make it tricky to group like-ability children. On top of this, MAG classes usually occur in small schools with only a few teachers, so the outside of classroom tasks can be extensive (school council, learning area leader, etc.). These factors can easily become overwhelming and prevent best teaching practices. Here are some tips that I wish I had known when I first started:

Know the curriculum The curriculum has been carefully designed to be built on year by year. If you know the progression of skills, start at the earliest point and differentiate or progress as appropriate for your students’ abilities. The beauty of this is teachers can close any gaps and improve existing skills, particularly if you teach students for consecutive years.


Western Teacher    January 2020

Know your students Take the time to observe and know the capabilities of each of your students. An advantage of MAG classes is that usually your numbers are low. This means fewer students to observe and teachers can spend quality time with each student more often than in a traditional class. When you know the capabilities of your students, you can map this against the curriculum and more easily identify and cater for individual and group needs.

Know what is going on in your classroom If you organise your teaching to be in rotational groups, how do you supervise the group that is not with you? How are you recording the learning that is happening when you are not there? Plan for each and every task to reinforce your teaching intentions and adopt a system that works for you so that you can track outcomes.

Know the programs that you use If your school uses particular programs, such as Talk 4 Writing, or Stepping

Stones, take the time to research these programs and know how to get the best out of them for your MAG class. Are there topics across the years that can align? Even if you think you know, look it up again; the updates and resources can be amazing.

Be organised Good learning outcomes are achieved when you plan for and take the necessary steps to achieve them. When you prepare your resources and have them at hand, you will save so much time and stress and create a productive learning environment.

Have real expectations Don’t forget that you are teaching a MAG class of students of different ages and these students will produce different quality work. Be sure to support and assess each student on their abilities and

not at levels that are too high or below them, but specific to where each student is at. Also have real expectations about yourself. Don’t plan too many outcomes for a short period; be prepared for quality learning to take quality time.

Don’t get distracted by the fluff-tivities We all love walking into a neat and attractive classroom showing students’ work. But if they all match and are largely teacher influenced, what worth does it bring to those in your class? Find a way to incorporate real skills into every activity.

Ask for help When there is a lot going on, lean on those around you. Ask an administration team member if they are free to help out for that tricky maths lesson this week, kindly ask your education assistant or a parent to come and help. The School Curriculum and Standards Authority has some great resources on their website to assist in planning for your MAG class.

Talk to those in schools around you Networks are made with teachers in the schools around you. Smaller schools create a network to share resources and the cost of events including professional development and incursions. Knowing the equivalent teachers in your network offers many opportunities to tap into professional knowledge, share lesson plans and seek support and advice on what is happening in your class. Chances are they are experiencing it too!

Reflect and improve Did that go to plan? Why or why not? When you teach it next time, what changes would you make to improve effectiveness? Be sure to critically reflect on your practices, both good and bad, and identify what changes need to be made in the future. Teaching can be a very rewarding job and overcoming challenges, such as being effective in MAG classes, is a fulfilling journey. I encourage anyone on this journey to consider my tips, but most importantly find what makes you an effective teacher and your students effective learners. To share wise words that were shared with me: work smarter, not harder.

Anna Stewart Project Spending a week learning about the union movement, including the work of the SSTUWA, has been an eye opening experience for long-time member Mishael Peeradina. Mishael, the women’s contact officer from Rawlinson Primary School, was the successful applicant for the 2019 Anna Stewart Memorial Project run by UnionsWA. The week included a one day visit at the SSTUWA. The project aims to give women union members the opportunity to develop knowledge and leadership capacity as they strive to become more active in the union movement. It was named after Anna Stewart, a former active Victorian union official who died in 1983 and worked tirelessly for gains to benefit working women in areas such as representation, wages, and antisexual harassment campaigns. Mishael joined other women from other WA unions for the weeklong schedule of meetings, activities and observation opportunities, including meeting and hearing from and about current and former union leaders, parliamentarians and the Equal Opportunity Commission. At the SSTUWA she observed the work of organisers, growth and membership teams and other internal teams such as Member Assist, case management and the Education and Training Centre. “It is a vibrant workplace, it is brilliant and the sisterhood is awesome,” Mishael said. Mishael also met with union President Pat Byrne (pictured, with SSTUWA women and equity officer Colleen Mack) to learn more


about the purpose of the SSTUWA and discuss current hot topics in relation work conditions and public education. “I’m hoping to go back to my workplace being prepared to take more opportunities and more leadership positions,” Mishael said. “I have sort of doubted myself of that capability. “One of the things I have learned is that as women we don’t believe in ourselves enough, that we are capable for an opportunity, so my advice would be that if you see an opportunity, grab it because chances are you are more than qualified for that opportunity, so take it and seize it. “I also hope to go back and be more involved in the union and perhaps step onto a union committee to understand more how the union works and maybe about how I can help influence the agenda.” Ms Byrne said the Anna Stewart Memorial Project was a terrific opportunity to understand at a very basic level what the union did on a daily basis and the impact of the union’s work for individual members, teachers across the system – and for the public education system as a whole. A full account of Mishael’s week of involvement in the project will be published in a future issue of Western Teacher. If you think this program would benefit you, look out for calls for expressions of interest for this Trade Union Training leave approved program next year, or contact Colleen Mack, Women and Equity Officer for more information on 9210 6000 or via cmack@sstuwa.org.au Western Teacher    January 2020


Occupational safety and health

Why you should elect a safety representative By Joy Barrett OSH organiser

Safety representatives and committees can be an effective mechanism for providing participation and improved consultation between the site manager and the staff on matters of occupational safety and health (OSH). Safety representatives represent their fellow workers and carry out specific functions related to safety and health matters in the workplace, including identifying hazards, incident and hazard reporting and investigation. One of the keys to good OSH leadership is getting your staff involved and taking ownership of what happens within the workplace. OSH management is more likely to succeed if it encourages active involvement of staff and sets up a dialogue between employees and managers. This is best done through safety representatives and committees. One of the challenges to developing a safe workplace, where staff are not afraid to report issues or accidents, is to create a no blame and positively responsible culture.

They can increase participation and constructive discussion about safety and health.

They encourage employees to use safe work practices.

Safety representatives receive excellent training (at no cost to the school) to provide the skills and knowledge to help keep the workplace safe.

They can identify hazards in the workplace that might otherwise go unnoticed – until an accident happens.

They are elected by employees and therefore employees will feel more comfortable to approach them with their OSH concerns.

They can bring your employees’ OSH concerns to your attention and help resolve any disputes at an early stage before they become more complex, protracted or someone becomes injured.

For safety representatives the key requisite is the time to carry out their functions and a commitment to the role by the leadership. It is a voluntary position and undertaken alongside normal duties. There are no examinations that need to be undertaken to qualify as a safety representative but the representative needs to demonstrate the required competencies during the compulsory five day introductory course. A rep must have undertaken the accredited training course in order to be qualified to serve Provisional Improvement Notices (PINs). Once elected, a safety rep can commence carrying out all the other functions prescribed by the Act while awaiting training. Safety representatives are not civilly liable for anything that is done or omitted to be done in their role. However, they can be disqualified under certain circumstances.

Managing safety and health well in your workplace, in consultation with your staff, will result in benefits to your school or college. You can expect fewer grievances, less conflict, reduced sickness absence, more efficient working methods and improved productivity.

They can help school leaders and managers to meet their duty of care and ensure compliance with the OSH legislation.

It is an offence for an employer to cause disadvantage to a safety representative if the reason is substantially because of their position, or for performing their legislated functions.

The legislation requires that safety representatives be elected every two years. There are also rules regarding the formation of an OSH committee, which need to be observed.

The safety representative is not answerable to the principal or manager for the way in which they carry out their function as long as they comply with the code of conduct and other related policy requirements.

There will be fewer student injuries, more time to focus on core business, a sense of pride amongst parents, students and improved relationships with the community.

It is important that employees are not coerced into being a representative or committee member or "dobbed in for it” as many reps report to us at their introductory training.

Safety representatives must be consulted on all matters that might impact on the safety and health of staff and given an opportunity to provide input on such matters.

Safety representatives can be very beneficial in helping to create a safer workplace and a source of advice and assistance to the principal or line manager and their colleagues.

The position of safety representative is a leadership role and the staff need to consider whether the person they nominate and elect (if election is required) has the required skills to represent them.

It is essential that site managers acknowledge the important role safety representatives play in improving safety in the workplace and respect the valuable work that they do in a voluntary capacity.


Western Teacher    January 2020

Issues 1. Educate for democracy broad curriculum, not only ensuring the delivery of the appropriate knowledge, skills and values, but also constituting a solid basis for lifelong learning.

7. Protect education for the common good Education is both an individual and collective right. It gives every person an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills needed for a meaningful life. It is also a nation’s most precious tool to achieve economic growth, social progress and democratic development. Education is a basic social service and one of the cornerstones of democracy. It is one of the core responsibilities of governments to facilitate the delivery of quality education by building and funding strong public-school systems.

8. Keep the market at a safe distance In too many places public school systems are being carved up and outsourced to private businesses. Some believe that education can be delivered free market, preferably with fewer, less standardized testing. This is an illusion. The simplistic transfer of ideas from the corporate world, the introduction of league tables, performance pay and school rankings will not advance education quality. The market has an important role to play in the construction of school buildings, in manufacturing school equipment and in publishing teaching and learning materials. However, one should draw a line so that corporations will not run social inequity or where they would invade teachers’ professional space and tell educators what and how to teach.

9. Don’t let politicians interfere in the classroom It is the responsibility of public authorities to set general objectives

mutual trust between students and educators, which is an important condition for successful teaching and learning. Educators are not law enforcement agents. It is not their task to report information concerning their students to law enforcement agencies, unless school safety is under threat.

13. Open the school to the community Schools are no islands. As the old African proverb says, "It takes a village to raise a child." Preparing students to live in an inclusive democratic society is an educational challenge. It can be met successfully when schools invite parents and the local communities in which they operate to play their part. Partnerships with community groups, businesses and local agencies may not only help achieving the school’s educational targets, they may also strengthen the community’s commitment to public schooling and enhance local democracy.

14. Embrace new technologies with prudence New technologies provide valuable tools to improve teaching and learning. They can enhance education opportunities for students and may help educators improve learning processes. There are dangers also, including an aggressive technology market determining what should be learned and how it should be taught. “Robotizing” teaching is not just wishful thinking in some technology circles. Public authorities reasons. However, inculcating and developing democracy competencies, their behaviors and attitudes depend to a large extent on human interactions between student and educator. New technologies cannot replace the most vital functions of trained, professional teachers.

15. Burst internet bubbles and value privacy

19. Advocate gender equality, diversity and inclusion

Gender equality , diversity and inclusion start in schools and classrooms. The achievement of these values will boost democratic development. ‘Gender equality’ means, according to UNICEF, “that women and men, and girls and boys, enjoy the same rights, resources, opportunities and protections. It does not require that girls and boys, or women and men, be the same, or that they be treated exactly alike”. ‘Diversity’ is

between people and groups of people, and placing a positive value on those

that everybody irrespective of gender, race or background be enabled and given the opportunity to participate. If equality is the end goal, equity, which

and impartial, is the means to get there. Although in many countries progress has been made towards equal access to resources and opportunities, there are still too many places where

fair and impartial treatment of girls and minorities. Public school systems, when adequately funded, are the single

remove barriers to equality, diversity and inclusion, where professional educators can create a learning environment to achieve those same values at classroom level.

20. Protect the right to learn in one’s native language

Language, culture and ethnicity are deeply intertwined. They are also intertwined with inequity, discrimination

often target linguistic minorities. In 2007 the United Nations called upon Member States “to promote the preservation and protection of all languages used by peoples of the world”. Ignoring that call and denying indigenous people the rights to teach and learn in their own language is a form of oppression unbecoming democratic societies.

learning materials to teach and teach

The teaching profession was once described as ‘the noblest of professions’. Around the world, with some notable exceptions, educators are increasingly working on limited contracts, their work load is increasing, their professional space is shrinking, their autonomy challenged, their access to professional development limited, they earn salaries often below the average wage, and in some countries they even lack the

25. Be proud of your profession

In addition to the international human and trade union rights standards protected by the United Nations and the International Labor Organization, global standards exist for the teaching profession. These standards are laid down in the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation Concerning the Status of Teachers (1966) and the UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel (1997) . These Recommendations provide the most authoritative global standards for the teaching profession and are, perhaps, even more relevant now than they were at the time of their adoption.

24. Insist on the application of international standards

rest. In some countries the right to form independent trade unions does not exist; in other countries trade unions are under attack or their rights are restricted. Anti-democratic forces are often leery of representative democratic unions and their ability to mobilize their membership to exert pressure on governments and employers. There are many ways to undermine the functioning of free trade unions, including education unions – portraying them as organizations that are against change and not representative of their members, not inviting representative unions to consultations of importance to their members or weakening them by establishing alternative associations.

25 Lessons from the Teaching Profession Democracy and human rights are not a gift of nature. Their underlying values are to be instilled to future generations. This is the unwritten clause in the assignment of the teaching profession globally. Pedagogy and didactic methods imbued with democratic values should inform all teaching, irrespective of the subject. This is a formidable challenge, particularly in non-democratic countries, where sometimes educators are required to pursue ideological or religious objectives set by the state; but also in countries where school systems are expected to markets and the economy educating future consumers, leaving educators little time or space to contribute to the development of responsible citizens. Educating for democracy requires that and that they enjoy the professional freedom needed to carry out that task.

2.Shape global citizens The world is changing rapidly, and schools must evolve to prepare young people to understand the world in which they live, in all its complexity, to recognize the way in which global understand globalization and its consequences, including global risks, and to have the skills and the desire to contribute to improving the world . Being “global citizens” does not mean abandoning national allegiances, ethnic identities or political beliefs. On the contrary, a global citizen is also an engaged “national citizen”, who balances and integrates the local, the national and the international.

3.Do not be the obedient servant of the state Notwithstanding the responsibility of and to set education goals, educators must always use their professional discretion to interrogate and to reject curricular directives that defy facts, falsify


Western Teacher    January 2020

–John Dewey

generation, and education is its midwife

Democracy has to be born anew every

14. Embrace new technologies

13. Open the school to the community

12. Refuse to bear arms or wear police badges

11. Keep schools safe sanctuaries of learning

10. Question standardized testing

9. Don’t let politicians interfere in the classroom

8. Keep the market at a safe distance

7. Protect education for the common good

6. Build resilience when

5. Stimulate critical thinking

4. Be aware of the thin lines between patriotism and nationalism

3. Do not be the obedient servant of the state

2. Shape global citizens

1. Educate for democracy

25 Lessons from the Teaching Profession

On Education & Democracy

25. Be proud of your profession

24. Insist on the application of international standards

23. Protect your democratic organizations and institutions

22. Defend and extend your collective bargaining rights

21. Stand up for your rights

20. Protect the right to learn in one’s native language

19. Advocate gender equality, diversity and inclusion

18. Do not deny undocumented children access to schools

17. Fight discrimination on grounds of gender, religion, ethnicity, disability, social background and sexual orientation

16. Oppose segregation

15. Burst internet bubbles and value privacy

with prudence


history, lead to xenophobia and hate or are otherwise at odds with international human rights standards. There is a professional and ethical responsibility that may outweigh the authority of education employers, or even of governments where they have abdicated democracy and human rights.

4. Be aware of the thin lines between patriotism and nationalism Patriotism may be positive to the extent that it emphasizes the positive values of a nation and is not based on division. However, the term has often been distorted and confused. The line between patriotism and nationalism tends to express itself as being in opposition to others and slips easily into chauvinism and nativism, which are a fertile ground for discrimination and other anti-democratic practices. In countries where rightwing populism is on the rise, schools and educators may be under pressure to have nationalistic

5. Stimulate critical thinking A fundamental capacity and competency for democracy is the ability to think critically. Without that ability one is subject to control and manipulation by others. This requires a broad curriculum and pedagogies that cultivate students’ responsibility, imagination and creativity, as implied by UN Sustainable Development Goal 4, Target 4.7.

6. Build resilience when Political equality, which is fundamental to democracy, involves a wide range of issues including eligibility to vote, run process. It also involves trade union and civil society engagement, access to free media, and the exercise of basic rights. Political equality may be undermined by socio-economic inequality. Free public education accessible to all citizens provides the best opportunity to reduce those inequalities. Schools and educators can build resilience with a

and targets for their education systems. Schools and educators, however, must be autonomous in applying educational methods and in selecting the teaching and learning materials that will help them reach those targets. Politicians should not interfere in the work of professional educators, by prescribing educational methods and content.

10. Question standardized testing In a growing number of countries, the expansion and reliance on standardized testing and allied techniques has crowded out education processes needed to develop critical thinking and impart democratic values. It puts a premium on scores rather than learning, it tends to narrow the range of teaching and learning and turns school systems into competitive markets. Testing is important – when used as the diagnostic tool of educators helping students to improve their learning performance, not as governments’ instrument to evaluate the performance of educators and schools.

11. Keep schools safe sanctuaries of learning Schools have been targets in warfare around the world students and teachers have been victims of violent attacks while in school. In other parts of the world, schools and universities have not always been “safe sanctuaries” either. Tragic school shootings in the US and Europe have shown the vulnerability of educational institutions, particularly in countries without adequate arms control. But schools do not only require protection against violence coming from outside. Just as important are schools’ own policies and measures to ban violence by students and to create a safe learning environment protecting students against bigotry and bullying.

12. Refuse to bear arms or wear police badges Educators should not bear arms. The presence of arms in schools do not contribute to a safe learning environment. Neither do they enhance

but it entails risks too. It makes true, but also false information available instantly and globally. It is important for young people to learn how to use the internet in social networks. In many schools cyberbullying has become a plague. Furthermore, there are issues of privacy. Internet operations are dominated by a few giant corporations and there is little or no democratic control on the collecting and use of data, while in some places public authorities are eagerly collecting and storing personal data without much regard for invading their citizens’ privacy.

16. Oppose segregation “A country that educates its children together has a better chance of being at ease with itself than one that segregates an early age” . Keeping children apart, unless for the purpose of giving extra attention to students with special needs, than overcomes barriers to social cohesion, and poses challenges to the achievement of democracy.

17. Fight discrimination on grounds of gender, religion, ethnicity, disability, social background and sexual orientation Discrimination is often based on fear and bigotry. It is irrational and brings out the worst in human character. It is to be addressed throughout the education system, beginning when people are still young but able to understand that discrimination is not just intellectually unsound, but also against values of democracy and simple fairness.

18. Do not deny undocumented children access to schools The right to free primary and secondary education is universal. No child should be denied that right, including undocumented minors. Like access to health care services, children, irrespective of their legal status, should have access to schooling.

Moreover, children whose primary language is not the language of instruction in school are more likely to drop out of school or fail in early grades. Research has shown that children’s

for literacy and learning throughout primary school. However, learning

secondary language, should always remain a mandatory objective to be achieved upon completion of the school career.

21. Stand up for your rights

Protecting our democratic systems means speaking out, engaging and standing up for your rights and for those of your colleagues and students. The

to improve the fate of our students, the profession and our communities remains collective action through democratic, independent trade unions.

22. Defend and extend your collective bargaining rights

well. It is called ‘de-professionalization’. Governments that allow the teaching profession to erode, put the future of their nations at risk. But educators, proud of their profession and organizations, will not abandon their place on the frontlines of democracy.

Education International is the voice of educators and education support

community. It represents 400 national education unions in 170 countries and territories with a combined membership of 32.5 million.

5 Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 1210 Brussels, Belgium +32 2 224 06 11

www.ei-ie.org @eduint

The SSTUWA is the industrial and professional voice of the Western Australian public school teaching profession.


Collective bargaining is a right that is fundamental to democracy and to ensuring that societies, and not just elections, are democratic. Collective bargaining in education is closely linked with education quality. Making collective bargaining illegal or limiting its scope limits democracy. In some countries, education unions, which are the guardians and representatives of the teaching profession, are no longer considered privileged partners for education policy discussions. In some situations, handpicked “experts” are substituted for educators’ elected representatives which makes it much less likely that the experience of educators will inform education reform.

23. Protect your democratic organizations and institutions

www.sstuwa.org.au @sstuwa

1 West Street West Perth WA (08) 9210 6000 contact@sstuwa.org.au

Democracy entails more than a democratically elected government. An independent trade union movement, like a free press, a vibrant civil society and a strong public-school system, is one of the pillars on which democratic societies

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) 1 West St, West Perth. October 2019.

On Education & Democracy

Western Teacher    January 2020


Our mandate


By David Edwards General Secretary, Education International

This article was originally published on EI’s Worlds of Education blog website and is based on a speech made by David Edwards at the Eighth World Congress of Education International in Bangkok (pictured). It has been edited for clarity and brevity. Being elected General Secretary of Education International (EI) is a great honour. It is a challenge to live up to the confidence that has been given by the representatives of education workers from all regions of the world. It is also comforting to join that small team of talented leaders elected on the first day of our Congress. We are meeting a year after celebrating the first quarter century of EI. That merger produced strong global structures based on a solid foundation of values. That is the precious inheritance that we share and will deploy to meet the challenges to trade unionism, to the teaching profession, and to education in coming years. However, that period was also one of profound changes in the attitudes of political leaders towards the common good, the central role of government and governance, and the value and values of the public sector. Our times are marked by a rising tide of nativism, income inequality, political conflicts, environmental degradation and an unchecked corporate sector consolidating power and influence. The organised, collective voice of teachers and education personnel has witnessed the damage this tide has brought to their students, colleagues and communities and has accepted the call to lead, to resist and to mobilise. We resist the increasing individualisation and even atomisation of society, and its impact in our classrooms. We resist the push for environments that, in the name of efficiency, become less human and more mechanical.

We resist the datafication, weaponisation and commercialisation of our information and the flexibilisation, deregulation and precarity of our work. But most importantly we resist the notion that greater inequality and fewer rights are inescapable consequences of the fourth industrial revolution and inevitable for the future of work. In the progress report to the Eighth World Congress, I will lay out the advances we are making despite the challenges and odds. I will hold up a mirror to the 1,500 delegates and observers from around the world about the commitment I see in them and their organisations. I will repeat what I have heard from so many corners about the compelling need for leaders to frame a new narrative and chart a new path amidst the rising and turbulent waters of complexity, insecurity and isolation.

resist a delivery system for hatred and intolerance. “If only” has become an effective rhetorical device for awakening people to their collective power and possibility. If only we had a respected role in our communities and were entrusted with the education of future generations. If only we were part of a global, regional and nationally organised movement that was at its core about respect for human beings, children and adults, and the need for dignity and democracy. Human beings are, by nature, social animals. They do not flourish in splendid isolation. They are, rather, stimulated, developed and educated through interaction and relationships with others.

If only there was a group of people who stood for dignity and collective action in the face of disinformation networks as they expand into politics to “market” candidates and issues in the most simplistic possible way.

People long for community. A sense of community can come with a common identity around shared values. Or identity can be used as a weapon to exclude and divide. This is why schools and curricula have become the targets of so many negative, destructive campaigns by authoritarian, populist nationalists.

If only that group could educate, inform and activate citizens who have the vision to see the manipulation that contributes to, and amplifies, the distortion of public debate – and the courage to

However, neither short nor long-term solutions will come from such quarters. The flash of light they offer blinds with fear and hatred. If only there were a (continued on page 20) Western Teacher    January 2020


Professional (continued from page 19) collective of people acting and educating for a more stable light of democratic values and processes that illuminate, with hope, a path to a better, more just future. Neither educators nor trade unionists can change the world alone. However, we should never under-estimate our contributions and impact. We are in every community. We are still, widely respected.

Parental leave case win By John Theodorsen Legal Services Consultant

And, we work every day, with the future – young people. Those here in Bangkok will hear me make a call to action that wonders what would happen “if only” we recognised our collective power, vision and leadership. As a post script to that call, understanding the inverse is equally essential. Only if we take the lead in our profession will we have the ability to ensure that education is human-centred and that our classrooms are places of deliberation, inquiry and diversity. Only if we take the lead to seek equitable, predictable and sustainable long-term funding of public education, can we provide our students – even the most disadvantaged – adequate resources and services, as well as good, supportive working environments for our colleagues, a combination that nurtures healthy school communities. Only if we build alliances within and beyond our communities will we develop the trust and strength necessary to illuminate a path to a better, more sustainable future. Only if we carry with us that which we resolve this week when we leave Bangkok and return to our homes, our schools and our unions, will our shared agenda grow roots and take form and substance. As the newly-elected general secretary of Education International I am hopeful because solidarity is the lifeblood of our organisation. I know that we are more than the sum of our parts. We come together to reaffirm our principles and to chart a steady, common course for an uncommon time. I cannot imagine anywhere else I would rather be. 20

Western Teacher    January 2020

Often the work of the SSTUWA Legal Services Team involves taking up a case where a member has suffered hardship that cannot be rectified by an appeal to legal entitlements.

employer, which persuasively argued that the member had been caught by an exceptional circumstance and was deserving of compassionate consideration.

In such cases, the challenge is to convince the employer to exercise discretion to assist a member whose circumstances are such that it would be fair and reasonable to do so.

It was an important factor in the submission that the member’s circumstances could be shown to be truly exceptional, so that there was no risk of a flood of future claims if discretion was exercised to assist the member.

In a recent matter, SSTUWA case manager Mario Schmidt was called on to assist a member in a case involving parental leave. Initially, the member was granted paid parental leave, but after she proceeded on leave, it was discovered that a technicality to do with calculating her length of service meant that she was not entitled to the leave, on a strict reading of the Award. The member was liable to repay more than $8,000 and would not receive further leave payments. Mario carefully reviewed the circumstances and assisted the member to make a submission to the

On consideration of the submission and the member’s circumstances, the employer decided to waive the debt and grant parental leave for the remainder of the period that would have applied, had the member been eligible from the beginning. This case demonstrates the benefit of a careful, methodical approach and maintaining sound communications with the employer’s representatives, which is an important factor in seeking a compassionate outcome where a strict legal entitlement may not be able to be proved.

Guide to legal services

Guide to legal

Being involved in legal matters can be stressful and difficult. SSTUWA members can be reassured that their union has them covered.




Guide to lega

l services

The full SSTUWA members' guide to legal services may be found at sstuwa.org.au/legal Contact your union rep or Member Assist with any queries: (08) 9210 6060 | 1800 106 683 memberassist@sstuwa.org.au

Version 3, Octo

ber 2018

Authorised by

Mary Franklyn,

General Secretary,

The State School

Teachers’ Union

of W.A. (Inc.)


Members’ matters

This summer we’ve got you covered Expert advice at your fingertips | Access to Teachers Health Fund Support when you need it | Journey Accident Cover insurance Huge savings on professional development | Member benefit discounts

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Western Teacher    January 2020


Seen around

Seen around the SSTUWA confidence, cultivating a positive mindset and building resilience.

bias in the workplace, fitness for work and advocacy for members.

In the afternoon, Frauke BoltenBoshammer took to the speaker’s lectern to share her story of arriving in Australia as a German migrant and building up a business empire that is Kimberley Fine Diamonds. At the conference workshops were also held on topics such as financial advice,

Also seen around the SSTUWA building recently were members of the Retired Teachers Association, who convened for their annual Christmas morning tea, organised by the union to thank them for their continued association with the SSTUWA.

Women’s Conference: Guest speaker Priya Cooper with Karen Prosser.

Women’s Conference: Roslyn Jackson with guest speaker Jenny Cole.

Women’s Conference: Dale Nixon and Melissa Peden.

RTA Christmas: Keith Davies

RTA Christmas: Celebrating another fantastic year for the RTA.

The 2019 SSTUWA Women’s Conference saw women members of the union converge at the SSTUWA building for a day of hearing from inspirational speakers and participating in educational workshops. Conference attendees heard from former Australian Paralympian Priya Cooper and wellbeing consultant Jenny Cole, who spoke about strategies to improve


Western Teacher    January 2020

Seen around

Women's Conference: Susan Havlin, Samantha Saunders, Angela Teasdale

Women’s Conference: Susan Margaret, Claire Nankivell and Kaye Ihms.

RTA Christmas: Cherrie Searle, Keith Davies and Dina Ponosh get stuck into festivities.

Women’s Conference: Jonelle Rafols and Pamela Hamilton

RTA Christmas: Pat Spillman and June Davies

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Western Teacher    January 2020


Education and Training Centre

Education & Training Centre Choose the SSTUWA to meet your learning needs in 2020 The SSTUWA Education and Training Centre team is committed to providing high quality learning opportunities for educators at all stages of their careers. New graduates, early career teachers, experienced teachers, aspiring leaders and school leaders will find relevant, collaborative and empowering learning opportunities available throughout 2020. These learning experiences include: seminars, hands-on workshops, conferences, forums, network meetings, online courses, industrial training and long-term projects, all designed to support educators to keep up with the ever-changing educational landscape. We invite you to browse our calendar of events on a regular basis and join us to work together to ensure quality teaching and learning in schools and TAFEs.

Industrial Training

Make use of your Trade Union Training leave to build your knowledge, skills and understandings of your union leadership role. If you are a union delegate in your school, don’t miss out on attending relevant delegate training to support you in your role. Each term we will offer union representative training (at various levels), OSH courses, women’s contact officer training and one-day industrial topics of interest.

Professional Learning

Our face-to-face professional learning calendar for 2020 will be bursting with a wide range of courses conducted by highly-skilled, experienced and passionate educators. Let us help you reach your personal professional goals. Join us during any of the school breaks to participate in some great professional learning opportunities. You will find new courses on offer addressing topics around behaviour management, special needs, information technology, personal development, curriculum, career advancement and instructional intelligence. Discount prices apply for part-time, relief and student teacher members.

Conferences and Forums

The SSTUWA carries a reputation for hosting outstanding conference events. In 2020 we will not disappoint. Join us at one of several conferences planned for the year including the Women’s Conference, Early Childhood Conference, Safety at School Conference and Instructional Intelligence Facilitator Conference.

Online Learning Opportunities

The SSTUWA is proud to continue to partner with the Teacher Learning Network in Melbourne to offer members a wide range of online learning events across a range of topics. Benefit from interacting with teachers from across Australia as you participate in live events. Download handouts and PowerPoint slides provided by presenters, chat and interact with other participants, and enjoy the flexibility of doing it all from your own home or office. Browse our calendar of online events today. 24

Western Teacher    January 2020

Education and Training Centre

Term One: 2020 Calendar of Events Industrial Training Events (TUT) Title Union Representatives Training Level Three: Schools Women’s Contact Officer Level One: Schools and TAFE Union Representative Level One: Schools Union Representative and Committee Delegate Training: TAFE Keeping Educators Skilled Up and Safe – Albany

Date Monday-Tuesday 16-17 March Thursday-Friday 19-20 March Thursday-Friday 26-27 March Thursday-Friday 26-27 March Wednesday-Thursday 1-2 April

OSH Training Title Education Specific Five-Day Introductory Course for OSH Reps Education Specific Two-Day Refresher Course for OSH Reps

Date Monday-Friday 24-28 February Monday-Tuesday 23-24 March

Professional Events Title Instructional Intelligence Facilitator Course: Day Five Writing Competitive Job Applications for Teaching Positions

Date Friday 13 March Saturday 21 March

Conferences and Forums Title Early Childhood Forum

Date Friday 3 April

Online Learning Events Title Numeracy in the Primary Classroom – Problem Solving Numeracy in the Primary Classroom – Five Games to Improve Numeracy Literacy in the Classroom – Incorporating Student Conferencing Creating Inviting Play Spaces for Young Children Creating Warm Relationships with Families in ECE Top 10 Tips Session 1: Top 10 Moments in your First Year of Teaching Top 10 Tips Session 2: Top 10 Tips for Minimising Off-Task Behaviour

Date Term One Term One Term One Term One Term One Tuesday 3 March Tuesday 17 March

District Council Events Title Moore (Central Wheatbelt) Butler/Hillarys/Morley/Scarborough/Swan Goldfields-Roe (Katanning/Narrogin) Bunbury (Bunbury/Collie/Preston/Vasse) Belmont/Fremantle/Jandakot/Kalamunda/Maylands/Perth/Riverton/Victoria Park Goldfields (Kalgoorlie) Murray/Rockingham Moore (Geraldton/Moore) Goldfields-Roe (Esperance) Stirling (Albany) Kimberley-Pilbara

Date Friday 6 March Friday 6 March Tuesday 10 March Wednesday 11 March Wednesday 11 March Thursday 12 March Wednesday 18 March Thursday 26 March Tuesday 31 March Thursday 2 April Wednesday 8 April

Western Teacher    January 2020


Member benefits

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Bose headphones or Bluetooth speaker, or a year’s worth of Magic Hand car washes with any easifleet procured novated lease.


Fleet Network

Package your next car and save on tax. Bonus Samsung 8” tablet or Dash Cam with vehicle delivery.




Save up to 15% off selected items.


Longroad Website Development

Discounted website development and hosting.


PLE Computers

Save on your IT with access to the PLE Computers academic portal.


Educational Resources Classroom Management

A Thinking and Caring Approach. By Barrie Bennett and Peter Smilanich.


Effective Group Work

Beyond Cooperative Learning. By Barrie Bennett.


5-10% discount on vehicle hire in Australia, NZ, USA and Canada.

Graphic Intelligence

Motor Market by Union Shopper



You choose the car, then we find you the lowest price.

Possibilities for Assessment and Instruction. By Barrie Bennett.

Instructional Intelligence

10% discount on vehicle hire in Australia.

Building Instructional Expertise for the Classroom. An SSTUWA project in collaboration with Barrie Bennett.




Teacher Superstore


Thrifty Car and Truck Rental

10% discount on tyres.


Western Motor Vehicle Consultants

We’ll find a car you’ll love. Save time and money when sourcing your next vehicle.


Computers Altronics

5-10% discount, in store and online.


Entertainment Adventure World

Save up to $14.50 on Adventure World tickets with Westclub.



Build it yourself electronics centre. VIP trade discount in store and online.

Movie tickets


Apple on Campus


Allwest Fleet

Vehicle salary packaging – save time, money and tax. Receive a $300 gift card with your new car.



Massive discounts on products and services for SSTUWA members

Western Teacher   October 2019

sstuwa.org.au/altronics For details visit:



Save up to 15% off selected items.


Discounts on physical tickets (greater savings) and instant digital tickets.


Indoor rock climbing in Northbridge. $14 all day climbing pass with harness hire.


Member benefits *Terms & conditions apply.

Please visit our website for full details.

For more information visit sstuwa.org.au/benefits and the benefits tab of the SSTUWA App Food and Wine Campbells

Complimentary day pass to access wholesale prices on groceries and other goods.


Cellar d’Or

Best value winery tour in the Margaret RIver Region. 10% discount for members.


Cracka Wines

Teachers Health Fund

Join the thousands of teachers who have already made the switch.


Teachers Health – Travel

10% discount on travel insurance.


STA Travel Insurance

$20 discount for members.


7.5% off online wine orders.


Taste Bud Tours

10% discount, in store and online.


Abacus Educational Supplies

Swan Valley “Speed Grazing” – 20% discount. Good Food, Wine & Cider (am) or Good Food, Wine & Beer (pm).


Health and Wellbeing



Dot Mall

BBQs, heaters and backyard kitchens. 5% discount for members.

St John

Electrical buying



First aid saves lives. Discounted first aid courses and kits for members.

Let Union Shopper find the best deal on your electrical purchases.

WA Opticians




20% discount on spectacle frames and lenses. Perth and East Perth.

Housing Houspect

Buy, build and invest with confidence. $50 discount on building inspections.


Johns Building Supplies

Trade prices on paint and painters’ hardware. Builders prices on all other hardware lines.



Specialising in skylights and roof ventilation, servicing all regions of WA. 7% discount off selected products.


Insurance and Legal ISinsured

Up to an extra 10% off any print and digital magazine subscription; over 4,000 titles.

Jackson’s Drawing Supplies

10% discount in Jackson’s 12 shops and online.


Petals Flowers & Gifts

20% off flowers and gifts. World-wide delivery available.



Choice Hotels

Choice Hotels welcomes SSTUWA members with exclusive rates at locations in Australia and NZ.


Comfort Hotel Perth City

Rooms from $145 per night including Light Start Breakfast for two. Located near the WACA in East Perth.


Experience Oz

Save 10% on over 3,000 experiences across Oz + NZ.


Inn the Tuarts Guest Lodge

Forest retreat, 4-star, with indoor pool, Jacuzzi, sauna and BBQ. Adults (12 years+) only. Five minutes to Busselton. Studios and rooms. 22.5% off rack rate or best available rate.


International Teacher Identity Card (ITIC)

Discounts on flights, restaurants, movies, shopping, groceries and more. $10 off ITIC for members.




Cost plus 5% on all products. Osborne Park location only; in store or via phone. Nation-wide delivery available.

Luxurious, self-contained accommodation in Margaret River. Discounted rates for members.

Teacher Superstore

Mandurah Houseboats

5-10% discount, in store and online.


The Good Guys Commercial

SSTUWA Legal Services

Vet Products Direct


Great savings for teachers at Accor Hotels in the Asia Pacific region.

Jarrah Grove Forest Retreat

Online access to live discounted pricing on The Good Guys’ full range.

Access to quality legal services for both work-related and personal matters.

Accor Hotels


Insurance for union members. Home, contents, car, landlords.


Travel and Accommodation


10% discount on pet products, plus advice from professionals.


10% discount on houseboat holidays.


Rottnest ferry tickets

Save up to $18 on Rottnest ferry tickets with WestClub.


STA Travel

Exclusive discounts for members.


Western Teacher   October 2019



Classifieds Block for sale: Kalbarri

Large 770sqm block, ready to build on, two streets from the beach. 22m frontage with north facing winter aspect. Walking distance to all facilities. Be quick as seller will negotiate. All offers considered. 0402 349 203

For sale: Cooloongup

3x2 plus large utility room, fully powered workshop set amongst a quiet street and bushland. Large patio area and backyard for entertaining and family time. Offers from $350,000. EOI: 0401 847 317

Albany (Little Grove)

Silent Grove Cottage. Self-contained two bedroom (queen/two singles) on two hectares of bushland. Undercover parking. Close to yacht club, walking/ bike trails, national park and beaches. Teachers’ rate: $150 per night. Stay seven, get one free. www.silentgrove.iinet.net.au 9844 4950 | merron@iinet.net


“Wywurry Holidays” in 2x1 fully furnished cottage. Min 2 nights, max 6 weeks. Sleeps 4, more with camp beds. Pet friendly. 20 min walk to Middleton Beach. $100/night for 4 people; $10/night per extra person. $550/week. $2,000/month. Linen fee optional $50 per visit/week. Sara: 0499 057 647 saralindsay41@gmail.com

Dunsborough (Quindalup)

Large 4x2 holiday home on Geographe Bay Rd. Swimming beach 30m away. Free use of private boat mooring. Room to park boats with boat ramp a minute away. Slow combustion wood heater and reversecycle air-con. Available all year except for leavers’ vacation. No pets. 0419 943 203 | 9448 5527 a_r_moore@bigpond.com


Après Huit and Dwell Cottage provide luxury self-contained accommodation set in beautifully landscaped gardens. Can be rented separately or together. Après Huit: 2x2, main house. Dwell Cottage: 1x1, furnished in a French theme. Robert: 0419 954 079 dwellcottage.com.au


Shady two bedroom beach cottage 300 metres from surf beach and protected Falcon Bay. Located on a grassy, peppermint gum 1012 sq metre block. Sleeps eight. Well-equipped including BBQ. Close to Miami Village and all amenities, great for crabbing and fishing. Less than one hour from Perth’s CBD along Forrest Hwy. $150 per night for Western Teacher readers. 0415 035 390 | richard.wright@iinet.net.au


Serenity Escape is a 2x1 apartment with full kitchen, offering comfort and convenience. 20 min walk to beach, 5 min drive to train station, walking distance to Whitfords Brewing Co, cinema and shops. Toiletries, slippers and coffee machine provided. Min 2 nights. Sleeps 4, or 5 with mattress. No pets. $125/night for 3 people; $10/night per extra person. Molly: 0428 166 559 mollysletters@gmail.com

Mt Lawley/Dianella

3x1 spacious holiday rental. One double, one queen, five singles. 200m from the river and town. Magnificent river views. One large living area, three sided veranda and BBQ. Provide own linen and towels. $150 per night plus $50 cleaning fee. gregrowl@iinet.net.au

Studio B&B. New, stylish single room. Fridge, kitchenette, TV, aircon in lovely peaceful Floreat house and garden. Linen, tea/coffee, continental/cooked breakfast ingredients supplied. Suit mature person wishing to enjoy quiet accommodation. Close to city, buses, shops, hospitals and beaches. $85 per night, min two nights. Weekly and monthly rates available. SMS: 0422 333 057

Newly built 1x1 self-contained extension, furnished, with laundry, dining, lounge, kitchen and one undercover parking bay. Aircon, TV, fridge, washing machine and microwave included. Quiet residential area close to city, buses, Galleria Morley, Mt Lawley cafe strip and Northbridge. 10 min walk to Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre; golf course across the road. $80 per night, min two nights. $50 per night for weekly and monthly rentals. 0439 964 239 | cymbie.burgoyne@gmail.com

Cowaramup (Margaret River Region)

France (South)



Private B&B within newly built home. Parkland setting. Private queen bedroom, bathroom and breakfast room. Private entry and dedicated parking. 10 mins to Margaret River, Gracetown, central to wineries/breweries and beaches. $120 per night per couple including breakfast. Lee: 0412 902 932


The Rise is a modern, comfortable, 3x2 fully equipped house close to town with elevated views. Located close to Scotsdale and Mt Shadforth drives and their many tourist attractions. Stay for 7 nights and pay for 6 nights. Bookings.denmark.com.au (property The Rise) (08) 9848 2055, 9am to 5pm


3x2 house located in quaint village adjacent to Canal du Midi - noted for having 300 days of sunshine per year and hence lots of vineyards. Spain is 1hr drive; Barcelona is 2hr drive. $700 per week. 0407 368 511 | craigrebecca@bigpond.com


Short term accommodation in central Fremantle. Recently refurbished with all conveniences for modern living. Townhouse has three queen-sized bedrooms plus provision for two singles. Enjoy time in the rear garden, complete with BBQ. Secure parking for two cars, access controlled by electric gates. 9430 4458 | 0407 083 174 info@westerley.com.au

Renovated, self-contained 30s-style three bedroom house with beautiful river views. Short walk across the bridges to town. Sleeps six-eight. Kevin: 0414 446 431


One bedroom private spa apartment in quiet Prevelly cul-de-sac. Two minute walk from beach. Suits couples. $165 per night for Western Teacher readers. Lucy: lcartell@iinet.net.au


Stay on Brighton. Comfortable 3x2 unit is a home away from home with everything you need. Sleeps six adults. Caters for children. Conveniently located near shops and café; 10 minute walk to beach. Western

Email 50 words or fewer to editor@sstuwa.org.au with your phone and union membership numbers. Free for members. 28

Western Teacher    January 2020


Classifieds Teacher special: stay six nights and the seventh night is free. Lisa: 0408 914 090 lisamaree77@hotmail.com


Self contained accommodation. Kitchen, laundry, queen sized bed plus fold out double couch in lounge. Free WiFi and Netflix. Own entrance. Find us on Facebook. Kerry: 0409 884 330 | FB: @justriggin 67justriggin@gmail.com


Rammed earth cottage, 2x1, nestled amongst bushland. Well located, short walk to Studio Gallery Bistro, two-minute drive to Caves House. Beaches, galleries, wineries and restaurants close by. Sleeps six. No dogs. stayz.com.au (property 136151) Kirsty: 0419 927 660

Victoria (Jan Juc Beach)

Planning a holiday to Victoria? Stay on the beautiful Surf Coast, in between Torquay and the famous Bells Beach. Sleeps eight comfortably. Walking distance to the beach, golf club, shops and river mouth. Everything you need is already there. Large entertaining areas. Discount for Western Teacher readers. 0403 803 064

Discover the best of India

Bespoke guided tours. Choose: your itinerary; your dates; your inclusions; your ayurvedic/yoga retreat; your festivals; your budget. Your holiday, your way! Personalised information sessions – we come to you. H&M Luxury Tours ...creating memories! 0409 554 702 | support@luxetoursindia.com luxetoursindia.com

Tranquillity Counselling, Psychotherapy and Career Development

I provide holistic, confidential practical counselling to help you deal with an array of issues, some being: general relationship, mental health, anger issues/management;

anxiety; depression; self-harm; grief and trauma; addiction; abuse; palliative care. Milica Robinson, MCnsig&Psychthpy, GradCertCareerDev, BEd. 0422 358 187

Retirement coach

Are you recently retired or retiring soon? You probably have a financial plan in place but developing a plan for the non-financial side of retirement can be as important as preparing financially. I offer support and guidance for the transition from work to retirement, helping you to find purpose and meaning in retirement. Contact me to arrange an obligation free chat. retirementcoaching01@gmail.com

Marriage celebrant

Marriage celebrant with 12 years of experience, working in the Peel, South West and Perth areas. Specialising in creating personalised ceremonies for couples at their chosen wedding location. I’d love to help you plan your special day! Meridith: 0400 312 535 meri.lake4@gmail.com

Marriage celebrant

Heart Centered Ceremonies for couples wanting a personalised wedding. Lee will help you design your dream wedding – a memorable occasion. Mention this ad to receive a discount. Lee: 0404 655 567 leehalligancelebrant.com.au

Marriage celebrant

Experienced professional celebrant available, all areas. Formal or informal, large or small weddings. A Beautiful Ceremony will help you design an unforgettable and uniquely personal ceremony. Mary: 0418 906 391 maryburke40@hotmail.com

Learn to social dance

Learn jive, waltz, rumba, samba, tango and other dances for social events (ball, wedding, cruise, etc). A fun and easy course with quality instruction. Join with

or without a partner. Melville (LeisureFit) Recreation Centre. Mondays 7.30-9pm. $118/8 weeks. Beginners’ course held every term. Term 1 starts 10 February. Stan: 9330 6737 | stan@stansdancing.com

First aid training for students

St John Ambulance WA offers free first aid training to all school aged students, ranging from Triple 000 Hero for kindergarten students to Road Trauma First Aid for secondary school students. Courses are curriculum mapped. 9334 1259 | youth@stjohnambulance.com.au

Calling all retired teachers!

Are you a retired teacher with a spirit of adventure and time to spare? Would you like to assist families in remote areas of WA? You may like to join REVISE WA as a tutor. For more info, visit www.revisewa.com.au

Wanted: Teacher resources

Wanted: Your unwanted teacher resources and materials. Declutter and make some extra cash at the same time. If you have unused and unwanted resources cluttering up your classroom or home, call Kris. Kris: 0401 263 070

Belly Rubs Boarding Kennels

Personalised approach to boarding your canine companion. $25 per dog – mention you’re a teacher to receive a 10 per cent discount. Located in Southern River. Elisa: 0417 620 766 | bellyrubsboarding.com

Macramé is the new yoga

I'm a teacher running small group macramé classes in a cosy home studio. Join me and discover the power of mindfulness as you learn to engage your mind and your hands in a fun supportive environment. It's a powerful way to calm a busy mind. marcia@knotinlove.com.au

Western Teacher    January 2020




Email to editor@sstuwa.org.au

Retired Teachers’ Association We had the usual warm reception at the union morning tea in December. Mary Franklyn spoke and Paul Bridge also attended.

cheerful members, a splendid room and we follow practice with morning tea at 11.30am. We warmly welcome newly retired members.

We begin choir on Monday 10 February at 10am at the SSTUWA premises at West Street, West Perth. Sue Lunn will be our accompanist, to be followed by Adrian at a later date. We have a happy conductor,

Literature will begin on 6 April at noon. Ann Strauss: 9387 2906

Getting Organised for 2020

Are you retired and play piano?

SSTUWA elections

Join the RTA choir as our accompanist

Are you interested in becoming a State Council delegate or joining an SSTUWA committee?

The Retired Teachers' Association choir is in search of a piano accompanist. If you're interested, or for more information, contact SSTUWA reception: (08) 9210 6000 contact@sstuwa.org.au

Nominations are now open. More info: Find Getting Organised 2020 included with this edition of Western Teacher or visit sstuwa.org.au/GO20

State Council Conference

Research and studies

Members/branches wishing to submit motions for June State Council must do so by 5pm Thursday 9 April.

Did you know we have an extensive collection of research and studies on our website?

Items for November State Council must be received by 5pm Friday 25 September.

SSTUWA committee meeting dates:

Early Childhood Educators’ Committee

TAFE Committee

Time: 4.15pm

Venue: SSTUWA office | Contact: (08) 9210 6000 or contact@sstuwa.org.au Teleconference facilities are available

International Committee

LGBTIQ Committee

Time: 5pm

Time: 4.30pm

Time: 4pm

Dates to be confirmed

Dates to be confirmed

Dates to be confirmed

New Educator Committee

Women’s Committee

Psych Services Committee

ATSIE Committee

Time: 4.30pm

Time: 4.15pm

Time: 4.45pm

Time: 4pm

Dates to be confirmed

Dates to be confirmed

Dates to be confirmed

26 February 19 May

24 March 16 June


To view these, visit sstuwa.org.au/research

6 August 21 October

8 September 17 November

Western Teacher    January 2020

Transition to Retirement Specialists

Financial solutions and advice to help you transition

TTR and Tax benefits will continue into 2020 & beyond! Please see tipsfs.com.au

Are You Retiring or Reducing Hours in 2020? What you will need to consider … • • • •

Can I afford to drop a day? How much will be enough to retire on? How can I maximize my income & reduce tax? When is it best to pay off my mortgage?

Getting Organised 2020

A support package for

Electing union reps and OSH reps Establishing branches Joining union committees Nominating State Council delegates

Please retain this document. It contains important information relating to: establishing branches, nominations for branch positions, nominations for State Council, occupational safety and health and other significant union information. Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

Getting Organised January 2020


Building your union branch At the start of each year, union members at your worksite should meet to organise your branch of the SSTUWA. It is generally the responsibility of the previous year’s union representative to arrange this meeting. The rep (or other member) should use the information in this document to build the worksite branch for 2020.

First days 1) Set up the union noticeboard.

are included on page 18 of this document. An OSH rep update form was included in the info pack posted to the SSTUWA representative at your worksite and is also available online at sstuwa.org.au/go20 3) Union communications •

Agree on the regularity and forms of communication for union-related information within your worksite.

Agree on and diarise future union meeting dates for the year.

Delegate a union noticeboard keeper.

2) Arrange to convene the initial union meeting, preferably during week one or two of 2020, or arrange to hold a ballot via email. (Note: all union members must be informed.)

After the meeting

Initial union meeting

Important jobs to do as the 2020 union rep and/or deputy union rep:

Materials for meeting: • The Nominations for branch office bearers form. • Membership list. • OSH rep update form. • Getting Organised 2020 (this document). • Agenda, venue and time. These materials were posted to your worksite, attention of the SSTUWA representative, and the forms are also available online at sstuwa.org.au/go20 Meeting agenda

1) Return the Nominations for branch office bearers form to the union office. You must return this form every school year. We recommend you return this form by Friday 6 March. You may also submit this form electronically via sstuwa.org.au/go20 2) Review and update your membership list, and email the amended list to membership@sstuwa.org.au 3) Meet with your worksite’s leader to: •

Advise the leader of the union branch officers election outcome.

Raise, discuss and/or negotiate any immediate union member issues.

Schedule future meeting times for each term. (A minimum of two is suggested.)

Seek an agreement for union rep time.

1) Branch elections Conduct elections for branch positions and record the results on the Nominations for branch office bearers form. Refer to the box on the right of this page for role descriptors. • Union rep • Deputy union rep • Treasurer • Secretary • Women’s contact officer • District Council delegate 2) Occupational safety and health (OSH) representative (two year role) Check whether your worksite has a currently elected OSH rep(s). If not, seek to identify staff members, preferably union members, to fill this role. The OSH rep position is a statutory role and must be open to all staff to nominate and subject to an election if required. Further details 2

Getting Organised January 2020

4) Contact your district organiser at the SSTUWA to touch base: call or email the office on (08) 9210 6000 or contact@sstuwa.org.au

Introduce yourself, outline your workplace issues, and/or invite your SSTUWA district organiser to visit your workplace.

5) Most importantly, register for union delegate training. Visit the training tab at sstuwa.org.au or call the Education and Training Centre on (08) 9210 6035.

Branch roles Union representative The main role is to be the first point of contact for members’ issues. The union rep may negotiate issues with management and assist with conflict resolution. The rep is usually the first point of contact for union updates and responsible for distributing information to members. Deputy union rep The deputy union rep assists the union rep to negotiate issues with management and assists with conflict resolution. Treasurer The treasurer is responsible for claiming branch operating expenses. They should complete the branch financial return form that was included in the info pack posted to your worksite (also available online at sstuwa.org.au/go20) Teachers Mutual Bank can establish an operating account for your branch with no account keeping fees. Call (08) 9421 8701 and visit tmbank.com.au Secretary The secretary records the items discussed at branch meetings and the outcomes/actions agreed to be taken by the branch. Women’s contact officer The women’s contact officer works in conjunction with the union representative to encourage women’s involvement in union structures, disseminates information about women’s issues and gender equity, promotes women’s issues, and provides opportunities for women’s voices to be heard. District Council delegate The District Council delegate represents the branch at District Council meetings. This is usually the union rep.

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

Forms needed to build your branch Return by Friday 6 March Some brief paperwork is required of your branch at the start of 2020. The forms pictured below must be completed every school year.

Your worksite will receive a pack addressed to the SSTUWA representative containing these forms, and they may also be accessed and submitted online at sstuwa.org.au/go20

Please complete and return these forms by Friday 6 March.

1. Nominations for branch office bearers form Nominations for branch office bearers

3. OSH representative update form Safety and health representative update

Worksite code:

Worksite code:

Nominations for branch office bearers

Safety and health representative

Branch/worksite: ________________________________________________________________________

Branch/worksite: ________________________________________________________________________

Instructions: List the names and membership numbers of this year’s union delegates below, in line with their elected branch positions.

Instructions: List all occupational safety and health representatives (OSH reps) at your worksite, regardless of whether they are SSTUWA members, non-members or belong to another union. If there are no currently elected OSH reps at your worksite, return this form stating “no current rep”.

Update 2020

Reference: Rule 21 Branches and Rule 33 Elections for office


2020 delegate Name

Membership no.

The SSTUWA maintains a database of all OSH reps in WA public schools so they may be kept informed of OSH matters and contacted in case an OSH concern arises at their workplace.

Union representative* Deputy representative*

The position of OSH rep is not an SSTUWA branch position. While it is preferable that the rep is a union member, all staff – teaching and non-teaching – are eligible to nominate for this position

Secretary Treasurer


Women’s contact officer

SSTUWA membership number

Email Date of election

Union membership

(if applicable)

District Council delegate

Name SSTUWA membership number *Rule 21 (a)(v): The positions of Union Representative and Union Deputy Representative shall not be held concurrently by the same person.

I declare that the above financial members of the SSTUWA were duly elected at a branch meeting held according to the SSTUWA Constitution and have accepted their nominations.

2. Membership list update

Name: ___________________________________________________ Membership number: ______________


Recommended submission date: Friday 6 March 2020 Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

First Name Margaret Dale Rebecca Adeline Helen Brian Archer Joycelin Allen Jeremy Lacey Lynn Caitlyn Michael




Union membership

OSH rep training required


United Voice






SSTUWA membership number


Date of election

Union membership

OSH rep training required


United VoiceWorksite Yescode:



Branch financial return Submit completed form Queries

claim for operating Contact expenses the SSTUWA occupational

and contact@sstuwa.org.au Email:


Training and more info

Training: visit the OSH tab at safety and health organiser sstuwa.org.au/training (08) 9210 6000 | 1800 199 073 Info: visit sstuwa.org.au/osh Click here to submit Click: Branch/worksite: _________________________________________________________________________ contact@sstuwa.org.au Branch address: __________________________________________________________________________ Online: sstuwa.org.au/GO20

Nominations close: 5pm, March 2020. Late nominations will be endorsed by Executive. 9999 Monkey MiaFriday High27 School

Member number 0123456 0123457 0123458 0123459 0123460 0123461 0123462 0123463 0123464 0123465 0123466 0123467 0123468 0123469

Date of election

(if applicable) Branch financial return and claim for operating expenses

Click here to submit

United Voice


4. Branch financial return form

The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) 1 West Street, West Perth WA 6005 PO Box 212, West Perth WA 6872 (08) 9210 6000 | 1800 199 073 contact@sstuwa.org.au | sstuwa.org.au ABN: 544 780 946 35

Email: membership@sstuwa.org.au Online: sstuwa.org.au/GO20

OSH rep training required



(if applicable)

Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Submit completed form:

OSH reps are elected for a period of two years; after that time the election process must be repeated. Should your worksite not have a currently elected rep or if the election needs to be repeated, refer to pages 18-19 of the Getting Organised 2020 supplement in January Western Teacher.


Surname Leonard Guereca Mola Lurz Brzycki Cranshaw Montrone Flinck Tilney Cezeaux Matsukata Schossberger Cruz Vetter

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

Branch financial return:

Office use only

Funds Opening bank balance (as at 1 January)


Opening cash balance (as at 1 January)


Operating budget received


Other income


Total funds



(photocopying, bank fees, etc) Total expenditure


Closing balances Closing bank balance (as at 31 December)


Closing cash balance (as at 31 December)


Claim for operating expenses

Complete one payment method below. Where no branch bank account exists payment may be made to the branch treasurer or other nominated office bearer. If no details are entered a cheque will be made out to the branch.

Payment to branch

By cheque

By bank deposit

BSB ________________ Account number _____________________ Bank ___________________________ Account name _____________________________________________________________________________

Payment to office bearer

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

By cheque

By bank deposit

Office bearer’s name: ______________________________________________________________________

Getting Organised January 2020

BSB ________________ Account number _____________________ Bank ___________________________ Account name _____________________________________________________________________________

Checked and payment arrangement authorised by: Form must be authorised by two office bearers


Support for union reps Union reps play a vital leadership role at the workplace. The union rep is often the first point of contact for members in schools and TAFE colleges seeking information or advice about their working conditions or entitlements. On receipt of the Nominations for branch office bearers form the union office will mail a union rep kit to your worksite’s elected representative. This introductory pack will enable the rep to establish themself in the workplace.

Schools: Union representative legislative rights and responsibility Teachers Award 1993 Clause 61 61. Union Facilities for Union Representatives (1) The Employer recognises the rights of the SSTUWA and PFWA to organise and represent its members. (2) The Employer will recognise SSTUWA representatives and the members of the PFWA Council as the representatives of the PFWA and will allow them to carry out their roles and functions.

unreasonably affect the operation of the organisation and is in accordance with normal Departmental protocols. (c) A noticeboard for the display of Union materials including broadcast email facilities. (d) Paid access to periods of leave for the purpose of attending Union training courses in accordance with Clause 62. – Leave to Attend Union Business of the Award. Country representatives will be provided with appropriate travel time. (e) Notification of the commencement of new employees, and as part of their induction, time to discuss the benefits of Union membership with them.

Guidelines – Union Representative Time Allocation (Schools) Industrial Relations Advice Number 6 of 2009

(3) SSTUWA representatives in the Department have a legitimate role and function in assisting the SSTUWA in the tasks of recruitment, organising, communication and representing members’ interests in the workplace, Department and SSTUWA branch. (4) The Employer recognises that, under the SSTUWA’s rules, SSTUWA representatives are members of a branch representing members within a SSTUWA electorate. A SSTUWA branch may cover more than one workplace. (5) The SSTUWA will advise the Employer in writing of the names of the SSTUWA representatives in the Department. (6) The Employer must recognise the authorisation of each the SSTUWA and PFWA representatives in the Department and must provide them with the following. (a) Paid time off from normal duties to perform their functions as a Union representative such as organising, recruiting, individual grievance handling, collective bargaining, involvement in the branch and to attend Union business in accordance with this clause and the Department’s Industrial Relations Advice 6 of 2009. The Department will consult with the Unions regarding any proposed changes to this Industrial Relations Advice. (b) Access to facilities required for the purpose of carrying out their duties. Facilities may include but not be limited to, the use of filing cabinets, meeting rooms, telephones, fax, email, internet, photocopiers and stationery. Such access to facilities must not 4

Getting Organised January 2020

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

(f) Access to awards, agreements, policies and procedures. (g) The names of any Equal Employment Opportunity and Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare representatives. (7) The Employer recognises that it is paramount that Union representatives in the workplace are not threatened or disadvantaged in any way as a result of their role as a Union representative.

TAFE: Union representative facilities TAFE General Agreement 2017 Clause 85 85. Union Facilities for Union Representatives 1 The Managing Directors recognise the rights of the Union to organise and represent its members. Union representatives in Colleges have a legitimate role and function in assisting the Union in the tasks of recruitment, organising, communication and representing members’ interests in the workplace, at the College and on Union committees. 2 The Managing Directors recognises that, under the Union’s rules, Union representatives represent members in a branch, which may cover one or more workplaces or may cover part of a workplace. 3 The Managing Directors recognises that, under the Union’s rules, a TAFE Committee representative represents members in a branch at the TAFE Committee. 4 The Managing Directors will recognise Union representatives in Colleges and will allow them to carry out their role and functions. 5 The Union will advise the employer in writing of the names of the Union representatives in the College. 6 The Managing Directors shall recognise the authorisation of each Union representative in the College and shall provide them with the following:

(a) Paid time off from normal duties to perform their functions as a Union representative such as organising, recruiting, individual grievance handling, collective bargaining, involvement on Union committees and to attend Union business in accordance with Clause 65 Leave to Attend Union Business of this Agreement. (b) Access to facilities required for the purpose of carrying out their duties. Facilities may include but not be limited to, the use of filing cabinets, meeting rooms, telephones, fax, email, internet, photocopiers and stationery. Such access to facilities shall not unreasonably affect the operation of the organisation and shall be in accordance with normal College protocols. (c) A noticeboard for the display of Union materials including broadcast email facilities. (d) Paid access to periods of leave for the purpose of attending Union training courses in accordance with Clause 66 - Trade Union Training Leave of this Agreement. Country representatives will be provided with appropriate travel time. (e) Notification of the commencement of new employees, and as part of their induction, provide time for the Union representative to discuss the benefits of Union membership with them. (f) Access to awards, agreements, policies and procedures. (g) Access to information on matters affecting employees in accordance with Clause 11 – College Consultation and Clause 14 – Notification of Change of this Agreement. (h) The names of any Equal Employment Opportunity and Safety and Health representatives. 7 The employer recognises that it is paramount that Union representatives in the workplace are not threatened or disadvantaged in any way as a result of their role as a Union representative.

Every school/college has a designated organiser to support union reps and members with managing school/branch matters. Find your workplace’s organiser on page nine. From left: Robyn Parker, Frank Herzog, Cathy Smith, Sally Dennis, Ramona Mitussis (TAFE), Antony Pearson, Natalie Swinbourn. Not pictured: Ian Daw. Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

Getting Organised January 2020


State Council Conference elections

2020 SSTUWA State Council/AEU WA Branch Council dates: 12-13 June and 13-14 November The decision making structures of the SSTUWA and the AEU WA Branch now reflect each other. Persons elected to the AEU WA Branch Senior Officer, Executive and Branch Council positions are deemed to be elected to the corresponding positions within the SSTUWA. For State Council Conference delegates, the equivalent position in the AEU WA Branch is Branch Councillor. Delegates elected as AEU WA Branch Councillors will be deemed to be SSTUWA State Council Conference delegates. Elections will be conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) in accordance with the rules of the AEU WA Branch.

their branch to nominate to ensure branch views are heard. Branches may forward motions to State Council Conference. Closing dates for motions to State Council Conference is determined by Executive and published in the Western Teacher. State Council is held twice a year in Term 2 and Term 4.

SSTUWA structure The SSTUWA, which was founded in 1898, has more than 17,000 members making it one of the largest public sector unions and one of the oldest white collar unions in Western Australia. The foundation of the SSTUWA is you – the membership.

Please refer to the election notice on page seven of this document and the nomination form on page eight. Nomination forms are also available from the AEC, the SSTUWA office and the SSTUWA website at sstuwa.org.au/go20 It is important to remember that nominees and their proposers and seconders must be financial members of the SSTUWA and attached to the district for which representation is being sought. It is therefore critical that prospective candidates are aware of which district they belong to. A list of districts together with the worksites contained within each state electorate may be found on pages 10 – 15 of this document. Districts changed at the start of 2017 due to a realignment of state electoral boundaries. In some instances electorate names have remained but boundaries have changed. Members are advised to check the list of worksites to determine their district, and to be aware that it may have changed in 2017.

State Council Conference Any member may nominate as a delegate to State Council Conference. Such delegates represent the district. Branches are not required to endorse nominations; however, it is in the interests of the branches to encourage members of


Getting Organised January 2020

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

Australian Education Union Western Australia Branch

ELECTION NOTICE - E2019/125 Scheduled Election

Nominations are called for: District of Belmont - Branch Council (6) District of Bunbury - Branch Council (9) District of Butler - Branch Council (9) District of Fremantle - Branch Council (8) District of Goldfields - Branch Council (6) District of Hillarys - Branch Council (8) District of Jandakot - Branch Council (8)

Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009

District of Kalamunda - Branch Council (8) District of Kimberley - Pilbara - Branch Council (10) District of Maylands - Branch Council (6) District of Moore - Branch Council (8) District of Morley - Branch Council (7) District of Murray - Branch Council (7) District of Perth - Branch Council (8)

Nominations, which must be in writing and comply with the registered rules of the Organisation, may be made at any time from 9:00am Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) 29/01/2020. Nomination forms are available on request. Prospective candidates and nominators should verify their financial status and any other qualifications required by the Organisation's rules prior to lodging nominations. Nominations must reach the Returning Officer via the lodgement method(s) stipulated below not later than 12:00pm Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) on 11/02/2020. How to lodge nominations, nominations must be lodged via the following method(s): By Post: Liz Houlton, Returning Officer, AEC, GPO BOX A16 PERTH WA 6001 By Hand: Returning Officer, AEC, Level 13 200 St Georges Terrace Perth WA 6000 To the Returning Officer By Fax: 02 6215 9908 By Email: A properly completed nomination form including all necessary signatures and attachments may be scanned and submitted as a pdf file to waelections@aec.gov.au PLEASE NOTE: 1. Emails to the AEC inbox that appear to be spam may be blocked. It is the responsibility of senders to ensure that their email reaches the AEC before the deadline for nominations. 2. In order to be able to be received by the AEC, emails (including attachments) should be no greater than 6 MB in size. 3. You may call 08 6363 8011 to enquire about the status of your nomination.

District of Riverton - Branch Council (9) District of Rockingham - Branch Council (13) District of Scarborough - Branch Council (6) District of Stirling - Branch Council (6) District of Swan - Branch Council (9) District of Victoria Park - Branch Council (7)

Withdrawing Nominations Nominations cannot be withdrawn after 12:00pm Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) on 11/02/2020. Voting Period The ballot, if required, will open on 03/03/2020 and close at 4:00pm Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) on 24/03/2020. Scrutineers The appointment of scrutineers opens 9:00am Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) on 29/01/2020 and closes 5:00pm Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) on 18/02/2020. A form is available from the Returning Officer for the purposes of appointing Scrutineers. Other Information Changed Address? Advise the Organisation now. Please Note: A copy of the AEC's election report can be obtained from the Organisation or from the Returning Officer after the completion of the election.

Liz Houlton Returning Officer Telephone: 08 6363 8011 Email: waelections@aec.gov.au 07/01/2020

2020 SSTUWA State Council/AEU WA Branch Council dates: 12-13 June and 13-14 November

Nomination Form Australian Education Union - Western Australia Branch Scheduled Election E2019/125 CANDIDATE:

Full Name (Print clearly)

Membership Number: (Print clearly)

For the office of:

(Print name of office as shown in the Election Notice)



Name for ballot paper:

Print your name as you wish it to appear on the ballot paper

Nominator/s I/We, the undersigned members of the Western Australia Branch, nominate the person named above: NOMINATORS

Full Name (Print clearly)

Membership SIGNATURE Number

DATE __ /__ /____ __ /__ /____ __ /__ /____

CANDIDATE'S CONSENT I, ____________________________________________________(print your name) consent to the nomination for the above office. I declare that I am eligible under the rules and am not disqualified from being a candidate [see Chapter 7, Part 4 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009]. Please indicate preferred title e.g. Mr, Mrs, Miss, Ms ______ Personal email: _________________________________________________________________ (AECs' preferred method of communication) Address: Phone: Signed:


Please see instructions on the next page

Lodging Nominations Nominations open on 29/01/2020 and must reach the Returning Officer, Liz Houlton not later than 12:00pm Australian Western Standard Time (AWST) on 11/02/2020.

Page 1 of 2 *Refer to previous page and sstuwa.org.au/go20 for the notes accompanying the nomination form (page 2 of 2).

District structure and organisers 2020 SSTUWA/AEU WA Branch

Find your SSTUWA/AEU WA Branch district below by locating the electorate of your workplace. (Casual members should locate the electorate of their home address.) Ensure you nominate for the correct district by also locating your workplace within the list on pages 10-15. Every school/college has a designated organiser to support union reps and members with managing school/branch matters. Find your district’s organiser below.

District 1 - Belmont

Electorates: Bassendean, Belmont, Forrestfield Union organiser: Antony Pearson

District 9 - Kimberley-Pilbara

Electorates: Kimberley (FH), North West Central (RP & AP), Pilbara (RP) Union organisers: Frank Herzog (FH), Robyn Parker (RP) & Antony Pearson (AP)

District 2 - Bunbury

Electorates: Bunbury, Collie-Preston, Vasse Union organiser: Sally Dennis

District 3 - Butler

Electorates: Burns Beach, Butler, Joondalup Union organiser: Natalie Swinbourn

District 4 - Fremantle

Electorates: Bicton, Fremantle, Willagee Union organiser: Ian Daw

District 5 - Goldfields

Electorates: Kalgoorlie (NS), Roe (CS) Union organisers: Natalie Swinbourn (NS) & Cathy Smith (CS)

District 6 - Hillarys

Electorates: Hillarys, Kingsley, Wanneroo Union organiser: Cathy Smith

District 7 - Jandakot

Electorates: Cockburn, Jandakot, Southern River Union organiser: Ian Daw

District 8 - Kalamunda

Electorates: Armadale, Darling Range, Kalamunda Union organiser: Robyn Parker

District 10 - Maylands

Electorates: Balcatta, Maylands, Mount Lawley Union organiser: Natalie Swinbourn

District 16 - Rockingham

Electorates: Baldivis, Kwinana, Rockingham, Warnbro Union organiser: Sally Dennis

District 17 - Scarborough

Electorates: Carine, Churchlands, Scarborough Union organiser: Cathy Smith

District 18 - Stirling District 11 - Moore

Electorates: Central Wheatbelt (RP), Geraldton (AP), Moore (AP) Union organisers: Robyn Parker (RP) & Antony Pearson (AP)

District 12 - Morley

Electorates: Girrawheen, Mirrabooka, Morley Union organisers: Cathy Smith

District 13 - Murray

Electorates: Dawesville, Mandurah, Murray-Wellington Union organiser: Sally Dennis

District 14 - Perth

Electorates: Cottesloe, Nedlands, Perth Union organiser: Natalie Swinbourn

District 15 - Riverton

Electorates: Bateman, Riverton, Thornlie Union organiser: Natalie Swinbourn

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

Electorates: Albany, Warren-Blackwood Union organiser: Ian Daw

District 19 - Swan

Electorates: Midland, Swan Hills, West Swan Union organiser: Antony Pearson

District 20 - Victoria Park

Electorates: Cannington, South Perth, Victoria Park Union organiser: Ian Daw

School leaders

Electorates: State-wide Union organiser: TBC


Electorates: State-wide Union organiser: Ramona Mitussis Contact your SSTUWA district organiser: 9210 6000 | contact@sstuwa.org.au

Getting Organised January 2020


District 1 – Belmont

Electorates: Bassendean, Belmont, Forrestfield


Anzac Terrace Primary School Ashfield Primary School Bassendean Primary School Beechboro Primary School Cyril Jackson Senior Campus Cyril Jackson Senior Campus Education Support Centre East Beechboro Primary School Eden Hill Primary School Hampton Senior High School Kiara College Lockridge Primary School Reid Street Engagement Centre West Beechboro Primary School


Belmay Primary School Belmont City College Belmont Primary School Carlisle Primary School Cloverdale Education Support Centre Cloverdale Primary School Kewdale Primary School Redcliffe Primary School Rivervale Primary School South East Metropolitan Language Development Centre


Darling Range Sports College Dawson Park Primary School East Kenwick Primary School Edney Primary School Forrestfield Primary School High Wycombe Primary School Kenwick School Maida Vale Primary School Orange Grove Primary School Wattle Grove Primary School Woodlupine Primary School

District 2 – Bunbury

Electorates: Bunbury, Collie-Preston, Vasse


Adam Road Primary School Bunbury Primary School Bunbury Senior High School Carey Park Primary School College Row School Cooinda Primary School Dalyellup College Dalyellup Primary School Djidi Djidi Aboriginal School Greater Bunbury Engagement Centre Maidens Park Primary School Manea Senior College Newton Moore Education Support Centre Newton Moore Senior High School Picton Primary School 10

Getting Organised January 2020

South Bunbury Education Support Centre South Bunbury Primary School South Regional TAFE - Bunbury Southwest Regional Education Office Tuart Forest Primary School


Quinns Beach Primary School Quinns Rocks Primary School Two Rocks Primary School Yanchep Beach Primary School Yanchep Lagoon Primary School Yanchep Secondary College

Allanson Primary School Amaroo Primary School Australind Primary School Australind Senior High School Balingup Primary School Boyanup Primary School Capel Primary School Clifton Park Primary School Collie Senior High School Dardanup Primary School Donnybrook District High School Eaton Community College Eaton Primary School Fairview Primary School Glen Huon Primary School Kirup Primary School River Valley Primary School South Regional TAFE - Collie Wilson Park Primary School



District 4 – Fremantle

Busselton Primary School Busselton Senior High School Cape Naturaliste College Cowaramup Primary School Dunsborough Primary School Geographe Education Support Centre Geographe Primary School South Regional TAFE - Busselton Vasse Primary School West Busselton Primary School

District 3 – Butler

Electorates: Burns Beach, Butler, Joondalup

Burns Beach

Clarkson Community High School Clarkson Primary School Currambine Primary School Joondalup Education Support Centre Joondalup Primary School Kinross College Kinross Primary School Mindarie Primary School Mindarie Senior College North Metropolitan TAFE - Clarkson Somerly Primary School


Alkimos Beach Primary School Alkimos College Alkimos Primary School Butler College Butler Primary School East Butler Primary School John Butler Primary College Merriwa Education Support Centre Merriwa Primary School

Beaumaris Primary School Beldon Education Support Centre Beldon Primary School Belridge Secondary College Belridge Secondary Education Support Centre Clarkson Engagement Centre Connolly Primary School Eddystone Primary School Edgewater Primary School Heathridge Primary School Mullaloo Beach Primary School Mullaloo Heights Primary School North Metropolitan TAFE - Kendrew North Metropolitan TAFE - McLarty Ocean Reef Primary School Ocean Reef Senior High School Poseidon Primary School Electorates: Bicton, Fremantle, Willagee


Attadale Primary School Bicton Primary School Melville Primary School Melville Senior High School Palmyra Primary School Richmond Primary School


Beaconsfield Primary School East Fremantle Primary School East Hamilton Hill Primary School Fremantle College Fremantle Primary School Hilton Primary School John Curtin College Of The Arts Phoenix Primary School South Metro Education Regional Office South Metropolitan TAFE - Beaconsfield South Metropolitan TAFE - Maritime Southwell Primary School Spearwood Primary School White Gum Valley Primary School Winterfold Primary School


Bibra Lake Primary School Caralee Community School Coolbellup Community School Coolbellup Learning Centre Fremantle Language Development Centre Kardinya Primary School Lakeland Senior High School North Lake Senior Campus Samson Primary School South Lake Primary School South Metropolitan TAFE - Murdoch

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

District 5 – Goldfields Electorates: Kalgoorlie, Roe


Boulder Primary School Central Regional TAFE - Kalgoorlie Coolgardie Primary School East Kalgoorlie Primary School Eastern Goldfields College Eastern Goldfields Education Support Centre Goldfields Education Regional Office Goldfields Engagement Centre Hannans Primary School Kalgoorlie Primary School Kalgoorlie School of the Air Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community High School Kambalda Primary School Kambalda West District High School Laverton School Leinster Community School Leonora District High School Menzies Community School Mount Margaret Remote Community School Ngaanyatjarra Lands School Norseman District High School North Kalgoorlie Primary School O'Connor Education Support Centre O'Connor Primary School South Kalgoorlie Primary School Tjuntjuntjara Remote Community School


Borden Primary School Braeside Primary School Broomehill Primary School Cascade Primary School Castletown Primary School Condingup Primary School Cranbrook Primary School Darkan Primary School Dumbleyung Primary School East Narrogin Primary School Esperance Education Support Centre Esperance Local Education Office Esperance Primary School Esperance Senior High School Frankland River Primary School Gnowangerup District High School Hopetoun Primary School Jerdacuttup Primary School Katanning Primary School Katanning Senior High School Kojonup District High School Kukerin Primary School Kulin District High School Lake Grace District High School Lake King Primary School Munglinup Primary School Narrogin Local Education Office Narrogin Primary School Narrogin Senior High School Newdegate Primary School

Nulsen Primary School Nyabing Primary School Ongerup Primary School Pingrup Primary School Ravensthorpe District High School Salmon Gums Primary School Scaddan Primary School South Regional TAFE - Esperance South Regional TAFE - Katanning South Regional TAFE - Narrogin Tambellup Primary School WA College of Agriculture - Narrogin Wagin District High School Wickepin Primary School Williams Primary School Woodanilling Primary School Yealering Primary School

District 6 – Hillarys Electorates: Hillarys, Kingsley, Wanneroo


Bambara Primary School Craigie Heights Primary School Hillarys Primary School Padbury Primary School School of Special Education Needs: Behaviour and Engagement School of Special Education Needs: Disability School of Special Education Needs: Sensory Sorrento Primary School South Padbury Primary School Springfield Primary School Statewide Services Centre West Coast Language Development Centre


Creaney Education Support Centre Creaney Primary School Dalmain Primary School Goollelal Primary School Greenwood College Greenwood Primary School Halidon Primary School Hawker Park Primary School North Woodvale Primary School Warwick Senior High School West Coast Secondary Education Support Centre West Greenwood Primary School Woodvale Primary School Woodvale Secondary College


Carramar Primary School East Wanneroo Primary School Hocking Primary School Pearsall Primary School Spring Hill Primary School Tapping Primary School Wanneroo Primary School Wanneroo Secondary College

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

District 7 – Jandakot Electorates: Cockburn, Jandakot, Southern River


Beeliar Primary School Coogee Primary School Jandakot Primary School Newton Primary School South Coogee Primary School South Metropolitan TAFE - Munster Spearwood Alternative School Success Primary School Yangebup Primary School


Aspiri Primary School Banksia Park Primary School Canning Vale Education Support Centre Canning Vale Primary School Forrestdale Primary School Hammond Park Secondary College Harrisdale Primary School Harrisdale Senior High School Leeming Primary School Leeming Senior High School Leeming Senior High School Education Support Centre Piara Waters Primary School Ranford Primary School South Metropolitan TAFE - Jandakot West Leeming Primary School

Southern River

Ashburton Drive Primary School Bletchley Park Primary School Caladenia Primary School Campbell Primary School Canning Vale College Excelsior Primary School Huntingdale Primary School Seaforth Primary School Southern Grove Primary School Southern River College

District 8 – Kalamunda Electorates: Armadale, Darling Range, Kalamunda


Armadale Education Support Centre Armadale Senior High School Cecil Andrews College Challis Community Primary School Grovelands Primary School Gwynne Park Education Support Centre Gwynne Park Primary School Kelmscott Primary School Kelmscott Senior High School Kingsley Primary School Neerigen Brook Primary School Seville Drive Engagement Centre South Metropolitan TAFE - Armadale Westfield Park Primary School Willandra Primary School Getting Organised January 2020


Darling Range

Armadale Primary School Beenyup Primary School Byford Primary School Byford Secondary College Clifton Hills Primary School Jarrahdale Primary School Marri Grove Primary School Mundijong Primary School Pickering Brook Primary School Roleystone Community College Serpentine Primary School West Byford Primary School Woodland Grove Primary School


Darlington Primary School Falls Road Primary School Glen Forrest Primary School Gooseberry Hill Primary School Kalamunda Primary Education Support Centre Kalamunda Primary School Kalamunda Senior High School Kalamunda SHS Education Support Centre Lesmurdie Primary School Lesmurdie Senior High School Mundaring Primary School Parkerville Primary School Walliston Primary School

District 9 – Kimberley-Pilbara Electorates: Kimberley, North West Central, Pilbara


Bayulu Remote Community School Broome North Primary School Broome Primary School Broome Senior High School Cable Beach Primary School Dawul Remote Community School Derby District High School Djugerari Remote Community School East Kimberley College Fitzroy Valley District High School Halls Creek District High School Jungdranung Remote Community School Kalumburu Remote Community School Kimberley Education Regional Office Kimberley Engagement Centre Kimberley School of The Air La Grange Remote Community School Looma Remote Community School Muludja Remote Community School Ngalapita Remote Community School North Regional TAFE - Broome North Regional TAFE - Derby North Regional TAFE - Halls Creek North Regional TAFE - Kununurra North Regional TAFE - Wyndham One Arm Point Remote Community School Roebuck Primary School Wananami Remote Community School Wangkatjungka Remote Community School Wyndham District High School 12

Getting Organised January 2020

North West Central

Blackstone Campus (Ngaanyatjarra Lands School) Burringurrah Remote Community School Carnarvon Community College Carnarvon School Of The Air Central Regional TAFE - Carnarvon Cue Primary School Exmouth District High School Gascoyne Junction Remote Community School Jameson Campus (Ngaanyatjarra Lands School) Kiwirrkurra Campus (Ngaanyatjarra Lands School) Meekatharra District High School Mount Magnet District High School North Tom Price Primary School Onslow Primary School Pannawonica Primary School Paraburdoo Primary School Pia Wadjarri Remote Community School Shark Bay School Tjirrkarli Campus (Ngaanyatjarra Lands School) Tjukurla Campus (Ngaanyatjarra Lands School) Tom Price Primary School Tom Price Senior High School Useless Loop Primary School Wanarn Campus (Ngaanyatjarra Lands School) Warakurna Campus (Ngaanyatjarra Lands School) Warburton Campus (Ngaanyatjarra Lands School) Wiluna Remote Community School Wingellina Campus (Ngaanyatjarra Lands School) Yalgoo Primary School Yulga Jinna Remote Community School


Baler Primary School Baynton West Primary School Cassia Education Support Centre Cassia Primary School Christmas Island District High School Cocos Islands District High School Dampier Primary School Hedland Senior High School Jigalong Remote Community School Karratha Primary School Karratha Senior High School Marble Bar Primary School Millars Well Primary School Newman Primary School Newman Senior High School North Regional TAFE - Karratha North Regional TAFE - Newman North Regional TAFE - Pundulmurra Nullagine Primary School Pegs Creek Primary School Pilbara Education Regional Office Pilbara Engagement Centre

Pilbara Secondary Behaviour Centre Port Hedland Primary School Port Hedland School Of The Air Roebourne District High School South Hedland Primary School South Newman Primary School Tambrey Primary School Wickham Primary School Yandeyarra Remote Community School

District 10 – Maylands

Electorates: Balcatta, Maylands, Mount Lawley


Balcatta Primary School Balcatta Senior High School East Hamersley Primary School Glendale Primary School North Metropolitan Education Regional Office Osborne Primary School Takari Primary School Tuart Hill Primary School West Balcatta Primary School


Bayswater Primary School Durham Road School Embleton Primary School Hillcrest Primary School Inglewood Primary School Instrumental Music School Services John Forrest Secondary College Maylands Peninsula Primary School

Mount Lawley

Coolbinia Primary School Mount Lawley Primary School Mount Lawley Senior High School North East Metropolitan Language Development Centre North Metropolitan TAFE - Mount Lawley Sir David Brand School Sutherland Dianella Primary School West Morley Primary School Yokine Primary School

District 11 – Moore

Electorates: Central Wheatbelt, Geraldton, Moore

Central Wheatbelt

Avonvale Education Support Centre Avonvale Primary School Babakin Primary School Bakers Hill Primary School Beacon Primary School Bencubbin Primary School Beverley District High School Boddington District High School Brookton District High School Bruce Rock District High School Cadoux Primary School Central Regional TAFE - Merredin Central Regional TAFE - Northam

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

Corrigin District High School Cunderdin District High School Dowerin District High School Goomalling Primary School Hyden Primary School Kellerberrin District High School Kondinin Primary School Koorda Primary School Meckering Primary School Merredin College Moorine Rock Primary School Mukinbudin District High School Narembeen District High School Northam Primary School Northam Senior High School Nungarin Primary School Pingelly Primary School Quairading District High School Southern Cross District High School Tammin Primary School Trayning Primary School WA College of Agriculture - Cunderdin Wandering Primary School West Northam Primary School Wheatbelt Education Regional Office Wheatbelt Engagement Centre Wongan Hills District High School Wundowie Primary School Wyalkatchem District High School York District High School


Allendale Primary School Beachlands Primary School Bluff Point Primary School Central Regional TAFE - Geraldton Champion Bay Senior High School Geraldton Primary School Geraldton Senior High School Holland Street School Meekatharra School Of The Air Midwest Engagement Centre Mount Tarcoola Primary School Rangeway Primary School Waggrakine Primary School Walkaway Primary School Wandina Primary School


Badgingarra Primary School Bindoon Primary School Binnu Primary School Bolgart Primary School Calingiri Primary School Carnamah District High School Central Midlands Senior High School Central Regional TAFE - Moora Cervantes Primary School Chapman Valley Primary School Coorow Primary School Dalwallinu District High School Dandaragan Primary School Dongara District High School Eneabba Primary School Gingin District High School Jurien Bay District High School

Kalannie Primary School Kalbarri District High School Lancelin Primary School Leeman Primary School Miling Primary School Mingenew Primary School Moora Primary School Morawa District High School Mullewa District High School Northampton District High School Perenjori Primary School Three Springs Primary School Toodyay District High School WA College of Agriculture - Morawa Watheroo Primary School Yerecoin Primary School Yuna Primary School

District 12 – Morley

Electorates: Girrawheen, Mirrabooka, Morley


Ashdale Primary School Ashdale Secondary College Carnaby Rise Primary School Girrawheen Senior High School Hudson Park Primary School Landsdale Primary School Madeley Primary School Marangaroo Primary School Rawlinson Primary School Roseworth Education Support Centre Roseworth Primary School


Alinjarra Primary School Balga Primary School Balga Senior High School Boyare Primary School Burbridge School Dryandra Primary School Gladys Newton School Illawarra Primary School Koondoola Primary School North Balga Primary School North Metropolitan TAFE - Balga Redcliffe Avenue Engagement Centre Waddington Primary School Warriapendi Primary School Westminster Education Support Centre Westminster Junior Primary School Westminster Primary School


Camboon Primary School Dianella Heights Primary School Dianella Primary College Dianella Secondary College Dianella Secondary College Education Support Centre Hampton Park Primary School Morley Primary School Morley Senior High School Nollamara Primary School Noranda Primary School North Morley Primary School Weld Square Primary School

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

District 13 – Murray Electorates: Dawesville, Mandurah, Murray-Wellington


Dudley Park Primary School Falcon Primary School Glencoe Primary School Halls Head College Halls Head College Education Support Centre Halls Head Primary School Ocean Road Primary School South Halls Head Primary School


Coastal Lakes College Coodanup College Greenfields Primary School John Tonkin College John Tonkin College Education Support Centre Lakelands Primary School Mandurah Local Education Office Mandurah Primary School Meadow Springs Education Support Centre Meadow Springs Primary School North Mandurah Primary School Oakwood Primary School Riverside Education Support Centre Riverside Primary School South Metropolitan TAFE - Mandurah


Brunswick Junction Primary School Carcoola Primary School Dwellingup Primary School Harvey Primary School Harvey Senior High School Kingston Primary School North Dandalup Primary School Parkfield Primary School Pinjarra Primary School Pinjarra Senior High School Treendale Primary School WA College of Agriculture - Harvey Waroona District High School Yarloop Primary School

District 14 – Perth Electorates: Cottesloe, Nedlands, Perth


Cottesloe Primary School Freshwater Bay Primary School Mosman Park Primary School Mosman Park School For Deaf Children Mount Claremont Primary School North Cottesloe Primary School North Fremantle Primary School Swanbourne Primary School Getting Organised January 2020



Bob Hawke College Dalkeith Primary School Hollywood Primary School Jolimont Primary School Nedlands Primary School North Metropolitan TAFE - Oral Health Perth Modern School Rosalie Primary School School of Special Education Needs: Medical & Mental Health Shenton College Shenton College Deaf Education Centre Subiaco Primary School


Central & District Staff Head Office Highgate Primary School Kyilla Primary School Mount Hawthorn Education Support Centre Mount Hawthorn Primary School North Metropolitan TAFE - 12 Aberdeen North Metropolitan TAFE - 19 Aberdeen North Metropolitan TAFE - 25 Aberdeen North Metropolitan TAFE - 30 Aberdeen North Metropolitan TAFE - East Perth North Metropolitan TAFE - Leederville North Perth Primary School School of Isolated & Distance Education Secondary Staffing Department of Education

District 15 – Riverton

Electorates: Bateman, Riverton, Thornlie


Applecross Primary School Applecross Senior High School Ardross Primary School Bateman Primary School Booragoon Primary School Brentwood Primary School Mount Pleasant Primary School Winthrop Primary School


Bull Creek Primary School Burrendah Primary School Castlereagh School Oberthur Primary School Riverton Education Support Centre Riverton Primary School Rossmoyne Primary School Rossmoyne Senior High School Rostrata Primary School Shelley Primary School Willetton Primary School Willetton Senior High School


Bramfield Park Primary School Dellar Road Engagement Centre East Maddington Primary School Forest Crescent Primary School 14

Getting Organised January 2020

Gosnells Primary School Maddington Education Support Centre Maddington Primary School South Metropolitan TAFE - Thornlie South Thornlie Primary School Thornlie Primary School Thornlie Senior High School Wirrabirra Education Support Centre Wirrabirra Primary School Yale Primary School Yule Brook College Electorates: Baldivis, Kwinana, Rockingham, Warnbro

Comet Bay Primary School Endeavour Education Support Centre Endeavour Primary School Golden Bay Primary School Koorana Education Support Centre Koorana Primary School Peel Language Development School Port Kennedy Primary School Rockingham Lakes Primary School Secret Harbour Primary School Singleton Primary School Warnbro Community High School Warnbro Community High School Education Support Centre Warnbro Primary School


District 17 – Scarborough

District 16 – Rockingham

Baldivis Primary School Baldivis Secondary College Bertram Primary School Makybe Rise Primary School Rivergums Primary School Settlers Primary School Sheoak Grove Primary School Tuart Rise Primary School Waikiki Primary School Wellard Primary School


Atwell College Atwell Primary School Aubin Grove Primary School Calista Primary School Gilmore College Hammond Park Primary School Harmony Primary School Honeywood Primary School Leda Education Support Centre Leda Primary School Medina Primary School North Parmelia Primary School Orelia Primary School Ridge View Secondary College South Metropolitan TAFE - Henderson South Metropolitan TAFE - Kwinana


Benjamin Way Engagement Centre Bungaree Primary School Charthouse Primary School Cooloongup Primary School East Waikiki Primary School Hillman Primary School Malibu School Rockingham Beach Education Support Centre Rockingham Beach Primary School Rockingham Senior High School Rockingham Senior High School Education Support Centre Safety Bay Primary School Safety Bay Senior High School South Metropolitan TAFE - Rockingham


Baldivis Gardens Primary School Comet Bay College

Electorates: Carine, Churchlands, Scarborough


Carine Primary School Carine Senior High School Davallia Primary School Duncraig Primary School Duncraig Senior High School Glengarry Primary School Karrinyup Primary School Marmion Primary School North Beach Primary School Poynter Primary School


Churchlands Primary School Churchlands Senior High School City Beach Primary School Floreat Park Primary School Kapinara Primary School Lake Monger Primary School Wembley Downs Primary School Wembley Primary School West Leederville Primary School Woodlands Primary School


Deanmore Primary School Doubleview Primary School Lake Gwelup Primary School Newborough Primary School Scarborough Primary School Yuluma Primary School

District 18 – Stirling

Electorates: Albany, Warren-Blackwood


Albany Local Education Office Albany Primary School Albany Secondary Education Support Centre Albany Senior High School Bremer Bay Primary School Flinders Park Primary School Gairdner Primary School Great Southern Engagement Centre Jerramungup District High School Little Grove Primary School

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

Mount Lockyer Primary School Mount Manypeaks Primary School North Albany Senior High School South Regional TAFE - Albany South Stirling Primary School Spencer Park Education Support Centre Spencer Park Primary School Wellstead Primary School Yakamia Primary School

Ellen Stirling Primary School Ellenbrook Primary School Ellenbrook Secondary College Gidgegannup Primary School Malvern Springs Primary School Mount Helena Primary School Sawyers Valley Primary School Upper Swan Primary School Wooroloo Primary School


West Swan

Augusta Primary School Boyup Brook District High School Bridgetown High School Bridgetown Primary School Denmark Primary School Denmark Senior High School East Manjimup Primary School Greenbushes Primary School Karridale Primary School Kendenup Primary School Manjimup Education Support Centre Manjimup Local Education Office Manjimup Primary School Manjimup Senior High School Margaret River Primary School Margaret River Senior High School Mount Barker Community College Nannup District High School Northcliffe District High School Pemberton District High School Rapids Landing Primary School South Regional TAFE - Denmark South Regional TAFE - Manjimup South Regional TAFE - Margaret River WA College of Agriculture - Denmark Walpole Primary School

Ballajura Community College Ballajura Primary School Banksia Grove Primary School Caversham Primary School Caversham Valley Primary School Grandis Primary School Herne Hill Primary School Joseph Banks Secondary College South Ballajura Education Support Centre South Ballajura Primary School

District 20 – Victoria Park

Electorates: Cannington, South Perth, Victoria Park


Bannister Creek Primary School Beckenham Primary School Brookman Primary School Cannington Community College Cannington Community Education Support Centre Gibbs Street Primary School Lynwood Senior High School

Parkwood Primary School Queens Park Primary School Sevenoaks Senior College

South Perth Collier Primary School Como Primary School Como Secondary College Curtin Primary School Kensington Primary School Kensington Secondary School Kent Street Senior High School Manning Primary School South Perth Primary School

Victoria Park Bentley Primary School Canning College Carson Street School East Victoria Park Education Support Centre East Victoria Park Primary School Lathlain Primary School Millen Primary School South Metropolitan TAFE - Bentley South Metropolitan TAFE - Carlisle Victoria Park Primary School Wilson Primary School You can also find your district online. Visit sstuwa.org.au/findmydistrict

District 19 – Swan

Electorates: Midland, Swan Hills, West Swan


Clayton View Primary School Governor Stirling Senior High School Greenmount Primary School Guildford Primary School Helena Valley Primary School Middle Swan Primary School Midland Learning Academy Midvale Primary School Moorditj Noongar Community College North Metropolitan TAFE - Midland Swan View Primary School Swan View Senior High School Woodbridge Primary School

Swan Hills

Anne Hamersley Primary School Arbor Grove Primary School Aveley North Primary School Aveley Primary School Aveley Secondary College Bullsbrook College Chidlow Primary School Eastern Hills Senior High School Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

Getting Organised January 2020


SSTUWA committee nominations Closing date: Thursday 27 February 2020 Nominations are called for the following committees for 2020: •

Aboriginal Education Committee

Country Matters Working Party Committee

Early Childhood Educators Committee

International Committee

LGBTIQ Committee

New Educators Committee

School Leaders Committee

School Psychology Services Committee

Women’s Committee

5. Evaluate SSTUWA rules, policies and other positions as examples of “best practice”. 6. Consider and make recommendations on matters referred by the Administrative Committee and Executive. 7. Make recommendations to Executive on matters considered by the committee.

Nominations are called for TAFE Committee Branch Representatives for 2020 Branch representatives of the TAFE Committee should be nominated by TAFE branches during the first branch meeting of the calendar year, which must be held before the end of February.

Members from all sectors are invited to nominate and, as an affirmative action strategy, equal representation of male and female delegates will be ensured as far as possible. The committees generally meet at least once a term. The term of office is 12 months and will end on completion of the 2021 committee elections.

The terms of reference of the committees, as endorsed by Executive, are as follows: 1. Review and revise relevant union policy. 2. Assist in the formulation of position papers.

Please note: Where there is only one nomination, the branch needs to endorse the member as the TAFE Committee Branch Representative for 2020. Where there is more than one nomination, the members’ names should be forwarded to the Returning Officer who will make arrangements with the branch secretary to conduct an election.

Additional information Committees are restricted to a maximum of 15 people with the exception of the TAFE committee. Nominations must be dated, signed by the nominator and seconder and bear the written consent of the nominees or his/her agent, all of whom must be financial members of the union. A nomination form is included on the following page of this document. Forms can also be downloaded at sstuwa.org.au

3. Assist in the planning and organisation of seminars, conferences and other membership activities. 4. Monitor government and employer actions under relevant legislation.

Nominations open on Monday 20 January 2020. Nominations close at 5pm Thursday 27 February 2020 and must be received in the union office by this time. Facsimile and email copies will be accepted, with originals to follow in the mail as soon as possible.

Download the SSTUWA app Access Know Your Rights and more in the palm of your hand. 16

Getting Organised January 2020

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

Nomination form

In accordance with rule 33(a) of the Rules of The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

Position_________________________________ Closing date/time_________________________ Candidate details Given names______________________________ Surname___________________________________ Union membership number______________________________________________________________ Name for ballot paper___________________________________________________________________ Postal address_________________________________________________________________________ Suburb___________________________________ Post code__________________________________ Mobile phone______________________________ Home phone________________________________ Work email____________________________________________________________________________ Home email___________________________________________________________________________ I am a financial member of the SSTUWA and I hereby signify my willingness to accept the office if elected. Signature_________________________________________________ Date________________________ District___________________________________ Worksite branch ____________________________

Nominator details We, the following nominators, being financial members of the SSTUWA, hereby nominate the above named candidate for the position indicated at the top of this form.

Nominator one Name_____________________________________ Union membership #_________________________ Signature_____________________________________________________________________________

Nominator two Name_____________________________________ Union membership #_________________________ Signature_____________________________________________________________________________

Submitting the nomination Submit your completed nomination form to: The Returning Officer The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) PO Box 212, West Perth WA 6872 returningofficer@sstuwa.org.au Fax: (08) 9210 6001

Scanned/emailed copies and fascimile copies will be accepted, though originals must be posted without delay as confirmation. Nominations and candidate statements (where applicable) must reach the returning officer no later than the time and date set for close of nominations. The candidate is responsible for lodging the nomination form with the returning officer. If no acknowledgment is received within seven days, contact the returning officer.

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

Getting Organised January 2020


Becoming an OSH rep in 2020 The role of occupational safety and health representative (OSH rep) is a highly important leadership role within the workplace. To assist OSH reps to carry out their role effectively they are required to attend a mandatory five day training course.

Functions of the OSH rep The OSH rep has a number of responsibilities, including the following: •

To liaise with the employees regarding matters concerning their safety and health.

To inspect the workplace at least every 30 days. If there has been an accident, the area should be inspected immediately and an investigation of the reasons for the accident should be carried out.

To report hazards at the workplace to the principal/manager.

Be informed by the employer of hazards, dangerous situations and accidents at the workplace.

Be provided with safety information by the employer and to seek safety information from other sources.

To consult with the employer over matters that relate to occupational safety and health, and undertake training as specified in the regulations.

The election process

It is important that the formal processes set out in the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 regarding election and the lead-up to the election are followed. If this is not done, the validity of the representative’s election may be challenged at a later date and the powers and protection provided by the Act may be lost. Refer to the graphic on the following page. Any employee is eligible to become an OSH rep if they work at the workplace they want to represent. The OSH rep is not an SSTUWA branch position.

Important things to do following the OSH rep election 1) Advise the SSTUWA. Use the form posted to the SSTUWA representative at your worksite, or access the form online at sstuwa.org.au/go20 This is important so that: •

The union has a record of the OSH rep’s name for contact purposes.

An application form for training and an SSTUWA OSH manual can be forwarded to the OSH rep.

The union can put the OSH rep on the email distribution list for OSH information.

The previous OSH rep has resigned.

OSH reps can be re-elected after their two-year term of office has lapsed, but the formal election procedure as laid down by the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 must be followed. If it is envisaged that the school will be left without a representative for a substantial period – for example, the OSH rep takes parental or long service leave – then a request should be made through the principal to approve a further election in accordance with the Act. The original rep will resume the OSH functions on return to the workplace (provided the two-year term has not expired) and functions will be shared between the elected representatives.

Training of OSH reps It is a requirement under the OSH Act that an OSH rep attend an accredited safety course within 12 months of being elected and within six months where possible. A new representative will find it beneficial to attend training as soon as practicable to understand their role and carry out their functions. The course runs for five full days and OSH reps are entitled to paid leave to attend.

Schools may have more than one OSH rep.

2) Advise WorkSafe WA. The person conducting the election or the elected OSH rep must notify WorkSafe WA of their election on the specified form available on the WorkSafe website: www.commerce.wa.gov.au

An OSH rep represents all those in a workplace.

Re-election of OSH reps

A school or college could be one workplace, or it may be made up of a number of workplaces with an OSH rep for each one (scheme).

If you are based in a country region the department requires you attend a course at the closest regional centre, if available.

The previous OSH rep’s term of office has expired. (Term of office is two years.)

The OSH rep has transferred out of the school/college or the area of the school/college for which elected.

For country employees: After you have been elected, please contact the OSH Team at the Department of Education by phone: 9264 8509, or by email: oshteam@education.wa.edu.au for information on training options.

Points to consider prior to election

The SSTUWA does not recommend that the union representative take on the position of OSH rep as the workload may be too heavy.


Getting Organised January 2020

Re-election of one or more OSH reps may be necessary at your worksite if:

Courses run frequently in the metropolitan area. There are education specific courses for Department of Education employees, or you may choose a general course where participants will be from mixed industries.

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

If you are in the metro area, you can make a booking to attend SSTUWA educationspecific courses via the training tab at sstuwa.org.au Country based reps will require permission from the department to travel to Perth. If you have already attended an introductory course in a previous term of office, you are eligible to attend a two day refresher course. If you attended prior to 2015 it is recommended that you attend the five day training course. Course costs and reasonable actual expenses are covered by the department, not your individual school.

Education-specific OSH courses in the metro area, 2020 Term One

Term Two

Term Three

Term Four

Five day intro 24-28 February

Five day intro 4-8 May

Five day intro 10-14 August

Five day intro 26-30 October

Two day refresher 24-25 August

Two day refresher 5-6 November

Two day refresher 23-24 March

OSH rep election procedure Employee gives notice to employer to elect OSH representative

Employer calls for election of OSH representative


Within 21 days of an employee giving notice, employer invites employees to appoint delegates for consultation

Employer invites employees to appoint delegates for consultation

Employer and delegates consult to determine: • Number of OSH representatives to be elected. • Matters or areas in which the OSH representative is to exercise function. • Who will conduct the election. • What time and facilities will be made available to the elected OSH representative. • What will happen if a vacancy arises during the term of office. • Any scheme to deal with additional matters.

Call for nominations


Recommended that OSH representative notifies the union

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

If only one candidate is nominated no ballot is required and the nominated person is deemed to be elected

Where a question relating to an election arises, any interested person may refer the matter to the Commissioner

Person conducting the election notifies WorkSafe via the election notification and registration form found on the WorkSafe website, and sends copy of form to oshteam@education.wa.edu.au

Getting Organised January 2020


Contacting the SSTUWA How can we help you? Reception

For general enquiries and to speak with a particular staff member at the union office.

(08) 9210 6000 | 1800 199 073 contact@sstuwa.org.au

Member Assist

Your first point of contact for any industrial, legal and workers’ compensation matters.

(08) 9210 6060 | 1800 106 683 memberassist@sstuwa.org.au


Contact the team in membership for payment queries and to update your details including changes to contact info, work fraction and pay scale. You can also join the union and update your details online.

(08) 9210 6000 membership@sstuwa.org.au sstuwa.org.au/join sstuwa.org.au/updatemydetails

Education and Training Centre

Offering you industrial and professional courses, conferences and forums to better understand your rights, further your career, and enhance your wellbeing.

(08) 9210 6035 training@sstuwa.org.au sstuwa.org.au/training

Branch expenses

Contact the Accounts Team for expense enquiries related to courses, worksite branches and unionrelated travel.

(08) 9210 6000 accounts@sstuwa.org.au

App and website support

For technical support with app and website issues.


President Pat Byrne Senior officers

Senior Vice President Paul Bridge

(08) 9210 6000 contact@sstuwa.org.au

Vice President Samantha Schofield General Secretary Mary Franklyn

School/TAFE organisers

Every school/college has a designated organiser to support union reps and members with managing school/branch matters. Organisers visit branches, attend meetings, provide information and advice and assist with dispute management, amongst many other activities.

(08) 9210 6000 contact@sstuwa.org.au


Specialists are available to help with issues in areas including Early Childhood Education, New Educators, OSH, School Leaders, TAFE, Women and Equity.

(08) 9210 6060 memberassist@sstuwa.org.au


Get the latest union news and updates via our website, app, eNews, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Western Teacher magazine.

(08) 9210 6000 editor@sstuwa.org.au

Member benefits

Receive exclusive discounts and promotions on the things you use every day, including insurance, banking, educational resources and more.

(08) 9210 6000 sstuwa.org.au/benefits


Getting Organised January 2020

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) January 2020.

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