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Email to editor@sstuwa.org.au
Retired Teachers’ Association
RTA members are advised that the Annual General Meeting scheduled for Wednesday 23 March 2022 has been put on hold. The State School Teachers’ Union of WA has cancelled all non-essential meetings due to COVID-19. The Omicron outbreak is expected to peak late March or early April. The RTA choir and literature group will also not be meeting until further notice. The RTA AGM will be rescheduled at a later date.
Hetty Verolme
Hetty Verolme has spent the past 18 years visiting schools and colleges to educate students on her experience as a Holocaust survivor. Her story and work was profiled in December 2021’s issue of Western Teacher. Schools wanting to contact Hetty can do so on: (08) 9271 6987 or via email at salan@it.net.au
The documentary, produced by a former union member, is available to view for free on Youtube: bit.ly/3HauGaz
State Council Conference
Items for June 2022 State Council must be received by 5pm Friday 8 April.
The event will be held on 10-11 June 2022 at the SSTUWA.
Harmony Week 2022
Harmony Week runs 15-21 March 2022 and is the state’s weeklong celebration and recognition of our cultural, religious, linguistic and ethnic diversity. A Harmony Week kit is available to give ideas on celebrations for communities, businesses, government organisations, schools and individuals. Web-based educational resources are also available to enable school students and their teachers to do practical classroom activities that explore and raise awareness of issues related to multiculturalism, human rights, racism and discrimination. To access visit harmony.gov.au and bit.ly/2ObzYwq
Level 3 Classroom Teachers’
Association: 2022 meeting dates
Saturdays, 9.30am at the SSTUWA premises
Term 1 26 March Term 2 18 June Term 3 10 Sept Term 4 26 Nov
Venue subject to change. Visit www.l3cta.org.au for venue information and to confirm attendance, or email contact@l3cta.org.au
Seen around the SSTUWA
January Western Teacher
Our apologies to member Jonelle Rafols for the typo in her name. This has been amended in the digital version.
SSTUWA committee meeting dates: Venue: SSTUWA office | Contact: (08) 9210 6000 or contact@sstuwa.org.au Early Childhood Educators’ Teleconference facilities are available
Committee TAFE Committee International Committee LGBTIQ Committee
Time: 4pm 1 March 26 May 16 August 3 November Time: 5pm 2022 dates TBC Time: 4.30pm 2022 dates TBC Time: 4pm 2022 dates TBC
New Educator Committee
Time: 4.30pm 15 March 14 June 6 September 22 November
Women’s Committee
Time: 3.45pm 2022 dates TBC
ATSIE Committee
Time: 4pm 2022 dates TBC