Western Teacher - Volume 49.5 - July 2020

Page 24

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Union training rolls on Face-to-face training continued at the SSTUWA as educators headed towards the end of a busy Term 2.

Cherry Bogunovich in partnership with the Teaching and Learning Network in Melbourne.

Through the July school holidays and into

Training such as union representative courses continued, as did online training. In a first for the union, it conducted is first ever online industrial training course.

The 90-minute course covered topics such as the SSTUWA role and structure, that of the union rep and support available. Twelve SSTUWA union reps participated.

as keeping skilled up and safe, workplace

The Role of the Union Rep in Schools course was facilitated by Education and Training Centre (ETC) training officer

Look out for a more detailed story on the course in a future issue of Western Teacher.

Term 3, the ETC plans to continue holding more face-to-face training on topics such safety, provisional to full registration TRBWA, financial planning, restorative practice and teaching skills. For more details see the training pages on page 28 or visit sstuwa.org.au/training

SSTUWA ETC training officer Cherry Bogunovich undertaking a union industrial online training first. 24

Western Teacher

July 2020

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