Western Teacher - Volume 48.7 - September 2019

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Volume 48.7 September 2019

The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

Are you

play proud?

Play is Learning:

Early childhood education campaign launch pg 8 sstuwa.org.au

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Volume 48.7 September 2019

In this edition Correspondence: The Editor, PO Box 212 West Perth WA 6872 editor@sstuwa.org.au Ph: 9210 6000

Bargaining framework................................6 Action needed on play based learning .... 8 10 reasons why school leaders should be SSTUWA members...................10 Educators and their unions taking the lead..........................................12

2019 Publishing Dates Deadline Distributed

Member Assist:

Ph: 9210 6060 memberassist@sstuwa.org.au Print post publication 100004470 | $4.95 ABN: 544 780 946 35

Q&A with Member Assist..........................15

18 January

Spotlight on teacher targeted bullying and harassment........................................16

29 January

22 February

The facts about school funding in WA......18

5 March

18 April

29 April

31 May


4 June

28 June

From the President.....................................5

1 July

26 July

5 August

6 September

9 September

4 October

Cover: Read more about the launch of our early childhood education campaign Play is Learning. See page 8.

4 November

29 November

Find us on Facebook facebook.com/sstuwa

2019 Growth Team officer: Melissa Darling.........................................14

19 November

Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) 1 West Street, West Perth WA. Printed by Vanguard Press, 26 James Street, Northbridge WA. September 2019.

To access the digital copy of Western Teacher, type the link below into your browser: www.sstuwa.org.au/westernteacher

In this edition

Dates are subject to change

TAFE log of claims endorsed....................21

From the General Secretary.......................7 National education and union news.........22 Education and Training.............................24 Member Benefits......................................26 Classifieds.................................................28 Noticeboard...............................................30

Advertisements in Western Teacher are the responsibility of advertisers. While Western Teacher makes reasonable efforts to ensure that no misleading claims are made by advertisers, responsibility is not accepted by The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) for statements made or the failure of any product or service to give satisfaction. Inclusion of a product or service should not be construed as an endorsement or recommendation by The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

Western Teacher is the official publication of The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

Barrie Bennett reference books Effective Group Work BEYOND COOPERATIVE LEARNING n


Instructional Intelligence Building Instructional Expertise for the Classroom

An SSTUWA project in collaboration with Barrie Bennett © B. Bennett, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.)

Instructional Intelligence

Effective Group Work

Classroom Management

Graphic Intelligence

Dr Barrie Bennett is an internationally renowned educational expert and emeritus professor at the University of Toronto. His books cover a range of interrelated topics that support effective teaching and learning. Members can access special pricing on the series.

Place your order at sstuwa.org.au/shop Western Teacher    September 2019


Workload pressure fuels pay claim

From the President

By Pat Byrne President

The recent Understanding Work in WA Public Schools survey results have confirmed the increasing workload pressures being placed on public school educators, and indicate a potential threat to the ability of the system to properly staff its schools in the future, with many teachers considering leaving the profession. The survey, conducted by Curtin University, in conjunction with the University of Sydney on behalf of SSTUWA, found that WA teachers and school leaders are now working longer hours and have less time to devote to student learning, welfare and behaviour.

SSTUWA State Council in June endorsed the draft wages claim of two per cent for the first year, followed by 2.5 per cent in the second year and three per cent if the agreement extends into a third year. All claims are above the state government’s $1,000 a year wage policy. Such pay rises would be consistent with the most recent national and state minimum wage increase of three per cent and 2.75 per cent, respectively. The SSTUWA believes the state government’s position on wages is untenable.

Teachers and school leaders were having to work an average of 50 hours a week at school and at home to keep up with the demand in extra red tape, and yet still provide quality education to students.

Public servants across the board have borne the brunt of budget repair in WA to date with the previous agreement delivering between 1.46 per cent and 0.6 per cent per annum for our members.

More than 1,700 SSTUWA members responded to the survey. Over 91 per cent of respondents said administrative tasks had increased. At the same time support staff numbers within schools and the Education Department’s central office have been slashed, leaving remaining support staff, teachers and school leaders to pick up the work they were doing.

At the same time, we have seen large increases in utilities’ costs, public transport, some GROH rents and TRBWA charges.

Findings of the survey include: • 91.4 per cent of teachers/school leaders stating administrative tasks have increased. • 90.2 per cent stating the complexity of work has increased. • 89.7 per cent stating the collection, analysis and reporting of data has increased. It is against the backdrop of these findings which threaten to drive teachers out of the profession and stop them from applying for leadership positions that the SSTUWA is seeking membership support for a new EBA claim.

Whereas WA teachers have for some time been the highest paid in the country, recent wage increases in other jurisdictions, plus this government’s $1,000 cap mean that this is no longer the case. The Log of Claims that was endorsed by State Council also seeks to tackle teacher burnout through rebuilding levels of system support which were slashed as a result of the 2013-14 funding cuts. The loss of staff – teaching and nonteaching – through that process has not been addressed, with teachers and school leaders working long hours just to keep up with the curricular and administrative demands being required of them. The flow on in workload is taking its toll on people in schools and central and regional offices, not to mention the

effect on students who in some instances are being denied access to appropriate support structures and educational programs. This is particularly shocking given that many of the tasks being required by the department are seen by both principals and teachers as being an exercise in compliance rather than focussed on the needs of students. Another manifestation of the issues associated with both workload and the nature of the work teachers and leaders are confronting, is the sharp reduction in numbers of applications for principal positions being received. It is not unusual for large metropolitan primary schools to receive as few as five applications. This was unthinkable in the past – the issue is no longer one just being experienced by regional schools and alarm bells are beginning to ring. Until the issues surrounding diminishing salaries, massive workloads and a lack of system support are dealt with, there is little likelihood of change. Our members are passionate people who ensure student learning does not suffer by putting in the hours at home to keep up with the administrative side of the job. But this is not sustainable in the long term and we are seeing teachers and school leaders, in the middle of the school year, already exhausted. The upcoming EBA is a major avenue for the union to achieve significant gains that address these concerns. Please, keep yourselves informed as to the contents of the union’s Log of Claims and the progress of the campaign. Western Teacher    September 2019


General Agreement 2019 Schools: Bargaining framework

September 2019 | No. 6

Bargaining framework

General Agreement 2019 Schools The General Agreement 2017 nominally expires on 5 December 2019, meaning negotiations are due to commence for a replacement Agreement in the early part of Semester 2 2019. Extensive debate at the June 2019 State Council has produced a comprehensive Log of Claims which will be – as the next step of the process – forwarded to union reps (and in schools where there are no reps but there are members, to principals). It will now be a matter for members to vote on the Log of Claims for their workplaces to ensure SSTUWA senior officers are presenting the views of the majority of members when going to the negotiating table. Once the votes have been cast, the Log of Claims will be finalised through the elected Executive of the union. We then serve that Log of Claims on the employer – the Department of Education – and formal negotiations commence. The aim is to have that negotiation process finalised by December 2019. The state government wages policy continues to offer a flat $1,000 per annum. For new or recently-qualified teachers and lecturers this is not a bad deal, indeed for some it is better than 1.5 per cent. For more senior colleagues though it is not so good. In our most recent EBA process the SSTUWA was clear that it wanted employers that respect the work school leaders, teachers and lecturers do. There have been some encouraging developments in the form of the Minister’s commitment to making schools safer and in the declarations of the new director general that they want to work in an environment of trust and respect. There is still much to do to gather the support teachers and lecturers need to do their jobs properly and to mitigate the everincreasing and detrimental levels of red tape teachers have to work through. This is why the upcoming EBA negotiations are framed in the way they are – this agreement is an opportunity to take back our professional space and our professional voice. Remember, this is the second agreement in a sequence of what we expected would be three agreements under this government.


Western Teacher    September 2019

It is encouraging to see an upswing in membership numbers as people realise the fight that lies ahead. Our voice must be loud and proud to get the education environment members deserve.

Timeline for remainder of 2019 Term 2 – Log of Claims finalised • State Council endorsed draft Log of Claims to go to membership • Mailed out to schools, Week 10

Term 3 • Members/branches voted on Log of Claims via branch and cluster meetings • Meetings held Weeks 2-6 • Voting completed 30 August

September – Negotiations commence


• Cluster district and branch meetings • Communications – GA news

Consideration of next steps


• Decision making re: any offers, options and actions




TAFE Committee and the SSTUWA Executive have now endorsed the draft log of claims. Read more on Page 21.


Taking back our professional space is about pushing back against the “teachers can’t be trusted” mantra which underpins much of education policy making. NAPLAN and NAPLAN Online are classic examples; the push for learning progressions as per the National School Reform Agreement (NSRA) is another. Funding for these matters replaces funding for real professional learning and in the process teacher judgement is devalued and teacher professionalism further reduced.

Term 4 – Member/rep/delegate education


TAFE General Agreement 2019

Schools General Agreement 20 19 and Award 1993


Better pay, conditions and safety a focus

From the General Secretary

By Mary Franklyn General Secretary

Workload survey As mentioned by the SSTUWA President in this edition of Western Teacher, the recent workload survey commissioned by the union will be one of the key drivers informing upcoming negotiations on the new schools General Agreement. The survey paints a grim picture of the kind of pressures members are working with on a daily basis and the consequences of enduring that work environment, that is, having teachers and school leaders consider leaving the profession or unwilling to seek further leadership opportunities. The feedback from members in the survey give us a guide as to what strategies or resources may be of assistance to teachers and school leaders to deal with these workload pressures. They include more specialist teacher support for students with special needs and alternative settings for students with behavioural issues. Also of possible benefit is having more preparation time to enable better collaboration with peers, as well as adequate time for planning, marking and reporting; and an increase in professional learning and development opportunities for principals and teachers to support collaboration in and across workplaces. There needs to be greater curriculum support and better system level planning and consultation to prevent the imposition of competing workload demands and unrealistic timeframes. We will be taking these ideas to the negotiation table to secure workplace

conditions that enable you, our members, to fulfil your professional duties in a manner that is workable on a daily basis and sustainable in the long term.

TAFE Log of Claims TAFE Committee and the SSTUWA Executive have now endorsed the draft log of claims. The Log will now be served on the employers and negotiation will soon begin. The log covers a range of claims regarding pay and working conditions for TAFE members and has gone through an extensive consultation period to this point. The union will be seeking a wages claim of two per cent for the first year, followed by 2.5 per cent in the second year and three per cent in the third year. The SSTUWA is also trying to secure a raft of improved working conditions in areas such as workload, progression and leadership, consultation, professional development and job security. Our position is that there will be no tradeoffs or diminution of current conditions and entitlements. For more information about the log of claims turn to page 21 of this issue of Western Teacher and look out for future updates via the union’s eNews.

OSH update Premier Mark McGowan has written to all state government departments outlining his vision for safety and health in the public sector. In a document sent to all departments, they are urged to commit to creating and

maintaining a positive safety culture that encourages and supports everyone to apply relevant procedures and processes to protect employees and others from harm. Employers must communicate with the workforce about the benefits of mentally healthy and safe workplaces, encouraging culture of hazard reporting with appropriate education and training. There must be a commitment to open, honest and effective consultation and communication between managers, staff and occupational safety and health representatives to achieve a common understanding of and resolution of all OSH matters. There is a particular emphasis on ensuring the workplace has elected, trained safety representatives in sufficient numbers for the size and complexity of the workplace. It encourages workplaces to have functioning safety and health committees. The Department of Education is hosting a safety representative conference for the first time this year in September as part of this commitment to improving safety culture and to provide support to and engagement of safety representatives employed in education workplaces. The strategy will be guided by a Public Sector OSH Advisory Committee which will be made up of representatives from the key agencies and members nominated by Unions WA from the relevant unions. The strategy will be launched by the Premier in September. For more information visit http://bit.ly/2ST7ar5 Western Teacher    September 2019



Action needed on play based learning

The State School Teachers’ Union of WA has called on the state government to secure all early childhood students’ right to access play-based learning (PBL) at WA schools. The union launched its Play is Learning campaign at its recent Early Childhood Educator Conference, urging the government to act immediately and decisively to secure PBL practice in the early years of WA schooling. SSTUWA President Pat Byrne said play based learning was vital in utilising children’s play as a context for learning. “It is recognised as a highly effective building block in bringing children’s learning to a higher level, it stimulates children’s cognitive, emotional and social development,” she said. “Evidence based research shows that adult involvement in children’s play can extend learning opportunities within the play itself, 8

Western Teacher    September 2019

through the provision of developmentally appropriate play experiences.” The union surveyed 617 early childhood teachers (ECTs), school administrators and principals on early childhood education (ECE) from October to December last year. Results revealed more than 70 per cent of those surveyed experienced difficulties in trying to implement a play-based curriculum in WA classrooms. Director of Early Childhood Education at Murdoch University, Dr Sandra Hesterman, used the responses as the basis of a research paper, The State of Play in WA, the results of which were also released at the conference. Ms Byrne said research has shown comprehensively and conclusively that PBL has far reaching benefits for children, including improved academic outcomes, wellbeing, creativity, problem-solving and social skills.

“The biggest issue we have is many people see PBL as just play, but this is not the case,” she said. “PBL is when the teacher sets up an environment with a range of activities that spark open-ended inquiry experiences and allow the child to explore what interests them, with the teacher playing a supporting role in facilitating learning when required. “Our members and early childhood advocates have cited a decline in childinitiated and self-directed play in recent years from Kindergarten, Pre-Primary and Year 1 and 2 classrooms as a result of an increasing tendency towards more formalised learning at earlier stages. “The SSTUWA supports a state-wide play strategy which outlines the benefits of PBL and promotes a balanced approach between PBL and teacher-led explicit instruction.

Issues “Explicit instruction has its place integrated within a play-based model, but a state-wide play strategy needs to be clearly articulated under the leadership of the department to ensure that principals, educators and parents share an understanding of early childhood pedagogy and an appreciation of its importance for the wellbeing of young children.

“The curriculum expectations are far too great for younger children, there is a lot of pressure for them to learn,” one respondent said.

“Our members are concerned that the setting of premature targets in early learning is having a negative effect - too much emphasis is being placed on formal assessments for young children at a very young age, the consequence of which is to limit the extent of PBL in K-3 classrooms.

Another called for “less pressure on school leaders and teachers to achieve NAPLAN results as this interferes with a focus on play-based learning”.

Ms Byrne said teachers were under increasing pressure to meet assessment outcomes dictated from above by people who do not work with young children. More than 80 per cent of survey participants supported more PBL in early childhood classrooms.

“Children are not given the opportunity to discover, create, interact and gain confidence when they are being inundated with an overloaded curriculum.”

Recommendations from Dr Hesterman’s research paper include ECTs being consulted on PBL pedagogies and ECE curriculum development, the provision of professional learning on PBL to non-ECE teachers and school leaders and for a review on reporting requirements for ECE. For more information on the campaign go to playislearning.org.au

Western Teacher    September 2019






Why school leaders should be SSTUWA members

Representation for leaders and a voice in the union

The SSTUWA is the largest, most influential organisation that gives school leaders representation and a voice at the enterprise bargaining table. By joining in solidarity with other members of the SSTUWA, you will be strengthening its capacity to advocate the concerns and aspirations of public school leaders in order to achieve improved salaries, working conditions and professional development. When we bargain collectively, everyone in the membership – including school leaders – has the opportunity to have their say in identifying issues and solutions. The School Leaders Committee and School Leaders Reference Group provide opportunities for members to make recommendations to senior officers and the Executive Committee. The school leaders’ organiser and consultant have strong backgrounds in school leadership and are available for advice and support.

2 3

Member Assist

Open Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 4.30pm, Member Assist offers a confidential service, answering member enquiries and providing advice on working conditions and a range of employment issues. In emergencies the school leaders’ organiser is accessible after hours.

Workplace visits

SSTUWA organisers visit workplaces regularly, offering support to members, including school leaders. Two dedicated school leaders’ officers – both experienced leaders and former principals – are also available, providing direct and personal support in the workplace, or by phone or email.


Western Teacher    September 2019


Regular communication The SSTUWA provides advice and keeps you informed of the latest developments in education via our website and app, Western Teacher magazine, eNews and social media presence.

Our website offers immediate, any-time advice on a range of topics via the series of Know Your Rights info sheets, the Little Red Book and other publications. You’ll also find a dedicated school leaders section, the latest SSTUWA and union news, and campaign materials.


Standing up for public education

As the only industrial representative for all teachers, school leaders and school psychologists in Western Australian public schools, the SSTUWA campaigns actively for improved resourcing and funding for public education. In managing change, the General Agreement requires consultation before the implementation of new education policies and directions. This is a responsibility the SSTUWA takes very seriously and in doing so involves school leader representatives from workplaces.


Legal assistance and advice

As members of the SSTUWA, leaders have access to a wide range of legal services that are provided at either no cost, or with significant discounts on the standard legal fees. The members of our in-house Legal Services Team – including our advocates and case managers – work with the union’s legal services providers to represent you in employment matters and provide you with a range of other legal services, as detailed in the SSTUWA members’ guide to legal services publication, including a free standard will for you and your spouse.



Training and development program


Journey Accident Cover

Journey Accident Cover is income protection insurance provided free of charge to SSTUWA members, with exclusive additional coverage for leader members that sees payments topped up to match your actual salary, including allowances, over and above the previous weekly maximum.

The SSTUWA offers some of the best industrial and professional education and training in Australia. This training is heavily discounted for members. Courses range from how to apply for a job to highlevel professional development. Specifically for school leaders, the SSTUWA runs workshops, professional development, breakfast meet and greet events, training programs and forums. These opportunities facilitate networks for members on industrial and professional matters.

If you have an accident whilst travelling to or from work, which results in your inability to work, you may be entitled to a benefit for lost income.

Our Education and Training Centre also coordinates conferences and events which offer members access to some of the world’s best education thinkers and leaders.


Discounted goods and services, and Teachers Health

Members have access to a range of discounted products and services, from educational resources to discounted insurances, travel bargains, movie tickets and more. Teachers Health is a not-for-profit health fund, exclusively for union members in the education community and their families. With options for both hospital and extras cover, they have a reputation of providing excellent benefits at competitive rates.


Workers’ Compensation top-up cover

The SSTUWA has secured exclusive coverage for leader members that sees Workers’ Compensation payments for physical injuries topped up to match your actual salary, including allowances, over and above the current weekly maximum. This is essential cover for those on salary level 4.4 and above who would previously have been as much as $645 a week out of pocket if on Workers’ Compensation.

Exclusive offers for leader members l



er ve off





be le a d e r

Member benefits







d er m e mb e

Exclu S



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er ve off



Member benefits

School leaders: Workers’ Compensation Top Up




d er m e mb e


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School leaders: Journey Accident Cover increase

le a d e r


Accountants and Financial Advisers Aston Accountants

10% discount on personal income tax returns for members.


Industry Fund Services

Specialist financial products for union members.


LIFE Financial Planners

$1,200 off your statement of advice fee plus a free financial health check for members.


Teacher Tax

$99 tax returns for members.


TIPS Financial Services

Exclusive offer for leader members Journey Accident Cover increase Journey Accident Cover is a benefit exclusive to SSTUWA members and we’ve now made it even better for leaders. The SSTUWA has secured exclusive coverage for leader members that sees Journey Accident Cover payments topped up to match your actual salary, including allowances, over and above the previous weekly maximum of $3,000. This is essential cover for those on salary level 6.1 and above who would previously have been as much as $273 a week out of pocket.

Exclusive offer for leader members

Ensure your member details are up to date

If you are not already a member you can join at sstuwa.org.au/join or call the Membership Team on 9210 6000.

If you have changed roles you need to be registered with correct details to qualify for the top-up payments. Visit sstuwa.org.au/updatemydetails or call the Membership Team: 9210 6000.

*Terms and conditions apply. Information included on pages 1 and 2 of this sheet is indicative only and forms no part of the Journey Accident Cover policy arranged on behalf of the SSTUWA. This information is a general summary and is not part of the insurance agreement. This material is to be read in conjunction with, and does not override, the current policy wording and/or schedule. A full copy of the policy may be provided upon request. Only financial members are eligible for Journey Accident Cover insurance through the SSTUWA. Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) 2018.

Journey Accident Cover increase


Banking ME Bank

Special offers throughout the year for members. A bank built by, and for, union members.


Mortgages, Money and Me

Workers’ Compensation Top Up The SSTUWA has secured exclusive coverage for leader members that sees Workers’ Compensation payments for physical injuries topped up to match your actual salary, including allowances, over and above the current weekly maximum of $2,647*. This is essential cover for those on salary level 4.4 and above who would previously have been as much as $645 a week out of pocket if on Workers’ Compensation. To access this member only benefit you must:

To access this member only benefit you must:

Be a member of the SSTUWA

$1,100 discount on your TIPS Transition to Retirement strategy or Retirement plan. Exclusive to members.

Be a member of the SSTUWA

Ensure your member details are up to date

If you are not already a member you can join at sstuwa.org.au/join or call the Membership Team on 9210 6000.

If you have changed roles you need to be registered with correct details to qualify for the top-up payments. Visit sstuwa.org.au/updatemydetails or call the Membership Team: 9210 6000.

*Terms and conditions apply. Information included on this sheet, including conditions and salary tables on reverse, are indicative only and form no part of the Workers’ Compensation Top Up policy arranged on behalf of the SSTUWA. A full copy of the policy may be provided upon request. Only financial members are eligible for the Workers’ Compensation Top Up policy through the SSTUWA.

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Teachers Mutual Bank

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Possibilities for Assessment and Instruction. By Barrie Bennett.

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sstuwa.org.au/altronics For details visit:


Save up to 15% off selected items.


Movie tickets


Indoor rock climbing in Northbridge. $14 all day climbing pass with harness hire.


Authorised by Mary Franklyn, General Secretary, The State School Teachers’ Union of W.A. (Inc.) 2018.

Workers’ Comp. top up

Member benefits program

Ask us for these publications, or find out more at sstuwa.org.au Western Teacher    September 2019



Educators and their unions taking the lead By Natalie Blewitt Vice President

Bangkok welcomed educators from around the world to participate in the 8th Education International (EI) World Congress recently. About 800 delegates, 343 observers, representing 283 organisations in 151 countries attended a variety of workshops, breakout sessions, engaged in debate, conversed over the state of education and we were all charged with Taking the Lead. EI President Susan Hopgood (pictured middle right) said that Taking the Lead is: “advancing for our profession – using our collective voice to change the global narrative to improve the status and image of our profession as educators. It means promoting democracy, human and trade union rights – putting ourselves and our unions at the forefront of movements that fight for democratic values and defend human and trade union rights on behalf of our students, our members and the communities we serve. And it means ensuring quality free public education for all – standing and demanding accountability of our governments to support safe, inclusive quality education for all.” Across the nine days of Congress, we heard harrowing stories from unionists, fighting unimaginable battles against governments and employers, freedom of speech, attacks on personal safely and freedom, serious attacks on collective bargaining rights and warnings about the growing commercialisation and privatisation of education. “Congress expressed deep concern about attempts by private education technology providers to impose generic learning programmes on schools and to introduce cheap substitutes for teachers,” Ms Hopgood said. But, in spite of all of this and when faced with such adversity, educators and unionists across the world continue to fight for free quality public education for all. After all, education is a fundamental 12

Western Teacher    September 2019

human right and a public good. During the 8th EI World Congress, On Education and Democracy: 25 Lessons from the Teaching Profession, a book co-authored by Fred van Leeuwen, EI General Secretary Emeritus (pictured lower right), and Ms Hopgood, was launched. This book celebrates the 25 years of EI and features 25 essential lessons from educators, working to defend democracy. Speaking about the book, van Leeuwen stated: “It serves to remind ourselves of the significant role we must play in promoting and protecting democracy and to recuperate the most important lessons we have learned throughout the history of our movement and, in particular, during the past 25 years.” This book is well worth a read and can be downloaded for free at: bit.ly/2K1X4jh EI General Secretary David Edwards said: “globally, the involvement of unions in education policy development is too often lacking, while the status of the teaching

profession is low and, in some cases, declining. The world needs 69 million additional teachers by 2030.” Congress heard about regions where students were being educated by unqualified and non-unionised volunteers who used a script and a tablet. Living in Australia, we need to keep our eyes on these global trends and we need to ensure the status of our profession and our right to democracy and free speech.

Climate Change In an address to EI World Congress, Ms Hopgood stated: “No discussion of the future can be conducted outside of the context of an emergency situation that touches all of us. It is critical to determine how we, as educators and Education International for unionists and leaders respond to the greatest threat to our planet and perhaps the human race as a whole.” She continued: “Estimates are that by 2050, some 200 million people worldwide will be driven from their homes by climate


change. And so far, the UN estimates that 80 per cent of people displaced by climate change are women. “But the most significant thing we’ve seen is the youth mobilisation sparked by a Swedish student last year – Greta Thunberg and her Fridays for the Future movement. “In March, an estimated 1.4 million people in 120 countries, most of them teenage students, participated in a global strike demanding politicians take action against climate change. “In May, a Global Climate Strike involved more than a million people in more than 1,600 cities, again, a significant number being students from primary school with parents and family to secondary and higher-education students.” On 20 September, just ahead of a UN emergency climate summit, students from around the world will be demanding action. “The AEU supports the democratic right of students to take direct action, giving voice to their real concerns about the impacts of climate change, and protesting against the inaction by the federal government,” AEU Federal President Correna Haythorpe said. Let us all consider how we can best support our students and their future. Part two of Natalie’s report on the Eighth EI World Conference will be published in the October issue of Western Teacher. Western Teacher    September 2019


New educator update

2019 Growth Team officer: Melissa Darling The SSTUWA welcomes Melissa Darling, newly appointed Growth Team officer for 2019. In this article Melissa introduces herself, shares her teaching journey and thoughts on unionism. After graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology from Curtin University in 2010, I worked as an Ecologist, Field Supervisor, Childcare Worker, and Receptionist before transitioning to teaching in 2015. I completed both my Master of Teaching (Secondary) from Deakin University and my first two years of teaching Science to Years 7–10 at Ballajura Community College. Despite the challenging workload of juggling working as a new educator and studying, my colleagues became friends and valuable sources of support and encouragement. I continued my teaching journey in 2018 as a relief teacher in schools in the Perth metro area before taking a role as a support teacher for an alternative education centre with fewer than 250 students from Early Childhood to Year 12. While I loved belonging to a niche teaching community, I was excited to re-enter the public system this year as a Science, Biology, and Health teacher at Carine Senior High School, a school with over 1500 students.

development courses through the incredible Education and Training Centre, attending the State Council Guest Program in 2018, and taking back to my schools my stories of educational enlightenment. New and experienced educators alike can access a myriad of benefits and training offered by the large and knowledgeable union network leading to improved educational outcomes for students and improving teacher wellbeing in a career which can be simultaneously invigorating and isolating.

It was in comparing my experiences in small and large school communities that I noticed the potential impact to groups of people working together with a common goal in mind. I knew then that I wanted to work with the SSTUWA!

I encourage any eligible relief teachers to sign up for these courses, as they not only leave you feeling reinvigorated but also provide excellent networking opportunities and a deeper understanding of your rights and entitlements across the public education sector.

Throughout my teaching journey, I have been an active SSTUWA member, attending professional and industrial

The diverse range of experiences and challenges I encountered in my first four years of teaching not only gave


Western Teacher    September 2019

me an appreciation for historical union achievements but also the first-hand knowledge of the personalised advice provided by Member Assist. I know I am not alone in feeling the comfort of knowing that the union “has my back”, has power in its collective strength in advocating for the rights and entitlements of public educators, and is ceaselessly campaigning for greater funding and resourcing of the public education system. Regardless of how teaching came into our lives, we all deserve to understand and protect our rights in the classroom. I am excited to learn more about the education system, how it fits into our lives, and to share my enthusiasm for supporting teachers when I meet them all across the state. Come and say hi if you see me at graduate modules, University Open days and school visits!

Q QA A Members’ matters



The team in Member Assist answers some of members’ most commonly asked questions

with Assist I am on Member a fixed term A Q contract working three days a week. My current school wants me to work an additional day, is this paid the same as casual relief rates?


Teachers who are required to work additional days at the school in which they currently hold either a fixed term contract or substantive appointment will be paid as an additional day. The school will increase the fraction for that week worked and not as a casual relief teacher.

I want to take a year off on Q leave without pay and do relief. Is this possible?


Unfortunately, you are not currently allowed to undertake relief work with the Department of Education (DoE) whilst on leave without pay. There are exceptional circumstances in which permission can be granted but these are generally in situations where no other relief teacher is available in the locality. Please note this is not applicable to those who are currently on parental leave without pay.


Know Your Rights


I am a second year graduate teacher and have been advised that I don’t have access to additional release time.

The te answe comm

with Member Assist

This is correct. The graduate release time is only given to teachers in the first year of teaching. You will still receive your graduate allowance payment.

I have been asked to Q inject insulin to a diabetic student. Is this a medical procedure and do I have to do it?


The term medical procedures, for the purpose of this policy, includes: injecting insulin or other medications intravenously, stoma feeding, nasogastric feeding, changing catheters or colostomy bags, administering enemas or rectal valium and tracheotomy care. It does not include the use of auto adrenaline injectors for the management of anaphylactic reactions or administering asthma medications. Teachers may decline to conduct medical procedures should they not feel comfortable in conducting these procedures.

a dress standard Q Isforthere teachers?


The current DoE Code of Conduct does not make reference to dress standards but does require employees to undertake and “encourage positive work habits, behaviour and personal and professional workplace relationships and boundaries.” What constitutes appropriate

Have a question? A full compilation of Know Your Rights information sheets are available on the SSTUWA website and app. Schools: sstuwa.org.au/schoolsKYR | TAFE: visit sstuwa.org.au/TAFEkyr You can also speak with your union rep and contact Member Assist: (08) 9210 6060 | 1800 106 683 | memberassist@sstuwa.org.au

attire should have regard to the specific circumstances at hand. So, for example, a design and technology (D&T) teacher could argue that jeans are appropriate dress in the D&T workshop, as they are hard-wearing and protective. A dance specialist teacher can wear dance attire when demonstrating dance routines/ manoeuvres to students. Obviously this attire would not necessarily be worn at other times and definitely not at formal occasions such as graduation ceremonies. Teachers’ professional judgement needs to be based on common sense and take into account the various circumstances pertaining to a specific situation. It would be inappropriate for a teacher to wear an item of clothing that is of an offensive nature, is too revealing, or which advertises products or companies through images or slogans that are unsuitable for a school environment.

My principal is reluctant to Q form the School Workload Advisory Committee. Are they obliged to establish the committee?


Yes. Clause 45 of the 2017 General Agreement states that: The principal will establish a Workload Advisory Committee at the commencement of each school year. The Workload Advisory Committee will assess workload management issues in the school, including the provision of advice to the principal during the school year to assist in the management of workload issues in order to improve the focus on teaching and learning outcomes. Western Teacher    September 2019


Occupational safety and health

Spotlight on teacher targeted bullying and harassment By Joy Barrett OSH organiser

A survey by researchers at La Trobe University in Victoria, undertaken with support of the Association of Heads of Independent Schools of Australia, the Australian Education Union (Victorian Branch) and the funding from La Trobe, has explored teacher’s experiences of feeling bullied and victimised in the course of their work. The report commented that the general community have trouble believing that teachers can be bullied by students and their parents due to the belief that teachers are in a position of power. The study found in contrary that teachers often feel powerless in the classroom and Teacher Targeted Bullying and Harassment (TTBH) is a common occurrence. It revealed that teachers struggle to feel respected professionally, that their complaints of TTBH fall on deaf ears and are rarely dealt with satisfactorily. Teachers perceived that management, rather than supporting them, sided with students and parents, which often turned into victim blaming and having their classroom management skills placed under the spotlight. About 560 teachers from both independent and public schools took part in the study. The study was open to all teachers aged between 21 and 70 that had held registration for two years. Participants were largely from the Eastern States with only three per cent being from WA. TTBH, for the purpose of this study was defined as: “A communication process that involves a real or perceived power imbalance where a teacher is subjected, by one or more students [or their parents], to interaction that he or she perceives as 16

Western Teacher    September 2019

Information and pictographs reproduced with the kind permission of Paulina Billett Research report by Paulina Billett - Lecturer, Sociology, La Trobe University & Edgar Burns - Senior Lecturer, Sociology, La Trobe University & Rochelle Fogelgarn - Lecturer in Teacher Education, La Trobe University (April 2019)

Occupational safety and health insulting, upsetting, or intimidating this may be verbal, non-verbal or physical in nature, it may be premeditated or opportunistic, be a single instance or recurring and or of long or short term duration.” Of the educators surveyed, in the past 12 months: • 80 per cent of teachers had experienced bullying or harassment enacted by a student or parent. • 55.6 per cent reported TTBH from students and parents. • 62.9 per cent of primary teachers experienced TTBH from a parent. • 77.6 per cent of secondary teachers experienced TTBH from students. • 56.2 per cent reported having experience TTBH from a repeat aggressor. TTBH seemed to be high among all teachers no matter how long they had held registration. This tends to suggest that it is most probably not related to a teacher’s ability to manage students in the classroom. Teachers with less than one year registration repeated the lowest incidence of TTBH, but the number of participants in this category was low. This may be due to a higher level of support and protection in their first year. Hitting or punching was recorded most by mid-career teachers (5-14 years registered). Late career teachers (15-20+ years registered) reported students engaging parents to argue on their behalf, use of stand over tactics and invasion of personal space more often than the other cohorts. Parental TTBH was seen as a relentless attack on the teacher’s professionalism and abilities and eroded their power to control student behaviour. It was found to be both humiliating and disempowering. Student TBHH caused teachers anxiety, undermined their sense of self-efficacy and impacted on their ability to deliver a good education. It was clear from the survey the TTBH had severe consequences on the mental health and wellbeing of teachers. Teachers reported a variety of symptoms: anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and panic attacks. Teachers often took some sort of leave to avoid this behaviour.

The behaviour could often affect personal relationships with their partner or children.

that no one was prepared to intervene. This is untenable.

At the SSTUWA I have spoken to teachers in rural and regional schools where not only they had been targeted by students and parents, but their children too, who often attend the school where they teach.

The Department of Education and the Police neglected their duty of care and responsibilities.

The worst case I have dealt with was where one family, (father, mother and 3 children) had all been threatened and physically attacked. One child had their leg broken. The whole family were subject to verbal abuse and threats by members of one particular family in their school and in the community. Despite reports being made to the school’s principal and the police, no action was taken. The children had to be moved to a private school some considerable distance away until the parents could secure alternative placements (with no help from the Department). The family allegedly causing trouble were well known to the police but it appeared

It is important that if you are experiencing TTBH, record it and report it to your principal or manager. If it involves physical assault or threats of physical assault report it to the Police. If the Police refuse to accept your report or discourage you from making a report make sure you take their name and number and report it to the Regional Office and Member Assist. The full report on TTBH can be found at: bit.ly/2MFWFGf Information and pictographs reproduced with kind permission from Teacher Targeted Bullying and Harassment by Students and Parents: Report from an Australian Exploratory Survey. Western Teacher    September 2019



The facts about school funding in WA By Trevor Cobbold Convenor, Save our Schools Australia

Total government funding per student in Western Australian private schools adjusted for inflation (real funding) increased by nearly $1,200 per student between 2009 and 2017 while funding for public schools was cut by even more than the private school increases. During the Gonski funding period of 2013-2017 funding for public schools was cut but increased for private schools. While the Western Australian government increased current dollar funding of public schools between 2009 and 2017, it cut real funding by an incredible $1,575 (-13.7 per cent) per student. In the Gonski funding period it cut public school funding by $737 (-6.9 per cent) per student. The cuts mean that public schools have far fewer human and material resources per student.

Chart 1

Source: ACARA, National Report on Schooling data portal.


Western Teacher    September 2019

The Western Australian government took the opportunity of increased Commonwealth funding for public schools to cut its own real funding of public schools. Government funding increases have been badly misdirected in favouring the more privileged, better-off school sectors and students. Nearly 90 per cent of disadvantaged students in Western Australia are in public schools.

Total income of schools 2017 The total income per student of Western Australian independent schools was 34 per cent more than in public schools in 2017, while that of Catholic schools was seven per cent higher. The total income of public schools was $15,473 compared to $20,708 in independent schools and $16,591 in Catholic schools (See chart 1).

Issues Chart 2

Sources: ACARA, National Report on Schooling data portal. Adjusted for inflation by combined index of ABS Wage Price Index for private and public education and training and ABS Consumer Price Index.

Funding 2009 to 2017 The income disparity between public and private schools has increased massively since 2009. Total real income per student in public schools fell by $1,437 (-10.6 per cent) per student but increased by $1,850 (16.4 per cent) in Catholic schools and by $2,154 (15.1 per cent) for independent schools (See chart 2). The increased income disparity between public and private schools was mainly due to much larger Commonwealth funding increases for private schools than for public schools, large fee increases in private schools and much reduced funding of public schools by the Western Australian government (See chart 2). Real government funding for public schools was cut by $1,375 (-10.5 per cent) per student while funding for Catholic schools increased by $1,195 per student (14.7 per cent) and for independent schools by $1,181 (17.4 per cent). The Commonwealth increased real funding for Catholic schools by $1,206 (21.1 per cent) per student and by $1,001 (21.5 per cent) for independent schools compared to $200 (12.3 per cent) for public schools. The Western Australian government cut real funding for public schools by $1,575 (-13.7 per cent) per student while reducing its funding of Catholic by only $11 (-0.5 per cent) per student and increasing its funding of independent schools by $180 (8.5 per cent) per student.

Private schools also increased fees and other income by much more than cost increases. After allowing for inflation, Catholic schools increased fees and other income by $666 (20.9 per cent) per student and independent schools by $967 (12.9 per cent).

Funding 2013 to 2017 The income disparity between public and private schools has also widened since the introduction of the Gonski funding plan in 2014. Total income per student in public schools fell by $677 (4.7 per cent) compared to an increase of $584 (4.6 per cent) in Catholic schools and $647 (4.1 per cent) in Independent schools (See chart 3). The increased disparity in this period was mainly due to larger Commonwealth funding increases for private schools than for public schools, and much larger cuts to funding of public schools than for private schools by the Western Australian government. Real government funding per student in public schools was cut by $645 (-5.2 per cent) per student but increased for Catholic schools by $401 (4.5 per cent) and by $611 (8.3 per cent) in independent schools. The Commonwealth increased real funding for private schools by over seven times that for public schools. The increase for Catholic schools was $663 (10.6 per cent) per student and $682 (13.7 per cent) for independent schools compared to $92 (5.3 per cent) in public schools. (Continued on page 20.) Western Teacher    September 2019


Issues (Continued from page 19.) The Western Australian government cut real funding for public schools by $737 (-6.9 per cent) per student, by $262 (-9.8 per cent) for Catholic schools and by $71 (-3 per cent) in independent schools.

Funding for Western Australian public schools will continue to be cut while private schools will continue to be over-funded Under the new Commonwealth/Western Australian funding agreement WA public schools will continue to be cut from 100 per cent of their Schooling Resource Standard (SRS) in 2018 to only 91 per cent by 2023 while private schools are likely to continue to be funded at over 100 per cent. Under the agreement, the Commonwealth will increase its funding of public schools from 15.4 per cent of the SRS in 2018 to 20 per cent by 2023 while the Western Australian government will reduce its share from 84.4 per cent to 75 per cent by 2023. However, an accounting trick in the agreement allows the Western Australian government to claim other non-school based expenditure up to four per cent of the SRS towards its commitment. This means it will reduce its funding by even more to 71 per cent of the SRS by 2023. Consequently, Western Australian public schools will only be funded at 91 per cent of their SRS in future. The cumulative under-funding to 2027 will amount to about $4.6 billion. The Commonwealth has guaranteed that Western Australian private schools will be funded at 80 per cent of their SRS by 2023 (they are currently funded at 78 per cent).

Chart 3

They are also funded at 26 per cent of their SRS by the Western Australian Government and there is a caveat in the agreement that allows them to continue to be funded at above 20 per cent. Thus, Western Australian private schools are currently funded at over 100 per cent of their SRS and this will very likely continue indefinitely. In addition, Western Australian private schools will receive an additional $199 million under the funding arrangements announced by the Morrison Government last year to apply over 10 years from 2020. It will ensure that Western Australian private schools are even more over-funded in the future. Catholic and independent schools can continue to supplement their large increases in government funding with increases in income from fees, charges and donations in excess of rising costs to extend their resource advantage over public schools in the future.

Policy direction Pressure must be applied to the Western Australian government to continue to fund public schools at over 80 per cent of their SRS for as long as it continues to over-fund private schools. Public education organisations must continue to advocate for a nationally integrated funding model directed at reducing disadvantage in education, ending special deals and over-funding of private schools, and boosting funding for public schools. This is an edited version of an article that was first published at the Save Our Schools Australia website.

Sources: ACARA, National Report on Schooling data portal. Adjusted for inflation by combined index of ABS Wage Price Index for private and public education and training and ABS Consumer Price Index.


Western Teacher    September 2019

TAFE log of claims endorsed


TAFE Committee and the SSTUWA Executive have now endorsed the draft log of claims. The Log will now be served on the employers and negotiations will soon begin. The log covers a range of claims regarding pay and working conditions for TAFE members and has gone through an extensive consultation period to this point. The log of claims covers salary and working conditions for TAFE members across several areas including workload, wages, progression and leadership, consultation, professional development and job security. Overarching all these claims is the SSTUWA’s position that no trade-offs or diminution of current conditions and entitlements will be accepted during negotiations. The SSTUWA is seeking on behalf of its TAFE members a wages claim of two per cent for the first year, followed by 2.5 per cent in the second and three per cent in the third year. This is in line with the current schools EBA wages claim and consistent with the national and state minimum wage increase of three and 2.75 per cent respectively. The current state government policy is a $1,000 a year wage rise for public sector employees.

Student Curriculum Hours (SCH) allocated to units to be increased where they have been reduced below funded allocations.

Workloads for “academic leadership” roles and classifications to be examined given currently there is little or no reduction of teaching hours for many lecturers undertaking these roles.

Quotas for principal lecturer positions at each college to be increased.

All academic leadership positions and classifications to receive increments.

A job description be developed and included in the Agreement for current positions described by colleges as, for example, course coordinators / custodians / conduits with agreed time release and leadership level pay.


Reduction in weekly teaching loads (TH) from 21 hours to 19 hours per week. Fair and safe class sizes to be determined for all modes of faceto-face delivery and teaching hours (TH) allocated to alternative modes of delivery in accordance with Union Class Sizes Draft Clause. Alternative modes of delivery include nonclassroom delivery such as on-line and RPL.

Professional Development •

A specific fund to be set up to support lecturers wishing to complete a teaching qualification and that this support be for funding university tuition fees and a partial release from teaching duties. The disbursement of funds needs to be managed by a committee with union representation.

Teaching loads need to be reduced to provide time to support industry and/ or teaching and learning professional development.

Progression and leadership

Highlights of the conditions being sought in the TAFE log of claims are as follows:

rise to the consultation and applying until the consultation process is concluded’.

Increasing job security •

Any lecturing position that is to continue after two continuous semesters be defined as a permanent position to the incumbent lecturer, unless they have been employed to relieve another lecturer.

No need for fixed term contract and casual lecturers to reapply for positions if they have already been selected through a merit selection process for a same or similar position.

The minimum engagement for a casual to be three consecutive hours.

Consultation •

Consultation provisions to be extended to include explicit provision for the status quo to be maintained whilst consultation is occurring and up to the point where the employer and the union have agreed that all matters requiring consultation have been concluded. The status quo is to be defined as ‘the situation immediately prior to the action giving

Further updates will be provided throughout the negotiation process. Western Teacher    September 2019


National education and union news

National education and union news Disposable income decrease 2009-2017 Median household disposable income went backwards between 2009 and 2017 according to new data from the Household, Income and Labour Dynamics Australia (HILDA) survey.

increases and eliminating wage theft. Data from the ABS shows that union members earn on average $171 per week more than non-union workers in their main job.

The survey shows household incomes are standing still as Australian workers grind towards seven years without a real pay increase.

The government is currently trying to pass the Ensuring Integrity Bill, which will make it even harder for working people to win decent pay rises and to stop exploitation.

The Morrison Government has made no effort to alleviate this crisis in wages and household income because low wage growth is a “design feature” of their government. Being a union member improves quality of life for working people through pay

ACTU Secretary Sally McManus said household incomes were standing still because working people had not had a real pay rise since the Coalition government came to power, which meant living standards had not improved for a decade.

“This is a government who actively works to keep wages low. It has designed the system this way by making the job of unions, which is to make wages go up, as hard as possible while cutting penalty rates, opposing minimum wage rises and holding down the wages of their own staff,” she said. “The Morrison Government’s legacy will be the worst period of economic stagnation for households in recent memory. “When the government sides with employers to keep wages low, the only way to combat it is to join your union and stand together because this increases bargaining power.”

Double standards over school capital funding Scott Morrison’s Local Schools Community Fund has highlighted his government’s double standards when it comes to capital works funding for public as opposed to private schools.

student,” Ms Haythorpe said.

While the Morrison Government offers private schools access to a 10-year $1.9 billion capital works fund, it has failed to provide public schools with a single dollar in equivalent funding for new classrooms, libraries and building maintenance.

Ms Haythorpe said that the Morrison Government has already handed over $300 million in capital grants to Independent and Catholics schools in the last two years, while at the same time providing no capital funding at all for public schools.

Australian Education Union Federal President Correna Haythorpe (pictured right) said the Local Schools Community Fund, a one-off $200,000 grant per electorate for libraries, classrooms and play equipment to be shared amongst all school sectors, was little more than insulting. “If Scott Morrison’s Local School Community Fund is evenly split between the three school sectors, it means about $1,500 for each public school. This is not even enough for a new textbook for each 22

Western Teacher    September 2019

“Compared to the billions of dollars Mr Morrison has handed out in grants to private schools, it’s insulting.”

“Not only has Scott Morrison cut $14 billion from public schools he was also the Treasurer who stopped capital funding for public schools altogether,” she said. The lack of Commonwealth capital funding for public schools is despite the fact that ABS data shows almost 200,000 additional students have enrolled in Australian schools in the past five years and 76 per cent of the growth has been in public schools.

Between 2015 and 2018 the number of students in public schools increased by 113,039 compared to an increase in Catholic school enrolments of 196 and an increase of 29,626 in Independent Schools. Catholic school enrolments decreased in 2017 and 2018.

National education and union news Ms Haythorpe said that while public schools might get a one-off payment worth a few thousand dollars from the Local Schools Community Fund, over three hundred private schools have already been allocated substantial capital grants worth an average $1 million each over the last two years.

receive a one off $3,158, which is only $7.77 per student. If the fund is split evenly between public, private and Catholic schools, each sector would get $10 million from the fund, meaning a potential one-off payment of $1490 for each of the 6,711 public schools in the country.

million – an average of nearly one million

“The Morrison Government’s Local Schools Community Fund just doesn’t measure up,” Ms Haythorpe said.

“By comparison, the Morrison Government’s existing $1.9 billion private schools capital works fund provides each of Australia’s 2832 non-government schools with a possible $670,000 over a decade.

public sector which has the greatest need

“Guidelines say that schools are eligible for grants of up to $20,000 but there is no indication of how this will be split between school sectors. “If the fund is allocated according to school enrolments, each school could

“In 2018 and 2019 alone, 315 nongovernment schools received total allocations from this fund of $312.6

dollars per grant.” Ms Haythorpe questioned why public schools shouldn’t receive the same treatment from the Morrison Government. “Public schools are experiencing significant enrolment growth and it is the for classrooms, libraries, science labs or sporting facilities,” she said. “If the Morrison Government wants to give all school students a fair go, it must immediately set up a $300 million per year capital works fund for public schools.”

CEDA report misses the mark on temporary visa workers A new report from the Centre for Economic Development Australia (CEDA) distorts the nature of temporary visa work in Australia, dismissing the impact of the broken system on the exploited temporary visa workforce as well as local workers, the ACTU claims. While the ACTU welcomes the suggestion that skills shortage analysis be improved, the claims in the report that there is a positive impact of the temporary visa program on employment and wages represents a failure to examine the entire sectors of the economy where exploitation of temporary visa workers is systemic and horrific. Multiple investigations have found that temporary visa workers are routinely paid

well below the minimum wage, exploiting the insecurity of their employment and ripping the bottom out of the labour market in regional areas where youth unemployment can be higher than 20 per cent.

unemployment in regional areas,” he said.

The suggestion that labour market testing should be removed from the visa process directly undermines the basic principle that jobs in Australia should be filled by local workers in the first instance.

“Removing market testing would exacerbate the worst elements of an already broken system. It’s essential that local jobs be offered to local workers before employers are allowed to bring in workforces from overseas.

ACTU Assistant Secretary Liam O’Brien said the temporary work visa program was broken. “It exploits temporary visa workers while undercutting wages and job security for local workers and driving up

“The systemic issues with the temporary visa system were shown clearly in the recent report from the Migrant Worker Taskforce.

“When some employers rort the system and underpay temporary visa workers, it disadvantages all other employers who do the right thing. We need to create tighter controls on the visa system, not remove key protections for local workers.”

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Western Teacher    September 2019


Education and Training Centre

Education & Training Centre Professional Learning Opportunities Tuesday 1 October - Friday 11 October Month











Queen's Birthday Public Holiday

Sharp Reading: Get Guided Reading Right for the Beginning Reader: PP-2

Sharp Reading: A Systematic Approach to Comprehension Instruction: Years 2-6

Sharp Reading: The Next Steps for Comprehension Instruction: Years 2-6

Sharp Reading: For the Struggling Older Reader: Years 3-8

9am – 3pm

9am – 3pm

9am – 3pm

9am – 3pm

Writing Competitive Job Applications for Teaching Positions

Dealing with Difficult People and Difficult Situations

September & October

9am – 12.30pm 7





P&N Financial Planning: Pre-Retirement Planning Seminar

An Introduction to Restorative Practice for Years 1-10

Interview Skills for Teaching Positions

9.30am – 1.15pm

9am – 3pm

9am – 1pm 11

9am – 12.30pm

Visit sstuwa.org.au/training for more details and online registrations 24

Western Teacher    September 2019

Education and Training Centre

Term 4 Conferences at the SSTUWA: Save the Dates Safety in Our Schools Conference Tuesday 12 November (Week 5) “Every parent rightly expects that when their child is at school they will be safe, nurtured and supported to learn. Similarly, teachers and school staff should feel safe in their workplace. Unfortunately, some students come to school with the attitude that hurting other students or teachers is alright.” - Minister Sue Ellery, Minster for Education and Training Join us at the SSTUWA to participate in multiple learning opportunities around how to keep your workplace safe for all. You will hear from keynote speaker and a Bali bombing survivor Phil Britten, who will share his personal story of resilience against violence. Hear how he remained undefeated.

Keynote Speaker: Phil Britten

You will also have the opportunity to select from a range of workshops that will provide information and strategies for keeping your workplace safe. Take the opportunity to learn about: collaborative practices, KOWS, restorative practices, the 10 Point Plan, and Department of Education DoE policies around physical violence.

The afternoon session will offer two breakout sessions – a primary and a secondary group. Each will provide a taster of the two-day Skilled up and Safe course currently on offer through the SSTUWA. It will provide a brief outline of the skills and knowledge required to keep safe. You will also participate in some real-life school scenarios that will help you know how to reduce the threat of physical harm through verbal commands, de-escalation strategies and team tactics.

SSTUWA Women's Conference Friday 29 November (Week 7)

This year’s conference continues the 2019 International Women’s Day theme of #BalanceforBetter. The conference sessions will strive to help members: • Participate in discussions that address gender disparity. • Celebrate inspirational women and their political, cultural and historical achievements. • Raise visibility of marginalised, displaced and disenfranchised women across the globe. • Champion the education of women and young girls. We are delighted to welcome Debbie Kilroy to our conference as a keynote speaker and workshop facilitator. Debbie's journey from a criminal, who spent time in prison, to a practising lawyer is a fascinating tale of courage and resilience. Debbie is the founder Keynote Speaker: Debbie Kilroy of a group of women called Sisters Inside. This organisation advocates for human rights and supports women in the prison system. Debbie’s achievements have earned her an Order of Australia. A range of high quality workshops will also be on offer throughout the conference. Save the date! Western Teacher    September 2019


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Fleet Network

Package your next car and save on tax. Bonus Samsung 8” tablet or Dash Cam with vehicle delivery.



5-10% discount on vehicle hire in Australia, NZ, USA and Canada.


Motor Market by Union Shopper

You choose the car, then we find you the lowest price.


Thrifty Car and Truck Rental

10% discount on vehicle hire in Australia.


Longroad Website Development

Discounted website development and hosting.


PLE Computers

Save on your IT with access to the PLE Computers academic portal.


Educational Resources Abacus Educational Supplies

10% discount, in store and online.


Classroom Management

A Thinking and Caring Approach. By Barrie Bennett and Peter Smilanich.


Effective Group Work

Beyond Cooperative Learning. By Barrie Bennett.


Graphic Intelligence

Possibilities for Assessment and Instruction. By Barrie Bennett.


Instructional Intelligence

Building Instructional Expertise for the Classroom. An SSTUWA project in collaboration with Barrie Bennett.

5-10% discount, in store and online.

Western Motor Vehicle Consultants

We’ll find a car you’ll love. Save time and money when sourcing your next vehicle.


Computers Altronics

Apple on Campus

Western Teacher    September 2019





Save up to 15% off selected items.


10% discount on tyres.


Vehicle salary packaging – save time, money and tax. Receive a $300 gift card with your new car.



Build it yourself electronics centre. VIP trade discount in store and online.

Allwest Fleet


Massive discounts on products and services for SSTUWA members


Teacher Superstore


Entertainment Adventure World

Save up to $14.50 on Adventure World tickets with Westclub.


Movie tickets

Discounts on physical tickets (greater savings) and instant digital tickets.

For details visit:



Indoor rock climbing in Northbridge. $14 all day climbing pass with harness hire.

sstuwa.org.au/apple Save up to 15% off selected items.




Member benefits *Terms & conditions apply.

Please visit our website for full details.

For more information visit sstuwa.org.au/benefits and the benefits tab of the SSTUWA App Food and Wine Campbells

Complimentary day pass to access wholesale prices on groceries and other goods.


Cellar d’Or

Best value winery tour in the Margaret RIver Region. 10% discount for members.


Cracka Wines

Teachers Health Fund

Join the thousands of teachers who have already made the switch.


Teachers Health – Travel

10% discount on travel insurance.


STA Travel Insurance

$20 discount for members.


7.5% off online wine orders.


Taste Bud Tours

10% discount, in store and online.


Abacus Educational Supplies

Swan Valley “Speed Grazing” – 20% discount. Good Food, Wine & Cider (am) or Good Food, Wine & Beer (pm).


Health and Wellbeing



Dot Mall

BBQs, heaters and backyard kitchens. 5% discount for members.

St John

Electrical buying



First aid saves lives. Discounted first aid courses and kits for members.

Let Union Shopper find the best deal on your electrical purchases.

WA Opticians




20% discount on spectacle frames and lenses. Perth and East Perth.

Housing Houspect

Buy, build and invest with confidence. $50 discount on building inspections.


Johns Building Supplies

Trade prices on paint and painters’ hardware. Builders prices on all other hardware lines.



Specialising in skylights and roof ventilation, servicing all regions of WA. 7% discount off selected products.


Insurance and Legal ISinsured

Up to an extra 10% off any print and digital magazine subscription; over 4,000 titles.

Jackson’s Drawing Supplies

10% discount in Jackson’s 12 shops and online.


Petals Flowers & Gifts

20% off flowers and gifts. World-wide delivery available.



Choice Hotels

Choice Hotels welcomes SSTUWA members with exclusive rates at locations in Australia and NZ.


Comfort Hotel Perth City

Rooms from $145 per night including Light Start Breakfast for two. Located near the WACA in East Perth.


Experience Oz

Save 10% on over 3,000 experiences across Oz + NZ.


Inn the Tuarts Guest Lodge

Forest retreat, 4-star, with indoor pool, Jacuzzi, sauna and BBQ. Adults (12 years+) only. Five minutes to Busselton. Studios and rooms. 22.5% off rack rate or best available rate.


International Teacher Identity Card (ITIC)

Discounts on flights, restaurants, movies, shopping, groceries and more. $10 off ITIC for members.




Cost plus 5% on all products. Osborne Park location only; in store or via phone. Nation-wide delivery available.

Luxurious, self-contained accommodation in Margaret River. Discounted rates for members.

Teacher Superstore

Mandurah Houseboats

5-10% discount, in store and online.


The Good Guys Commercial

SSTUWA Legal Services

Vet Products Direct


Great savings for teachers at Accor Hotels in the Asia Pacific region.

Jarrah Grove Forest Retreat

Online access to live discounted pricing on The Good Guys’ full range.

Access to quality legal services for both work-related and personal matters.

Accor Hotels


Insurance for union members. Home, contents, car, landlords.


Travel and Accommodation


10% discount on pet products, plus advice from professionals.


10% discount on houseboat holidays.


Rottnest ferry tickets

Save up to $18 on Rottnest ferry tickets with WestClub.


STA Travel

Exclusive discounts for members.


Western Teacher    September 2019



Classifieds Block for sale: Kalbarri

Large 770sqm block, ready to build on, two streets from the beach. 22m frontage with north facing winter aspect. Walking distance to all facilities. Be quick as seller will negotiate. All offers considered. 0402 349 203

For sale: Cooloongup

3x2 plus large utility room, fully powered workshop set amongst a quiet street and bushland. Large patio area and backyard for entertaining and family time. Offers from $350,000. EOI: 0401 847 317

Albany (Little Grove)

Silent Grove Cottage. Self-contained two bedroom (queen/two singles) on two hectares of bushland. Undercover parking. Close to yacht club, walking/ bike trails, national park and beaches. Teachers’ rate: $150 per night. Stay seven, get one free. www.silentgrove.iinet.net.au 9844 4950 | merron@iinet.net


“Wywurry Holidays” in 2x1 fully furnished cottage. Min 2 nights, max 6 weeks. Sleeps 4, more with camp beds. Pet friendly. 20 min walk to Middleton Beach. $100/night for 4 people; $10/night per extra person. $550/week. $2,000/month. Linen fee optional $50 per visit/week. Sara: 0499 057 647 saralindsay41@gmail.com

Dunsborough (Quindalup)

Large 4x2 holiday home on Geographe Bay Rd. Swimming beach 30m away. Free use of private boat mooring. Room to park boats with boat ramp a minute away. Slow combustion wood heater and reversecycle air-con. Available all year except for leavers’ vacation. No pets. 0419 943 203 | 9448 5527 a_r_moore@bigpond.com


Après Huit and Dwell Cottage provide luxury self-contained accommodation set in beautifully landscaped gardens. Can be rented separately or together. Après Huit: 2x2, main house. Dwell Cottage: 1x1, furnished in a French theme. Robert: 0419 954 079 dwellcottage.com.au


Shady two bedroom beach cottage 300 metres from surf beach and protected Falcon Bay. Located on a grassy, peppermint gum 1012 sq metre block. Sleeps eight. Well-equipped including BBQ. Close to Miami Village and all amenities, great for crabbing and fishing. Less than one hour from Perth’s CBD along Forrest Hwy. $150 per night for Western Teacher readers. 0415 035 390 | richard.wright@iinet.net.au


3x1 spacious holiday rental. One double, one queen, five singles. 200m from the river and town. Magnificent river views. One large living area, three sided veranda and BBQ. Provide own linen and towels. $150 per night plus $50 cleaning fee. gregrowl@iinet.net.au

Studio B&B. New, stylish single room. Fridge, kitchenette, TV, aircon in lovely peaceful Floreat house and garden. Linen, tea/coffee, continental/cooked breakfast ingredients supplied. Suit mature person wishing to enjoy quiet accommodation. Close to city, buses, shops, hospitals and beaches. $85 per night, min two nights. Weekly and monthly rates available. SMS: 0422 333 057

Cowaramup (Margaret River Region)

France (South)


Private B&B within newly built home. Parkland setting. Private queen bedroom, bathroom and breakfast room. Private entry and dedicated parking. 10 mins to Margaret River, Gracetown, central to wineries/breweries and beaches. $120 per night per couple including breakfast. Lee: 0412 902 932


The Rise is a modern, comfortable, 3x2 fully equipped house close to town with elevated views. Located close to Scotsdale and Mt Shadforth drives and their many tourist attractions. Stay for 7 nights and pay for 6 nights. Bookings.denmark.com.au (property The Rise) (08) 9848 2055, 9am to 5pm

3x2 house located in quaint village adjacent to Canal du Midi - noted for having 300 days of sunshine per year and hence lots of vineyards. Spain is 1hr drive; Barcelona is 2hr drive. $700 per week. 0407 368 511 | craigrebecca@bigpond.com


Short term accommodation in central Fremantle. Recently refurbished with all conveniences for modern living. Townhouse has three queen-sized bedrooms plus provision for two singles. Enjoy time in the rear garden, complete with BBQ. Secure parking for two cars, access controlled by electric gates. 9430 4458 | 0407 083 174 info@westerley.com.au


Serenity Escape is a 2x1 apartment with full kitchen, offering comfort and convenience. 20 min walk to beach, 5 min drive to train station, walking distance to Whitfords Brewing Co, cinema and shops. Toiletries, slippers and coffee machine provided. Min 2 nights. Sleeps 4, or 5 with mattress. No pets. $125/night for 3 people; $10/night per extra person. Molly: 0428 166 559 mollysletters@gmail.com

Mt Lawley/Dianella

Newly built 1x1 self-contained extension, furnished, with laundry, dining, lounge, kitchen and one undercover parking bay. Aircon, TV, fridge, washing machine and microwave included. Quiet residential area close to city, buses, Galleria Morley, Mt Lawley cafe strip and Northbridge. 10 min walk to Terry Tyzack Aquatic Centre; golf course across the road. $80 per night, min two nights. $50 per night for weekly and monthly rentals. 0439 964 239 | cymbie.burgoyne@gmail.com


Renovated, self-contained 30s-style three bedroom house with beautiful river views. Short walk across the bridges to town. Sleeps six-eight. Kevin: 0414 446 431


One bedroom private spa apartment in quiet Prevelly cul-de-sac. Two minute walk from beach. Suits couples. $165 per night for Western Teacher readers. Lucy: lcartell@iinet.net.au


Stay on Brighton. Comfortable 3x2 unit is a home away from home with everything you need. Sleeps six adults. Caters for children. Conveniently located near shops and café; 10 minute walk to beach. Western Teacher special: stay six nights and the seventh night is free. Lisa: 0408 914 090 lisamaree77@hotmail.com


Self contained accommodation. Kitchen, laundry, queen sized bed plus fold out double couch in lounge. Free WiFi and Netflix. Own entrance. Find us on Facebook. Kerry: 0409 884 330 | FB: @justriggin 67justriggin@gmail.com


Rammed earth cottage, 2x1, nestled amongst bushland. Well located, short walk to Studio Gallery Bistro, two-minute drive to Caves House. Beaches, galleries, wineries and restaurants close by. Sleeps six. No dogs. stayz.com.au (property 136151) Kirsty: 0419 927 660

Email 50 words or fewer to editor@sstuwa.org.au with your phone and union membership numbers. Free for members. 28

Western Teacher    September 2019


Classifieds Victoria (Jan Juc Beach)

Planning a holiday to Victoria? Stay on the beautiful Surf Coast, in between Torquay and the famous Bells Beach. Sleeps eight comfortably. Walking distance to the beach, golf club, shops and river mouth. Everything you need is already there. Large entertaining areas. Discount for Western Teacher readers. 0403 803 064

Curious about Cuba?

Interested in: Agriculture sustainability, food security, global social justice, universal health care and education, socialism in practice? Be more than a tourist! Join the 37th Southern Cross Brigade to Cuba, 28 Dec 2019 to 16 Jan 2020. Rhonda: 0428 055 635 bowgadabird1@hotmail.com cubabrigade.org.au

Luxury Diwali tour to India

$7,650pp, 19 Oct to 5 Nov. Teachers’ discount: $300. Visiting Delhi, Agra, Ranthambore, Jaipur, Jaisalmer, Jodhpur, Udaipur. Includes airfares, transfers, fees and gratuities, five star hotels, most meals, live Bollywood show, two tiger safaris, participation in Diwali festival and mock Indian wedding. 0409 554 702 | support@luxetoursindia.com luxetoursindia.com

Tranquillity Counselling, Psychotherapy and Career Development

I provide holistic, confidential practical counselling to help you deal with an array of issues, some being: general relationship, mental health, anger issues/management; anxiety; depression; self-harm; grief and trauma; addiction; abuse; palliative care. Milica Robinson, MCnsig&Psychthpy, GradCertCareerDev, BEd. 0422 358 187

Retirement coach

Are you recently retired or retiring soon? You probably have a financial plan in place but developing a plan for the non-financial

side of retirement can be as important as preparing financially. I offer support and guidance for the transition from work to retirement, helping you to find purpose and meaning in retirement. Contact me to arrange an obligation free chat. retirementcoaching01@gmail.com

Marriage celebrant

Marriage celebrant with 12 years of experience, working in the Peel, South West and Perth areas. Specialising in creating personalised ceremonies for couples at their chosen wedding location. I’d love to help you plan your special day! Meridith: 0400 312 535 meri.lake4@gmail.com

Marriage celebrant

Heart Centered Ceremonies for couples wanting a personalised wedding. Lee will help you design your dream wedding – a memorable occasion. Mention this ad to receive a discount. Lee: 0404 655 567 leehalligancelebrant.com.au

Marriage celebrant

Experienced professional celebrant available, all areas. Formal or informal, large or small weddings. A Beautiful Ceremony will help you design an unforgettable and uniquely personal ceremony. Mary: 0418 906 391 maryburke40@hotmail.com

Learn to social dance

Learn jive, waltz, rumba, samba, tango and other dances for social events (ball, wedding, cruise, etc). A fun and easy course with quality instruction. Join with or without a partner. Melville (LeisureFit) Recreation Centre. Mondays 7.30-9pm. $118/8 weeks. Beginners’ course held every term. Term 3 starts 29 July. Stan: 9330 6737 | stan@stansdancing.com

First aid training for students

St John Ambulance WA offers free first aid training to all school aged students, ranging from Triple 000 Hero for

kindergarten students to Road Trauma First Aid for secondary school students. Courses are curriculum mapped. 9334 1259 | youth@stjohnambulance.com.au

Actors reading to kids: it’s Storyville!

Storyville is a free literacy initiative run by Australian performers through the Media Entertainment & Arts Alliance. The program harnesses the talent of performers to encourage children to read and specifically targets primary schools with socio-economic disadvantage or where for a majority of students English is a second language. diane.cameron@equityfoundation.org.au


The Mathematical Association of Western Australia offers professional learning opportunities, conferences and consultancy services to teachers and schools and networks. MAWA members receive 10 per cent discount on MAWA shop resources. For more information: mawainc.org.au 9345 0388 | eo@mawainc.org.au

Calling all retired teachers!

Are you a retired teacher with a spirit of adventure and time to spare? Would you like to assist families in remote areas of WA? You may like to join REVISE WA as a tutor. For more info, visit www.revisewa.com.au

Wanted: Teacher resources

Wanted: Your unwanted teacher resources and materials. Declutter and make some extra cash at the same time. If you have unused and unwanted resources cluttering up your classroom or home, call Kris. Kris: 0401 263 070

Belly Rubs Boarding Kennels

Personalised approach to boarding your canine companion. $25 per dog – mention you’re a teacher to receive a 10 per cent discount. Located in Southern River. Elisa: 0417 620 766 | bellyrubsboarding.com

Western Teacher    September 2019




Email to editor@sstuwa.org.au

Retired Teachers’ Association The choir sang seven songs at the parkland villas on 26 August and there were solos by Pat Spillman and Terry McLaughlin. The guest speaker for the 25 September quarterly meeting will be a representative from St John Ambulance. The meeting commences at 10am for a 10.30am start.

State Council Conference Members/branches wishing to submit motions for November State Council must do so by 5pm Friday 27 September 2019.

The literature session on 2 September will be given by Bert Berry on English poetry, and the session on 16 September will be an own choice session. Ann Strauss: 9387 2906

Do you enjoy singing? If so, Working Voices Choir would like you to join us. We sing songs of social justice, union and environmental songs. No auditions needed. For more information, visit workingvoiceschoir.org.au

Level 3 Classroom Teachers’ Association

2019 meeting dates: Saturdays, 10.30am-noon at the State Library Term 3

Term 4

14 September

19 October 23 November Mon 9 December Celebration event

Venue subject to change. Visit www.l3cta.org.au for venue information and to confirm attendance, or email contact@l3cta.org.au

SSTUWA committee meeting dates:


Early Childhood Educators’ Committee

TAFE Committee

Time: 4.15pm 6 November

Venue: SSTUWA office | Contact: (08) 9210 6000 or contact@sstuwa.org.au Teleconference facilities are available

International Committee

LGBTIQ Committee

Time: 5pm

Time: 4.30pm

Time: 4pm

Dates to be confirmed

Dates to be confirmed

Dates to be confirmed

New Educator Committee

Women’s Committee

Psych Services Committee

ATSIE Committee

Time: 4.30pm

Time: 4.15pm

Time: 4.45pm

Time: 4pm

19 November

Dates to be confirmed

28 November

31 October

Western Teacher    September 2019

It feels good to be ethical

Globally, 128 companies were named as a 2019 World’s Most Ethical Company1, including 5 banks. And we’re one of them for the 6th year in a row!

Join us^ tmbank.com.au ^Membership is open to citizens or permanent residents of Australia who are current or retired employees of the Australian education sector or family members of members of the Bank. 1 The Ethisphere Institute is a global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practice. The World’s Most Ethical Company assessment is based upon the Ethisphere Institute’s Ethics Quotient (EQ) framework and honours superior achievements in transparency, integrity, ethics and compliance. Worlds Most Ethical Companies and ‘Ethisphere’ names and marks are registered trade marks of Ethisphere LLL. www.ethisphere.com Teachers Mutual Bank Limited ABN 30 087 650 459 AFSL/Australian Credit Licence 238981 | 00711-CSR-0419-WME-A4-WT

Transition to Retirement Specialists

Financial solutions and advice to help you transition

TTR and Tax benefits will continue into 2019 & beyond! Please see tipsfs.com.au

Are You Retiring or Reducing Hours in 2019? What you will need to consider … • • • •

Can I afford to drop a day? How much will be enough to retire on? How can I maximize my income & reduce tax? When is it best to pay off my mortgage?

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