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Our world needs leaders and change makers who have the commitment, courage and skill to drive positive change. The Centre for Sustainability Leadership empowers emerging sustainability leaders to realize their goals for a better future by providing them with tools, networks, knowledge and support. Be part of a switched on network dedicated to creating a sustainable future.


06 Chair’s Report


Sustainability Leadership


Leadership Rewired

12 47 66

Fellowship Program

Melbourne Fellows 2011

Our Board


20 56 Alumni Stories

40 Sydney Fellows 2011




Speakers and Mentors


Governance and Credits


Our Team



CHAIR’S REPORT A YEAR AT THE DRAWING BOARD I’ve been thinking a lot about architecture, lately. I couldn’t tell a Doric column from a Corinthian, and I can’t draw to save myself, but it hasn’t stopped my green thoughts turning to blueprints. You see, when I was a CSL fellow in 2010 I figured out that I was, in the language of Jason Clarke’s neat typology of human capabilities, a designer – someone who sees how we could shape great ideas into a workable form. The objects of my mental sculpting are not chic facades or elaborate interiors, but rather smarter public policies, superior organisational strategies and a more enticing personal roadmap. From writing about design flaws in our climate policies to charting my own future direction, I have enjoyed doing more of this type of thinking in 2011 than ever before. My most satisfying design work, however, has been with my team at CSL – an extraordinary group of people spanning not just my superb colleagues on the Board, but our staff, sponsors, Fellows and friends. Having moved from the Fellowship Program to the Board, to the Chair, I have been privileged not only to see CSL from multiple perspectives, but also to meet the many people who comprise this stellar team. Together, we’ve smoothly managed changes, successfully delivered programs, and raised our sights towards exciting aspirations. In 2011 we warmly welcomed new directors Janette O’Neill, Brian Gardner, Melissa Field, Jeremy Baskin, Katie Pahlow and Matt Perry, while we farewelled long-serving former chairs Cameron Brown and Rachel Lowry and directors Glenn Bartlett and Megan Gourlay, all of whom have given so much to CSL. We delivered two successful Fellowship Programs – our seventh in Melbourne and our third in Sydney – and were inspired by their ideas, passions and projects. And with the launch of Leadership Rewired, our innovative e-learning program, we now have the capacity to reach beyond Melbourne and Sydney; to empower anyone, anywhere, to build collaborative enterprises and movements for sustainable change. None of this would have been possible without the hard work of Andrew Foran and his wonderful staff, and the generous support of many individuals and organisations. I would like to thank, on behalf of CSL, all of our 2011 sponsors and in particular our two key sponsors, EPA Victoria and the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. A special thank you also to Jason Clarke for his ceaseless and unparalleled contribution to CSL, and all of 6 – CENTRE FOR SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP

the speakers, presenters, mentors and supporters who gave their time and wisdom to ensure the success of the Fellowship Programs in 2011. So where to, next for CSL? What are our aspirations for the next five years? And what are our plans for the next 12 months? As the Board charted a course for CSL, we unleashed the ‘designer’ in all of us. Reflecting on our values, strengths, limitations and opportunities we distilled the four elements that we think lie at the heart of CSL and which will guide our plans for its next phase: People; Empowerment; Connection; and Resources. We want to keep attracting talented, passionate people who share our values and are eager to step up to the challenge of sustainability leadership. Moreover, we want to: empower them to be sustainability leaders by giving them learning opportunities, inspiration and support; connect them with one another, with CSL and with the best sustainability leaders from across the community; and equip them with the resources that will help them to develop ground-breaking projects and to reach new audiences. Within this framework, we will be implementing a number of exiting new initiatives over the coming months and years. Combining the immersive experience of the Fellowship Program with the reach and flexibility of Leadership Rewired, we will develop new blended learning programs to empower ever more sustainability leaders. We will do more to support our cohort of 200+ alumni in Melbourne and Sydney, including professional development programs and greater opportunities for them to showcase their ideas and expand their networks. And we will be expanding our programme of events to provide more frequent and engaging forums, to unite our extraordinary network of sustainability movers-and-shakers. There is, therefore, much to be excited about as CSL moves into its next phase. I look forward to working with everyone in this ever-growing family to supplement and implement our architectural blueprint for CSL, in pursuit of our shared vision for a sustainable future.

Fergus Green Chair, The Centre for Sustainability Leadership

SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP ‘Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson In the spirit of Emerson, the Centre for Sustainability Leadership aims to be that someone and to fulfill that want, to inspire and empower those who already have a sense of what they could be and where they want to go, but perhaps not yet a clear idea of how to get there. Our mission is deceptively simple – to identify, empower and connect emerging sustainability leaders, supporting them to reach their full potential. We find people who have a spark and then fan that spark into a flame, a flame that will in turn light the path to a sustainable future. CSL works with emerging sustainability leaders from across all sectors and industries through our annual Fellowship Programs in Sydney and Melbourne, and globally through our online platform Leadership Rewired. Our starting premise is that in order to create change for a sustainable future, instead of getting people in positions of power and influence to care about sustainability, we aim to get people who care into positions of influence. We do this by building their skills, knowledge and networks so they can better lead and influence change in their workplaces and communities, and can realise their vision of a sustainable future. So what exactly do we mean by sustainability leadership? Individually each of these words is ‘loaded’, together even more so. For CSL, sustainability is about aiming for an equilibrium between ecology, economy and society, about improving the quality of human life while living within the carrying capacity of our planet, about stewardship and smarter and more equitable resource use. As for leadership, we look at this not as a characteristic, as something you are, but rather as an action, as something you do. At its simplest, leadership is about seeing a problem and putting your energy into fixing it, about stepping up and doing something that otherwise wouldn’t have been done, about organising a group of people to achieve a common goal. Traditionally, people have thought of leaders being those in positions of authority – the boss, the CEO, the captain or the prime minister. Often, those in positions of power and authority are managers rather than leaders. In other words their job is to protect the status quo, to keep things ticking over, instead of rethinking, reinventing and recreating how we do things.

The reality is that plenty of leaders and change makers have no position of formal authority, but what they all do have is influence. Think of Ghandi, Eddie Mabo and even Oprah. We give these types of leaders an authority, but one that is earned, based on our respect for their work, their views and their practices. We can all exercise influence, through our choices as a consumer, investor, voter, commuter, employee, employer, parent, daughter or son. It’s when we don’t consciously exercise these choices that we default our power to others, to organisations or individuals whose values and vision may not align with ours. Sustainability leadership then, is the skill of driving and influencing change toward a sustainable future. It’s a practice and journey, not a destination or position. Sustainability leadership asks that individuals: • b ring their unique qualities to the challenge of creating a sustainable future • u nderstand societal systems and leverage points, social change and innovation • r e-imagine the world and create pathways for themselves and others to achieve their visions • w ork strategically and collaboratively to both improve and transform our world ‘I never teach my pupils; I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they learn.’ Albert Einstein At CSL we don’t teach leadership, rather we provide the optimal environment for leadership to be learnt, and the best way to learn leadership is by doing it. CSL’s Fellowship Programs create challenging but safe learning communities, where our Fellows are empowered to take charge of their own education and to explore and develop what we see as two fundamental elements of leadership, creativity and courage, and the leadership skills and attributes that derive from them – empathy, vision, communication and collaboration. They also develop the essential ability to know when and where to step up and lead and when to step and follow. Most importantly they learn about themselves, their strengths and their weaknesses, as to lead others one must first be able to lead one’s self. Ultimately sustainability leadership is about relationships, about how we work, live, communicate with and influence others towards the common goal of a sustainable future. Now more than ever, our world is in need of leaders who have the commitment, courage and skill to drive positive change. If you want to create a sustainable future, come and join us. 2011 ANNUAL REVIEW – ABOUT US – 7



LEADERSHIP REWIRED There a many thousands of people around Australia and across the globe who care about a sustainable future, who want to lead and influence positive change in their communities and workplaces, but aren’t sure how to make it happen.

Launched in June 2011, the development of Leadership Rewired involved many people, and CSL is very grateful to all who have shaped the program and made it possible, including our key spo nsors:

Leadership Rewired was developed to fill that gap, to enable anyone, anywhere with an internet connection to access a practical and proven sustainability leadership program.

• Qantas Foundation • Myer Foundation • F ederal Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities • The Ian Potter Foundation • The British Council of Australia • auDA Foundation • T he Fred P Archer Charitable Trust managed by the Trust Company • Starbucks Foundation managed by Give2Asia • Canon

It’s an e-learning leadership training program, networking platform and matching service, covering proven leadership methodologies, tools and models. Based on the unique approach and insights gained from CSL’s Fellowship Programs, the curriculum was developed by a team of experienced social entrepreneurs, communicators, sustainability experts and business leaders. It’s built around 12 modules that explore everything from problem solving, emotional intelligence and leadership styles to project management, communication and entrepreneurship. The modules encompass eighty-five separate leadership and change principles and tools, and are designed so you can undertake them sequentially as a course, or use it as an online knowledge bank and go straight to an area that is of specific interest. Leadership Rewired includes video interviews and case studies with sustainability leaders from around the globe, and the forums enable you to share ideas, ask questions, collaborate and assist others with their leadership journey.

Leadership Rewired gives CSL the reach and flexibility, as Fergus notes in the Chair’s Report, ‘to empower anyone, anywhere to build collaborative enterprises and movements for sustainable change’. We’re especially excited about blended learning opportunities that add the depth and richness of the Fellowship Program to the reach and quality of Leadership Rewired, by combining the online platform with face to face workshops, webinars and facilitated online discussions. If you haven’t already, go to www.rewired.org and see for yourself just how we’re empowering future leaders from across Australia and around the world. 2011 ANNUAL REVIEW – OUR PROGRAMS – 11












Each year the Centre for Sustainability Leadership offers places to 25 ambitious sustainability change makers in each of the Sydney and Melbourne Fellowship Programs. This is a unique, award winning training opportunity where individuals with passion, commitment and potential can develop the skills, networks and knowledge needed to be effective in creating a sustainable future. The seven-month program is packed full of practical, immersive and challenging thinking, activities and projects designed to grow each fellow’s capacity to influence positive change in their areas of passion. Our fellows participate in weekly evening workshops, retreats, sustainability projects and networking events. They get access to Australia’s best business, political, social and environmental leaders as speakers and mentors, enjoy ongoing peer-to-peer

learning and community building through events, online platforms and forums, and real world sustainability projects provide them with direct leadership experience. The Fellowship Program curriculum is drawn from globally recognised leadership programs and thinking, combined with direct insights and experiences from over 100 sustainability leaders from around the planet. It’s also underpinned by leadership competencies that have been identified as fundamental skills for leaders aiming to create a sustainable future, including: Philosophy of leadership; Dynamics of change; Thinking strategically; Making things happen; Communications and advocacy; Emotional intelligence; Personal development and self-inquiry.






FACILITATORS: 2011 REVIEW This year, my first as Melbourne Fellowship Program Facilitator, has been one of challenges and rewards- a year of great learning. My first task upon taking up the role was to help select the participants for the 2011 Fellowship Program. Knowing that the right mix of people is critical to its success, I approached this undertaking with equal doses of excitement and trepidation. Thankfully we chose wisely and well and the result was a highly cohesive group of clever, passionate and caring individuals. Each bold enough to think big, to question their own assumptions, to take risks and to keep challenging themselves and each other, continually pushing the limits of what leadership can and should be. Despite individual visions and motivations, they were able to listen, to find shared values and to collaborate, knowing how and when to lead and also to follow. Each demonstrated in his or her own way the three essential elements of great leadershipcreativity, compassion and courage. Having spent most of my career in sustainability working with people who either had the capacity but not the will, or the will but not the capacity to make a big difference, it was a great pleasure and privilege this year, to be able to nurture a group of people who have not only the will and the capacity, but a burning passion and enormous energy to lead effective and large scale change.


Of course, our Fellows can’t do it all on their own. What CSL does so well is create a learning environment in which Fellows can take risks and be supported in both their successes and their failures. This environment is created by a fabulous CSL staff, including my wonderful colleagues in both Sydney and Melbourne and a carefully crafted curriculum, our volunteers, a network of astonishing alumni and last but by no means least, an incredible array of inspirational speakers and mentors, who so generously donate their time and expertise to help inspire, nurture and connect, each new cohort of sustainability leaders. I am greatly indebted to you all. In the words of the Danish Philosopher Soren Kierkegaard, ‘To be a teacher in the right sense is to be a learner. I am not a teacher, only a fellow student.’ I would finally like to thank therefore, my twenty-five fellow students for all that they have taught me this year and for allowing me to be part of their leadership learning experience. I look forward to watching each of them soar as leaders in the near future.

David Seignior Melbourne Fellowship Program Director

Here we are at the end of my third Sydney Fellowship Program as Director, a journey taken with another wonderful cohort of 25 passionate, inspiring, intelligent individuals – it is always an honour. There are similarities each year in terms of our amazing speakers, mentors and the skills and content we share, but each year is also remarkably unique and equally unforgettable. I expect the Fellows to challenge themselves and each other every step of the way – needless to say they rise to the challenge and in turn challenge me. So what makes the CSL Fellowship program so special, what gives it its ‘Je ne sais quoi’? Perhaps It was articulated best by one of this year’s Fellows ‘I don’t know why or how – but if you put our group together, we could do anything – we could run a business or a whole country and it would be successful’. Of course they were right. The level of sharing, knowledge of each other’s values, strengths and weaknesses, their mutual understanding and skills and their willingness to embrace difference are a recipe for an amazing team. As I reflect on the 2011 Program – what has made it stand out from previous years, is the theme of ‘heart and courage’ – two leadership traits that we need now more than ever. Personal disclosure creates powerful moments and inspires others. Yet it is often one of the hardest things to do, to stand up

amongst respected peers and allow oneself to be open, honest and vulnerable. Many shared their stories of joy and hardship with bravery – taking a risk in doing so. Some Fellows chose a more challenging path – for others the more challenging path chose them. Either way, they rose to the challenge. I congratulate all for embodying heart, courage and each other through thick and thin. The Sydney Team expanded in 2011 with the recruitment of Sandi Middleton as Program Manager. Sandi, a 2010 alumna, has not only brought heart and courage, but an incredible amount of passion, humour, wisdom and support. I thank you Sandi for your contribution well above and beyond your role. I also thank Catherine Ellis, our volunteer Program Coordinator, who has been a marvellous support to not only Sandi and I but to the 2011 Fellows. In conclusion, I wish the 2011 Fellows well – it is not farewell. The Alumni Program continues to thrive and is an ever-growing part of our Sydney community. I look forward to welcoming you to an upcoming CSL Sydney Alumni event.

Kate Harris Sydney Fellowship Program Director


FELLOWS: 2011 REVIEW At the start of CSL I wanted to clarify, change and align what I did with a deeper understanding of who I was and what I have always wanted to be, a social entrepreneur. CSL was the catalyst I needed to help me join those dots. From CSL I learnt a lot. I also learnt the value of knowing what I don’t know and being prepared for the surprise that comes with where, who that knowledge comes from and how. Ultimately, CSL is a group of Fellows, facilitators, guests and supporters all aiming to join their own dots to create a sustainable world. Some other dot joining moments: My wise young Yoga teacher talked about Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford ‘joining the dots’ speech, starting my quest, leading me to find alumnus Matt Perry, presenter Gareth Johnston, coordinator Sandi Middleton and facilitator Kate Harris – loads of dots joined right there.


When that same yoga teacher left only to re-appear the week after the course finished I felt a circle complete and a lovely dot created. (BTW both times I saw this teacher, Isreal Kamakawiwo’ole’s ‘Somewhere over the rainbow’ was playing. This song was sung by fellow Jeremy Mah at our graduation) – dot plus. On to the first retreat, where from 1000’s of magazines, I picked an image of a barista at a café, which reflected my leadership style. Then the day before the final retreat, I found that café and meet that Barista. Dots connected. Or my goal buddy, Penny Elsley, running a charity called ‘joining the dots’? You’ll find Penny’s influence and Indigenous reflections part of everything I do – double dot. So what about the future? Thanks to CSL, my internal compass points true north and my dots will, joyously, continue to join.

Paul Metcalfe Sydney Fellow 2011

What do people mean when they talk about leadership? Do I have what it takes? I want to shape the way people interact with nature. I love using the written word to do so and I love the world of imagination and thought, but I also want to work with people. My difficulty, at the start of 2011, was that I had little idea how to influence people who aren’t like me. I supposed the CSL Fellowship would teach me influence by inducting me into leadership. Instead, neither our facilitators nor our speakers asserted a definitive definition of leadership. We had to formulate our own definitions. This was the point. With Clare, Oli, Mike, Ally, Letitia, Dave, Steph, Tim and Astha – ten energetic, talented, diverse people – I collaborated on three projects I would not have thought possible without talking to them. I discovered the value of skills and expertise I don’t have and

the value of those I have. From a mentor I learnt, with a burst of excitement at new possibilities, that I forget to look people in the eye when speaking to groups of 10-25. And during my struggle to leap off a ten metre pole I realized that you don’t know the support others are willing to give you until you ask for it. Did I learn to lead differing people? The first step turned out to be less complex and daunting than I thought. I just had to ask people to talk to me. This set the rest in train – if I wanted it. As for my second question, by the time I had figured out what I thought leadership was, I had been trying leadership techniques for months. I’ve realized that the question is not, ‘Do I have what it takes?’ It is ‘What shall I try doing?’ – and ‘Who shall I ask to help?’

Shelley Meagher Melbourne Fellow 2011




ALUMNI STORIES Our alumni are our greatest asset and their success stories are key threads in the collective narrative tapestry of CSL. Their many tales of achievement as individuals and project team members light the way toward a better, more sustainable future. 2011 saw the 233rd graduate join the ranks of the Fellowship Program alumni. It was also a year in which CSL alumni continued to make a big impact on local, national and world stages. Alumni won two Banksia Environmental Foundation Awards in 2011. For her work in establishing the 100% Renewable Campaign, Lindsay Souter was awarded the Young Environmentalist of the Year. This makes CSL alumni three out of the last four recipients of this esteemed award. The People’s Choice Award went to the Don’t Palm Us Off campaign, founded by alumna and recent past CSL Chair, Rachel Lowry along with Zoo Victoria colleague and current CSL board member, Katie Pahlow. Rachel also featured in the Fairfax Newspaper’s annual Top 100 Most Influential People list, along with CSL alumni Neil Faragher and David Gravina.

International scholarships were prevalent in 2011 with Katerina Kimmorley and CSL founder Larissa Brown both awarded the prestigious Chevening Scholarship, and the Chair of CSL, Fergus Green, was a recipient of the equally prestigious Monash Scholarship. Other alumni activity in 2011 included Tamara DiMattina’s national campaign Buy Nothing New Month going from strength to strength and attracting international interest. OurSay, founded by Matthew Gordon, Linh Do and Eyal Halamish, reinvigorated democracy via social media and won the Crikey Innovation in Journalism Award. The following pages feature updates on several alumni and their projects. They are just the tip of the iceberg, a glimpse of what CSL alumni are doing to lead and influence positive change in their workplaces and communities. We hope you are as inspired by reading these stories as we are.



Leading Ideas in Helping Farmers Fight Climate Change

For a truly sustainable future, we need great leaders in every part of society, not just in government and business but also in academia, pushing the boundaries of our current thinking and offering new perspectives. Lauren Rickards is just such a leader. When she commenced the CSL Fellowship Program in 2006, Lauren was also Vice-Principal of Janet Clarke Hall at the University of Melbourne, finishing her PhD in cultural geography at the University of Oxford and on the management committee of the Victorian Wilderness Society. With an already impressive curriculum vitae, Lauren’s goal in taking part in the Program was to learn how she could best apply her knowledge of ecology and environmental philosophy to make a real difference. The experience, perhaps unexpectedly, led her back to the world of academia. ‘The Fellowship gave me the impetus to give up a relatively lucrative consulting career to go and ask the big questions and to do the right thing,’ Lauren says. Working in a large private firm, Lauren’s career was tracking well. She was consolidating her research and study with a job consulting to government on rural and sustainability issues. But something was missing. ‘It’s very important work in some ways, but the questions being asked weren’t necessarily the right questions,’ Lauren says of her frustration at the time. ‘If there is one thing I took away from the Program, it is the importance of intellectual leadership,’ Lauren says. ‘We can set up all the structures we want, we can have all the dynamic 22 – CENTRE FOR SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP

leaders we want, but if the ideas aren’t there or if we have the wrong ideas and just grab something out of the existing current grab bag of thinking, it’s all to ill-effect.’ Lauren credits CSL with having a significant influence on the way she now approaches problems, teaching her to be more rigorous and disciplined in doing the hard thinking. ‘Even the small exercises are far more profound than on first inspection.’ With roots now firmly planted in academia, Lauren currently works on several research programs including the National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility (NCCARF). Australia’s peak climate change adaptation advisory board, the NCCARF aims to identify gaps in the information available to decision-makers and bring inter-disciplinary researchers together in the areas of climate change impact and adaptation. Lauren’s knowledge and experience is now being used to the benefit of Australia’s primary industries. ‘Really interesting ideas are being developed about how primary industries will be able to function in a changed climate’ Lauren says. As a social scientist, Lauren’s research looks at the people, not just the industry. Her Fellowship experience has for example, helped make inter-disciplinary conversations easier. ‘That was a strong theme, that you need to break out of these silos,’ Lauren says. For Lauren, the benefits of the Program were broad and farreaching, growing not just intellectually but personally – ‘The Program was a fantastic stimulus and put me on track to find the place where I can make the greatest difference.’


Serving Up Sustainability

The proof as they say is in the pudding, and by all accounts Slowpoke is a resounding success. With a décor, atmosphere and menu that is inspiring conversations and questions from customers such as ‘What is biodynamic? Why local? Why freerange eggs?’ Slowpoke is creating discussion and a way of encouraging the hospitality industry and customers to be more sustainable in their approach not only to food, but to design and renovation as well. ‘It’s quite an intimate thing, you get to know people and talk to them’. It is this change that Curtis hoped for when deciding on a new career. ‘I thought, maybe the best way for me to effect change is not to work inside the environmental field, but to work outside it.’

In Melbourne’s competitive Café scene new comers really need to bring something special to stand out from the crowd. Slowpoke Espresso, a new venture for CSL Melbourne 2007 alumnus Curtis Riddington, does just that, it is sustainable all the way from the floors and finishes to the furnishings and the food, which tastes fabulous by the way. ‘The Fellowship Program for me wasn’t so much learning about sustainability issues. I have a Masters in Environmental Resource Management and was already working in the environmental field. It was the leadership skills and media training that I really got from the course.’ These skills, good timing and a fair amount of courage have seen Curtis take on a different type of leadership role. At Slowpoke Espresso which opened in mid-June, in Brunswick Street, visitors are greeted by a dramatic feature wall made out of salvaged timber and choose from menus that offer locally sourced and organic produce. For Curtis, Slowpoke, is a dream made real, ‘I always thought you could run a business sustainably, so I wanted to test it.’ 24 – CENTRE FOR SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP

His message to others looking to follow their passions and bring about positive change is to do your research and get out there and give it a go. Curtis spent two years in cafés around Melbourne learning the day-to-day realities of the industry first hand. While people may question the risk he’s taken, Curtis says if he hadn’t given this a go he believes in thirty years’ time he would look back and kick himself. While some success may come down to luck and timing, as Curtis found ‘If you’re willing to put yourself out there and say “hey, I’m doing this”, I was really surprised at the amount of people that will just help you.’ Without these people, offering assistance with everything from financial backing to design, Curtis says his dream would have struggled to get off the ground. So where to from here? Curtis is looking forward to introducing more sustainable practices into the café, including adding solar panels and rain water tanks and establishing further relationships with local growers and producers. That said, his immediate goals are to grow the business and get it to a point where it is self sufficient, with an enthusiastic and sustainably aware clientele, a goal that seems well within reach.


Planting the Seeds of Sustainability


CSL Sydney 2010 alumna Lousie Clifton believes that plants aren’t just vital for life, but that gardens are a great way of connecting people to nature and inspiring them to live more sustainably. As recently appointed Marketing and Visitor Services Manager at the The Blue Mountains Botanic Garden, Mount Tomah in New South Wales, Louise sees the potential that botanical environments have to harness peoples’ inherent affinity with nature, to promote sustainable behaviour more generally. The Blue Mountain Botanic Garden hosts around 80,000 visitors each year and is proud of its environmental excellence. The Garden provides a point of connection for people with nature as they are not just walking through it, but interacting with it – that’s why it has so much potential to transform and educate. Everything the Garden has to offer is hands-on, not theoretical, so people learn without realising it, just by doing it. Louise’s role includes promoting what the Gardens does, inspiring people to appreciate and preserve plants as well as take away ideas to implement sustainable practices in their daily lives. At the Gardens, Louise is providing a tangible link between experiencing nature and the impact of climate change on the environment. The Garden is not only displaying the biodiversity of plants and animals, it is demonstrating sustainability, including; composting, worm farms, native plants and solar power.

Prior to moving to the Blue Mountains Louise worked in environmental communications, including helping kick-start the New South Wales Government’s Save Power campaign. It was ‘a strong sense of what I felt was right and wrong and feeling like I wanted to contribute something in my life’ that saw Louise enter a career in sustainability, first with OXFAM and then with Greenpeace in the United Kingdom. The Fellowship Program helped Louise gain leadership skills and confidence to take into her new role at the Botanic Garden. Through her CSL project promoting the national Sustainable House Day, Louise learnt a lot about leadership. She realised that having an impact doesn’t mean you have to do everything yourself, you can work with others and be the driving force – being a leader is about creating the conditions for a team to flourish. One day Louise would like to create her own Earthship sustainable home but in the immediate future her focus is on putting in place sustainability messages that will influence garden-goers as they enjoy walking amongst plants. ‘I hope to be able to positively influence people that visit the garden and help them make the connection between the garden, nature and the bigger picture of conservation and what they can do to lessen their impact. I hope that I can contribute to botanic gardens leading the way in helping people to understand the reality, the science and the impacts of climate change on biodiversity.’



Nestled in the heart of Canberra alongside Lake Burley Griffin is the NewActon Nishi building, being developed by the Molonglo Group. Part of the sustainable building revolution, it will rise up across the water from the place where Australia’s majestic Parliament House stretches its legs. James Bichard, graduate in architecture from Cambridge University and CSL Sydney 2010 alumnus, is Development Manager on the Nishi project, which he hopes will raise the bar for sustainable architecture and development across the property industry. James, who also completed a property finance Masters at the Cass Business School in London, aims to design buildings, which are viewed as paragons of the sustainable building revolution, not just technically, but culturally too. He hopes to make the Nishi development’s sustainable features the norm in property development in years to come: ‘what we are doing and innovating here will hopefully become standard practice within 5-10 years’. ‘Lots of people care about sustainability,’ notes James, ‘but it can be a very difficult concept to articulate.’ Therein lies the beauty of architecture. As well as having tangible positive sustainability outcomes, a striking design can also capture the essence of a society and the feelings of a generation – a lasting symbol of sustainability’s emergence into the commercial mainstream.

apartment owners have the option to purchase photo-voltaic cells before completion to further reduce their individual energy bills. Such an extensive undertaking requires a leader that knows how to harness the chaos of passionate ideas and deliver them within a collaborative environment. ‘The CSL Fellowship Program takes a radically different approach,’ says James. ‘Participants are selected from a range of industries to create a collaborative mix that celebrates diversity of opinion.’ ‘Everyone was encouraged to stand up and speak about their experiences, which was great because I learnt about aspects and challenges across sustainability that I might not have previously considered.’ Looking to the future, James hopes to create sustainable development models that have profound social and cultural synergies, and he believes the Fellowship Program has given him the skills to be a success. ‘Interacting with fellow participants, learning from guest speakers, and completing the detailed coaching sessions with our awesome facilitator Kate Harris really pushed me to reconsider my limitations and opportunities.’ ‘Now I can choose what I want to achieve.’

Sixteen storey Nishi is being built with sustainable materials and boasts a design featuring Australia’s largest timber façade and solar thermal hot water heating and a clever floor plan that promotes natural ventilation so air-conditioning can be eliminated. It also has high thermal mass for heat retention through Canberra’s chilly winters. In what James thinks might be a world-first for a multi-dwelling building, the 230 residential

Meanwhile, Nishi has acquired new tenants from across the lake. Impressed by the stunning appearance and long list of sustainable features, The Federal Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency has agreed to move in on completion, giving the best indication yet that James and the Molonglo team have succeeded in defining positive change through good design.

A Sustainable Building Revolution


Bringing the Environment into the Classroom

JASON KIMBERLEY Ensuring a better future for our children is a key driver for sustainable change. But for CSL Melbourne 2010 alumnus, and founder of Cool Australia, Jason Kimberley, giving our young people the tools to help shape and create their own future is just as important. ‘Where better to educate tomorrow’s leaders than in our primary and secondary schools, and what better thing for them to learn than how to create their own futures?’ Jason said. As part of his CSL Project, Jason, expanded the Our Cool School Program, a comprehensive online curriculum resource and ‘one-stop infoshop for all things environmental, inspirational, practical and sustainable’. Our Cool School provides a range of online, classroom and outdoor activities as well as videos, blogs, news updates and an opportunity to connect and share ideas and information on anything from climate change to biodiversity, waste to ‘weird science.’ ‘All of our activities are created to engage and ultimately inspire students to get out into nature and to care about it.’ Jason said. Because of the ‘crowded curriculum’ and the time pressure on teachers, environmental education is sometimes, ironically, pushed to the side. ‘Our aim is to make teaching and learning about the environment as simple and accessible as possible,’ Jason said. It’s no surprise therefore that the website has proved extremely popular with both teachers and students since its launch in August 2008 – with over 125,000 students benefiting from the program in 2011 alone. Jason hopes that the emerging Australian Curriculum Program will help propel Our Cool School to even greater heights. As part of national

trials, ten flagship schools embedded Our Cool School lessons into their curriculum program for a term in 2011. The Australian Centre for Educational Research has been interviewing teachers about the effectiveness of the program and the preliminary results are overwhelmingly positive. Jason plans to expand the Our Cool School pilot program to 300 schools in 2012. As the former manager of retail giant Just Jeans, and also a renown photographer, adventurer, restaurateur, public speaker and author, Jason was already a charismatic leader, passionate about the natural world. What the Fellowship Program offered him was the space and clarity to shape his vision, harness his passion and focus his direction. ‘Being able to pause and reflect is an important skill,’ Jason says. This reflection helped clarify his vision for another Cool Australia project, Enviroweek – ‘At first I didn’t know whether we wanted another Movember type event,’ he says. But this year, 58,000 socially aware kids, most too young to grow facial hair anyway, registered online at enviroweek.org and were introduced to concepts which even many adults struggle with. Young people committed to taking on a challenge – eating a vegetarian diet, starting a compost system at home, cycling to school – and enlisting family and friends to sponsor their activity. The sweetest part of it all is engaging young minds. Jason emphasises that letting kids tell their own sustainability stories is an integral part of the learning process. ourcoolschool.org


Commercialising Clean Technologies

David Hershan, draws energy and inspiration for creating a renewable-energy powered Australia from a host of experiences, spurring him into a venture to commercialise medium scale solar technology. These experiences saw him grow from being passive, yet passionate about sustainability, to leading a project that has business and government buildings being powered by the sun. Empowered by the CSL Melbourne 2010 Fellowship program, David developed a project with four other program participants to utilise two vastly underused resources; empty rooftop spaces and the sun, to supply energy to buildings. With a background in commercial law, David joined one of Australia’s leaders in commercial solar technology, Energy Matters, moving from financial analysis and legal counsel, to become General Manager of Strategic Projects in 2009. Prior to joining Energy Matters, David studied at Monash University and spent a semester at Copenhagen University before volunteering in a remote area of South Africa. Struck by the efficiency of transportation in Denmark, then seeing the intense beauty of nature in Africa, David says he was ‘able step back and question the logic of the way we operate our developed economies.’ The Australian Federal Government ‘s failed attempt in 2008 to implement an emissions trading scheme was the final straw that convinced him to make renewable energy his focus.

‘I didn’t just want it [clean technology] to be a passive interest on the side. I wanted it to be my career focus, irrespective of financial reward because I firmly believe that the way we operate our society is not optimal and there are opportunities to create new niches in Australia,’ he says. David joined CSL Fellows Luke Muir, Peter Lunt, Cassidy Prent and Georgie Smith in building a project to make medium-scale solar commercially viable and attractive to larger institutions, such as businesses and government. The City of Port Phillip and Siemens were early project partners, helping turn empty roof space into solar farms. ‘The Project paved the way for Energy Matters to invest in establishing a division that now focuses solely on scaling-up creating the market for solar PV technology at this scale in Australia,’ says David. ‘The Fellowship is a learning-by-doing opportunity. You work on real life projects and learn from the insights of guest lecturers who are experienced in their areas of expertise.’ he says. ‘The Fellowship definitely enhanced my ability to drive change by giving me … improved communication skills for dealing with the media, and networking, to deliver on the bold and ambitious plans that I had,’ David says. He was able to put his media training to good use on SBS’s Insight ‘Power Play’ episode in August 2011. In 2012, David is moving to China to set up Energy Matters operations, in association with a Chinese investor. Despite the success David’s project has seen, he is still keen to take on more challenges – the next, to learn Mandarin.




Redefining Sustainability Communications

Over 1000 television mentions, 372 newspaper appearances and 343,000 social media references. The topic? Garage sales. The 2011 Garage Sale Trail was a national event which promoted sustainable re-using of pre-loved items. Community Engagement Strategist for the event, CSL Sydney 2010 alumna Jess Miller, broke through the barrier of sustainability as a ‘political’ issue to brand behaviour change in a meaningful and positive way. The communication style encompasses the ethos of her communications business, Goody Two Shoes: ‘it’s about making projects culturally relevant, fun and accessible regardless of how people feel about sustainability’. Goody Two Shoes was established in March 2010 and is a ‘little collective of people that combine social media and traditional Public Relations to spruik progressive, ethical, creative goody-goody ideas in off-beat and interesting ways’. Jessica offers her clients the opportunity to combine activism, community engagement and social media saturation. The business promotes sustainability advocacy by committing only to projects about ‘real people, issues that matter and stuff that is good for people and the planet’. Jessica is also part of a group which re-started the international Green networking drinks, Green Ups, in Sydney. This group provides a vital connection for advocates in an informal setting. ‘It can be really hard and overwhelming when embedded in the environment thing... there was a group of about six of us who decided we would put on Green drinks for a really diverse and creative [group of people]’.

With many projects under her belt, joining the Fellowship Program gave Jess an opportunity to take a step back from her busy life and reflect: ‘At the time it was just so incredibly valuable to have a space to navel gaze and look at what you’re doing, why you’re doing it and how you can do it better’. The benefits gained are still unravelling, while the networks she has made provide ongoing inspiration. Her goals for the future include continuing to build Goody Two Shoes. She recently did a shout out for interns and received 40 applications which highlights the enthusiasm that exists for sustainability focused communications. ‘The idea is to have a whole army of people who are part of Goody Two Shoes!’ She also would love to foster more Green Ups groups popping up around Sydney. Jessica’s pioneering communication’s style is the culmination of a long-term passion for sustainability. From a young surfer who protested against effluent outflow in her local water, then experiencing pollution in Brazil to becoming an active participant in grassroots groups, Jess is determined to utilise novel communication ideas to build sustainability awareness and behaviour change. ‘The vision I share is to normalise doing the right thing; it’s what you do, it’s the rules not the issue. That takes time, hard work, a hell of a lot of creativity, and a little bit of guts... I think that’s something that everyone involved in the Centre for Sustainability Leadership gets and something that we all have guiding us’. goodytwoshoes.net.au 2011 ANNUAL REVIEW – OUR LEADERS – 35


An Idea Whose Time Has Come

Since featuring the 2010 Annual Review as an emerging CSL project with its evocative tagline ‘Democracy is not a Spectator Sport’, OurSay has continued to grow, exceeding all expectations, including their own. The success of this remarkable start-up proves the old adage that nothing is as powerful as an idea whose time has come. Last year the group, made up of CSL Melbourne 2009 Fellows Eyal Halamish, Matthew Gordon and Linh Do, along with Gautam Raju, were preparing for OurSay’s debut forum, featuring the candidates for the hotly contested seat of Melbourne in the 2010 Federal Election. Since then, they have held 15 forums, featuring the likes of former Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser fielding questions on renewing democracy and Federal Member for Higgins Kelly O’Dwyer on women in politics. A recent forum on the Australian Republic inclued AFL CEO, Andrew Demetriou. They have also worked on a high-profile campaign ‘The Climate Agenda’ in partnership with The Sunday Age. OurSay is an online platform that gives the public an opportunity to ask questions of selected politicians and community and business leaders. The top three questions as voted by site users are put to the guests. Non-partisan OurSay fills a unique niche in the burgeoning social media space and provides a vital link between people and power. As they say on their website, ‘We think political parties have lost their ear to the electorate. That’s why we started OurSay’.

sense of egalitarianism. The candidates stayed an hour after the scheduled finish rubbing shoulders with the community,’ Matthew says. Matthew believes that the Fellowship program continues to help guide OurSay. ‘To really get the forums going, we needed to get thought leaders posting questions early, to set the bar high. We had CSL alumnis, emerging leaders at our fingertips, so we hit those guys up and their mentors as well. We really leaned on the existing relationships that we’d built through the CSL experience. The networking was critical,’ he said. Matthew says OurSay has the potential to become a global platform for fostering political engagement in any community. For now they have their eyes set on the 2013 Australian Federal Election, which will be their most ambitious forum to date. They aim to have OurSay hot-seats spread over the 25 most marginal federal seats, encouraging debate not only between the few national leaders, but between candidates in each seat as well. At a time of social media fueled revolutions around the world, the likes of OurSay show that when it comes to democracy, there are no more excuses for standing on the sidelines. oursay.org

What has shaped OurSay’s success? Matthew Gordon admits the result of the second forum, featuring candidates for the seat of Brunswick in the 2010 Victorian State Election, surprised the whole team. Held in a pub in the heart of suburban Brunswick, the forum showed OurSay’s potential for bringing the public and politicians closer together, not just in the digital space – but in the physical space as well. ‘[The] Audience who rocked up said it was a genuinely intriguing and interesting event – it was at the pub so there was a real 2011 ANNUAL REVIEW – OUR LEADERS – 37



Real Outcomes through Public Art

A lawyer, an engineer and an artist walk into a wetland, sounds like the beginning of a joke right? In fact, the Riparian Project is a serious collaboration between three CSL alumni Jen Rae, Nicola Rivers and Amanda Wealands. It is tackling a serious, environmental issue- cattle grazing along rivers and it is doing it in a seriously innovative way, though public art. ‘Only 21% of rivers in Victoria are in excellent or good condition, and the number one thing that can be done to improve the health of rivers is to fence out livestock – to stop erosion, improve water quality and allow native vegetation to re-establish.’ said Amanda. This unlikely ‘trans-disciplinary project’, emerged out of the 2009 Melbourne Fellowship Program. ‘Keeping cattle out of riparian land was Amanda’s vision. She pitched it with such passion that I immediately wanted to get on board’ said Nicola. Jen pitched herself as an artist passionate about water issues and Nicola and Amanda immediately recognised that Jen was the ‘missing ingredient’ to the team. ‘One of the major benefits of the CSL experience for us’, said Nicola, ‘was having the time and space to get together, understand each other and develop a project vision, then developing the tools and confidence to make it happen. ‘We needed time just to learn each other’s language. Nicola loves dot points, for Amanda it’s charts and I use diagrams and drawings. We went through a lot of butcher’s paper, but it allowed us to clearly articulate and align our visions.’ said Jen.

What emerged is the pilot project in the community of Yea, 100km northeast of Melbourne. The ultimate aim of the project is to influence government policy on grazing in riparian areas, and the group are using public art to engage the community and raise awareness of the issue. ‘Art is great for fostering engagement and action, because it can be non-threatening, inclusive and promotes discussion,’ said Jen. The group is very clear that they need to balance three outcomes: community involvement, high quality art, and tangible environmental outcomes. While Jen drives the art side of things, Nicola and Amanda draw on their respective legal and engineering and business skills to build relationships with stakeholders. ‘This is quite a contentious issue and we need to act sensitively.’ said Nicola. Next time you’re heading through Yea, you may well see the physical representation of this process – a permanent, sitespecific sculpture in an area that has been revegetated by locals. ‘We’re all busy with other things, but we keep slowly but surely pushing ahead with the project.’ Jen is a full time artist, doing her PhD, Nicola is a lawyer with the Environmental Defenders Office and Amanda works as an environmental engineer with Alluvium. ‘We are at the point of considering bringing someone else on board and to take this process to another rural area. The key for us to making this work is that we all enjoy the process, it must be fun, and social.’ said Nicola. theriparianproject.com.au


SYDNEY FELLOWS 2011 ANDREA PAPE – Empowering Connected Communities | Stakeholder Manager, State Government Drive: I’m inspired by the idea that we can live in stable, connected and healthy communities that mimic natural systems and repair the environment around us. This drives me in my work with government and in my love of permaculture. vision: I’d like to see community become more connected and empowered to create change. Self- sufficient neighbourhoods would become more lush, productive and human. In my vision, we’re all buying less ‘stuff’, becoming more resourceful and less wasteful. We’ll have more time for creativity, innovation and compassion. Achievements: Through the Fellowship Program I am more confident with decision making, clearer on my goals, and better able to see how my skills can contribute to the creation of a more sustainable world. I have also connected to an amazing and growing network of like-minded people, all striving to make a difference.

ANNA CULLINANE – Empowering Communities for Change Director, Eco Accreditation Organisation, Not for Profit Drive: I want to help make a difference, to make sure that our wonderful world is still alive and vibrant for our children and their children and so on. Vision: My vision is to see resurgence in community. A slowing down in the hustle and bustle, will allow time to appreciate and enjoy the natural world. I am beginning my sustainability journey and excited by the opportunities that lie ahead. With two beautiful children I want to make sure that what I am doing is making a difference. I joined the board of Good Environmental Choice Australia and am enjoying this work immensely. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has allowed me to develop skills and leadership tools and hear stories from inspiring people. It has at times been intense and challenging, allowing me to both confront and consolidate my sustainability vision.

ANNABELLE FITZHERBERT – Unlocking Complex Systems Business Development Coordinator, Eithical Food Producer Drive: I am driven by the concept of ‘Creative Destruction’ – living life to unlock the mysteries of the complex adaptive system that we not only live in but are part of, rather than trying to solve each part of the puzzle separately as objective observers. We are part of the system, the system is part of us. Vision: I want Gaia, the living, self-regulating complex system we call earth, to become a board member with veto rights in any decision making process about our future, be it at a government, business or individual level. Achievements: CSL has helped me build on my strengths and organize my knowledge coherently, and in so doing, influence the sustainability exchanges I have with others.


ANTHONY OGILVIE – Advocating for Ethical Choice | Environmental Sustainability Manager, Not for Profit Drive: My motivation to keep trying to create change is summed up in a quote I found on a sugar packet; ‘I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something.’ On the packet it stopped there, but the rest of the quote is ‘And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do.’ That sums up my philosophy. Vision: I dream of a day when people are conscious of the impacts of the 1001 decisions they currently make every day without thinking. That consciousness then becomes knowledge that informs the choices they make. Achievements: The most important thing the Fellowship Program has given me is the knowledge that I am playing an active part in something that will transform the way our society operates. Being a part of history is tremendously empowering and humbling at the same time.

BEN WARD – Creating Spaces for People to Connect Social Designer, I.T Web, Hospitality and Events, Social Psychology Drive: I’m driven by love, fear, ego and self-preservation. My physical, social, cultural and spiritual health, and that of my friends, family, loved-ones and neighbours near and far, depends on the development of an ethical, equitable and sustainable world for all, forever. If we don’t work together to create that world we’re all screwed. Vision: I want to live in a non-toxic world. A world where we have finally shifted into a mode of conscious, compassionate relating – to the planet and each other – that is aware of all the connections and interactions of things, people and place. Achievements: The greatest gift, of many, to come from the Fellowship Program is the bond that has been created with my fellow CSL alumni. There has been a strength of genuine friendship, love and respect that I will draw on for the rest of my life.

DAISY CORREA – Thinking Big to Solve Big Problems Associate, Commodities, Carbon & Energy Trading, Financial Sector Drive: I am driven by the firm belief that we are capable of solving the world’s biggest problems, and that this will be achieved if we all pull together. Vision: I see a world where we return to the basics and re-examine what’s important and what matters. My vision is of a world where we reconnect, where we value relationships and connection above superficialities driven by extrinsic values such as power and status. Achievements: I have expanded my thinking by working with people from a broad range of industries. This has increased the sphere within which I operate – the key theme being ‘think big’. The fellowship has been inspiring as I connect with all those undertaking a similar journey.

EMMA WASSON – Building Capacity for Empowerment and Change Sustainability Program Officer, Conservation NGO Drive: I’m driven by an intrinsic desire to live a compassionate life in service of nature and a healthy society. My key philosophy is ‘be the change you want to see’. Sustainability to me involves respecting life in the form of human, animal and nature-based relationships so it can be resilient, enduring and healthy. Vision: My vision is to see society living within the means of nature, and our decision-making processes founded on the principles of ecological sustainability. This must become the norm and considered truly in all that we do. Achievements: Some critical thinking in 2011 about my sustainability leadership journey has exposed me to some great role models and new ways of thinking and developing in myself. I have established networks and built a community of supportive people. I have further refined my niche, authenticity and strengthened my commitment to sustainability.



FRANCES MYLES – Advocating for Equality | Industrial Organiser, Union Movement Drive: I’m driven by a belief that with compassion, respect and equality we can live in a better way. Somehow, through indifference or distraction, the knowledge that the survival of our species is connected to the environment has been forgotten. We have made giant scientific and technological advancements, yet we continue to pollute our air, and allow millions of people on the planet go to bed hungry every night. Vision: To enable us to develop to our full potential we must demand respect nature and equality for each other. I am working towards a future where we respect ourselves, each other, and nature. A future built on equality, and empowerment of every individual to be part of shaping our world. Achievements: One of the most valuable things about the Fellowship Program has been the networks, and the connection to an inspiring mentor.

GINA LOPEZ – Promoting the Power of Choice | Program Manager, I.T. Sector Drive: As a society and community, I would like to see more people understand the power of their personal choices. This concept drives me to create change by deepening this understanding and empowering people to make a considered and sustainable choices. Vision: My vision of a sustainable future is one that acknowledges the power of choice, where we can see our impacts and can make decisions that allow us to create a better world. I want to see people connected to the earth and each other, I want to see recognition of the rights of all inhabits of this small planet. Achievements: CSL was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life! I learnt so much about myself, what I want from life and how I can create my own future and make a difference. I don’t feel like I am fighting anymore, I feel empowered and focused.

JENNY HALLDORSSON – Cultivating Communities and Growing Connections Project Officer, Sustainable Transport, Tertiary Education Sector, PhD Drive: My delight in the incredible beauty of life and nature moves me to dedicate my energy to making a positive difference in the world. I’m inspired to cultivate communities with thriving people, plentiful food and abundant happiness. Vision: I dream of a future where humanity lives within the planet’s means, with equality for all; where ecosystems flourish and vibrant cultural richness abounds; where people thrive through their connection to community and themselves. Achievements: My heart has led me to make big changes this year – becoming a yoga teacher, studying permaculture and changing my career. The Fellowship Program has been integral in this process, helping to develop my sustainability vision and leadership skills while reiterating my core values. I’ve been empowered to act – with passion and courage; with an expanded mind, and an open heart. The friendships and connections made through CSL will continue to nurture me throughout my sustainability journey.


JEREMY MAH – Making the Impossible, Possible | Project Officer, Sustainability Programs, State Government Drive: At an early age I developed a love for nature and its beauty, along with a deep concern for its future. I am driven to know the ‘why’ behind human actions, in order to build systems that support enriched and sustainable lives. Vision: My vision is for a world where humanity lives in harmony with nature and where real quality of life is shared by all. On a daily basis I see evidence that the ‘impossible’ change required to achieve this vision is possible, and that we are both responsible for and capable of enabling that change. Achievements: The Fellowship Program supported me on my own journey of reflection and in learning what it takes to be a ‘deep’ sustainability leader. I now know that the future truly is what we make it and have embarked on building The Centre for the New Australian Dream.

JP WILLIAMSON – Inspiring Innovation and Collaboration | Environmental Educator and Consultant Drive: When we care for what is around us, we connect and experience a richer life. Vision: I envision a world where people, planet and community thrive together. Achievements:: 2011 has been a big year and I’m grateful and honoured for the support I’ve received in working towards my vision. This has included delivering an early childhood environmental education program (Little Green Steps) to over 200 childcare centres and launching ‘Change Makers’, a sustainability and social justice leadership training program with my CSL colleagues. CSL has helped my define my niche and ‘step up’ my strengths in innovation and collaboration. It has confirmed for me that I can help effect real, deep and transformative change through my work with local communities. It has taught me that we can all make our day dreams come true. The secret is to get a clear vision, then jump in and live it.

LACHLAN FEGGANS – Growing Natural Capitalism National Environmental Management Systems Manager, Private Sector Drive: I believe everyone wants to live a prosperous life and participate in society in a meaningful way without adversely impacting on our natural resources. My personal drive for positive change arises from communicating the balance between the limits of natural capital and what it really means to live a prosperous and fulfilling life. Vision: A deep understanding of what really matters personally will help people live more sustainably. I have a vision for the future of altruistic transactions between neighbours, friends, businesses and government where profits are reinvested within society and natural capital is grown not depleted. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me to frame and communicate a shared future. It has challenged me personally to define what I really want and shown how I can help others to realise their needs within the ecological limits of the earth.

LISA DEW – Designing a Sustainable Future | Architect, Private Sector Drive: I feel an overwhelming responsibility to deepen my understanding of environmental issues so that I may become more effective and make a more meaningful contribution to our collective sustainable future through architectural practice and education. Vision: Recently I had the unique opportunity to see my vision for the future in action. I was fortunate enough to teach 30 primary school children in the Eco-cubby program about the value of our environment and how we can make a positive impact if we understand how to design responsively. They all ‘got it’ better than the grown ups. Achievements: CSL has helped me to become a more creative team leader, initiator and developer of sustainable projects. I think the Fellowship Program has given me the opportunity to develop more effective leadership and mentoring skills to make change, whilst providing the support and access to a network of like-minded individuals who are also interested in changing the future.


SYDNEY FELLOWS 2011 LOUISE RHODES – Redefining the Supply Chain | Sustainability Manager, Private Wholesale Distributor Drive: I am motivated by doing more than my bit to create a sustainable future. It feels great to work in an area where you can measure the important difference you are making to the world – and having like minded sustainability leaders by your side. vision: My vision is for a future that works – corporations with informed and engaged staff who care about and act upon the environmental and social impacts of their decisions, clever worksites, compassionate products, supported customers and suppliers who minimise their impact. Achievements: I have had a sustained boost to really push forward my agenda for change in Australia’s largest corporations. I was a finalist in a significant Supply Chain Industry Award and now get to spread the sustainability message at a large world conference in Arizona. I am inspired and ready to keep living it, keep innovating, and lead corporates toward sustainability!

MELISSA NEIGHBOUR – Scaling Up Green Change | Sustainability Manager, Real Estate Sector Drive: I am excited by the unknown possibilities that arise from change. Everything we do is a choice. We have the choice to change at any moment. I am excited by that power and the ripple effect that can occur by seizing that moment. Vision: I envision a world where there is balance, fairness and justice. Where education is available to anyone at any age and is celebrated and encouraged as an essential to life! A world that is community oriented and based on values and behaviours that ensure resilience and growth for perpetuity. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has enabled me to visualise and refine my vision of a sustainable future and given me new skills to make my vision a reality. I am now a more confident communicator with a greater understanding of what it means to influence and engage people, by taking them on a journey.

MIKE DODD – Engineering a Sustainable Building Revolution | Consultant Engineer, Built Environment Drive: I’m driven by the knowledge that we can do so much more with what we have and that we can’t continue down the same consumptive and destructive path. Implementing innovative solutions and collaborative approaches in sustainable building design is where I believe I can make a difference. Vision: My vision is for a clean future where sustainable developments are simply business-asusual, leaving the fossil-fuelled, carbon-intense, green-washed approach behind us. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has enabled me to refine my personal vision and develop the networks, tools and confidence to really go for it. My world has expanded and the collaborative possibilities now seem endless. The exposure to amazing speakers and leaders across the sustainability field has inspired me to truly step up and drive the change in thinking and action we need to move towards the ecological age.

PAUL METCALFE – Simply Communicating Sustainability Business Development and Sustainability Communicator, Private Sector Drive: I am driven by many things: working with creative people to communicate complex Sustainability issues in bit-sized digestible chunks. Wanting my kid’s kid’s kids to have a planet to live on. Constant learning. There’s a lot I don’t know but I’m very willing to find out. Vision: My vision is to be part of the team that figures out how to feed 7 billion people, spreads the world’s wealth more equitably and replaces corporate growth with Indigenous and Community values. Oh, and growing a gnarly perma-garden Achievements: 2011 has been a cataclysmic year. I’ve, learnt and expressed more in 7 months than in the past 20 years. Mostly I’ve moved from wearing my heart on my sleeve to knowing what’s really in my heart. CSL has put me about half-way along my new path, I don’t know what’s next but I’m open to whatever it is. 44 – CENTRE FOR SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP

PENNY ELSLEY – Creating Connections for Change | Founding Director, joiningthedots, Not for Profit Drive: I’m motivated by a deep sense of the gift of our interconnectedness with each other and with the earth. I’ve witnessed first hand the social justice and environmental issues marginalised people face around the world and these experiences are what continue to drive my work back in Australia. Vision: My vision is for a world where all people experience abundant life and I believe that we can achieve this through acting awake to our interdependence. We can all be catalysts for connections that lead to the transformation the world needs, both personally and communally. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has been an extremely fruitful and timely opportunity for me. It has positioned me to get my vision ‘off the ground’. It provided just the right networks, learnings and support structures to do the deep and wide work required to make my dream reality.

RANDALL WILLIAMS – Inspiring Businesses to Be Better | Corporate Sustainability and Communications Drive: Businesses have an incredible amount of power and resources; it’s frustrating when they don’t or can’t leverage that toward a better good. I aim to change that. Vision: I look forward to the day when a ‘good’ business is the norm, not the exception. A day when companies nurture their environment, engage with their communities and lead as corporate citizens. And the businesses that don’t are simply left behind. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has reminded me of my own talents. I’ve got a knack for asking the right questions and the ability to distill complex ideas to concise messages people will remember. I’ll stand on that footing as I jump into my career of communicating the good things companies do, and keep encouraging them to do more.

RICHARD WIDOWS – Promoting Sustainable Food Production | Policy Manager, Agricultural Industry Body Drive: I am driven to help create a world with a future. To love what I do. To participate in my community. To learn, to teach, to grow. Vision: I envisage a world where people are connected to nature via their interaction and experience with food. A world where waste is no longer waste, but an input into another production system. A world of equality and consciousness where we live sustainably and in harmony with our environment. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has provided me with the confidence, resources and networks to move towards my vision. Through my CSL experience I now believe I have all the tools necessary to make that next step, to do what I am passionate about, to be the change I want to see. This Fellowship Program is one of the most important things I’ve ever done.

SALLY HILL – Cultivating and Communicating Change Business Partnerships Coordinator, International Environmental NGO Drive: I am driven by the awesome beauty and power of nature, and unlocking its potential. Imagine the dividends the natural world would yield if we nurtured and nourished it, rather than exploited it. I am driven by people, by the truly boundless resource of human creativity, and by the knowledge that similar battles to ours have been fought and won before. Vision: My vision is of a world where people and all living things are allowed to flourish to their potential. Achievements: My CSL year has been the year of the project. I started a blog, organised sustainability events, won a grant and produced my first animation. The Fellowship Program has helped me to communicate my ideas and vision in a way that is both ‘real’ and irresistible. It’s a psychological boost knowing there are amazing people working across sectors with a common intent. I said yes to everything. I got to know myself. I made lifelong friends and valiant allies.



STEPHANIE O’DONNELL – Promoting Eco-Entrepreneurship Project Manager, Conservation Organisation, Private Sector Drive: At Kakadu National Park, where the horizon seems endless and the sky is almost incomprehensibly vast, you cannot help but feel grounded in something bigger and infinitely more important than you as an individual. This is the feeling that drives and empowers me. Vision: I want to see a world where businesses have no choice but to behave ethically and responsibly, because they must take into account the true value of the ecosystem services that support them. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has given me clarity and confidence as a leader. This has compelled me to step up and create opportunities where I need them, such as giving a talk at the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting in the UK, as I did recently. The Fellowship Program has been empowering and humbling, and I feel privileged to have been a part of it.

TANYA STREVENS – Advocating for Ecosystems Senior Project Manager, Conservation management, State government Drive: For me, environmentalism is not just about the environment; it’s about understanding the science of natural systems, and working collaboratively at all levels within the public and business arenas to change the attitudes and behaviours that threaten natural values. Vision: In my vision for the future, sustainability is a global language. It applies not just to resource use, land management and climate change, but also to culture, society, technology, health and lifestyle. This aligns with my core personal values and a profound appreciation that we all depend both on a healthy environment and each other to make our world liveable. Achievements: It’s hard to be a leader if you’re shy and are afraid of public speaking! For me, a major achievement in this Program has been overcoming these bugbears. CSL has given me the vision to see where I fit in, the enthusiasm to enquire and engage, and the confidence to express myself.

TRISTAN MERCER – Enabling Sustainable Energy | Marketing and Communication, Renewable Energy Sector Drive: The global energy industry has been a fundamental enabler of unsustainable economic growth since the industrial revolution. The next 50 years present an opportunity for sustainable renewable energy forms to underpin the next leap forward in development and a higher standard of living for the next billion global citizens. I am driven to implement a pragmatic evolution from our current unsustainable energy mix, to a sustainable, predominantly renewable energy solution. Vision: My vision is for the efficient use of low-impact renewable energy to become the accepted norm across our society. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me focus my efforts on enabling more rapid deployment of large-scale renewable energy projects. I now know which projects are likely to work, and how to support their development. A group of broadly like-minded peers now provide an exceptional support base and reference group with which to share the journey.


MELBOURNE FELLOWS 2011 ALISON KELLY – Connecting Urban, Rural and the Environment National Program Manager, Climate Change and Primary Industries, Tertiary Education Sector Drive: There are so many elements within society, such as communities, research, food, culture, that need to be connected. I believe there is a need for ‘connectors’ and ‘first followers’ to motivate others and consequently enact change. Vision: My passion has always been sustainability and human populations. I would love to see more connections between urban and rural and regional populations and between people and nature generally. Greater appreciation and meaningful connection between urban and rural can happen at many levels and in various ways, from awareness of food production and supply chains to appreciation and support for innovative land holders and local travel. Achievements: Working in agricultural research area, I have developed extensive project management, strategic thinking and communications experience. CSL has enabled me to reacquaint myself with my higher-level environmental goals and to realise the value of my experience and networks. It has also got me ‘thinking differently’ about the increasingly complex challenges we face.

ANTHONY AISENBERG – Creating Healthy Spaces and Happy People | Ride to Work Program Manager Drive: I want to create healthy urban environments. Healthier in the way we connect with our city.The air we breathe, how we access services and where we socialise all have a great impact on our daily life. Simply put, I believe that healthy cities produce happy people. Vision: My vision is for communities to directly be able to contribute towards creating the community and environment in which they wish to live. They shape the public space they live in and the way they interact with the built and natural environment. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me transform an idea into a well-formed group project, ‘BikeSpot’ with the potential to address real social, environmental and economic issues by encouraging more people to ride bikes. The weekly workshops, retreats, mentoring and coaching sessions, have all helped give me the confidence and networks to pursue and realise my vision.

ASTHA BATRA – Catalysing Global Sustainability | Project and Research Consultant, Climate Change NGO Drive: I am driven by a strong sense of social justice. I feel it is tragic that the countries that are most vulnerable, are least responsible and have limited capacity to cope with impacts of climate change. A concerted collaborative global effort between developed and developing countries is the only answer. Vision: A common vision for the future is a powerful tool. I see a world where every decision made and every action taken, is done with sustainability first and foremost in mind. Sustainability is no longer an ‘issue’ but a way of life. Achievements: Through the Fellowship Program I have built strong networks, learnt new tools and skills, developed my confidence and learnt more about myself. Most importantly I am now positioned to leverage my own unique capabilities towards achieving my professional goals. I now have an identity.



CLARE PRASCEVIC – Inspiring Leaders through Education and Partnerships People Engagement Manager , Banking Sector Drive: I am passionate about inspiring people to learn, helping them to find their own path and the courage to make positive change for a better world. I am driven by a desire to help others develop self-awareness, personal growth, and confidence in leadership. Vision: My vision is to wake people up and inspire them to practice gratitude, to be happier, more generous, to have more respect for themselves, each other and the planet. Achievements: Professionally, I have created 110 new NAB Schools First Partnership Manager roles this year. The Fellowship has helped me to develop new connections, tools and skills. I have learnt about social enterprise and been an active member of the BikeSpot and Blue Kayak projects. I have taken my personal leadership and communication skills to a new level, increasing my confidence and ability to make change in new ways.

CRAIG IRVINE – Exploring Creative Connections for Change Business Process Analyst, Technology & Infrastructure Industries Drive: I am inspired by the common threads that link us across cultures and natural environments, by stories, people and organisations that create new paradigms through courage, innovation and ingenuity. I’m driven by what is possible. Vision: At CSL I’ve worked on two great projects: one promoting sustainable businesses, and the other helping to develop future leaders. I believe it is possible to blend together the wisdom of nature, tradition and culture with modern technology and innovation to create a holistic, sustainable future. I want to help drive this paradigm shift. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me infuse sustainability into my role within business and industry; into my work as a political campaigner and into my everyday life. It has instilled in me a strong sense of leadership and welcomed me into a passionate community that continues to inspire me to rise to future challenges.

DAVE WHITELAW – Distiller of Conservation Fact from Fiction | Senior Manager, Land Management, NGO Drive: I’m driven to make a difference in the conservation industry. I want to move beyond organisational constraints and economic barriers, to sustainably manage land and deliver conservation outcomes at a landscape scale. Vision: I want to live in a country that implicitly understands the issues affecting our natural environment. Increasing awareness and understanding of Australia’s relationship to the land and the roles of ecology, community, economics and Indigenous connection to the country are what I’m about. With leadership and goodwill, the complex mix of science, culture and care can be balanced to deliver conservation outcomes. Achievements: CSL has helped me to establish my conservation vision, further understand my personal motivations, strengths, passions, and mentored me towards fulfilling my vision. I am now actively collaborating and surrounding myself with people whom I respect in order to create the changes I know are needed.


ELI COURT – Trying to Do Things Rationally | Energy Policy Advocate, Not for Profit Drive: We are wealthier, healthier, more educated and secure than ever before. This won’t last unless we can find a way to live without destroying the natural environment on which we rely. We can actually do things much better and more rationally. Someone just needs to show the way. Vision: I want to see a different relationship between people and the rest of the living world. We will abandon the attitude that it is simply a source of raw materials to be extracted. There are better ways to live, prosper and actually improve the environment on which life depends. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me take my raw enthusiasm and skills and work out how they fit into the real world. I now know what I am good at and how I can drive change. I have also developed an invaluable network of like-minded young people and successful sustainability professionals.

GREG FOYSTER – Communicating Environmental Challenges | Journalist and Writer, Media Publishing Drive: I’m driven to uncover uncomfortable truths about how we live and explain them in a way the average person can understand. Vision: I want to inform the public about the environmental challenges we face so that our society can have deeper debates on key issues. I also want to humanise the environment; after all, when we talk about ‘nature’ we are actually talking about ourselves. Achievements: This year I have written for The Age, The Big Issue, Crikey and G Magazine. I also hosted a panel on environmental journalism at the Melbourne Town Hall and was a finalist for Walkley 2011 Student Journalist of the Year. Our Crash Course in Opinion Writing Project, developed through CSL, has already had two significant articles published, including a large opinion piece in The Age. The Fellowship Program has given me the confidence and contacts to reach a larger audience.

JANA GEROVSKA – Challenging the Status Quo | Project Manager, Business and Education, Not for Profit Drive: I have a strong desire to help change happen towards a happier and more equitable world and to be a part of something meaningful. I value collaboration and the courage to challenge the status quo. Vision: My vision is for a community of compassionate people who are minimalist with material treasures and harmonious with nature. I see a place where people work less and live more. Achievements: This year has been a time of change and experimentation in terms of my leadership style and career direction. The Fellowship Program provided the support and help I needed to stay true to my vision of the future. I am now confident, better connected and empowered to create the place where I want to work and live, but also to be the leader I want to be.

JULIE O’BRIEN – Catalysing and Communicating Sustainability Solutions Industry Partnerships Coordinator, State Government. Drive: I have a love of the natural world. I believe we are currently living radically and unnecessarily, beyond the means of the planet and I want to help build solutions to change this. Vision: Better = Less Bad. I am not interested in less bad, I am interested in great! Achievements: I love the integrity of the work I have done at Sustainability Victoria. I have been with the organisation for over 5 years and made steady career progress in that time. I enjoy the variety of work I have been involved in and the level of influence we have to catalyse sustainable solutions. As a result of the Fellowship Program I feel more confident in my vision and my ability to achieve it. I have always believed we can create an equitable world – now I am clear about the big, bright future we can have and I am actively pursuing it!



KATHERINE WALSH – Exploring and Empowering through Story | Program Manager, Communications Drive: Exploring the capacity and flexibility we have to develop as human beings is a key motivator for me. I feel that it’s important to actively seek out multiple perspectives in life and remove the limitations we can place on ourselves and each other. I am excited by language, story, wonder, heart, compassion, and creative play to shift fixed mindsets. Vision: I envision a future with individuals working together in community, joined by meaningful communication and having reinstated our guiding story of deep connection with nature and each other. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has enabled me to ‘be the change I wanted to see’. I rediscovered my values, reclaimed my stories, and reconnected on many levels. I have actively explored, applied, and reflected upon many aspects of leadership in order to experience personal change. This process has given me the courage to pursue my vision for a sustainable future, of developing human capacity and connection with honest communication.

KIM SELLING – Boundary Crossing ‘Collabronaut’ | Partnerships Consultant, Tertiary Education Sector Drive: I am driven by the belief that a sustainable future requires Renaissance men and women who can work collaboratively together to facilitate a rich and diverse global vision, whose whole is greater than the sum of its parts. It is only by working together and engaging at a deep level that we can really make a difference. Vision: My vision of a sustainable future is one of holistic integration, cultural diversity and genuine collaboration. Achievements: As a product of globalization’s ethnic melting pot, I have developed an ability to make sense of complex interrelationships – and an enduring taste for globe-trotting. A true boundary-crossing ‘collabronaut’, my professional background spans environment, arts, culture, international non-profits, government, and education. The Fellowship Program has given me a deeper appreciation of the need for generalists, for leaders who can empathise across the divides of culture and technical specialisations and adapt to the challenges of a rapidly changing, increasingly complex global future.

LARA McPHERSON – Advocating Conscious Consumption | Director, Sustainable Fashion Australia Drive: A slow realisation of my own previously unsustainable patterns of consumption has prompted a huge amount of personal change and inspired me to catalyse this change in others. I am driven by the vast opportunity that exists for a new commercial (and political) paradigm that leads to true prosperity – one that nourishes and enriches ourselves and our society. Vision: I hope to see the rise of ‘conscious consumption’ and of industries that support ethical and sustainable commerce. I love fashion for the beauty, art, quality and self-expression that is at its heart, but currently the industry epitomises hyper-consumption. I work to change this. Achievements: This year, I’ve founded an umbrella industry organisation and continue to connect and collaborate with people in this field both in Australia and internationally. The brilliant 2011 Fellowship group constantly inspires me to persevere and to think outside the box.


LETITIA HOFF – Protecting the Natural Environment | Senior Environmental Scientist, Private Sector Drive: I am inspired by the natural environment; its beauty, its wonder and its diversity. It’s what drives me as a person to make positive changes. Vision: I want to see our natural environment protected for future generations so that everyone can enjoy, experience and benefit from the complexity and the services it provides. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has been all about learning and opportunity. The program has developed my leadership skills on a personal and professional level, has connected me with a network of like-minded individuals and has given me the opportunity to hear and learn from fascinating and inspiring leaders.

MICHAEL SALE – Mainstreaming Biodiversity | Senior Environmental Consultant, Private Sector Drive: From Brunswick to Botswana, I am inspired by the beauty, complexity and strength of nature. As a scientist, I have a passion for exploring and documenting the natural world. This has taken me on many an intrepid field trip, from studying antechinus (a rare Australian marsupial) on remote islands in the Bass Strait to observing birds-of-paradise in New Guinea. Vision: My vision is for a prosperous society that values, supports and protects biodiversity. This means placing both economic and social value on natural ecosystems. I hope to contribute to this through a career in biodiversity protection and management, drawing upon the skills and networks I have developed at CSL. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has been a transformational experience. Not only do I have a greater sense of confidence and direction, but also the tools and awareness to engage others to join me on this journey.

NEIL FARAGHER – Engineering a Sustainable Future | Green Technology Manager, Not for Profit Sector Drive: My childhood in New Zealand gave me an appreciation for nature; I initially assumed the majority of the world was equally pristine. Travelling dispelled this preconception and working in product design showed me how damaging our consumer led society is. I decided to help design systems for a sustainable society: to provide clean energy, water and food. Vision: I see a future where societies provide their own energy without damaging the environment, materials will be continuously recycled in mimicry of nature. People will value nature, more trees and food gardens will be incorporated into our cities. Democracies will be more participatory and poverty will be eradicated. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has provided me with tools and connections to find leverage points in the challenges that face us and to identify high value solutions. I have integrated these tools into my work and life to work towards a better future.

NICOLE MAHER – Advocating for Access and Integrity | Executive Officer, Environmental Regulation Drive: I am driven by my dissatisfaction with the perverse outcomes – for the environment and society – that our institutional frameworks support. From my own experience, I’m aware of the barriers that allow these outcomes to persist. I’m keen to draw on these experiences to influence structural and behavioural change, to create a society in which our ecosystems are valued more highly than materialism. Vision: I see a future where complex societal issues are communicated in an accessible way to enable a broader understanding within the wider community and empower the community to realise their importance in influencing decision-making. Achievements: Through CSL, I have been challenged to speak my voice and stand in the spotlight. These opportunities have enabled me to reflect on the dichotomy of my inherent capability and my self-limiting to beliefs. I’ve gained an acute understanding of the need to be seen to be heard and – therefore – to have an impact.


MELBOURNE FELLOWS 2011 OLIVIA LASKOWSKI – Engineering by Nature | Test and Integration Engineer, Transportation Drive: I am enamoured by the natural world. I have feelings of fascination and excitement, as keen as when I was a child, whenever I am learning about or immersed in organic realms. Vision: I envisage a world of local communities supporting each other in and across all walks of life. A world where the value of biodiversity and pristine environments are truly recognised and where an engineering renaissance has helped to create true sustainability. A world of equal opportunity for all. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has renewed my hope and sense of possibility. The passion of inspirational and diverse Fellows is contagious, providing sustenance for my ambitions and knowledge as well and a renewed sense of direction. It has uncovered facets of myself I had not explored, encouraged me to be wildly creative and helped me to discover new strengths and an amazing network of inspiring people.

PETER HUFF – Revolutionising Food Systems | Urban Agriculture Faciliator, Local Government Drive: I am driven by the potential power of decentralised networks to drive innovation and change. This emergent intelligence is society’s evolutionary response to the challenges and opportunities of the future. It mimics the dynamics of an ecosystem to transcend sustainability and reach the potential of systemic regeneration. Vision: My vision lies at the root of civilisation: agriculture and food. I believe the key to creating a more sustainable world lies in restructuring the way we view food. I see a world that not only grows nourishing food, but also vibrant communities engrained within culturally connected ecosystems. Achievements: The Fellowship Program transformed my passion for change into a strategic and focused approach. The Program has helped me achieve a dynamic network within the Australian food and farming world and opened countless doors. Specifically, it has created a new opportunity for me to drive multi-stakeholder research at academic and governmental levels.

SAM LYNCH – Driving Innovative Enterprise | CEO/GM, Business Building and turn-around specialist Drive: I thrive in finding opportunities and developing innovative solutions in difficult situations. Vision: My vision is simple, a world with equal opportunity for all. Achievements: This year for me has been one of learning. I have learnt a great deal and I hope I have helped others to learn also. I have had great success in finding opportunities and showing the way forward for many organisations, specifically in the not-for-profit sector. I am particularly interested in ensuring business sustainability in social enterprise. The Fellowship Program has given me access to incredibly inspirational presenters and fellow program participants. I have been able to establish a network of inspiring people with whom I hope to remain connected well into the future.

SARA REDMOND-NEAL – Empowering Sustainable Businesses | Business Program Manager, Not for Profit Drive: I am passionate about working with businesses toward a more sustainable society. I believe business holds the power to shape our economy and the greatest improvements are possible through changing their practices. Vision: I envisage a world where we live within our ecological means, where corporations act responsibly toward their environment and communities, and are judged equally on those aspects as on financial performance. Achievements: CSL has helped me step into and be comfortable with the role of leader. It has given me the tools I need to plan, implement and promote successful projects, including my work with EcoBuy, the EIANZ, Banksia Foundation, and my CSL project – Sustaworks. It has given me the inspiration to continue working hard while teaching me the importance of balancing my passion for change with my mental and physical health to keep from burning out. 52 – CENTRE FOR SUSTAINABILITY LEADERSHIP

SHELLEY MEAGHER – Writing a Sustainable Future | Writer and Critical Thinking Consultant Drive: I am fascinated by nature. The complexity, diversity, quirkiness, change and beauty of the world around me fill me with hope. I believe that what we do matters – to one another, and to the rest of the world. Vision: My vision is of a permeable world – in which our houses are platforms for gardens, our highways are lined with shady trees, and our buildings draw inspiration from nature. In this world we live in informed harmony with nature and we write our own melodies. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has allowed me to distil my vision into words, to gain the courage and confidence to make it public, and to build an alliance of diverse people with a shared long-term vision. The goal of the alliance is to foster biodiversity – a goal which is essential to my personal vision.

STEPHANIE CAMPBELL – Advocating the Economics of Sustainability | Senior Analyst, Large Private Consultancy Drive: I am driven by a pervasive sense of inequality – the unjust outcomes for humans and the environment that are currently resulting from unsustainable processes and systems. Vision: I envision a world based on economic, social and ecological sustainability and justice. I would like to see social justice increasingly recognised as integral to a sustainable future, with a focus on addressing inequality and issues such as mental health. I would also like to see sustainability treated as an economic issue and therefore considered in traditional frameworks. Achievements: The Fellowship Program has helped me to clarify my vision and sense of direction. The self-inquiry involved in the ‘Going Within’ phase was a particular focus for me this year and has enabled me to identify my strengths and passions. It has also helped renew my commitment to sustainability and creativity, and work towards blending these with my current role and expertise.

TIM ANGUS – Designing Buildings Inspired by Nature | Architect, Private Sector Drive: I am driven by the desire to deliver commercially viable buildings that are better for us and the planet. I am also fascinated by the field of biomimicry – learning from nature to create sustainable architecture. Vision: I see that the only way forward is take the principles of passive buildings that were beautifully developed over centuries, and, creatively adapt them to our modern context. Carefully designing in harmony with the sun, wind, water and earth passively using natural energy to light, heat, cool and ventilate our buildings. A holistic environmental design approach where everyone wins. Achievements: I am currently working as an Associate Architect Sustainability at Elenberg Fraser in Melbourne and have recently completed a Master of Sustainable Practice at RMIT in Melbourne. The CSL Fellowship has given me the confidence and focus to be a leading advocate for sustainability and biomimicry influenced design in my profession.

TOM QUINN – Driving Sustainable Business and Government Policy International Relations tutor and researcher, Tertiary Education Sector Drive: Frustration at the status quo is my greatest driver. Overcoming the challenge of tradition while envisaging a sustainable future push me forward every day. Vision: Australia has a proud legacy of international leadership in the fields of sustainability and equality and my vision is for us to lead in these areas once again. We have the skills and ingenuity to develop solutions to climate change and to find ways to live within the earth’s environmental limits. We should embrace our heritage of leadership and help forge a sustainable and just world. Achievements: The Fellowship project work has equipped me the leadership skills to enable this vision. ‘Sustaworks’ is changing the discussion by communicating the business benefits of sustainability, while ‘Bikespot is enabling cyclists to report bike network problems and for local governments to fix them.



VOLUNTEERS ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, learn new skills, build networks and get a unique committed citizens can change the world; it’s insight into our Programs. We pride ourselves the only thing that ever has.’ Margaret Mead on the success of our volunteers in leveraging their experience with us to gain employment. In 2011 dozens of amazing young individuals Indeed many of our alumni and our own staff generously volunteered their time, passion and began their CSL journey as volunteers. expertise to help out at CSL. Although they all had in common an abundance of enthusiasm Ultimately our volunteers work side by side with and goodwill, they also brought a wide range of us, contributing to our shared vision and helping individual skills, talents, interests and expertise. us to deliver the high quality programs that in From all walks of life, with diverse backgrounds turn support our emerging leaders to create a and skillsets, ranging from bookkeepers, sustainable future. administration assistants, event coordinators to business analysts and graphic designers, each Day in and day out, and often evenings too, we in their own way made a significant contribution are buoyed by their energy and enthusiasm. to the work of CSL. Quite simply we couldn’t Inspired by CSL, they in turn inspire us. have done it without them. To all our volunteers – your work is very important Of course, the relationship between CSL and and we thank you for your invaluable commitment volunteers is reciprocal. In return for their hard and your dedication to any task given, no matter work they are able to expand their portfolios, how big or small.

PEOPLE WE COULDN’T HAVE DONE WITHOUT IN 2011 Aishah Suhaidi Anthony Daniele Anthony Richard Candice Worsteling Cassie Cai Catherine Ellis Chris King Elisha Theo Elizabeth Stott Emma Martin

Esther Kennedy Farrel Brest Fathima Reema Felipe Niño Geoff Tate Gustavo Recaman Ha-Na Cha Janitha Perera Jonathan Stray Katie de Roo

Leah Newey Nick Esdaile-Watts Nishant Dadhania Patrick Gilligan Pia Leo Randall Williams Richard Kennedy Sim Singh Ssu-Hua Chen


SPEAKERS AND MENTORS One of the benefits of the Fellowship Program is the access our Fellows gain to an amazing range of highcalibre speakers and mentors.

these dedicated individuals have supported CSL over a number of years.

Throughout the Fellowship Program, our Fellows receive training, support, guidance and encouragement from an astonishing array of leadership luminaries all of whom freely volunteer their time and expertise, either as presenters or as mentors, or both. Many of

Our guest speakers and mentors come from a range of backgrounds and professions, including government, academia, business, media, consulting and the not-forprofit sector, enabling our Fellows to draw knowledge and inspiration and to network with some of Australia’s most influential and creative thinkers and leaders. We thank them all for their generous support.



A well known author, activist and social entrepreneur, Paul has been a generous supporter of CSL, both as a mentor and a speaker for several years. Once again in 2011, he found time in his busy schedule to share his insights into sustainability and leadership at a Sydney workshop and to mentor Melbourne Fellow Eli Court.

As a sustainability professional with degrees in environmental engineering and philosophy, Madeleine’s breadth of knowledge and experience made her an inspiring mentor for Sydney Fellow Lisa Dew in 2011.

Paul has been a global leader in promoting and advocating for sustainability action for 35 years. His career has taken him across all sectors from the military to business, academia to government. He has served as CEO of Greenpeace International and innovative NGOs including Ecos Corporation and Easy Being Green. Now an independent author and advocate, in his recent book ‘The Great Disruption’, Paul argues that the impending global ecological and economic crisis is also a great opportunity to develop a new sustainable approach for humanity.


Madeleine has over ten years experience working in corporate sustainability strategy and policy development, specialising in climate change, carbon and energy, emissions reduction, as well as stakeholder engagement and social and environmental venturing. She is currently, Manager, Carbon & Emerging Markets Policy at Origin Energy. Prior to joining Origin, Madeleine honed her skills in environmental venturing as a founding partner of Climate Friendly, an innovative carbon management and offset company. In 2006, she also cofounded Triumphant International, which is now the Australian Refugee Film Festival, a not-for-profit organisation that celebrates the cultural and creative contribution of refugees and helps to tell their stories.



An ongoing supporter of CSL, Murali once again gave generously of his time, expertise and compassion in 2011, to present a deeply affecting workshop on organisational change and to mentor Melbourne Fellow, Katherine Walsh.

Executive Director of ClimateWorks and former senior policy adviser for the Victorian Deputy Premier, Anna Skarbek, shared her insights into government policy and lobbying via an engaging Q & A session at a Melbourne Fellowship Workshop in 2011. Anna also mentored Melbourne Fellow Stephanie Campbell.

Murali’s passion is to support, challenge and inspire people to live professionally and personally in an integrated manner. As a transformative psychologist, his aim is to introduce a set of values, principles and ‘intelligences’ into the workplace. In a holistic manner, he enables individuals, teams and organisations to strive for excellence. He is a strong advocate for developing conditions that provide people with the opportunity to excel; where their unique talents are recognized and valued and they can contribute creatively within an organisation and society. He assists in creating ‘spaces’ where individuals, teams and organisations can reaffirm their desire and passion to be their best and still be true to their values.

Prior to joining ClimateWorks, a not-for-profit developing projects promoting greenhouse gas reductions, Anna was Vice President of Climate Change Capital, a London based Investment Bank specialising in a low-carbon economy. Anna has also worked as an investment banker in Macquarie Bank’s energy and utilities team and as solicitor with Mallesons Stephen Jaques. Anna has served on a number of boards including Big Issue Australia, Amnesty International Australia, the Land Sector Carbon and Biodiversity Board and the Australian Government’s NGO Roundtable on Climate Change. She is also a director of the Carbon Market Institute, Sustainable Melbourne Fund, Thermometer Foundation for Social Research on Climate Change and Linking Melbourne Authority.


SPEAKERS AND MENTORS 2011 SPEAKERS Aaron Fuller, Owner, Shiftlock Alex First, Managing Director, First Communications Alex Graham, Senior Education Officer (Energy Efficiency) Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW

Alicia Maynard, Head of Sustainability, Mirvac Anna Skarbek, Executive Director, ClimateWorks Australia Andrew Bray, Communications Manager, 100% Renewable Energy Bernard Carlon, Director, Sustainability Programs, Office of Environment and Heritage, NSW

Bojun Chiswell, Independent Journalist, Strategic Media Consultant Brad Krauskopf, CEO and Co-founder, Hub Melbourne Cam Walker, Campaign Co-ordinator, Friends of the Earth Australia

Mark Diesendorf, Associate Professor and Deputy Director, Institute of Environmental Studies, UNSW Matt Gordon, Project Manager – Sustainable Solutions, EPA Victoria; Co-founder, OurSay Megan Clement, Deputy Section Editor, The Conversation Media Group Megan Craig, Sustainability Engagement, City of Sydney Melissa Crotty, Writer and comedian Michael Docherty, Media Liaison, Uniting Church in Australia Michael Hall, Climate Change Photographer, Michael Hall Photography Michael Mobbs, Author, Consultant, Speaker, Sustainability

The Greens, NSW Parliament

Michael Murphy, Director Qualitative Research, The Social Research Centre Michael Wheelahan, Group Director, Industry Governance & West Region, DSE

Celia Prosser, Performance Coach, Consultant, Genos

Michelle Williams, Co Founder, Social Innovation Sydney

Chip Henriss, Chief of Staff, Uniting Church in Australia

Miyuki Jokiranta, Managing Director, Seven Thousand Oaks

Christy Arnott, Principal Research Advisor, The Social Research Centre

Dynamic Wisdom

Dan Adams, Initiator and Director, Make Poverty History Concert

Nic Frances, Author; Chairman and CEO of Cool nrg International

David Morrissey, Owner, Director CSR Sydney

Paul Gilding, Advisor & Advocate on Sustainability

Dimity Podger, Director, Principal at Barasa Consulting Group

Peter Cosier, Executive Director, Wentworth Group

Emily Ross, Writer and media consultant, Bespoke Media

Peter Ellyard, Authir; Chairman, Preferred Futures Institute

Cate Faehrmann, Member of the Legislative Council,

Erin Cini, Director of Element Solutions Eyal Halamish, Co-founder, OurSay Frank Ryan, Principal and Founder, Vox Bandicoot Gareth Johnston, Director 3DM – Three Days More P/L, Co-Founder Future Ready P/L, Director The Live Local Foundation

Greg Bourne, Non-Executive Director, Carnegie Wave Energy Kate Nicolazzo, Director, Nicolazzo Consulting

Murali Neelamegam, Founder, Principal Consultant,

Rachel Lowry, General Manager – Community Conservation, Zoos Victoria

Rebekka Squire, Network Services Manager, Genos Renee Barnes, Journalism Lecturer RMIT; Deputy Chair, Emerging Writers Festival Sally Hill, Business Partnerships Coordinator, World Wide Fund for Nature

Ian Penrose, River Keeper, Yarra River Keepers

Sandy Blackburn-Wright, Head of Organisational Mentoring – Sustainability and Community Involvement, Westpac

Janine Cahill, Director Future Journeys

Sandy Kaye, Journalist/Producer/Trainer, Kaye Media

Jason Clarke, Founder, Minds at Work

Selena Griffith, Co Founder, Social Innovation Sydney

Joel Leske, Environment Advisor, Kmart

Stuart Hill, Adjunct Professor & Foundation Chair of Social Ecology, University of Western Sydney

John Talbott, Stormlight Consulting Jon Dee, Founder & Chairman, Do Something Jose Ramos, Editor, Journal of Futures Studies; Owner, Action Foresight

Kelly O’Shannassy, Chief Executive Officer, Environment Victoria Leah Newey, Environmental Communications Consultant Leigh Ewebank, Director of Communications, Beyond Zero Emissions

Stuart White, Director, Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology, Sydney Sue White, Freelance Writer Terri Ann Johnson, CEO, Clean up Australia Tim Rayner, Writer, Philosopher, Consultant, Philosophy for Change Tom Roper, Chair, Australian Sustainable Built Environment Council,

Lindsay Soutar, National Campaign Coordinator, 100% Renewable

Senior Fellow of Melbourne University’s Australian Centre for Science, Innovation and Society

Luke Hockley, Director, Midnightsky

Tony Cutcliffe, Director, The Eureka Project

Linh Do, Writer, Community Manager, OurSay

Tony Spencer-Smith, Managing Editor, Eco Editors

Madeleine Lyons, Manager, Carbon & Emerging Markets Policy,

Tony Porter, Media/Writer/Editor/Actor/Presenter

Origin Energy

Tony Robertson, Media and PR Specialist

Marcus Godhino, Chief Executive Officer, Fareshare

Victoria Rose, Director of Sustainability, IHG

Marcus Waldmann, Director, Savvy Projects Pty Ltd


MENTORS Aaron Fuller, Owner, Shiftlock

Kate Auty, Commissioner for Environmental Sustainability, Victoria

Adam Beaumont, Program Manager for Compliance and Enforcement, EPA Victoria

Kirsten Larsen, Policy Research Manager – Victorian Eco-Innovation Lab

Adrian Swift, Chief Creative Officer, etv

Les Robinson, Behaviour Change Consultant

Alison Rowe, Global Executive Director Sustainability, Fujitsu

Linda Sams, Chief Sustainability Officer, Tassal Operations

Allan Jones, Chief Development Officer, Energy & Climate Change for the City of Sydney

Lindsay Tanner, Author, Special Advisor to Lazard, Vice-Chancellor’s Fellow, Victoria University

Andrew Foran, CEO, Centre for Sustainability Leadership

Liane Rossler, Designer, Artist, Dinosaur Designs

Andrew Macleod, CEO, Committee for Melbourne

Luke Hockley, Director, MidnightSky

Anita Roper, CEO, Sustainability Victoria

Luke Taylor, Foundation Coordinator, Sustainable Living Foundation

Anna Skarbek, Executive Director, ClimateWorks Australia Arron Wood, Owner, Firestarter Pty Ltd Ben Eltham, Independent Journalist, Researcher, Creative Producer Ben Kneppers, Sustainability Consultant, Edge Environment Cheryl Batagol, Chair, EPA Victoria Caroline Bayliss, Director, Australia, The Climate Group Cecille Weldon, Head of Sustainability, LJ Hooker Corporate Clive Bickerstaff, Manager Procurement Network Technology,

Madeleine Lyons, Manager, Carbon & Emerging Markets Policy, Origin Energy

Maree Davidson, Managing Director, Davidson Consulting Megan Seneque, Program Design, Development and Facilitation of Social Processes, Catholic Earthcare Australia Monique Conheady, Marketing Business Partner, Australia & New Zealand at Hertz, Chair at Moreland Energy Foundation Limited Murali Neelamegam, Founder, Principal Consultant, Dynamic Wisdom


Natalie Isaacs, Founder and CEO, 1 Million Women Campaign

Costa Georgiardis, TV Presenter, Costa’s Garden Odyssey

Nic Frances, Author; Chairman and CEO of Cool nrg International

Colleen Hartland, Member of the Legislative Council, The Greens, Victorian Parliament

Paul Gilding, Advisor & Advocate on Sustainability

Dan Atkins, Founder and Managing Director, Shaper Group

Peter Ellyard, Author; Chairman, Preferred Futures Institute

David Brookes, Managing Director, Social Traders David Morrissey, Owner, Director CSR Sydney Erin Cini, Director, Element Solutions Greg Bourne, Non-Executive Director, Carnegie Wave Energy Jason Howes, Director, Fortress Investment Group Jason Clarke, Founder, Minds at Work

Penelope Figgis, Director of Australian Committee for IUCN Robert Coombs, President and Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific at Interface Inc. Sandy Blackburn- Wright, Head of Organisational Mentoring – Sustainability and Community Involvement, Westpac Simon Holmes a Court, Founding Chairman, Hepburn Wind Stephen Shepherd, Chairman, Shirlaws Global Business Coaching

John Daley, Chief Executive Officer, Grattan Institute

Stuart Hill, Adjunct Professor & Foundation Chair of Social Ecology, University of Western Sydney

John Thwaites, Chair, ClimateWorks Australia and the Monash

Tanya Ha, Environmentalist, author, science journalist,

Sustainability Institute

John Virgoe, First Secretary (Economic and Climate Change) at British High Commission, Canberra

Kate Harris, Sydney Program Director, Centre for Sustainability Leadership

television presenter

Tim Costello, CEO, World Vision Australia Tim Longhurst, futurist and speaker Victoria Rose, Director of Sustainability, IHG



Founding Father and CSL First Follower

Jason Clarke describes himself with typical modesty, as CSL’s ‘first follower’, the catalysing role that helps a leader get a movement off the ground, (famously demonstrated by Derek Sivers’ ‘Dancing Guy’ video). As a CSL first follower, Jason’s dancing was more cerebral than physical, using nimble intellectual footwork to turn an amazing idea into action. It is now part of folklore that he helped distil the elements of great leadership discovered by CSL co-founder Larissa Brown on her worldwide quest, into the curriculum and structure of this unique leadership program. As much founding father as first follower, Jason’s involvement did not end once the Fellowship Program was up and running. Thankfully, some six years later he continues to play a vital role in its ongoing development and delivery, ensuring that the Program continues to evolve and provide the best possible leadership learning experience for each of the fellows, year after year. His contribution to both the design and delivery of the workshops are a key factor in its success. With a background in advertising, Jason’s day job is now as chief Mindworker at his consultancy Minds at Work, where in his words, they ‘help


people to think.’ For good reason he is one of the most sought after creative minds in the country, in demand for his unparalleled skills as a thinker, communicator and facilitator. It is a testament both to him and his genuine belief in CSL, that despite his hectic schedule, Uncle Jason as he is affectionately known, makes himself available each year to mentor fellows and present at our workshops. As a speaker par excellence, his intelligence, wit, goodwill and energy, make any workshop with which he is involved, not only edifying, but greatly enjoyable. If that’s not enough, Jason also found time to help us create our online platform Leadership Rewired. One of Jason’s greatest contributions to CSL is the incredible palette of tools he leaves at our fellows’ disposal. Tools that help them to think, create, analyse and generate ideas and then put those ideas into action. In essence these tools equip our Fellows to tackle the challenges they face as leaders. From all the CSL family a huge thank you to Jason for so generously lending us his time, his knowledge, his wisdom, his creativity, his humour and his incredible arsenal of analytical tools.

OUR TEAM ANDREW FORAN | CEO Andrew is proud to be building on the great achievements of CSL, and is focused on growing its reach and influence so that more emerging sustainability leaders can maximize their potential to deliver positive change. Previously Andrew worked in the business sustainability field with organisations including ECO-Buy, Visy Recycling and World Vision. He was the founder and general manager of a successful aquaculture business, holds an MBA and a Graduate Diploma in Environmental Management and Planning, and is the president of the Melbourne branch of the Surfrider Foundation, a global environmental not-for-profit.

KATE HARRIS | Director Sydney Fellowship Program Kate is a renowned facilitator and group dynamic practitioner. She draws on her diverse background in organisational development, culture change, performing arts and executive coaching, to help organisations and communities create solutions to complex problems. Specialising in innovation and strategic foresight, she is motivated to create positive change through helping young leaders articulate a vision and then develop the capacity to make that vision a reality. She enjoys their harnessing passion and encouraging collaboration. Kate has a Masters of Social Ecology and a Certificate IV in Workplace Training & Assessment and a Diploma of Applied Science.

DAVID SEIGNIOR | Facilitator Melbourne Fellowship Program David has over 20 year’s experience as an environmental educator and communicator, including as director of consultancy Vox Bandicoot and Vice President of the not-for-profit Sustainability Street Institute. He draws on his skills as a writer, performer, teacher and facilitator to inspire courageous leadership and to elicit collaboration to address the complex challenges we face. David is interested in the nexus between innovation, sustainability and leadership and throughout his career has enjoyed working with leaders ranging from school children to senior politicians and business people, empowering them to think creatively and boldly and to communicate effectively in order to generate real change.


MARK HOLLINGSWORTH | Partnerships Manager Mark is committed to encouraging and connecting individuals with the imagination, drive and courage to create a better world. He is excited by the opportunity to work with CSL to support emerging leaders and change makers across Australia to turn their ideas into action. Mark also supports emerging leaders as a board member of Global Voices, an Ambassador for the Australian Scholarships Foundation (ASF) and a member of the Leadership team for the Emerging Leaders for Social Change (ELSC) Group. Last year Mark was awarded an Ian Potter Foundation Scholarship to complete the Asialink Leaders program and was nominated to attend the Asia 21 Summit.

GABRIELA RAMOS | Marketing and Communications Manager While completing a Master of Environment at the University of Melbourne, Gabriela became involved in numerous volunteering projects, from gardener at an urban agriculture organisation to environment officer for a university student-run association. She started working at CSL as an online program volunteer in 2009. In 2010 Gabriela was appointed Marketing and Operations Coordinator and has been responsible for running the CSL office, coordinating volunteers and developing and implementing CSL’s marketing and communications strategies. During her time at CSL, Gabriela has been a consummate professional and a leading team member.

SANDI MIDDLETON | Program Manager Sydney Fellowship Program Sandi is passionate about helping people to find themselves and connect to each other, their communities and nature. Sandi has had an interesting and varied working career. She has worked with environmental NGOs, corporate law firms, and NSW State Government as a Sustainability Officer. Sandi completed the Fellowship Program in 2010 and is now the Sydney Fellowship Program Manager while also working part time as a coach and community facilitator. Sandi is dedicated to helping future Fellows through the Program and to seeing each of them grow and find their own particular style of leadership.

YOHANNA AURISCH | Program Manager Melbourne Fellowship Program From an early age, Yohanna has been committed to the conservation, protection and sustainable use of our natural world, especially the marine environment. Since graduating from a Bachelor of Environmental Science in 2005, Yohanna has worked as a; Melbourne Aquarium Education and Interpretation Officer, Marine Biologist, Abalone Aquaculture Assistant, and the Earthwatch Field Operations and Expedition Manager. Yohanna was awarded a ‘National Future Leaders Environment Award’, ‘Chris Passfield Award’ and ‘Frances O’Connor Award’ for outstanding work within Deakin University and the wider community. Yohanna is proud to be working with such highly motivated, passionate and caring staff and participants at CSL. 2011 ANNUAL REVIEW – OUR PEOPLE – 65



Fergus is a lawyer at Allens Arthur Robinson with expertise in climate change, water, energy and environmental law. He is also a writer and analyst focusing on the political and policy dimensions of climate change in Australia and internationally. Before joining the Board, Fergus completed the Fellowship Program in 2010.

Melissa is an Executive Director at Ernst & Young within the Assurance practice. She is a Chartered Accountant and has an MBA from Melbourne Business School. Much of her professional career has been spent working with entrepreneurial and growing businesses and currently she is a part of the Melbourne team that champions the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year awards program.



Phillip is the Managing Director of Kingston Development, an emerging software and consulting company. He is interested in the marketability and business case of sustainability, and in newworld governance. He is member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and serves on a number of private company boards.

Brian is the Victorian General Manager for Dorington and Harris Smith, a change consultancy. Brian has a particular interest in cross-cultural and virtual work team performance and engagement, after extensive work experience in the US, Africa, Europe, Australia and Asia Pacific, and is passionate about enabling people to live sustainable lives and develop sustainable careers.

ALISON DODD | Secretary


Alison is a legal policy officer with the Victorian Department of Sustainability and Environment, working in the area of climate change policy and legislation. She is also commercial lawyer, practising most recently at DLA Phillips Fox in the areas of climate change, environmental and infrastructure law. Alison completed the Fellowship Program in 2008.

Glenn spent the first 10 years of his career in advertising and marketing for the likes of Saatchi & Saatchi, Nestle and Unilever. At Unilever pondering a pot of noodles he became aware of the Palm Oil crisis, the fate of Orangutans, and the deadly role of his seemingly innocent noodles. Glenn is now determined to use the dark art for good, by linking sustainability causes and brands for mutual benefit. Glenn completed the Fellowship Program in 2008.




Janette O’Neill is the Head of Sustainability for National Australia Bank. Her team manages sustainability / CR strategy, performance management, reporting and engagement. She also liaises with other key parts of the business to ensure that sustainability / CR is integrated across the board. Prior to joining NAB, Janette worked as a sustainability consultant with companies including Enviros, PwC UK and Shaper Group.

Katie Pahlow is Director of Visitor & Community Development for Zoos Victoria. Katie has used her unique combination of talents – spanning zoology, conservation education and business entrepreneurship – to transform Zoos Victoria into a world leader in community education while also driving major improvements across the organisation’s commercial operations. Before her career at Zoos Victoria, Katie was a secondary school biology teacher and cofounder of a successful business advisory firm.


MATT PERRY | Director

Jeremy is a leading sustainability thinker and educator, working extensively on the design, development and delivery of learning programmes on sustainable development. He is the outgoing Australia Director of Cambridge University’s Programme for Sustainability Leadership. He is an Adjunct Professor at LaTrobe University and a Principal Research Fellow: Education for Sustainable Development. He was also a former adviser to the Mandela Government.

Matt Perry is a Partner and co-founder of sustainability communications agency, Republic of Everyone. A seasoned marketing and communications professional, having worked in London, New York and Sydney for agencies including M&C Saatchi, Matt moved to Melbourne and completed the Fellowship Program in 2007. Now his focus is on using the skills in advertising to get people excited and inspired by sustainability.




Dennoch Fund

The Harold Moreland Oldham Perpetual Trust (Managed by ANZ Trustees)



The Centre for Sustainability Leadership (CSL) is a registered, not-for-profit company limited by guarantee governed by the Corporations Act. CSL is an Income Tax Exempt Charity with Tax Deductibility Status (DGR). CSL is not politically aligned. CSL places major importance on governance issues. Operation of CSL is overseen by a high-quality independent board (see page 66). 2011 has seen a focus on building a strong foundation for the future and developing resources and procedures to support CSL’s growth and influence.


DESIGN EDITOR Gabriela Ramos


PHOTOGRAPHY Gabriela Ramos Ha-Na Cha Sarhn MacArthur Ssu-Hua Chen

WRITERS Andrew Foran Candice Worsteling David Seignior Esther Kennedy Katie de Roo Patrick Gilligan Richard Kennedy


Printed on 100% Post Consumer Recycled Paper

ABN 78 123 195 488 Level 7, 225 Bourke Street Melbourne, Vic 3000, Australia

T: 03 9639 9863 E: info@csl.org.au W: www.csl.org.au

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