Save Electricity Dr.S.S.Verma, Department of Physics, S.L.I.E.T., Longowal, Distt.-Sangrur (Punjab)-148 106 Electricity has almost become a lifeline in the present generation and just like water, electricity is also precious as long hours of load shedding would justify. Electricity prices are rising almost every year adding to the pressure on the pocket for an average household. With inflation running around the prices of even essential commodities including food, vegetables and oil prices have made it difficult to operate a house in a pre specified budget. While the government on its part is trying to look at various renewable sources or energy like wind and solar power, the energy prices for conventional sources are only likely to follow an upward trend. Becoming more energy efficient isn't just for those of us who want to save the environment but can really help our savings. Whether it's something as big as installing solar panels or something as small as turning off the lights, when we cut back on how much energy we use, we save money. Saving electricity, therefore, is necessary at individual level not only to save the environment but minimize our electric bills. Saving never means to live without electricity but its judicious use. Our homes use a lot of electricity for different activities like cooking, lighting, running appliances and heating and cooling. Almost every household can save at least 20% on their electricity bills if they operate their electric appliances carefully without wasting electricity. Electricity saving options Here are some of the common tips that one can use to save on electricity bills by cutting out unwanted consumption of electricity: Use of efficient lights: High energy draining light bulbs can be replaced by energy saving lights. With more energy saving options like CFL and LED bulbs offering much brighter light with one tenth the electricity consumption compared to conventional bulbs. Since LED technology is not being used as much for now, the prices of LED bulbs are a little higher for comfort. But considering the savings an LED bulb offers it is well worth spending extra money of light sources for once and enjoy energy savings for a long time. Embrace solar power: Embracing solar power can be a wonderful way to save electricity and using the free available solar power for everyday needs. Various state governments are giving subsidy for people installing solar water heaters and other solar based energy appliances. Solar powered energy can cost a little upfront but with no monthly electricity bills to take care of, solar powered panels are worth their weight in gold. From solar cookers to sale heaters and solar water panels and water heaters, there is enough room for solar powered appliances especially in commercial establishments like hotels and guest houses. Use of energy saving appliances: In order to buy an electrical appliance, take a look at the star rating for energy saving apart from the cost. If a five star rated air conditioner is a little expensive than a three star one, it is a better idea to go in for one with a higher star rating which would save of electricity costs compared to a three star one. Opting for energy saving appliances especially the ones which draw in more power like a treadmill, air conditioner, vacuum clear etc can go a long way in reducing your monthly electricity bills. Improving energy efficiency: Energy efficiency of any home is a natural way to make sure the house stays warmer in winters and cooler in summers to avoid use of unnecessary electricity. Opt for thick curtains during the summer season which can allow blocking unwanted electricity thereby ensuring that the air conditioner would cool the room quicker than anticipated. On the other hand 1
using slim light curtains in winter seasons would ensure there is ample sunlight in the room thereby reducing the time of a room heater to warm the room temperature to a desired level. Replace old appliances: Older appliances are less energy-efficient than newer models. Replace these old clunkers in home with Energy Star certified appliances. This will go a long way towards saving energy and lowering electric bills. When it’s time to replace kitchen appliances, the washer, dryer, water heater, or furnace, research the various models and features to know which ones are the most energy efficient. When shopping, look for models that are labeled as "Energy Star Certified" to ensure getting an energy- and money-saving appliance. Use of inverters instead of generators: Inverters are more energy efficient than generators. At places where electricity load requirement is low, or frequency and duration of power failure is low inverters can easily replace generators. Inverters are extremely efficient, compared to generators, and only consume DC power in direct relation to the amount of power they put out. Another major benefit is that they are virtually silent compared to generators. Use of gas instead of electricity for cooking: Every unit of electricity which is saved results in less generation of at least 3 units of electricity. When we use gas for heating we are effectively reducing the load on electrical grid. Gas cooking stoves create less overall heat than electric stoves. The heat is much more controllable on gas cooking stoves. The heat change is immediate and precise. Also, the oven for gas cooking stoves heats up much quicker than the oven used for electric stoves. Use appliances efficiently: Be mindful of how to use the appliances efficiently. Study the operator’s manual for each appliance to familiar with the proper operating methods. Minimize their energy expenditure by minimizing their use. Avoid wastage of electricity: The average household plug-in appliances consume power while performing no function most of the time. This standing by power is estimated to account for up to 9% of home’s electricity consumption and thus, turning off appliances at the power point can save up to 800 kWh per year. A large number of people are still wasting way too much electricity which they can save by better and smarter planning and some of tips are as: • Switch off all the light when not in use • Turn off, empty and clean the refrigerator and leave the door open when away for an extended period and especially in the winter months • Keep the freezer full – it uses less energy than an empty one. For maximum savings, consider filling freezer with gallon containers of water • Set the computer to sleep or hibernate mode instead of using a screen saver so it uses less electricity during periods of inactivity. A computer continues to drain power even if it is left in a hibernate mode. Make sure to shut off your computer and other electronic gadgets when not in use. Consider using a laptop instead of a desktop computer as laptops and notebooks are more energy efficient and use up to 90 per cent less power • Unplug battery chargers when the batteries are fully charged or the chargers are not in use. Many chargers draw power continuously, even when the device is not plugged into the charger • Make sure to invest in a thermostat inside the rooms allowing for a cut off temperature in case of winter heating • Use microwaves and toaster ovens to cook or warm leftovers • Set dishwashers on economy mode, to use less water and electricity. Wash and dry several loads at once, so that dryer isn't completely cooled down when it heats up for the next load • Avoid over-drying of clothes. It wastes energy, plus causes static and wrinkling • Separate wash loads into light and heavy fabrics for the shortest drying times • Vent the dryer to the outside to reduce the workload on air conditioner 2