generative art

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genera&ve Â

art Â

Table of content What is genera&ve art? Examples: ar&sts and their works

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Genera&ve art refers to art that has been generated, composed, or constructed in an algorithmic manner through the use of systems defined by computer soBware algorithms, or similar mathema&cal or mechanical or randomised autonomous processes.

Vera Molnar, 25 Carrès (25 Squares),

1989/90Plotterzeichnung Ca. 44 x 44 cm, Unikat Vera Molnar is a pioneer in the field of Digital Art. She mixed her constructivist approach with intentional interferences in the mathematic system. Her admiration for Paul Klee is present in her artworks as well as in her essays concerning art. In 1959 she created the "Machine imaginaire" to carry out algorithmic calculations at a time when computers did not even exist and concentrated early on the aesthetic possibilities of Digital Art.

Leonardo Solaas extended voronoi hCp://




hCp:// Â


Monolithic fragility

The salt of the soul hCp://

Jonathanmccabe hCp://

Jonathanmccabe hCp://

Jonathanmccabe hCp://

MRKism hCp://





Tom Beddard hCp://

Fractal Lab Published on 5 March 2011 A WebGL based web applica&on for rendering 2D and 3D fractals in real-­‐&me.



A series of subdivisions Published on 7 November 2010 An experiment in subdividing fractal structures.

To find out more tag ‘genera&ve’ search ‘genera&ve art’, groups tag ‘genera&ve’ main ar&cle ‘Genera&ve Art’ and ‘Also See’ lists

Algorithmic art Keywords

Computer art Conway's Game of Life

Algorithm, System, Operated,

Digital morphogenesis

autonomy, Scien&fic,

Dynamic Pain&ng Evolu&onary art

Behaviour, biological, Random, formula&on, Real-­‐&me

Genera&ve music Genera&ve systems Immersion (virtual reality) Interac&ve art


Media art SoBware art Varia&ons, subsets

Systems art Systems theory Virtual art

The “genera&ve” here is a method, not an ideology

Examples? ROLL THE DICE Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Musikalisches Würfelspiel" (Musical Dice Game) 1757 is an early example of a genera&ve system based on randomness.

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