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Appendix – Regular Donors
We are most grateful to the following donors for their generous and ongoing financial support in 2021 and 2022. This list includes those who contribute through the Sponsor a Shelf scheme to support the acquisition of new books in specific subject areas.
Bill Ball FIMechE (Mechanical Engineering) Ian and Fumiyo Boulton (Chemistry) Paul Cockerham FSA (Art History)
Dr John Crompton
Alan Daniels, in memoriam Reginald W. Daniels (Economics and Social Sciences) Patrick Field (Linguistics and Languages) Barbara Goodman, in memoriam Henry Goodman (Computer Science)
Simon Holmes David Hughes
Christopher Joseph (Historical and Human Geography)
Professor Edmund King
Garth Lindrup (Private International Law) Greg Lowden (Modern History)
Marika Mikuriya
John R. Morris (Engineering)
Dr Michael Neiditch Michael O’Hara Professor Stefan Reif Christine Schoenzart
Dr John H. W. Shaw (Victorian Poetry) Irene Vest, in memoriam Michael John Vest David M. Wright (Geology and Earth Sciences)
A full list of donors to the Library is published annually in The Eagle.