1. Survey background…………………………………………………………………………2
2. Audio-Visual Room usage patterns……………………………………………………….3-4
2.1. Frequency of users accessing the AV Room
2.2. Preferred time of using the AV Room
2.3. Purpose of using the AV Room
3. Extent to which the AV collection meets users’ needs……………………………………5
4. Users’ views on dual purpose space for both the AV collection and a Common Room….5
5. Users’ concerns of a dual purpose AV Room……………………………………………5-6
6. Qualitative comments…………………………………………………………………… 6-9
7. Conclusion and recommendation…………………………………………………………..9
1. Introduction and Background
This survey was conducted following a suggestion from the JCR to convert the Audio-Visual (AV) Room to a dual-purpose space for both the AV collection and a Common Room. Since the AV room is also used for academic purposes - especially by students who read MML and film studies, it is important that the proposed suggestion does not present inconvenience to students who wish to access and use the AV collection. The Working Library Committee thus agreed that a survey be undertaken of the student population to gauge their views on this possible change.
All junior members – both undergraduate and postgraduate students – were invited to participate in the Audio-Visual Room User Survey. A total of 1,005 survey invitations were initially sent out, followed by two reminders, the first after five days, the second after four days. In all, 373 (37%) of respondents completed the survey.
Of the total respondents, 245 (66%) were undergraduates; 33 (8.9%) were one-year postgraduates; 90 (24%) were other postgraduates; 5 (1.1%) were others (e.g. exchange students).
Figure 1 shows that responses from students varied according to subject. Subjects with a higher response rate included – 15% of Natural Sciences students (n=59), 8% of Mathematics (n=31), and 7.6% of Engineering students (n=29).
This section reports general findings relating to the frequency with which students accessed the AV Room, and their preferred time of using the AV Room
2.1. Frequency of users accessing the AV Room
A majority of the students (69%, n=254) do not use the AV Room at all – of which 162 (64%) are undergraduates and 92 (36%) are postgraduates; 24.6% (n=91) use the AV Room ‘a few times per term’; 3.25% (n=12) use the AV Room ‘once a week’; and 3.25% (n=12) either use the AV Room ‘daily’ or ‘a few times per week’.
Daily A few times per week Once a week A few times per term Not at all
2.2. Preferred time of using the AV Room
For this question, students who use the AV Room were invited to choose – where applicable –more than one preferred time of using the AV Room, hence the percentages do not tally to 100%. The findings suggest that the most popular times are evenings, weekends, and during holidays. Relevant figures are:-
3% (n=4) of the respondents use the AV Room in the mornings;
27.8% (n=38) use the AV Room in the afternoons;
70% (n=95) use the AV Room in the evenings, weekends, and during holidays
2.3. Purpose for using the AV Room
For this question, students were invited to choose – where applicable – more than one purpose for using the AV Room, hence the percentages do not tally to 100%.
Figure 3 shows that the three main purposes for which students use the AV Room are ‘browse the AV collection’ (19%, n=45), ‘borrow DVDs/CDs’ (19%, n=45), ‘watch a film(s) (either using the TV in the Room or personal laptop’ (19%, n=45).
This question provides a free text space for respondents to fill in other purposes for using the AV Room. A number of students also use the Room to take breaks and relax.
‘Just chilling on the beanbags with friends’
‘Taking breaks from working’
‘Group study session with friends, taking study breaks’
‘Chatting with my friend’
‘Talk with a friend if taking a break from work but don’t want to leave the library’
‘Walk around during study breaks’
‘Talk to my friends for a break’
‘Mediation, calm’
3. Extent to which the AV collection meets users’ needs
Students were asked to descibe the extent to which the AV collection meets their needs. Over one half of respondents (52%, n=59) think the collection is ‘excellent’; with 44% (n=49) commenting that the collection is ‘adequate’.
4. Views on dual purpose space for both the AV collection and a Common Room
For this question, respondents were asked whether they would be in favour of a dual purpose AV Room – space for both the AV collection and a Common Room. Of 364 respondents, 61% (n=223) students said they would be in favour of the AV Room to be converted for dual purpose; 14% (n=51) would not; and 25% (n=90) do not have an opinion.
5. Concerns for converting the AV Room to dual purpose
Despite 61% (n=223) of the respondents being in favour of using the AV Room for dual purpose – both for the AV collection and as a Common Room, when they were asked whether any of the following consequences were of concern, just over one-third of respondents (35%, n=169) think the greatest concern would be excessive noise, both in the Common Room and immediately outside the Room; 23% (n=108) thought that ability to watch films could be restricted; 21% (n=99) felt using the room as a study/work space could be restricted; 15% (n=71) thought that browsing the AV collection could be restricted.
We specifically looked at responses from MML students and students who do film studies as they are most likely to use the AV Room for their subjects.
Of all the 373 respondents, a total of 21 (5.6%) MML students responded to the survey – 13 do not use the AV Room; eight use the AV Room of whom six think it should be preserved as an AV Room.
‘I strongly believe that the space should be preserved as an AV Room’
‘This space should be preserved as an AV Room, given that there are other communal spaces within in the library and around the college’
‘Preserved as an AV room’
‘Should certainly be preserved as an AV room’
‘Like the room as it is now, the collection could be slightly expanded’
‘I think the space should be kept as an AV room as, with the exception of the JCR TV room which is often occupied with people using it for social purposes, it is the only space in college to watch a film on a larger screen TV and as a film student, this is very useful for me. It also provides a quiet space to work which is a bit more relaxed than the main library which is nice’.
Two MML respondents were in favour of the AV Room being converted to dual purpose.
‘A gently social space in the library is a good idea’
‘Dual space sounds nice, good to have different vibes in the library’
Of all the 373 respondents, two Film and Screen Studies students completed the survey. Both of them use the AV room. One did not make any comment; the other said, ‘Good idea to convert the room for dual purpose as long as the collection remains accessible and it doesn’t restrict access to films’.
6. Qualitative comments
The following comments on the noise issue are illustrative:
‘It is nice to have it as a quiet, peaceful space like a library – there are plenty of other places where people can socialise in college’
‘People are not able to study if it is converted into common room – extensive noise’
‘The noise would be a main concern’
‘It would make the library quite loud and make it not a place for work but a place to play’
‘I imagined that noise may become a problem’
‘I don’t know of many people using it. However, the noise is a concern’
Noise disturbance’
‘I think the space should be preserved as an AV room otherwise it will be too noisy to study in the room or nearby spaces. There are enough common spaces across college that can be used by students (including the new café)’
‘I think the AV room seems fine as it is, converting it to a common room might risk encouraging extra noise when people are trying to work’
‘If possible, using another room for Common Room would be ideal. There should still be a quiet AV room for people who want to watch films or take study breaks or study with friends in that quiet area’
‘I would rather the room is preserved as an AV room as I use it as a quiet area to relax…If it is changed into a common room I am concerned people will stay there for a long time without moving, meaning only a few people will be able to enjoy it at a given time’
‘…the main issue I can see with it is it being noisy directly outside the room’
‘I love this room because it’s quiet and calm in it. I use it to meditate in breaks between study. It’s excellent for this purpose. Please don’t make it into a common room. People already talk enough in the library, the AV room is a great place to escape the noise’
‘I would be a tiny bit worried about noise leakage to the tables immediately outside the room….’
‘No longer able to use that room as a study break due to noise. AV room would need to be made soundproof if it is used as a Common Room’
‘I think the space should be preserved as a dedicated AV Room. There are many other common room spaces available across the college, so for those who wish to have a quiet space for AV browsing, film viewings/ screenings and study, this should be left for that purpose’
‘…..The charm of the room is the peace, quiet, and time to browse in a different environment to the library study environment. ….I do think that it is perfect just as it is’
‘I would rather the room is preserved as an AV room….We already have a common room in the Fisher building and we don't have designated quiet spaces in college. Also the door is not very soundproof – people taking calls inside can be heard by people working outside, which is disruptive….’
‘The AV room provides a quiet space to work; JCR with a TV often occupied with people. The AV room is the only space in college to watch a film’
Comments on food mess:
‘Common room use could lead to mess or eating food, making the tables dirty’
‘The room would be much dirtier with more students using it as a common room’
Comments on the limited size of the AV Room if used as a Common Room:
‘May become overcrowded’
‘I do not think there is enough space to accommodate the users of the common room and those who need to browse the AV collection’
‘It seems quite small for a common room’
‘I really don’t think there is space for it to be dual purpose’
‘I think the space is small and should be preserved as an AV Room. It is true that the College needs more communal space, but I doubt the AV Room is suitable for this purpose’
‘It should be preserved. A common room for 5 people is not large amount of space…’
‘There are already other spaces in College where a small group of people could meet without disrupting the use of the AV room. The size of the AV room is better for a single use’
‘The AV collection shouldn’t be regarded as less academically important than the other (book) collections in the library; using the AV room as a common room would suggest that it was’
‘My concern would be that by making the AV space a mixed study space (academic and social/recreational space), it would send the message that non-book media are, in some way, less academic than printed texts and so of lower value. I would not wish to see this happen. The College already provides spaces for socialising; the library is a place for study’
Other comments:
‘It was great to see that there was a specific space for AV here at John’s. There are many common spaces in the college including the SBR and JCR which both have TVs. There is also the fisher building which has bookable rooms. The buttery and bar are opening too. In addition to undergraduates living in college with their common spaces readily available. I see the AV room as a library resource within the library and turning it into a common room would render the resource unavailable to access effectively’
‘Would be nicer to have a dedicated common room elsewhere in college so that it is in a less work-pressured environment’
Comments from respondents who are in favour of a dual purpose AV Room:
‘I think the room will be used more if it is a dual space AV Room/Common room’
‘A common space in the library is needed and will allow people to take a break without disrupting study spaces’
‘A common room sounds good’
‘…Will allow people to take breaks during study sessions’
‘Dual space would be good’
‘Sounds like a good idea to have it dual purpose’
‘I think it sounds feasible, given that, as far as I am aware, the AV room is not heavily used, so allowing it to have a dual function could be a useful way of making maximal use of the space (so long as ay noise can be limited for the seats directly next to the AV room)'
7. Conclusion and recommendation:
Despite 61% (n=223) being in favour of using the AV Room for dual purpose – both for the AV collection and as a Common Room, the noise issue is the main concern especially for those who work directly outside the AV Room. Some respondents also commented on the limited size of the AV Room which is not ideal for the use as a Common Room (estimated maximum five people).
Due to the Library layout and its fixtures, excessive noise in the AV Room cannot be easily contained. It is therefore recommended to keep the AV Room as it is. If the main purpose for converting the AV Room to a Common Room is to enable students to take breaks without leaving the Library, some students have already been using the AV Room for this purpose as illustrated in some of the comments above. Therefore, there appears to be no immediate
added advantage in converting the AV Room to both a space for the AV collection and a Common Room.