this week in our school . . .
1Volume 6 Issue 4 May 13th, 2021 COVER: Crowning of Mary Ceremony
Mr. Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the HEAD’S week. START
I get to Maths to that find Iall of Yearto9take embroiled recently wanted the opportunity to in a taskrecognise that is so these. challenging and exciting Well done to the following pupils: that I want to stay and have a go myself. This week has been National Mental Health It is about this time of year that I meet with Outside Angelo it’s: “Sir,inhave you seen my tie? 7F for showing exceptional manners Awareness week. Of course a week isn’t enough, each Head of Department to review the Can youaround open my you thebottle? school What and todid staff but it at least focuses the This collective mind of the think of last night’s game? What time is it, summer’s exam results. involves nation on this huge issue via the media. plenty of useful and thought-provoking Sir?” and, at least day,positive “Oh myattitude towards Perside in once 7C fora her discussion, but it is usually talking about days!” Itlearning can be noisy at times and in a in all subjects numbers and this datacovering are community this size we can’t expect In form and in letters. PSHCEBehind we have been stories: how pupils did, how they felt, what everyone to getinon other allcreative the Jacob 7Mwith for each an excellent writing piece mental health in some depth - it is a key part of our they liked and what they achieved. We time. But it is our community, and a lively, in English curriculum. As a result of the pandemic it feels like always focus on how things can be lovely, positive one at that. many of us are more keenly aware of what is meant improved as well as celebrating what went Archie in 7C for being an excellent role model by mental and what aexam lack of mental well. As ahealth Catholic school, results arehealthPerhapsaround the single the highlight school of my week, if I feels like.way of expressing the unique, Godjust one had to pick, would be the conversation I had given talents and skills of each pupil. It is with Mrs.Maya, Fay who leading theAllana, Wiktoria, Miley for Alfie,isNia, Abble, important look beyond the data sowhat I amfeels likedevelopment of ourwith newYear library. One of thetochallenges of embracing their work 6. I am a much(ifmore of my involveswe arelibrary enthusiast and have been ever since adelighted ‘return tothat normal’ ‘normal’ is job something being in classes, walking around the school with I was little. Theare furthest of my There lots ofreach new and exciting things happening happy to return to) is the anxiety associated and talking to pupils, students and staff. memorynext is back to in moments spent inFriendship our week form, including Club and greater freedom, with greater risk from more local library by its colour and formentranced of the week. contact withare others and, simplyorthe sense If ever you feeling atfor all some, despondent bright possibilities. On Twitter of overwhelm froma re-engaging a complex and fatigued I reckon quick tour of with the school #RememberingMyLibrary holdweek! Looking forward toreveals anotherthe great uncertain worldraise that your for aspirits. while seemed would quickly Let me to have that such an institution has: ‘A library card Miss Prady show kept you what I mean. Today (Thursday, was a free pass to wonderment, words and been at bay. September 29th) for instance, I dropped into the ability to roam the world’ observes one Year 10 GCSE Music. There, I was user, whilst quotes the wrought iron Yearanother 8 Like our physical health our mental wellbeing shifts delighted to listen to performances of gates ofYear Stalybridge library, ‘Read, Mark,proud, by lining up 8 continue to do everyone and changes - it isn’t fixed. Realising this and Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Hold Back Learn and Inwardly Digest.’ Others talk ofin readiness for a swiftly and calmly every morning, recognising that investing in kind, the River and When the Saints Goaccepting Marching the escape that aday, library represented or ofstrive to meet the positive during which pupils relationships people are and valued for who they In. I also got where to sit with Daniel Chester the refuge it offered from an unkind world. targets that have been set for them. as they demonstrated their are is key to maintaining ourprodigious health andDJing central to talents. Next,we during Mrs. FayThere spentislast Saturday peacefully the message give lunch, out as Iasupervised school. the a tangible sense of all pupils in our year canteen and made a point of watching the stacking the shelves and we are inching group showing a commitment to be the best that God Bless, interactions that take place daily. Pupils and closer tothey opening. What thrilled me was her can be, through their positive attitudes to staff Davis, holdingHeadteacher doors open for one another, comment that several boys,on some of whom Ben learning and focus ensuring that their high offering thanks, little moments of personal affect a dislike of reading, were by standards of uniform areelectrified maintained. Crowning ofand Mary appreciation gratitude. Of course, presence of a library in their school: ‘You things don’t always go well in a school, but it mean I can borrow this and, read it, we like to Every Newsletter, aslike, a form team, During we traditionally honour Miss?’ was is lovelythe to month witnessofaMay voluntary apology from the breathless utterance of one celebrate the successes of our year group. This Mary Mother Jesus. pupilsorparticipated a Yearthe 9 to one ofofthe lunchYear time7 staff, pupil. Our library is at the heart of the of true commitment week we have some examples in our Crowning of Mary. The youngest pupil in theschool: atospace see one pupil help another who is unsure for being open to andLearn, Lead. our school values of Love, school crowned the statue of Our Lady and pupilssharing ideas and experiences. It is openwhere to go for class. led prayers and readings. Pupils joined to say a plan and its shelves serve as a reminder decade the Rosary. In Sixth of Form, I enjoyed a lengthy chat with that there 8 Ashould be no barrier to anyone Aidan who explained both the theory of using itsMatilda volumes or seeking knowledge, Knight, Year 7 differentiation and its potential commercial solace, entertainment Ruby Williams,or information. I can’t This week welcomed our firstwere Yearstudying 7 assemblies wait to see application. In English they it come to life in the weeks Daniel Cunningham (over two days) and I am so proud your the play Blood Brothers and talkingofwith ahead thanks Mrs. Fay and her band of VenicetoSison behaviour and the respect shown to myself, Mrs helpers. humour and excitement about superstitions; Tulloch and your form tutors during thisnew time. During in Year 7 RE they were dissecting our You have produced to beautiful work in Art this our assembly we focused on three main ideas: mission statement and exploring the term!Headteacher You come in every day, always do the right Ben Davis, Kindness, Friendships andit.Behaviour. have personal meanings within School isThere a thing, consistently meet expectations and are Twitter: @BenDavis1972 been many positives week from Year 7 busy, so bustling, hummingthis place. amazing. 2
With only just over 2 weeks to go until the half term 8B Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the break I’d like all to once again take the opportunity to Mr. I get to Maths to find of Year 9 embroiled Daniel 10 pupils who continue to work hard week.Bailey in a taskpraise that isour so year challenging and exciting Oliver Williams in their lessons across school. that I want to stay and have a go myself. Darcy Daniels It is about this time of year that I meet with Outside it’s: “Sir, have you seen my tie? All year 10 forms have been visited by Mrs Grindley, Mia Oakes each Head of Department to review the Can you open my bottle? What did you one of the school’s Careers advisors. Pupils are now summer’s exam results. This involves think of last night’s game? What time is it, being encouraged to begin exploring their options Well done for applying yourselves across all your Sir?” and, plenty of useful and thought-provoking at least once a day, “Oh my beyond St Ambrose Barlow. Each week during form subjects, producing work and for discussion, but it isexcellent usually talking about days!” It can be noisy at times and in a time there will be a focus on a number of colleges maintaining a brilliant learning. numbers and letters.attitude Behindtothis data are community this size we can’t expect around Salford and Bolton, as well as apprenticeship stories: how pupils did, how they felt, what everyone to get on with each other all the options. 8C they liked and what they achieved. We time. But it is our community, and a lively, always focus on how things can be lovely, positive oneonce at that. Well done again to form 10F who are leading Well done to form as a whole who always improved asthe well as celebrating whatare went the way with 549 achievement points! Special engaged workschool, and areexam a credit to the well. Asina their Catholic results areform. Perhapsmention the single highlightGrundy, of my week, if IFernandes, Anya to Joseph Janete just one way of expressing the unique, Godhad to pick, would be the conversation I had Cashin, Ella Davies and Abi McPherson who have Isabella Henzell – congratulations on some given talents and skills of each pupil. It is amazing with Mrs.the Fay whoachievement is leading the most points so far this year. work in DT to look beyond the data so I am important development of our new library. I am a Lily Walsh –that wellmuch donemore on your super Take Careand have been ever since delighted of my job attitude involvesto library enthusiast learning being in classes, walking around the school I was little. The furthest reach of my Mrs Toon and talking to pupils, students and staff. memory is back to moments spent in our local library by its colour and Yearentranced 11 8F If ever you are feeling at all despondent or bright possibilities. On Twitter Olivia Dawes-Grady, Well Year 11, we are very the nearly fatigued I reckon a quick tour of the school #RememberingMyLibrary reveals holdthere - we have a Karolina Cichonska, matter of weekshas: left.‘AThere so much to look would quickly raise your spirits. Let me that such an institution libraryiscard Georgia Daly forward With the easing of restrictions, we will all show you what I mean. Today (Thursday, was a free pass to. to wonderment, words and Absolute superstars. betoable to the do the things that make September 29th) for instance, I dropped into the ability roam world’ observes one us and those that we love happy. As you’ll no doubt be aware by now Year 10 GCSE Music. There, I was user, whilst another quotes the wrought iron We are so proud of to this group of girlsofwho have you’re not,library, where‘Read, have you been?!), your Prom is delighted to listen performances gates of(if Stalybridge Mark, nd July. I know a number of you recently completed sponsored Hold run for charity andLearn and arranged forDigest.’ Friday 2Others Beethoven’s NinthaSymphony, Back Inwardly talk of raised overand £1500. Well are that veryaexcited have already the River When thedone! Saints Go Marching the escape library and represented or of started planning! Weitwould to an seeunkind each and every one of you In. I also got to sit with Daniel and Chester the refuge offeredlove from world. 8Jas they demonstrated their prodigious DJing there. If for whatever reason, you have any Amelia Valleley about the Prom, please come and speak to talents. Next, during lunch, I supervised the Mrs. Fayconcerns spent last Saturday peacefully Jamie Barber me and an email and we will do whatever we canteen and made a point of watching the stackingme/send the shelves we are inching to help.What thrilled me was her interactions that take place daily. Pupils and closer tocan opening. Thank you for doors your excellent to work and for staff holding open for attitude one another, comment that several boys, some of whom We want your views on how things will look on the being valued members of our form. Thank you for affect a dislike offering thanks, little moments of personal of reading, were electrified by night and how you want to commemorate your time your positive attitude! appreciation and gratitude. Of course, presence of a library in their school: ‘You with us so please make sure you have completed the things don’t always go well in a school, but it mean I can borrow this and, like, read it, Year 11 Opinion Poll that has been sent out. The link is lovely to witness a voluntary apology from Miss?’ was the breathless utterance of one is below: 8La Year 9 to one of the lunch time staff, or pupil. Our library is at the heart of the see one pupil help another who is unsure school: a space for being open to and What a fantastic where to go for form, class.who demonstrate the valuessharing 1bIZwpN2BWsN37EGMvnWMDjm7yy4mHzideWX3 ideas and experiences. It is openof compassion and teamwork every day. It is a plan andboTt1nE/edit its shelves serve as a reminder pleasure haveI a form who consistently In Sixth to Form, enjoyed a lengthy chat with that there should be no barrier to anyone demonstrate these excellent values. is still work to do, however, before we get too Aidan who explained both the theory of using itsThere volumes or seeking knowledge, excited. Please workingIhard differentiation and its potential commercial solace, entertainment or keep information. can’tand providing 8M yourit teachers withinthe possible evidence you application. In English they were studying wait to see come to life thebest weeks Noah McKeown can. They normally doher anyway, but all of your the play Blood Brothers and talking with ahead thanks to Mrs. Fay and band of Valeria Guillen Mantuano about superstitions; humour and excitement helpers.teachers are working incredibly hard in unfamiliar Emme Love circumstances so please take the time to offer them in Year 7 RE they were dissecting our new your Headteacher kind words. mission statement and exploring the Ben Davis, Well done to these absolute personal meanings within it.superstars School iswho a have Twitter: @BenDavis1972 Cheers, shown commitment to learning. Keep up the busy, 100% bustling, humming place. 2 fantastic work! Mr Merriman 3 Year 10
Mr. Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the week. It is about this time of year that I meet with each Head of Department to review the summer’s exam results. This involves plenty of useful and thought-provoking discussion, but it is usually talking about numbers and letters. Behind this data are stories: how pupils did, how they felt, what they liked and what they achieved. We always focus on how things can be improved as well as celebrating what went well. As a Catholic school, exam results are just one way of expressing the unique, Godgiven talents and skills of each pupil. It is important to look beyond the data so I am delighted that much more of my job involves being in classes, walking around the school and talking to pupils, students and staff. If ever you are feeling at all despondent or fatigued I reckon a quick tour of the school would quickly raise your spirits. Let me show you what I mean. Today (Thursday, September 29th) for instance, I dropped into Year 10 GCSE Music. There, I was delighted to listen to performances of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Hold Back the River and When the Saints Go Marching In. I also got to sit with Daniel and Chester as they demonstrated their prodigious DJing talents. Next, during lunch, I supervised the canteen and made a point of watching the interactions that take place daily. Pupils and staff holding doors open for one another, offering thanks, little moments of personal appreciation and gratitude. Of course, things don’t always go well in a school, but it is lovely to witness a voluntary apology from a Year 9 to one of the lunch time staff, or see one pupil help another who is unsure where to go for class. In Sixth Form, I enjoyed a lengthy chat with Aidan who explained both the theory of differentiation and its potential commercial application. In English they were studying the play Blood Brothers and talking with humour and excitement about superstitions; in Year 7 RE they were dissecting our new mission statement and exploring the personal meanings within it. School is a busy, bustling, humming place.
I get to Maths to find all of Year 9 embroiled in a task that is so challenging and exciting that I want to stay and have a go myself. Outside it’s: “Sir, have you seen my tie? Can you open my bottle? What did you think of last night’s game? What time is it, Sir?” and, at least once a day, “Oh my days!” It can be noisy at times and in a community this size we can’t expect everyone to get on with each other all the time. But it is our community, and a lively, lovely, positive one at that. Perhaps the single highlight of my week, if I had to pick, would be the conversation I had with Mrs. Fay who is leading the development of our new library. I am a library enthusiast and have been ever since I was little. The furthest reach of my memory is back to moments spent in our local library entranced by its colour and bright possibilities. On Twitter #RememberingMyLibrary reveals the hold that such an institution has: ‘A library card was a free pass to wonderment, words and the ability to roam the world’ observes one user, whilst another quotes the wrought iron gates of Stalybridge library, ‘Read, Mark, Learn and Inwardly Digest.’ Others talk of the escape that a library represented or of the refuge it offered from an unkind world. Mrs. Fay spent last Saturday peacefully stacking the shelves and we are inching closer to opening. What thrilled me was her comment that several boys, some of whom affect a dislike of reading, were electrified by presence of a library in their school: ‘You mean I can borrow this and, like, read it, Miss?’ was the breathless utterance of one pupil. Our library is at the heart of the school: a space for being open to and sharing ideas and experiences. It is openplan and its shelves serve as a reminder that there should be no barrier to anyone using its volumes or seeking knowledge, solace, entertainment or information. I can’t wait to see it come to life in the weeks ahead thanks to Mrs. Fay and her band of helpers.
Ben Davis, Headteacher Twitter: @BenDavis1972
Surrealism-inspired art from 7J
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Mr. Davis, Headteacher, reflects on the week. It is about this time of year that I meet with each Head of Department to review the summer’s exam results. This involves plenty of useful and thought-provoking discussion, but it is usually talking about numbers and letters. Behind this data are stories: how pupils did, how they felt, what they liked and what they achieved. We always focus on how things can be improved as well as celebrating what went well. As a Catholic school, exam results are just one way of expressing the unique, Godgiven talents and skills of each pupil. It is important to look beyond the data so I am delighted that much more of my job involves being in classes, walking around the school and talking to pupils, students and staff. If ever you are feeling at all despondent or fatigued I reckon a quick tour of the school would quickly raise your spirits. Let me show you what I mean. Today (Thursday, September 29th) for instance, I dropped into Year 10 GCSE Music. There, I was delighted to listen to performances of Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony, Hold Back the River and When the Saints Go Marching In. I also got to sit with Daniel and Chester as they demonstrated their prodigious DJing talents. Next, during lunch, I supervised the canteen and made a point of watching the Fantastic examples of art daily. work from Year interactions that take place Pupils and8 inspired by well-known New York artist staff holding doors open for one another, Jon Burgerman offering thanks, little moments of personal appreciation and gratitude. Of course, things don’t always go well in a school, but it is lovely to witness a voluntary apology from a Year 9 to one of the lunch time staff, or see one pupil help another who is unsure where to go for class. In Sixth Form, I enjoyed a lengthy chat with Aidan who explained both the theory of differentiation and its potential commercial application. In English they were studying the play Blood Brothers and talking with humour and excitement about superstitions; in Year 7 RE they were dissecting our new mission statement and exploring the personal meanings within it. School is a busy, bustling, humming place.
I get to Maths to find all of Year 9 embroiled in a task that is so challenging and exciting that I want to stay and have a go myself. Outside it’s: “Sir, have you seen my tie? Can you open my bottle? What did you think of last night’s game? What time is it, Sir?” and, at least once a day, “Oh my days!” It can be noisy at times and in a community this size we can’t expect everyone to get on with each other all the time. But it is our community, and a lively, lovely, positive one at that. Perhaps the single highlight of my week, if I had to pick, would be the conversation I had with Mrs. Fay who is leading the development of our new library. I am a library enthusiast and have been ever since I was little. The furthest reach of my memory is back to moments spent in our local library entranced by its colour and bright possibilities. On Twitter #RememberingMyLibrary reveals the hold that such an institution has: ‘A library card was a free pass to wonderment, words and the ability to roam the world’ observes one user, whilst another quotes the wrought iron gates of Stalybridge library, ‘Read, Mark, Learn and Inwardly Digest.’ Others talk of the escape that a library represented or of the refuge it offered from an unkind world. Mrs. Fay spent last Saturday peacefully stacking the shelves and we are inching closer to opening. What thrilled me was her comment that several boys, some of whom affect a dislike of reading, were electrified by presence of a library in their school: ‘You mean I can borrow this and, like, read it, Miss?’ was the breathless utterance of one pupil. Our library is at the heart of the school: a space for being open to and sharing ideas and experiences. It is openplan and its shelves serve as a reminder that there should be no barrier to anyone using its volumes or seeking knowledge, solace, entertainment or information. I can’t wait to see it come to life in the weeks ahead thanks to Mrs. Fay and her band of helpers.
Ben Davis, Headteacher Twitter: @BenDavis1972 2 5 37 Ash Drive Swinton Salford M27 9QP 0161 921 1570 @SABSalford Headteacher: Ben Davis 6