The Brave Newspaper - Senior Edition

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A Student Led Publication

Vol. XVII, No. 6 ∙ May 25th, 2018 ∙ St. John Bosco High School 13460 S. Bellflower Blvd, Bellflower CA ∙

Thank You & Goodbye Class of 2018 Farewell To The Class of 2018 to the By Joaquin Medrano Until We Meet Again From The Editors-in-Chief: Mark McDermott & Raymond Rojo

Once A Brave, Forever A Brave Four years. Many days and nights were spent here at Bosco, with memories forged that will carry on for a lifetime. In a few hours from now, the lives of our Senior class will turn a new page in the chapter of the journey that we traveled through this year. The strenna for this year has been, “As a Brave Family, let us listen and walk together on our journey,” and I do believe that this has truly been one of the greatest moments of our lives. Characterized by the state of transition, we are about to undergo this next stage as the journey will be changed forever: we are going to graduate. We will be transitioning into the college experience, embarking on a journey that will challenge us all through rigorous academics and the cultural shift from what we have known to be home for these past few years. As we begin this new step in our lives, it is important that we always remember the memories, friendships, and lessons learned at Bosco. I am sure that we will never forget the unique academic setting at Bosco, a phrase repeated many times over – the Bosco Brotherhood. With many of us moving to various colleges and universities across the nation, we recognize that this journey will not be able to bring with us the friends that we have made here. But, as we are surrounded by our lifelong friends and family, we will begin this walk on a new path, never forgetting the close and strong relationships with

all our teachers here. We have always enjoyed our share of laughter and jokes with the teachers, the occasional moments of seriousness in class, and the wonderous joy that is called, ‘modified schedules.’ Seniors, these moments are for us to treasure, whether it be the times we spent in class, after-school, or just during events held here at Bosco, we have grown into men of character, and developed long-lasting bonds of trust with our brothers on this journey. I know that it probably feels strange to remember a time when life was not all-boys, and while I am sure that the return to the co-ed experience excites many of us, I encourage you to remember the moments that we shared together. I am certain that there are some aspects of our Bosco brotherhood that we will miss. From the joys of traversing the realm of high-school with inside jokes to the occasional allnighters for tests that were moved for a modified schedule, I hope that you see that many of us have changed from the once shy freshman to an outgoing senior. It is time to spread your wings my Class of 2018, as in just a matter of hours, the process of graduation will commence – our final mass as Seniors, which will culminate in our formal graduation. We thank you for this journey, and we hope to see you once again someday, but for now, we at The Brave Newspaper bid you farewell and good luck!

Journalist | Freshman ‘21

On August 9, 2017, I started as a freshman here at Bosco. I feel like the year just started, but it is already over and it is time to say farewell to our graduating Class of 2018. This year, I am thankful for everything and everyone that supported me throughout this school year and especially for the opportunity I had to get to know many Seniors. I am happy for the time I shared with them, as they are truly our "big brothers." As best I can, on behalf of the freshmen and the Bosco community, I would like to say thank you. Thank you for making us laugh as a brief and welcome distraction from the new challenges of high school. Thank you for the advice you gave, offering your most sincere and humble opinions. The stories of your experience that you shared will help us to make the years ahead some of the happiest and most enjoyable moments of our lives. Thank you for your friendship, a value that cannot be described in words, and makes us so lucky to have known you. Thank you for being part of the Bosco family, an environment where I felt secure, happy, and welcome.

Thank you for the sympathy and compassion all of you shared, for being there when we may have wanted to give up, and for giving us motivation and strength in our undertakings. Thank you for being open and trusting, even with things that happened in your own lives; we know we can always trust you all as well. Thank you for sharing sad moments with us as well, because even then we were able to find something good. Although these times were (thankfully) few, and this farewell is probably the biggest one, you all helped us move through difficulties and failures to know that we could get back up and continue forward. It is the let time we see each other in high school, but we hope it's not the last time. We shared so much together, and we will always be thankful for the countless contributions of the Class of 2018 over the past four years. I believe that everyone in the Bosco community knows that you have great success ahead of you in the future. But as with your years in high school, this letter has to end, but our friendship will always last. Farewell, and best of luck you all.



Senior Plans By RAYMOND EWBANK Journalist | Senior ‘18

Before the seniors officially leave Bosco, here are some of our plans for the future to provide as we move on to a higher education. Caden Milligan – Part of the VAPA program at Bosco through Jazz Band, Marching Band, Drumline, and Liturgy Band, and as Drum Major for two years. Plans for the summer: Caden Milligan plans to travel to the state of Hawaii this summer for a vacation with his family. College Major: Music Education at the University of North Texas. Plans for college: Aside from working towards his major, Caden also wants to further his musical skills by joining a jazz band and marching band. He may also try out for the challenging Winter Guard International group, which is a highly skilled winter drumline group. Eligio Marquez – Campus Ministry, Spanish Honors Society, and Christian Service Plans for the summer: Eligio’s plans to volunteer his time at Camp Savio, a Salesian summer camp for children, and work at Simms Park to earn money for college. College Major: Economics at the University of California, Riverside. Future Plans: While he does not yet know the specific job he will seek, he knows he wants to help people. His major, economics, provides a wide variety of professions to choose from, and he will most likely apply to law school to become a lawyer for family matters or immigration. Brandon Mireles – Latino Heritage Club Plans for the summer: Brandon will watch the FIFA World Cup (from the comfort of his couch), cheering Mexico to a world title. College Major: Business Administration Plans for college: Brandon will attend Cerritos College for two years to save money to transfer into a four-university. Jalen Hooper – Varsity Football Plans for the summer: Hooper is going to keep it simple: he plans to prepare for college, work out, watch anime, and spend time with family. College Major: Psychology at Northern Arizona University Plans for college: Hooper is going to Northern Arizona University, seeking to walk on to the football team alongside his studies. Juan Aleman – Earned valedictorian status with many AP classes, and a member of Marching Band, Winter Drumline, and Symphonic Band. Plans for the summer: Juan plans to enjoy the last moments with his friends before college. He would also like to obtain his driver’s license and practice and study more musical instruments. College Major: Brain and Cognitive Sciences with Pre-Medicine Emphasis at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Plans for College: With a full scholarship to MIT, Juan plans to focus on his studies and enjoying the college experience. These seniors are just a small sample of the future opportunities for all of Bosco’s graduates this year. To these students and the senior class, we hope your future adventures and good luck to the Class of 2018.

May 25, 2018

Valedictorian Address By NICHOLAS BERNAL Journalist | Senior ‘18

On May 26, 2018, the Class of 2018 will be graduating from St. John Bosco High School. This is an exciting time for seniors because they are embarking on a new journey in their life. At graduation, Noah Fisher, the Senior Class President, will deliver the Valedictorian Speech, selected by the 39 Braves who earned Valedictorian status. At first, Noah did not want to give the speech, and asked people not to vote for him. Upon being selected, his emotions were mixed: “I was somewhat annoyed because I did not want to give the speech, but I was also excited that my classmates trust me to represent them.” Noah has taken the task to heart, and hopes to be able to make this graduation special for the seniors. He has been brainstorming ideas to use in his speech. He knows that he wants to use humor that focuses on the students to make the experience entertaining and memorable for the graduating class. However, alongside humor, Noah is also seeking to include some more serious topics. He wants to remember the ups and downs of four years at St. John Bosco. Throughout this time, Bosco changed greatly, with new leadership and new pathways and extracurricular opportunities presenting new challenges for the students to overcome. This brought difficulties as well successes to the graduating class which Noah hopes to touch upon. Noah wanted to include some funny memories that the entire senior class experienced. One such memory is when the entire school stormed the court towards the beginning of their senior year. He also wants to include the dancing that Ms. Shields makes all of the seniors in her religion class

do. He plans to include Mr. Linares of the chemistry and bio-medical pathway courses constantly addressing his students as “boys” in every other sentence. One of Noah’s best memory at St. John Bosco was Mr. Bobbs’s art class. Mr. Bobbs was seen as a very entertaining teacher for most students that had him. Noah seeks to convey this message: “Throughout four years, we occasionally did not follow the rules but we were able to give ourselves the gift of memories.” Noah is a little nervous to give the speech on Saturday, but is given confidence by the support of his peers. “I know that I will be nervous until I start delivering the speech,” he says. “Once I start giving the speech, I know that I will be able to relax.” Once he graduates from St. John Bosco, Noah will attend the University of Southern California. He is excited to be able to enjoy his summer for the first time. He said, “I have never been able to enjoy a summer because I always knew that I had to go back to high school and now I am excited to go to college.” The senior class is looking forward to hearing Noah’s Valedictory Address and to sharing once more the great memories of their time at Bosco.

Words of Wisdom - Teacher Quotes

Mr Liu: Study abroad and never forget to call your mom! Mr. Coates: Life is going too fast to live someone else's dream. Live your dream, and love your dream. Linares: When you go into a dark room, turn the lights on. Just get it done, because no one, not even your parents, is going to hold your hand in college. Griffith: Give your life to God, and everything else will fall into place. Mrs. Woods: Be grateful to have the opportunity for higher education, so have an open mind in college. Have fun, but remember the times you need to be serious. Mrs Dreyer: Of all the voices you could listen to for advice, the voice I hope you most listen carefully to is your own. Ms. Liao: Shang shan ruo shuri, or "The highest good is like water," as Lao Tzu says, because water benefits all beings and does not compete with them.

May 25, 2018



Pathway Spotlight Class of 2018 By GIANCARLO OROZCO Senior Superlatives Bio-Med Journalist •

By JUSTIN VARGAS & TREVOR BURROLA Journalist | Senior ‘18 Best Bromance Chrystian Medina & Gio Leguizamon Best Hair Kameron Guangorena Class Clown Khoa Dinh “Well I like making jokes so I am honored to be the class clown. I feel that when I do this it makes a positive and happy impact on the school.” Best Student Athlete Sal Spina Most Likely To Be Celebrity Aidan Flaherty Most Likely To Drop Out College Jonathan Layfield Most Likely To Get ID’d When 35 Nathan Brewster

“Going into this pathway, I truly had no expectations as to what I thought I was going to learn about because I was genuinely clueless. Sure, one can make guesses based on the title, but all things medical go far beyond the surface” stated Eli DeRoon. I asked, “What would you say was the most significant benefit of being apart of the bio-med pathway or aspect you are most grateful for having experienced?”. “I think the aspect I’m most grateful for is the fact that this program truly opened my eyes to new parts of the world of health and in addition, reinforced my passion to pursue a career in the bio-medical area”, replied DeRoon. I questioned, “What words do you have for any students interested in potentially joining the pathway?”. “Honestly, I’d tell them to not be afraid to get more info and give it a shot. As I said, the pathway has helped me personally better decide which career I want to follow and has also just showed me the possibilities and potential I can harness in this world of medical” replied Eli. “Also, the pathway taught me numerous skills and habits that have helped me become an all around polished student and that in turn has helped me succeed in other areas of my student life”, he added. I asked, “As for the future Braves

Senior ‘18

that will once learn what you have, what changes or additions would you like to see be made done to the pathway? Or any possible over-thesummer programs?” Eli replied, “That’s a good question. Honestly, I would like to see more field trips for the pathway members. In a subject so intricate and advanced like this, it becomes easy for students to become demotivated and stray away from their initial interests. To combat this, I firmly believe that field trips and that additional exposure to real work places will spark the passion in students and show them the potential they’ll have at their hands when working in that space. To finish off, I asked, “As a graduating member of the first cohort to partake in the Bio-Med pathway, would you want to ever come back sometime in the future and give an update to new students as to how the pathway can truly prepare them for the real world?” Eli said, “Absolutely, my intention has always been to give back and open doors for future students that I may not have had previously. With medicine and science constantly evolving, I know that I am doing my part in helping society and contributing to advancements by helping these younger generations,” stated Eli DeRoon.

Most Likely To Be Politician Mark McDermott Most Likely To Come Back And Work at Bosco Richie Aguilar “Did not see this coming, I don’t want it to happen, but it is possible.”

Brave of the Issue: Kameron Ojeda By DEMITRIOUS FLOWERS Journalist • Senior ‘18

Kameron Ojeda is a 2018 C/OF with a 6-1 185 lb. frame from La Mirada, CA who attends St. John Bosco HS. Medium athletic build, some present strength with room for more. Very solid defensive tools and actions, very quick laterally and in getting rid of the ball, plenty of arm strength with carry and accuracy, game actions in drills, 1.82 best pop, 1.97 in games, very polished mechanics and explosive athleticism. Left handed hitter, has spread out his stance over the last year, long swing with a pull oriented approach, tends to pull off with his front side and leave the outer half open. Great student, Kameron earned honor roll eight times in a row, was selected for scholar athlete throughout his entire

high school career , his recent accomplishment is being a verbal commitment to Cal State Fullerton. Kameron was born and raised in La Mirada, CA. At a young age baseball was already Kamerons passion, at the age of eight years old he signed up for his local La Mirada pop warner baseball team. While in pop warner Kameron exceeded the expectations of an eight year old playing baseball. While growing up Kamerons name was beginning to hit every local baseball team. Kameron began to set records, he had the most home runs, his batting average was amazing and he had the most throw outs with his power right arm. From the ages 13-17 Kameron was getting ready for high school , his team the Placentia Mustangs put him on big stages against other big names like himself. Kameron showed up and showed out against every opponent. While

in high school Kameron did not only exceed on the baseball field but the football field as well. Freshman year Kameron was the starting running back on the blue team , to understand the transition from baseball to football it is not easy, but Kameron sure made it look like it was his first sport. During his freshman campaign on the football field Kameron began to show that he was a Bo Jackson of our generation. He broke records and set them, he was the leading rusher in trinity league football, he received an accolade for the most touchdowns on the team and in the trinity league. Unfortunately Kameron had to make a choice between both of the sports for his better sake. Kameron has exceeded on the football field, baseball field, and in the classroom he is the real representation of a Bosco student athlete.




Signing Day

Season REVIEW By CALEB WILEY Journalist | Junior ‘19

By KAMERON GUANGORENA & JULIAN BOYD Journalists | Senior ‘18

The past season for the St. John Bosco basketball team was its best in a while. This team had many accolades and achievements that not many thought were possible coming into the year. Even though they had their ups and downs, the season was not a let down as they overcame many obstacles. When this team was at its peak, it was really fun to watch. The team had a great record of 25-8 and had the most wins against open division teams in California. The league record of 6-4 was not the greatest, but getting 3rd in the very tough Trinity League is not something to be ignored. The feather in the teams’ cap was of course beating our rival school Mater Dei for the first time ever in the sport with a 60-51 win. This really had a big impact on the students as well as the Bosco community in general. People now began to obtain an idea of just how good this team could be. Another huge highlight of the season was making it into the CIF Open Division. Making it into the Open Division meant this team was now part of an elite stash of just 8 teams in Southern California. Varsity head coach Matt Dunn had a high point of his own exclaiming, “One highlight of our year that made me very proud of our players was beating Rancho Christian 3 times because they only have 5 losses all year long so 3 of them were from us.” With highs, come the lows. There was a point in the season where the team went on a 4 game losing streak in the middle of league. The lull included a loss to an 11-17 Orange Lutheran team. Junior point guard Gabe Campos explains, “We kind of had our streak of losing but we picked it back up afterwards.” The team went through much adversity but kept fighting through until the end of the season. In the Division 1 CIF State Southern regional Finals, Bosco lost to Chino Hills 67-51 in a heart-wrenching end to a historic season for the Braves. Bosco was in control until the 4th quarter, when they couldn't seem to buy a bucket. The team went 1-23 from the floor in the whole 4th quarter. It’s tough to beat a talented team like Chino Hills when shots are not falling. However, the team still stuck together through all the tough times. The players were having fun and a good time. During the losing streak, their chemistry was really getting battled tested, but the team actually grew because of it. Returning players from last year can all say the team was in a much better place than the years past. Senior forward Sandy Ryan said it best: “Last year our chemistry as a team wasn’t that great but this year it’s really changed.” It was very evident that they became more of a family throughout the year. The season was very much a season to remember but hopefully the team does not get complacent. Next year, with most of the team returning, they have a great chance to be even better. Coach Dunn explains, “I’m really excited to see how much better each individual guy can get.” He knows how good this team can be and I feel there is no limit to how much better this group of players can get. St. John Bosco will have the chance to win league for the first time in a long time next season in the wintertime.

Shohei Ohtani By KAMERON OJEDA Journalist | Senior ‘18 Shohei Ohtani is a Japanese pitching and hitting phenom. Ohtani was born on July 5, 1994, in Ōshū, Iwate, Japan. He was originally a professional baseball player in the Japanese league and played for the Hokkaido NipponHam Fighters of Nippon Professional Baseball's (NPB) Pacific League. Ohtani was the first pick of the Fighters in the 2012 draft. He has officially recorded the fastest pitch by a Japanese pitcher and in NPB history at

May 25, 2018

Signing day is the day where student-athletes make a huge step in their lives by confirming their spot in a college to deepen their education and excel in their athletic abilities. The individuals that signed recently at St. John Bosco High School consisted of two soccer players, a basketball player, and a golfer. Brandon Ortega (Soccer, Whittier College), Nicolas Barrera (Soccer, Whittier College), Alpha Okoli (Basketball, St. Bonaventure University), and Nicolas Bernal (Golf, Whittier College). These students did not just excel in the classroom, but also on the field. All of them exemplified what it is to be a leader and role model both on and off of the field. The thing that all three had in common was that they had someone to push them to help get them to where they are right now. It took a lot of long nights and early mornings for sure. Being a student-athlete means that you have to make many sacrifices, whether that means not going to parties in order to get extra work in or staying up later

and studying to pass that test. We interviewed star golfer Nicolas Bernal about his future. “Coach Doo does a good job of developing his players and turning them pro.” It seemed like Nick was very focused on taking his game to the next level while also staying focused on school. Also, when Nick was asked what was the most memorable moment at Bosco he said “When the Golf team went to CIF, it was a great moment for me and my team”. After Nick, star basketball player Alpha Okoli was interviewed and was asked what he is most looking forward to in college. “I am looking forward to the challenge college will bring both academically and physically. I know it will be hard but I am ready for any challenge thrown at me,” says Okoli. These athletes are great students and great men on and off the field. Moving onto their next chapter in life they look forward to show the world what a Bosco Brave is made of.

Photo provided by SJBHS Teacher Mr. Torre

102.5 mph. With the talent that Ohtani displays, it was not hard to find him in the MLB soon, considering that he stands with the height of 6’4 and weighs in at 210 lbs. This is a large man that by his stature alone can intimidate a lot of elite players. In recent years, he has opened up many MLB teams’ eyes in the U.S. and started getting American baseball scouts at his games. Eventually, the Los Angeles Angels gave him a deal that he could not resist. This summer, Ohtani became apart of the few Japanese professional baseball players in the MLB and was picked up as a pitcher and designated hitter for the Los Angeles Angels. Reports have said that this transition from Japan to American baseball has been a culture shock for Shohei as far as the environment of play that he is now undergoing.

However, it appears that Ohtani is adjusting fast and well, and has been making his name known in Major League Baseball. In Japan, Ohtani carried a batting average ranging around 250-310. Not only can he hit for average, but the power that he displays is remarkable. Within his first couple games with the Angels, he had already hit three home runs. On the mound, he had already threw the ball 100 MPH. Ohtani’s unique skillset allows him to pitch and hit on a regular basis. This may start to be a common trend with players being able to do such things on the field, but with all of the pressure that Ohtani has on himself to make himself fit in, he is doing more than expected. Everyone is behind him and cannot wait to see Shohei Ohtani continue to succeed in this game.


May 25, 2018


2017-2018 Playoff Picture - RJ Johnson By RYAN JOHNSON Journalist • Sophomore ‘20 Coming into the 2017-2018 NBA season, everyone had an inclination of who would be hoisting up the Larry O’Brien NBA Finals trophy come finals time. With injuries, unexpected outings from certain teams, and insane performances from some of the leagues stars, this picture isn’t so clear anymore. An early example of an insane performance was by New Orleans Pelicans big man Anthony Davis and the 6th seeded Pelicans sweeping the 3rd seeded Portland Trailblazers in the Western Conference. In the 4 game sweep, he put up averages of 31.5 PPG, 11 REB, 2 AST, 3 BLK and 1.3 STL per game. Davis also hit 33 out of 36 free throws in the series. In the Eastern conference, there were more signs of young dominance with the 3rd seed Philadelphia 76ers dominating the veteran 6th seed Miami Heat in a 4-1 series. The young 76ers seem unfazed with Rookie of the Year candidate Ben Simmons averaging a near triple double with 18.2 PPG, 10.6 RPG, and 9.0 AST a game and 2018 All-Star game starter Joel Embiid averaging 18.7 PPG, 10.3 REB, and 3 BLK. Bouncing back to the West, another candidate for the Rookie of the Year, Donovan Mitchell outplayed the previous seasons’ MVP Russell Westbrook. Donovan averaged 28.5 PPG to go along with 7.2 RPG for the 5th seeded Utah Jazz. Russell Westbrook of the Oklahoma City Thunder responded to Donovan’s numbers with 29.3 PPG, 12 RPG, and 7.5APG. However, this performance from Russell wasn’t enough as the Jazz took the series 4-2.

The 1st seeded Toronto Raptors in the East have gone toe-to-toe with the 8th seeded Washington Wizards. After a slow start in the series by John Wall, he started to get it together with 26 PPG, 5.7 RPG, and 11.5 APG. Even with Wall’s best effort, he could not keep up with the dynamic backcourt duo of Demar Derozan and Kyle Lowry averaging double digit scoring with 26.7 PPG from Derozan and 17.2 PPG from Lowry. The Raptors ended the series in game 6, leaving it 4-2 in their favor. Back to the Western Conference, the offensive juggernaut of the league in the Houston Rockets took care of the Minnesota Timberwolves. The T-Wolves made it easy for the Rockets, allowing Houston stars such as point guard Chris Paul to average 18.7 PPG and 6.6 APG while shooting guard James Harden had 29 PPG, 4.8 RPG and 7.4 APG. Timberwolves star big man Karl-Anthony Towns underperformed with 15.2 PPG and 13.4RPG, much lower than his regular season averages of 21.6 PPG and 11.7 RPG. This resulted in the Rockets winning this series in only 5 games. With one of the most exciting and well fought playoff series out of the East this year, the Indiana Pacers and Cleveland Cavaliers took it all the way to 7 Games! Lebron James - in his 15th year in the NBA - finished the series averaging 32.7 PPG, 10.3 RPG, and 7.8 APG. The Pacers did not go down easy with their best player Victor Oladipo averaging 21.5 PPG, 7.7 RPG, and 6 APG. Oladipo proved his recognition as an all-star this year and Lebron showed his greatness, but the Cavs won the first round in 7. The defending NBA Champions in the Golden State Warriors have made the first round look easy against Greg Popovich's San Antonio Spurs with the gentleman's

Lacrosse & Hockey Recap Lacrosse The St. John Bosco lacrosse team has been having a pretty good year and looks to keep building on their success. The team currently holds a record of 9-5 - 4 games over .500. Head coach Chris Jewitt was asked about the success of his team and how they look to improve in the future. When asked if he was pleased with his teams success he replied with “Not at all. We still have a lot of things we need to work on and we have a long way to go.” “We have to work on the fundamentals and focus on

Hockey The St. John Bosco high school hockey team has had another very successful season thus far. The team won the California Division 2 state championship for the second straight year, beating this year’s rival Capistrano United. How have they done it? It’s not easy to repeat as the best team in your state for two straight years when every team comes at you with their best hit. This reigns true in any sport, but especially on the ice with the gritty play displayed in hockey. This season, there has been a noticeable rivalry forming

little details. These small details can take a team a long way if they are done correctly.” The lacrosse program here is headed in the right direction with a coach like Jewitt at the helm. He knows what it takes to win. When Coach Jewitt was asked how he feels about his St. John Bosco lacrosse team being ranked number 75 in the state he replied, “I honestly don’t care about our ranking. When it comes down to playoffs the rankings can’t play for you. You just have to go out there and go compete. I am confident our team will be able to tune out the outside sources and just focus on the team.”

Coach brought up some very important points that will be great for the teams’ success in the future. After talking to a few players, they have all said that the team definently has room for improvement in their gameplay, but feel very confident with their performance so far this season. The starting goalkeeper Raymond Garcia said, "I feel very confident about our season and how our team communicates.” The Braves next playoff game will be held on May 8th. - Jace Fuamatu

between two high school club powerhouses in California the Bosco hockey squad and Capistrano United. Facing off in the state championship, the Braves defeated Capistrano. Unfortunately, in their most recent affair Capistrano got the best of the Braves in the high school league championship. “We [have been] back-toback champions these past two years. I think we’re still trending in the right direction. This year we were pretty disappointed to not win both championships, but all-inall our program looks pretty strong for the future,” says

junior Preston Park. The team is most definitely trending and heading in the right direction for the present and future. For a team from California, Bosco’s come up on the state and national stage is extremely impressive. “I believe winning those two league titles definitely placed St. John Bosco as a dominating force in the league. It’s going to be crucial that the school continues to recruit new players as some of the older players begin to graduate,” says junior Dante Terramani. With the squad’s undeniable success this season, they

sweep, 4 games to 1. Kevin Durant puts the Spurs to rest with 27.8 PPG, 9.3 RPG, and 4.7 APG, also having Klay Thompson to co-sign with 23.3 PPG. Last but certainly not least, the Boston Celtics vs. the Milwaukee Bucks. With Gordon Hayward and Kyrie Irving being out for the Celtics, this made them a vulnerable young team with a lot to prove. The Bucks also have inexperience, as both teams needed key players to step up in this series. A break out playoffs for Celtics young guard Terry Rozier was timely for the team, as he put on a show with 17.6 PPG and 6.7 APG. Celtics rookie forward Jayson Tatum also helped Rozier, backing him up with 15.4 PPG amd 5.3 RPG. The Bucks single star effort from Giannis Antetokounmpo with 25.7 PPG, 9.6 RPG, and 6.3 APG just wasn’t enough to win the series, as the Celtics win in 7. Currently in Round 2, the Rockets lead the Jazz 3-1 in a series that James Harden has dominated. The Warriors lead the Pelicans 3-1 in the other series on the West, behind a return from star guard Stephen Curry and continued dominance from Kevin Durant and Klay Thompson. The Boston Celtics have outplayed and outcoached the young Philadelphia 76ers as well, leading their series 3-0 with monster outings from Jayson Tatum and Rozier. The King has carried the Cleveland Cavaliers to a 3-0 lead over the Lebronto Raptors as well. This year’s NBA Playoffs has showcased young and upcoming stars, also while appreciating the greatness of some veterans in the league. With all of the exciting battles in rounds 1 and 2, we can only hope it gets better in the upcoming rounds.

By ETHAN PIECHOTA Sports Journalist • Junior ‘19

earned a trip to Minnesota for this year’s hockey national championships. The trip was the program’s first ever berth, and they certainly made the most of the opportunity.

The Braves advanced all the way to the tournament’s semifinals, unfortunately losing to Cathedral and eventually earning a bronze medal for the tournament.erience from

St. John Bosco High School



A Student Led Publication




Chris Abarquez Nicholas Bernal Julian Boyd Trevor Burrola Connor Cartledge Raymond Ewbank Jace Fuamatu


Sports - Ethan Piechota


Raymond Rojo Mark McDermott

Executive Editors

Senior - Justin Neff Junior - Justin Perry

Faculty Advisor

Mr. Michael Bartelt


RJ Johnson Ryan Lingsangan Brandon Mireles Kevin Mwangale Kameron Ojeda Joshua Orellana Giancarlo Orozco Caden Santiago Justin Vargas Caleb Wiley Gabriel Zabala Zhixing Zhao

Congratulations Class of 2018 From all of us at St. John Bosco High School and The Brave Newspaper, thank you & we wish you the best of luck!

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