Style Show Contract 2024

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SAINT JOSEPH ACADEMY STYLE SHOW RULES AND CONTRACT I, _____________________________, agree to abide by the following Rules of Conduct concerning my attitude and behavior while participating in the rehearsals and during the Saint Joseph Academy 2024 Style Show on Friday, April 26, 2024. I. STUDENT CONDUCT  I will abide by all school rules as explained in the SJA Student-Parent Handbook.  I will respect and abide by all instructions given to me by the SJA VP of Academy Advancement, retail merchant representatives, the choreographers, the SJA Style Show Production Chair, the General Chairperson(s).  As a representative of Saint Joseph Academy, I am to be courteous and respectful to all retail merchant representatives, choreographers, teachers, and parent volunteers who are working on the Style Show at all times. II. REHEARSALS  It is essential to be on time to all rehearsals; please be very mindful of this.  If rehearsals have to start late, then rehearsal will end later than usual.  I understand that in addition to the regularly scheduled practices during the week, the weekend prior to the show will include mandatory practices as well. Times will be determined but I agree to free my schedule and attend all practices.  If I am going to be absent from rehearsal, I will notify Mrs. Barron, the Production Chair and/or my choreographer as soon as possible.  If I am absent from rehearsals more than twice without proper documentation, I understand that I may be dropped from the show.  If I miss anytime two (2) weeks prior to the show, I may be dropped from the show.  The school administration, the General Chair(s) of the Style Show, and my parents will be notified immediately if I am asked to withdraw from the show.  The use of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products is strictly prohibited as outlined in the Student-Parent Handbook. If I am caught using any of these substances, I will be dropped from the show, and the Dean of Student will be notified immediately where disciplinary action will be taken.  I will not be excused from any school work during Style Show rehearsals.  I have the privilege, not the right, to participate in the Style Show. III. COSTUMES  All dance numbers will require that I purchase a costume. Every effort will be made by the Production Chair, Costume Chair and choreographer to keep the cost low. The costume will cost no more than $65.00 per dance.  With the return of this contract, your deposit of $40.00 is required towards the costume.  Once the costume is ordered, this payment is non-refundable.

I, _______________________________, agree to the aforementioned terms that have been explained to me by the SJA Director of Academy Advancement and my parent/legal guardian. I will do my best to represent my school, my family, and myself in a responsible and respectful way. I understand that I will be sent home if my behavior or actions pose any threat to my own safety, the safety of others, disrupts the program, or results in the destruction of property. _______________________________________________________________________ Student’s Printed Name AND Signature _______________________________________________________________________ Parent/Legal Guardian’s Signature ____________________________________ Date Please sign and return the form with your $40 costume deposit to Mrs. Donna Barron in the Main Office by Wednesday, February 23, 2024.

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