Dr. Rose Gowen Bio

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Rose Gowen City Commissioner at Large B

Dr. Rose Gowen City of Brownsville City Commissioner At-Large “B” BIO Rose M Z Gowen, MD was elected to the Brownsville City Commission in 2009 and re-elected in 2013, 2017, and 2021. As a commissioner, Dr. Gowen focuses on smart growth, quality-of-life projects and health-related issues such as raising awareness of the region’s high levels of obesity and related chronic disease. Partnering science, city government, and the community has resulted in a rich integrated network of policy and programming throughout the city that enables and invites healthy living. One partnership that Dr. Gowen forged is between the UT Health Houston, School of Public HealthBrownsville and the City of Brownsville Health Dept to improve nutrition and accessibility of healthy food choices for all. Through that work, she was instrumental in the design and development of the Brownsville Farmers’ Market. She served as the first Chairwoman of the Board of Directors and led the market in becoming a Texas-certified farmers’ market. The Brownsville Farmers’ Market was recognized as a model of excellence by the Texas Department of Health and the US Mexico Border Health Commission. The experience of developing and opening the Brownsville Farmers’ Market was transformative. Dr. Gowen realized that reaching out one patient at a time was limiting if health and wellness gaps and needs were going to impact the population as a community. These experiences were the drive that led to her transition into public service. By establishing and growing the relationship between the UT Health Houston School of Public Health - Brownsville, many City of Brownsville departments and business entities, Dr. Gowen spearheaded the city’s efforts to provide family-oriented active living programming such as its Cyclobia (Open Streets) series. Brownsville has hosted Cyclobias since 2012 with as many as 10,000 in attendance. In fact, the city has hosted more Cyclobias than any other city in Texas. The annual weight loss “challenge” just kicked off it’s 15th season and is known as the Challenge RGV. Each year during the 12 week season, education and programming aims to engage and support people in making healthier food choices and increase activity in their everyday lives. Over 12,000 have registered and there is a proven 84% chance of successful weight loss if the “challenge” is taken. Three Guinness Book of World Record records have been set during Challenge seasons and the 12 week season is free! Building a vibrant Brownsville where healthy choices are easier choices is Rose’s mantra as she goes about creating capacity and momentum with programs like the Vibrant lecture series to craft a community that is economically bustling with people -friendly spaces that are health promoting. Speakers have included the Complete Streets Coalition, Jason Roberts and the Build a Better Block initiative, Gil Penalosa from 8-80 cities, and Dan Burden from Age Friendly communities of AARP.

The lecture series led to the adoption of the Build a Better Block initiative that sparked interest in restoring Market Square. Thousands visited Market Square to enjoy music, temporary store fronts, cafe seating and mock bicycle lanes. Real time community outreach enabled the funding needed to restore Market Square to the historic pedestrian-friendly and robust green space that today is filled with laughter, joy, and prosperity! In 2014, Brownsville was recognized out of 250 cities across the country by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation as a Culture of Health winner. Most recently, she and her team have included bicycle tourism in their toolkit to encourage regular activity in their own people while attracting bicycle tourism to the unique eco-environment that is her home. Rose was a leader in designing and adopting the Lower Rio Grande Valley Active Plan now known as the Caracara Trails which leverages active tourism and active transportation strategies to improve the health and wellness of the region. The project has been adopted as a Rails to Trails Conservancy TrailNation project and consists of 428 miles of trails (on road, off road, and on water) as it connects 11 city partners across Cameron County. Using her blend of medical expertise and public service, Dr. Gowen is able to focus on and illustrate how economic development and quality of life are not at odds but actually enrich and enhance each other so that both will shine the brightest only when they are given simultaneous and equal skill and attention. Building a vibrant Brownsville and region in which healthy nutrition is accessible, active transportation is safe and engaging, and rates of diabetes decline is worth her effort and ours because Tu Salud Si Cuenta!

Rose M Z Gowen, MD City Commissioner at Large “B” Brownsville, Texas

City of Brownsville, Texas 1001 E. Elizabeth St., P.O. Box 911, Brownsville, Texas 78522 Telephone: 956-548-6007 Fax: 956-546-4021 www.brownsvilltx.gov

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