The Pioneer 2022-2023

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Raising th e Bar

Dear Saint Joseph Academy Community,

Forclose to 160 years, Saint Joseph Academy has continued to raise the bar for excellence in Catholic, college-preparatory education through the Marist charism of St Marcellin Champagnat at the heart of everything we do. I’m filled with immense joy and gratitude for the many blessings that fill our campus each and every day. We pride ourselves in developing well-

rounded students and preparing them for success in college and fulfillment in life, using their Godgiven skills to make a positive change in the world.

At Saint Joseph Academy we strive to make each child known and loved, to bring out the very best version of themselves. We challenge our students to strengthen their relationship with God, work hard every day, and to take good care of each other. At the core our school community are the Marist pillars of


Presence, Simplicity, Family Spirit, Love of Work, and In the Way of Mary. These pillars are embraced in our robust curriculum, college-preparatory academics, Marist campus ministry, and athletics

This is truly an amazing time to be part of the St. Joe family. We have experienced tremendous growth, established ourselves on a firm financial footing, and created exciting academic opportunities for our students. Saint Joseph Academy truly is poised to launch into an next exciting chapter

I invite you to read this issue of The Pioneer in which we highlight our exceptional students, alumni, and how our Marist charism of St Marcellin Champagnat is at the heart of everything we do We acknowledge that this would not be possible without the unyielding dedication of our parents, grandparents, alumni parents, friends, alumni, community partners and students. Saint Joseph Academy is your school

Thank you for your support in leading us to this exciting time in the school’s history as we work to mold SAINTS and SCHOLARS. We look forward to your continued partnership in the years ahead

Saint Joseph Academy

Saint Joseph Academy School Board

2022 - 2023

Marcela Arguellas Lawler

Dr Janna Arney ‘82

Connie Cano de Rodriguez

Jorge de la Garza ’84 - Chairman

Ana Gomez ‘88

Chad Hainley – Past Chairman

Brother Hank Hammer, FMS

Rafael Munguia ‘93

Rick Ortiz ‘84

Luis Pablo Rhi ‘94

Michael Schlater

Kelly Tipton ‘01

Bryant Touchy ‘06

Raul Villanueva ‘90

Francisco Zabarte

Ex Officio

Michael Motyl – President

Brother Tom Schady FMS – Provincial Office

Saint Joseph Academy Administration

Michael Motyl President

Melissa Valadez ’90 Principal

Joe Martinez Vice Principal

Donna Barron Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs

Marcia Martinez ’88 Comptroller

Tino Villareal ’99 Athletic Director

Israel Barrera Director of Facilities

Contact Info

101 Saint Joseph Dr , Brownsville, Texas 78520 (956) 542-3581

www sja us

Thank you to the following for their contributions to this publication:

Donna Barron, Felipa Gamez, Meme Gamez, Marcia Martinez ‘88, Michael Motyl, Destiny Rodriguez ’08, Lupita Schlater, Kayleigh Sommer, Alan Hollander of Tequila Group, and Melissa Valadez, ‘90


A ma z ing C o mmunity

and welcome to Saint Joseph Academy As an alumnus, parent of 3 alumni, former faculty member, and principal of 7 years, I have been blessed to be a part of such an amazing community I have spent the majority of my lifetime, not only as a Bloodhound, but most importantly as someone


who gets to live out the Marist charism in my daily life

While celebrating our Catholic faith and rigorous academics are fundamental to the work we do at Saint Joseph Academy, we are also committed to supporting our students’ passions and talents Athletics and extracurricular


activities on campus continue to thrive, with winning seasons and the formation of new clubs each year At SJA it ’ s evident that we live out Saint Marcellin’s vision through the Marist Pillars of presence, simplicity, family spirit, love of work, and in the way of Mary in everything we do

I ask that you please spend a few moments reading The Pioneer, and I invite you to find some time to visit our beautiful campus Only then will you derive a sense of who we really are – a school devoted to its mission to spiritually and academically form students who serve others in their community, who are leaders on their college campuses, and who will be trailblazers in their chosen vocations

It continues to be an honor and privilege to serve as the principal of Saint Joseph Academy and know that I appreciate the dedication and support of all our families, alumni, and community members who are committed to ensuring that SJA remains a celebrated and successful school God bless you and know that our doors are always open.

Sincerely yours,

InDecember, the S a i n t J o s e p h

A c a d e m y c o mmunity suffered a heartbreaking loss when our Campus M i n i s t e r T o n y Cantu ’75 suddenly passed right before t h e C h r i s t m a s Holidays. It was a deep loss but we came together to r e m e m b e r a n d mourn him

We remember him fondly and we miss him dearly. He led an amazing life and he leaves an amazing legacy He was an SJA alumnus, teacher, and community member. As a dedicated Catholic, he loved God and he believed in the Marist mission Tony graduated from Saint Joseph Academy in 1975 and went on to graduate from the University of St. Thomas in Houston,

Texas After graduating from St. Thomas with a degree in psychology, Tony went on to pursue a lifelong career in education

Starting out as an a d u l t e d u c a t i o n t e a c h e r , T o n y quickly realized his passion for serving the less fortunate. He often spoke of the people he taught and shared how their stories lit a fire in his soul. Tony knew then what he was meant to do. He became a 2nd-grade teacher at St Mary’s Catholic School and then began his 40-year career at St. Joseph Academy

As the history of St Joe is retold, Tony Cantu will forever be a legend in that story. Not only is Tony’s loss

T o
’75 O C T O B E R 2 4 , 1 9 5 7 - D E C E M B E R 1 7 , 2 0 2 2

felt immensely here on our campus, but he also touched so many other lives around our Marist World. When the province first created our Marist Mission in Liberia, they needed to educate the teachers there on how to teach Religion from a Marist perspective

Tony was the person chosen to best accomplish that task and he did so remarkably during his time in Liberia. He also represented the Marist Province at many international meetings and was an active member of their Arco Norte committees. He helped ensure that the Marist Encounter Program continued to impact the lives of most juniors at SJA For the past 20 years, he was a key participant and visionary for many of the Province’s Evangelization Programs. As we continue to navigate life at St. Joe without Tony’s presence, let us pray for the repose of his soul and for his family and friends


Parents at Wo rk

Thisacademic school year, the parent group PAWS (Parents at Work) had a phenomenal year with the contributions they provided to Saint Joseph Academy

The new Bloodhound Café opened its doors in early August providing a relaxed and comfortable space for students to gather, work on assignments and grab a beverage and snack before school, during lunch and after school The Café has become one of the most favorite aspects of the St. Joe campus. Several PAWS volunteers work daily at the Café to keep it open and staffed during its peak hours giving the faculty, staff and students of SJA the convenience and opportunity to use the space

In early December, PAWS hosted its annual Tis the Season Holiday Market Days event where patrons had the opportunity to get a jump on their holiday shopping from this two-day shopping extravaganza. Unique vendors sold beautiful handmade items, jewelry, art, Christmas décor, personalized goods and delicious edible products. The event was a great success and generated additional fundraising dollars to benefit the special projects of PAWS.

At the end of the year, the PAWS Board took their proceeds from the Café and Market Days and gifted the school with 350 folding chairs for the students to use on a daily basis during lunch, for Liturgies, and


special events held at the school These chairs have been on a “ Wish List ” for the school for some time and it was a blessing that efforts of PAWS were able to fulfill this need.

Saint Joseph Academy is forever grateful to all the hard-working members of PAWS for kindness, volunteerism and dedication they have to making every day a better day at SJA!


C el eb rating Ho n o reс

OnFriday, March 3, 2023 Saint Joseph Academy hosted the 12th annual Community Prayer Breakfast where we honored distinguished members of our Saint Joseph Academy community for their lifelong commitment and service to St. Joe and the city of Brownsville

The Community Prayer Breakfast is always an inspirational and heartwarming event as the Bro. Francis Garza Student Center is filled with 200+ SJA alumni, families, faculty, students and friends who come together in celebration of the honorees and special guests

This year, Saint Joseph Academy was proud to award the President ’ s Distinguished Community Service

award to Dr. Emilio Hernández ’72 and Amanda and Patricio Sampayo ’00 Dr Emilio Hernández graduated from St. Joe in 1972 and continued his studies until he graduated from UT Dental school in San Antonio in 1979 Dr Hernández returned to Brownsville to practice dentistry where he has done so for the last 43 years. In addition to his dental practice, D r H e r n á n d e z served as the first chairman of the SJA School Board in 1998 and then later served from 2012 – 2019 He also served on the SJA Finance committee for 21 years from 1998 –2019 Dr Hernández has served the community of Brownsvill, in addition to serving on the following boards: Brownsville Community Health

1 2 T H A N N U A L C O M M U N I T Y P R A Y E R B R E A K F A S T

Clinic, United Way of Brownsville, Brownsville Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Brownsville, Valley Zoological Society, Rotary Club of Brownsville, Brownsville Community Development Block Grant Committee,

UTB/TSC Alumni Association, St. Mary’s School and St. Mary’s Church Parish Council, and he has served on the UT Dental School Alumni Advisory Board. One of Dr Hernández’s prideful contributions to our community was when he developed and organized a customized mouthguard program for local high schools. For the last 42 years, he fabricates 25-30 mouthguards for each of the six football programs at BISD and SJA. His other passion is being the public address announcer at Sam’s Memorial Stadium since 1985 and at SJA’s Canales Field since 1992 Dr Hernández is the proud father of Aaron ’05, Alisha ’08, Alec ’11 and Amanda ’12.

Amanda and Patricio Sampayo graduated from Saint Joseph Academy in 2000 and returned to Brownsville to start their lives together after they completed their university studies Amanda received her B A in Political Science from St. Mary’s College. After working in the banking industry for a few years, Amanda transitioned to St. Joseph Academy to start teaching Social Justice, World Religions, and Women’s History She also served as the moderator for the Green Team, Project RED and Marist Youth Additionally, Amanda was the Director of the Graduate Support Program at Guadalupe Regional Middle School, served on the United Way Board from 2012-2018 and currently serves on The Brownsville Wellness Coalition


and Friendship of Women boards and Project HOPE

Patricio Sampayo graduated from Harvard College with an A B in Economics and soon after, partnered with his father and brother to start Centro Medico International in Matamoros where he has been a managing director since 2005. In 2011, Patricio was appointed to the Board of Commissioners of the Housing Authority of Brownsville where he helped preserve and develop affordable housing for our community’s most vulnerable families and has been its Chairman for the last 9 years. In 2020, he joined the Brownsville Public Utilities Board and has served as a trustee of the Saint Joseph Academy Endowment since 2015. Amanda and Patricio are most proud of their role as parents to Ramon Mateo (8) and Diego Patricio (4).

Those that attended the 12th annual Community Prayer Breakfast were enlightened with our guest speaker, Dr. Adriana Babiak-Vazquez ’81 an Epidemiologist for KBR at NASA, Johnson Space Center Dr BabiakVazquez attained a Bachelor of Science in Clinical Laboratory Science from the University of Pan American; a Master of Public Health from the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston and

graduated with a Ph.D. in Leadership Studies from Our Lady of the Lake University She is currently the lead Epidemiologist in the Biomedical Data Reduction and Analysis Group within the Space Medicine Division with KBR at NASA She formulates and executes strategic plans for data capture and analysis related to disease prevention and occupational surveillance of space travel risks to astronauts.

We would also like to thank our sponsors who helped make this event possible:

Platinum Sponsors

SJA Endowment

Gold Sponsors

Burton McCumber & Longoria, LLP

Silver Sponsors

El Torito Group

Eric and Donna Barron

SJA Alumni Association


S hin e li ke th e So n

Atthe beginning of the Summer, a group of Marist Youth from Saint Joseph Academy ventured to New York to take part in the annual Marist Youth Gathering at Marist College in upstate New York.

The purpose of the Marist Youth Gathering is to bring Marist schools together from the U S , Canada, and Mexico The gathering is a way for each of the schools to share their traditions and ideas with the rest of the groups so that we can have fresh ideas to bring back to our own school community. Not only do our students learn new things, but they also get the chance to make new friends from schools they’ve never heard of before “A lot of the bonds made at the gathering are very special and are sure to stick with you in the end,” said Karla Hernandez ’24, a senior who attended the trip with the SJA Marist Youth.


This year ' s theme of the gathering was “Shine like the Son.” Son being, the Son of God, making his presence known and loved

Students learned how to be successful and how to get through tough times

“ What is so special about this is the variety of perspectives they have to offer on everything,” said Jaime Tadeo Garza ’24 who also attended the trip.

Some of the activities they participated in were different types of workshops and the annual Champagnat Games One that stuck out the most to Tadeo was Fuel to Shine “ This workshop basically taught me that everyone has something that builds their fire. Meaning that we all have something that makes us want to do more, go out and make a difference Most of all, we should not let anything stop us from shining,” Karla said

The Champagnat games are as fun as they sound Teamwork and trust are the cornerstones of the activities. You have to work with others, sometimes people you don’t know to achieve a goal. At times being surrounded by strangers can be daunting but these are where students thrive in finding like-minded students to bond with Even some bonds you wouldn’t expect Tadeo recalls a school from Mexico being at the gathering. The students who were not fluent in English needed a little help with translation. Tadeo being from a little Texas border town saw this as an opportunity to help a literal neighbor in need

“I am really proud to say that my classmates and I did a good job of stepping up and being helpful to them. I thought it was really cool how we were able to help them to communicate better and also be someone that they could look for to be


able to have a conversation in their primary language I felt like we played a big role in their experience of the gathering and that ’ s also the school from which I made the most friends that I have still kept in contact with,” he said.

The days were full of fun and meaningful activities, in addition to prayer and religion “One of my favorite activities throughout the whole trip was so simple yet so effective. You simply wrote a fact about yourself on a piece of paper and stuck it to your chest. You would then approach different strangers and start a conversation using that fact as something to talk about This was meaningful because it was the feeling of someone being interested in what you have to say that made it so special,” Tadeo said. Real conversations with genuine people converging in one place to simply share in each other ’ s company for a short time.

Real and authentic, that ’ s the sense you get from students when they reveal what they’ve experienced, whether that be in the Marist Youth Gathering or any other Marist retreat, or activity gathering on campus. Everyone is encouraged to be open and honest without fear of judgment. These are no judgment zones because we are all children of God, living out the gospel the best way we can We struggle, but one of the most important messages our Marist Youth preaches is that we are here for you and we will help you.

“I have realized that there are many ways I can impact the lives of others. Shining like the Son is something everyone can do and it is all possible by trusting in God and believing in yourself and your faith,” Karla said


A lumni Go lf T o ur na m ent

Thisyear SJA celebrated its 35th annual Alumni Golf Tournament which was held at Rancho Viejo Resort and Country Club on Saturday, October 22, 2022 We had a great turn out for the annual tournament with 30 teams participating. We would like to take this opportunity to thank our sponsors for their support because without them, we would not have had a success fundraiser

3 5 T H A N N U A L

Golf Cart Sponsor

Pennzoil Pit Stop

Practice Greens

Tipton Ford

Drink Stations

Valley Day & Night Clinic

Breakfast Host

Garduno Tax & Associates

Hole Sponsors

Academy Mortgage

Alamo Metal Recycling

Avant Technology


Boggus Tipton Ford

Colonial Life

Cowen-Roser Group

Diez & Crane

Eduardo Lash

Frank Wood

Garduno Tax & Associates

Gavito Family

GEF Financial Group

GP7 Inc.

Green Law Firm

Gustavo Elizondo

Las Venturas

Little Farms

Lonestar National Bank

Navco Logistics

Pennzoil Pit Stop

South Texas Rehab

We would also like to thank our committee for all their hard work in putting this tournament together.

Rusty Brechot

Ian Buenrostro

Luigi Cristiano

Bobby Daniels

Jaime Diez

Gustavo Elizondo

Nicholas Garza

Jimmy Griffin

Jonathan Gulley

Michael Guerra

Ronnie Humphreys

Tomas Tijerina

Nick Tipton

Bryant Touchy

William Putegnat

Ba ck to th e 8 0’s

Thisyear, Saint Joseph Academy celebrated its 67th annual Style Show on Friday, April 14th honoring the graduating class of 2023 The audience danced in their seats all night long to the music associated with this year ’ s theme, Back to the 80’s.

This time-honored tradition of Style Show featured the Seniors of St. Joe as they swayed and twirled down the runway modeling todays latest fashions from local stores and boutiques The Seniors practiced long hours for six weeks in preparation for their performances all while building everlasting bonds with their fellow classmates.

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The annual Style Show also included additional acts from underclassmen performing grade level dances, and performances from the SJA Performing Arts students It was a fantastic show that was enjoyed by all.

The evening’s success was due in great part to the vast group of volunteers who worked tirelessly to ensure the Style Show was a great success. This year, the SJA Administration had the great pleasure in

working with Co-Chairs, Ceci De la Garza, Violeta Hinojos ’99 and Silvia Rico ’99 This year SJA was honored to have Veronica Garza Puig ’93 as the Production Chair who brought creativity and imagination to the stage. These ladies had a huge team of parents, alumni and “friends of SJA” working behind the scenes to every detail of this immense event.

The SJA Style Show is the largest annual fundraising event which supports the day

to day operations of the school This year ’ s event raised over $90,000 through sponsorships, table sales and ticket sales. Saint Joseph Academy would like to thank this year ’ s Underwriters of the show:

Cristy and JC Ortiz

Drs. Patrick & Claudia Pirtle

Edgardo and Chuby Garcia

Luis and Ceci De la Garza

Roman and Violeta Hinojos

Seniors ’23: Sofia, Ana, Kaila, Jacobo & Ari


Bl o o d h o und A m b assado rs

TheSaint Joseph Academy Bloodhound Ambassadors is the student philanthropic arm of the Saint Joseph Academy Office of Academy Advancement and Alumni Affairs Students from all grade levels are encouraged to apply, allowing us to showcase the quality and diversity of the student body. Students are selected through an application process and are required to submit one or more letters of recommendation Those students who are selected to become members serve as the official student representatives of SJA Bloodhound Ambassadors have the ability to communicate their passion for Saint Joseph Academy as well as details and comprehensive knowledge of the school’s mission, history, facilities, and programs As Ambassadors, students work together with faculty, staff, donors, alumni, and community/business leaders. Our Ambassadors, in partnership with the SJA Office of Advancement and Admissions, provide assistance for campus tours, special events, public speaking events, and participation in other support and fundraising activities

The organization has an Executive Board, which is made up of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Historian, Treasurer, and Special Events Coordinator. The roles and responsibilities of the Executive Board are to administer the monthly meetings and assist the members in the committees they have selected to be on

The Bloodhound Ambassadors participate in various events throughout the school year. In November they assisted the Booster Club in Taste of the Town; in December they helped PAWS with their Annual Market Days; in February they welcomed guests to our Annual Community Prayer Breakfast In March, the members participated in our Annual St. Joseph’s Day Fundraiser in which they helped us raise money for the SJA General Fund and together we surpassed our goal and raised over $85,000

S J A ’ S S T U D E N T P H I L A N T H R O P I C A R M

Bloodhound Ambassadors is made up of different committees in which students can showcase which area they best thrive in All Bloodhound Ambassadors are encouraged to participate in all the events held which allows them to be on the frontline at all formal and informal events that take place throughout our school and outside in the community. They make sure guests and everyone around feel welcomed, greeted, and acknowledged The Shadow Day committee is where members either pair up with a prospective student or assist in finding a student to be shadowed for a day here at Saint Joseph Academy. This program allows interested students to truly see how it would be to be a “Bloodhound for a day.” We base their interests and likes on a current student who shares the same similarities The note-card writing committee assists in handwriting cards to the SJA community whether it be a thank you card to a donor, a prospective family that just came to visit, or a simple greeting card. The campus tour committee gives tours of our campus and facilities to prospective families and visitors outlining the history, knowledge, and mission of our school. These tours are important and offer a ton of information therefore they must attend training on how to properly give a campus tour

Overall, since the start of Bloodhound Ambassadors back in 2018, the organization as a whole has given back countless amounts of time and service to promote and ensure the success of our school. Students have benefited tremendously and when they return the following school year as an Ambassador, they’re more confident than the previous year


A thl eti c Bo oster C lu b

Joseph Academy is proud to have dedicated, hardworking parents who are the SJA Athletic Booster Club This driven group of parents work hard all year raising money through special events and organizations. They began the year with the Fall Athletic Program Book and football concessions followed by the highly acclaimed Taste of the Town which was held on November 3, 2022 Taste of the Town featured over 35 restaurants, an open bar, incredible items in the silent auction, a tequila pull, and much more. In the Spring, the Athletic Boost Club hosted their second annual concert event at Clayton’s Beach Bar featuring, The Spazmatics, an 80’s cover band


Taste of the Town

The SJA Athletic Booster Club would like to send a very special “thank you ” to Cristy and JC Ortiz for underwriting Taste of the Town. Because of their support and the support of all the other sponsors, restaurants, and committee members, the event was the most successful to date surpassing last year ’ s success We thank the following:

District Champs

Brownsville Dental Associates

Burton, McCumber & Longoria, LLP

Coastal Insurance Agency, LLC

De Leon, Nidia


First Community Bank

Garcia, Andres & Ma Luisa

Jacobs Engineering

Jose G Sosa FNP PC

Notaria 13 Tampico

Rio Bank

Royston, Rayzor, Vickery & Williams LLP

Shallow Sport of TX, Inc

Siyanbade, Oyetunde & Amanda

State Farm Insurance - Rick


Texas National Bank

Valley Regional Medical Center


All State Sponsor

American Endowment Foundation

Budget Blinds of Brownsville

Galvan, Damian

Gulf Machinery and Supply, LLC

Global HVAC Distribution, LLC

Karzo Corporation, LLC

Law Office of Javier Villarreal PLLC

Los Fresnos Family Dentistry, PC

Lower Valley Dental Associates, PA

Melt LLC

Perma-Temp Personnel Services, Inc.

Rodriguez, Jose Luis.

Roser & J. Cowen Logistical Services, Ltd

The Green Law Firm, PC

Vantage Bank Texas

Hall of Fame Sponsor

Smith, Gregory W MD, PA

Leadership Circle

Ignacio G. Martinez Law Firm

Rubiano Vineyard & Winery

SJA Athletic Boosters

MBMT Law Firm

PNC Bank

Texas Regional Bank

Pronto Insurance

Construction Specialties

IBC Bank

JC & Cristy Ortiz

Rancho Viejo Resort and Country Club/FINSA

Tequila Group

Dr Jaime Gomez

Brisky & Perez Insurance Agency

Emilio O. Hernandez, DDS PC

Kennedy Bags Impressions

Lone Star National Bank

Los Olivos

Model Laundry

Nova/Link, Inc

PlainsCapital Bank

Port of Brownsville

Royal Metal

Law Office of Ruth Gomez Serra

Unlimited Printing

Valley IT Solutions

The SJA Athletic Booster Club was proud to award Coach Rey Cortinas as the 2022 Ring of Honor recipient for his years of support and outstanding dedication to St. Joe athletics.


A lumni S p o tlig hts


Francisco J Rodriguez ‘00 remembers his first acting class with Brother Cantu. To him, Drama was one of the highlights of his time here at Saint Joseph Academy To this day he continues to think back on all the work: the monologues, the scenes, and creating and interpreting the plays The excitement while on stage in the cafeteria, awoke something in him. He enjoyed drama class so much that after the day was done, it left him hungry for more.

Saint Joe not only presented the opportunity for Francisco with his first acting experience but it also fostered him intellectually.

Francisco would describe himself as an overachiever however not in the classroom. He used his time at SJA to explore various interests at SJA as they all lay outside of academics He played football, joined the band, learned how to play the tuba, ran cross country, and was even an anchor on the morning news here at SJA He was a member and eventually president of the National

F R A N C I S C O R O D R I G U E Z & Z U A N I V I L L A R R E A L
“ SJA taught me to think. Its curriculum was quite expansive and I was exposed to several points of view which broadened my mind. ”

Art Honor Society and recalls spending hours painting He joined Misiones where he had the chance to go on a missionary trip and performed a play for the villagers in Aguacate, MX which was a true delight for him

There were many ups and downs for Francisco after he graduated from SJA He expressed that after graduation he took on an array of jobs However, ultimately he still ended up where he was always meant to be Francisco has always worked in theatre for most of his career and that helped him start his own theatre company called Debutantes and Vagabonds With this business venture, he handled everything from business decisions, to writing, to producing. However, he rarely acted in them He recalls a medical event that changed his life

“Up until now, I focused solely on my theatre company. Working my 9-5, then driving straight to the theatre where I’d direct a rehearsal or write a play But if I’m honest, I was unhappy with either of those roles I wanted to act Then, one day at my office, I collapsed I had a mini-stroke Half my face and body were paralyzed, I spoke with a slur and had a piercing headache. A pair of paramedics helped me onto an ambulance and hauled me to the hospital,” he said

While in the ambulance, Francisco had an epiphany He was concerned that he may never be able to act again He realized then how deeply profound his passion for acting was As soon as he recovered, he applied to graduate school and was accepted into a prestigious acting conservatory and proceeded to spend the next three years training, leaving him no choice but to quit his job and focus solely on his new pursuit It was in grad school, that he took on a play called The Brothers Karamazov, by Fyodor Dostoevsky, in which he played Fyodor; a rich, cruel, eccentric father who used his wealth to manipulate his adult children and was seen as an absolute terror in the town in which he lived in. Francisco describes the role as one of the biggest challenges of his life Francisco couldn’t seem to crack the character, as if he was out of reach However, when he finally did, the breakthrough was absolutely gratifying.


The summer after graduation, he packed up his car and drove out to Los Angeles Since then he’s had a slew of opportunities. He men-tioned working on a number of commercials (AT&T, Amazon, Bank of A m e r i c a , A M / P M , Aaron’s, TXU Energy, etc ) and his talent can also be seen on television and film (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Future Man, Queenpins, American Auto, Sea of Dawn, etc.). Francisco has had incredible opportunities working with an array of tremendous and famous actors: Kristen Bell, Larry David, Mr T, Johnny Depp, but in terms of enjoying the pure performance, none could compare to Fyodor.

Currently, Francisco is not acting in any television or films because the Screen Actors Guild is on strike. That said, he is auditioning for commercials and he hopes to grace us with his presence on our television screens in the near future. He continues to write

and does so frequently At the moment, he is enrolled in a screenw r i t i n g c o u r s e a t Pepperdine University

Francisco leaves us with this … whatever your truly love doing will continuously keep calling you back like a siren and you will yearn for it Always be creative Use the gifts you were given to solve the problems we face. Allow your creativity to find the s o l u t i o n s C o n t i n u e to learn and keep practicing.

“ Tenacity Stay in the game. You can only win the game if you keep playing I’ve heard it ’ s this quality that separates the successful from the unsuccessful Not intelligence, not aptitude, but sheer gogetter, grind-loving, tenacity GRIT,” he said And if all else fails, throw in the towel and quit Life is full of countless opportunities. If you have given all you can towards your passion and it no longer serves you, then allow yourself to move on and venture off.

“ Crafting the character of Fyodor made me a better actor. He unlocked my technique, pushed my comfort zone, and taught me to risk it all on stage. I’ve never lived so fully in a performance as I did during the run of that play. ”



Villarreal ’94 has made it her career to serve others and has passionately been involved in the movement to end hunger It was her time here at Saint Joseph Academy that lead her down the path of servant leadership. Zuani recalls her first volunteering experience took place while she was a student here She remembers serving meals and

singing carols during Christmas time at senior centers and painting curbs during street clean-ups After graduating from SJA, Zuani attended Texas A&M University at College Station and graduated from an Accounting Program which led her to work in corporate finance in Dallas However, she realized she wasn’t where her heart was meant to be. She moved to San Antonio and

“ The work was so gratifying and diverse that no two days were ever the same. ”

b e g a n e x p l o r i n g o t h e r opportunities with nonprofit organizations. Luckily, the San Antonio Food Bank had an opening and she started there as a n A m e r i c o r p s V I S T A a n d volunteered her time as the food and fund drive coordinator for a year

Since then, Zuani has devoted her career to service and grown in her leadership role She has recently taken a newly created role with Feeding America, the nation’s

largest domestic hunger relief organization All her years of dedicated service in the San Antonio Food Bank and the Boys and Girls Clubs of San Antonio have led up to this point. In creating this role, Feeding America intends to further strengthen its commitment to help communities receive the necessary resources and food by building engagement and understanding with Latino communities and entrusting Zuani in doing so Prior to taking on this position, Zuani was the Communications Director and coordinated countless interviews with major national news outlets including CNN, Fox News, and Good Morning America, just to name a few. Over the 20 years of experience

that she carries, she is able to bring all that skill and talent into her new role. She is hoping to collaborate and form partnerships with other organizations in order to best serve the Latino community across the nation with the hope that nutritious foods are accessible and plentiful for all

A quote her father once said to her in her early life, resonates with her still to this day Atenogenes Villarreal ’67 said, “Haz el bien sin mirar a quien.” “It do e s n ’ t m a t t e r

w h o y o u h e l p , o r h o w , b u t t h a t y o u h e l p ”

t r a n s l a t e d Z u a n i S h e i s d e e p l y g r a t e f u l f o r

a l l t h e o p p o r t u n i t i e s s h e w a s p r o v i d e d

d u r i n g h e r h i g h s c h o o l y e a r s a t t e n d i n g S J A

a s t h e y e n r i c h e d h e r l i f e a n d s e t h e r o n a

p a t h f i l l e d w i t h s u c c e s s “ S a i n t J o s e p h

A c a d e m y p r o v i d e d m e w i t h a n e d u c a t i o n r o o t e d i n b u i l d i n g c o m m u n i t y a n d b e i n g o f s e r v i c e t o o t h e r s I l o o k b a c k a t m y t i m e f o n d l y a n d c a r r y w i t h m e t h e l e s s o n s o f t e a m w o r k , o f a c t i n g s e l f l e s s l y, a n d o f d o i n g

a l l I c a n t o h e l p p e o p l e a r o u n d m e . T h e f r i e n d s h i p s I e s t a b l i s h e d b a c k t h e n s t i l l

b r i n g m e j o y a n d c o m f o r t , ” Z u a n i s a i d

“ While at the moment I didn’t think this could be a career, I am grateful for the opportunities SJA provided to enrich my life and set me on a path to success. ”

S t. Jos e p h’s Day

St. Joseph’s Day took place on a sunny Saturday in March and allowed all who have a deep love for Saint Joseph Academy to rally together and gather contributions for the SJA Fund. For SJA, St. Joseph’s Day is our annual day of giving and really embodies what it means to be Marist On this day we celebrate the Feast of Saint Marcellin Champagnat and ask the SJA community to help us in making a difference

Among the many events and traditions that we hold throughout the school year, our annual Giving

event, St Joseph's Day, is no different. Money aside, it truly was a special and unique event! This day allows us to reflect on the betterment of the school. An alumnus, opened their home as the “headquarters” for the day, allowing faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends of SJA to gather around and work together. Whether it was a phone call, sending an email, or writing a text message, everyone involved worked really hard. There was an abundance of food, drinks, and comradery with a shared love for SJA. You felt the SJA presence in the room and the positive vibes

S J’ D M  I | M  G 30

radiating from all that had come to ensure this day was a success

The donations obtained on St Joseph’s Day made a significant impact on the SJA Fund. In part, the monies raised helped with Summer renovation projects around campus such as updating air conditioning units, repairing the roof in two wings of the campus, beautification of our grounds, and purchasing equipment. In addition, we were able to provide many families with tuition assistance True to our mission we want to ensure that every student receives the opportunity for a Marist education and in providing tuition assistance, we are able to achieve this goal

Saint Joseph Academy is able to lay the groundwork for future student achievement. Our success is due largely in part to the support from those who believe in our school’s community and mission We could not do any of this alone Every dollar raised gets us that much closer to our overall goal each year and is greatly appreciated.

The Saint Joseph Academy family expands far and is always at its best when we rally together Collectively, we can make a difference for not only the benefit of the school but for all our students. This was made quite evident, because we were able to raise more than $85,000 on Saint Josephs Day this past year.

At Saint Joseph Academy, we pride ourselves in making sure our first priority is being able to give students the tools they need to learn, grow, and become successful community leaders and St. Joseph’s Day is one more way for us to continue doing that

As they say “It takes a village!”


T h e A lumni Asso ciati o n

TheSaint Joseph Academy Alumni Association is an all-inclusive alumni association aimed at building a community amongst its graduates, as well as motivating and supporting the current students here at SJA Our purpose is to nurture camaraderie and communication among the alumni; develop a strong network of alumni and provide support to students via scholarships, mentorship, and participation in student activities throughout the year

The Alumni Association encourages each and every one of its students who have graduated from Saint Joseph Academy to join and become a member. If you ’ ve joined us at a mixer, I’m positive you ’ ve heard us talk about the Alumni Association and the benefits that stem from joining


The Alumni Association is overseen by the SJA Office of Advancement & Alumni Affairs There are three different memberships tailored to accommodate alumni. Early Grad Memberships are for recent graduates of SJA. For the first 5 years, they only pay $10 Once the 5 years have passed, our Annual Membership is an annual fee of $35. Members of this membership enjoy annual perks throughout the year Lifetime members pay a one-time fee of $500 and receive all the perks of an annual membership plus additional special benefits. There are discounted rates for those alums whose spouses are also alums of SJA

The benefits of joining the Association are as follows:

• SJA Sticker

• 10% Discount at SJA Bookstore

• Free admittance to SJA Homecoming football game

• ½ price to annual SJA Community Prayer Breakfast

• Invitation to exclusive Alumni Association events

• Special perks at Alumni events (Ex. Lifetime member 3 complimentary drink tickets)

• Free admittance to the SJA Homecoming Tailgate (Lifetime Members Only)

• Alumni Association License Plate (Lifetime Members Only)

The Association is funded entirely by the dues of our members. Through their support and contributions, we are able to help support SJA’s incoming and current students The SJA Alumni Association is happy to announce that it has awarded $7,000 in scholarships for the upcoming


school year (23-24), to children of SJA Alumni. By joining the association, alumni benefit from several perks, but the most rewarding aspect of membership is the ability to gift the SJA experience to other students

This year the Alumni Association held various mixers throughout the year Our biggest “mixer ” is held during Homecoming Weekend where we welcome alumni back on campus during reunions. Following our Homecoming mixer was our Christmas mixer which was held at the home of Eric ’83 & Donna Barron in Brownsville Our first mixer for the 2023 year was our Mardi Gras mixer held at the Broken Sprocket in Brownsville Lastly, our Summer Mixer took place on South Padre Island, Texas, and was hosted by alumna Ginny Stapleton ’87 at her Establishment The Upper Deck Hotel & Bar. The out-oftown mixers consisted of a road trip throughout the great state of Texas. On day 1 we met with alumni


in San Antonio at Chicken and Pickle. Over 50 alumni were in attendance. On day 2, we traveled up to Dallas and met up with over 30 alumni at Bar Louie off Park Lane. On day 3, we traveled down to Austin, making a quick stop at the Whataburger in Waco, to treat our recent grads attending Baylor University to lunch Our mixer in Austin was held at Ego’s and was a huge turnout, with over 60 alumni Each mixer had a diverse age range and graduates from classes ranging from the 1970s all the way to the 2020s. Additionally, the association hosts a tailgate for every home game. They take place to the left of Canales Field near the scoreboard They are a great way for local alumni and football fans to reconnect

Aside from having a good time and reconnecting with others, these gatherings make you realize how tight-knit our SJA family is. Many class years still get together on numerous occasions through the years and we love seeing that.


T ea ch er S p o tlig ht

Whe n w e t h i n k o f teachers, we think of those selfless people who get joy out of sharing knowledge with others. That's their superpower

a m o n g o t h e r

t h i n g s . S a i n t

Joseph Academy Science teacher

Daniela Espinosa

'00, is one of those teachers. She's dedicated, hardworking, loving, and has a big heart for education She is affectionately known on campus as Mrs. Espi. She’s also the coach for the Sweethearts Dance Team If you are lucky enough to know her, then you know how big her heart is. "I always knew that I would be a teacher However, there are several things that have inspired me to become a teacher. First would be my passion for learning. This was

something I inherited from both of my parents," she said. There were definitely some key teachers who stood out to her while growing up and inspired her to become a teacher. "In elementary school, it was my 3rd and 5th grade teachers, Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Hotcaveg In high school, it was Mrs Tipton She was my English teacher in both my freshman and junior years. She made it so that by the time I got to college I was extremely prepared and I did not feel intimidated by my college English courses. "

By creating an engaging and supportive learning environment, she can help her students develop a

M E E T D A N I E L A E S P I N O S A ' 0 0

lifelong appreciation for science

"I do my best to connect science

c o n c e p t s t o r e a l - w o r l d applications and everyday experiences," she said "I incorporate hands-on experiments, demonstrations, and interactive activities." These experiences enable her students to actively engage with the subject matter, fostering a deeper understanding of scientific concepts and providing students with constructive feedback and praise for their efforts.

In the Spring of 2023, she took over for Campus Minister Tony Cantu '75 who passed away in December She was a close personal friend and former student of his Needless to say, the task of taking over his Call to Ministry class was both an honor and a challenge But his presence was there guiding and strengthening her. "Mr. Cantu taught CTM in my classroom during my off-block. I always stuck around and felt like I was part of the class. It felt like I was either another CTM student or another CTM teacher. I would never say that I filled Tony’s shoes. That is simply not possible," she said With her at the helm, and with guidance and help from Marybeth Martin, CTM was able to thrive "I would not have been able to get anything done if it wasn’t for the help and

“ I enjoy fostering a sense of curiosity and exploration in my students. ”
Over the course of her teaching career, she's learned that fostering a love of science is an ongoing process of patience and adaptability.

guidance of Ms Martin There is just no way that I could have made it work without working collaboratively with her. She deserves just as much credit for making sure CTM thrived Tony would be proud of all of us, " she said

At the end of the year, she was elected by her peers to receive the Marist Heritage Award An award that is given to a member of the staff and faculty for their dedication to the Marist Mission of Saint Joseph Academy. "I was not expecting it at all. In a way it was even more special to me because my colleagues were the ones that chose me

There are so many other wonderful and worthy candidates to choose from and the fact that they selected me really means the world to me, " she said. The unique form of Marist education is rooted in the spirituality and teaching methods of Marcellin Champagnat, founder of the Congregation of the Marist Brothers "I try my best to live out the Marist values as a teacher by embracing the teachings of Saint Marcellin Champagnat which focuses on qualities such as humility, simplicity, presence, love of work and family spirit just to name a few," she said. Being a part of the Marists of Champagnat has also helped her to learn more about the Marist values and how to live them out "I truly feel that by integrating Marist values into my teaching I can hopefully create a classroom environment that fosters not only academic growth but also the personal and spiritual development of my students," she said


S tud ent S p o tlig ht


Julio Silguero ‘24

is a man about campus On his LinkedIn profile, h e d e s c r i b e s h i m s e l f a s a hardworking high school student with big aspirations “I am a problem solver, a leader, and I seek to learn at any opportunity that arises I am a team player and I have advanced leadership and team management skills,” it states

If you ask others about Julio, they’ll agree He is hardworking, very involved, and going places. His LinkedIn profile resembles someone who has at least 10 or more years of work experience, an impressive feat for someone who has yet to graduate high school

In such a short time, Julio has accomplished so much This summer, he spent two weeks at the Yale Young Global Scholars program This program is one of the most globally diverse, t w o - w e e k a c ad e m i c s u m m e r programs in the world Serving over 2,000 students from 150+ countries and all 50 U.S. states, they distribute more than $3 Million USD in need-based financial aid to both domestic and international students.

Their curriculum is highly

c o l l a b o r a t i v e , e x p o s i n g y o u n g students to innovative topics while facilitating student discussions

s h a p e d b y i n t e r n a t i o n a l perspectives Students have the

M E E T J U L I O S I L G U E R O ‘ 2 4

opportunity to participate in a STEM, social sciences, humanities, or cross-disciplinary track

Julio participated in four seminars, including Quantum Mechanics, Hydroponic Farming, Artificial Intelligence, and What ’ s Inside the Nucleus.

“ The seminar about the nucleus was very interesting because I learned a lot about nuclear energy and the possibilities that come with this research I was also in lectures from incredible scientists where I learned how to get started with research, the possibilities of interdisciplinary research, the future of vaccines, among other things, “he said

While there, he worked on a Capstone project where he made a research proposal to create a game developed by Artificial intelligence (AI)

Not only do his interests extend to new emerging technology, but they also extend to the environment

As Green Team President, he was instrumental in winning a $1000 grant from the Marist Brothers to build a vegetable garden Because of his time at Yale this past Summer, he hopes to then write and publish a research paper regarding the effects that a vegetable garden would have on our school and surrounding environments

One thing to note about Julio is he is very selfdisciplined. He holds himself to a high standard and he does his best to live up to that every day. He admits that it can be quite challenging being a student leader But he embraces it anyway “It is complicated and in the end, the best thing I can do is embrace the responsibilities and know that I will complete every task I have, no matter how daunting they seem I keep a list of tasks with due dates and have every class and activity on my calendar. I make time for running and leisure to be more productive and rest after a lot of work,” he said



What influenced you to choose Saint Joseph Academy?

Saint Joseph Academy was one of the only schools in the area that was welcoming to me I chose this school, however, because of the different classes I could take, the activities available, and the small community. For most of the first year I was on Zoom, it was tough making friends and adapting to high school This was especially difficult due to the isolation from Covid I knew I had made the right choice when I was welcomed by everyone after Zoom classes and quickly made friends I got to meet my teachers who were incredible and who helped me and appreciated my work

What is your favorite subject? Why?

I have always loved science since middle school science class. I love discovering new things and figuring out how things work. My favorite subjects at St Joe have been Chemistry and Physics It is no joke when people say that Mr Abrego’s chemistry class is hard, but it is so interesting to learn how matter works and how matter can be experimented with to solve problems. Mr. Miller is one of the most fun teachers anyone will ever have His class is fun and engaging and learning how space and time work is really cool

What has being at SJA taught you?

I have learned that it is never too early to change the world and that if there is something I want to change or make better, I can just start I learned what I am passionate about and the things that are possible with my interests.

Where do you see yourself in the future? What is your dream school?

My dream school is Stanford In college, I want to get involved with research and find different opportunities to make my knowledge useful to the world. In the future, I want to work for a tech company that changes the world (Apple, SpaceX, Tesla, etc )

What advice can you give to future students?

Embrace every challenge that gets in your way and find more challenges to grow. Ask for help whenever you need and don’t be afraid to take risks Pay attention to chemistry Do extra even if it is not required Be organized Be a great student, not a good student


Oneof the hallmarks of Saint Joseph Academy is giving back to those who are less fortunate and spreading the Marist Mission and the love of Jesus Christ. As a community of loving believers, we believe that a Catholic Education should be accessible to all of those who want it This year, during our annual Saint Joseph’s Day campaign we allotted $5,000 to go towards the building of a Marist School in Liberia, Africa. We also wanted to do this in the name and legacy of our late, great, and deeply missed Tony Cantu ’75 who passed away unexpectedly in December It was one of his final wishes to help the people of Liberia, a community close to his heart and a community in which he spent a lot of time in his younger years. We know that if he were still alive today, he would have taken an active role in helping with the building of the school and he would most certainly have traveled there this Summer We are grateful for his loving and giving heart and we are thankful that we were able to raise just a small amount in his name. We hope to do more for Liberia in the future.

Sch o
L i b eria
Through the incredible generosity of our USA Marist schools as well as additional donations from many Brothers, local Marist Communities, and other benefactors, construction efforts are progressing quickly on the first-ever Marist-owned school in West Africa. To date, $128,981.00 has been raised to support the building of the school.

A thl eti

Hig hlig ht

TheMighty Bloodhounds excelled this year in athletics with standout athletes receiving awards, breaking records, and placing at district and winning state championships

Both football and volleyball teams had an outstanding season with both teams reaching the TAPPS DIV II playoffs. Both teams also had players receive all-district honors

Senior Ethan Gallegos was named TAPPS D2 Offensive Player of the Year Ethan Gallegos joins a great list of Bloodhounds and beats Kai Money and Luigi Cristiano’s TD records with 37 this season. Ethan also is SJA’s 3rd Built Ford Tough Player in a row His stats are as follows: 37 touchdowns, 229 completions, and 2,964 passing yards


Senior Alondra Loya ’24 won State Champion throwing the discus. She also broke the school record for the second time.

11th Grader, Francisco Gamez ‘24 won the TAPPS 5A boys Tennis singles state championship for the second time.

The SJA Sweethearts Dance Team was named State Champions at the 2023 TAPPS Dance Competition in Waco where they earned a superior rating in their division and placed at the top. Several members of the team even made it onto All-State Teams.

The boys’ basketball team was ranked #8 while the girls’ basketball team was ranked #9

Senior Gerry Martinez, a 3x MVP varsity basketball player earned 2000 points during his time at SJA. In March, he was selected to play in The Vipers AllValley Showcase

The boys’ soccer team had an outstanding season ending their season in March as state runner-ups. Several members of the team were given all-district honors for their performance this season


• Football: All-District, All-Metro, All-State

• Sweethearts Dance Team: State Champions

• Volleyball: All District

• Boys Basketball: All-District, All-State

• Girls Basketball: All-District, All-State

• Track: All District, All State, State Champions

• Tennis: State Champions

• Baseball: All-District, All-State

In the last six years, students have continued their athletic careers at Division 1 universities This year three seniors signed on to play for three different


schools around the country, Ethan Gallegos –Eastern New Mexico State University, Football, Amanda Hinojos – Hofstra University, Track and Field, and Gerry Martinez – University of St Thomas, Basketball

(This should be a breakout box with the RSL/SJA logo) available by app people can download to their phones.

In 2022, SJA Athletics partnered with Rio Sports Live, a local sports broadcasting company to create the “St. Joe Sports Network”. The first of its kind among Valley schools, this network will stream all athletic events and play 24/7 content of past Saint Joe games from previous years. We are the first school to have its own channel.



C lass No tс

Brother Paul Phillip '40 was inducted into the Monsignor Edward Pace High School Hall of Fame.

Dr. Juan B. Morales de Garza, SJA Class of 1971, was part of a group of 12 academic and private sector researchers from both sides of the border that published a book titled “Perspectivas Regionales del Impacto del Covid-19 sobre las Empresas: Crisis, Adaptación y Resiliencia” (Regional Perspectives on the Impact of COVID-19 on Business: Crisis, Adaptation and Resilience) This book

was the result of a series of research projects on both sides of the border that were performed during and after the pandemic.

1971 1973

Monsignor Gustavo Barrera '71 was recognized and celebrated for his 15th year of service at Our Lady of Sorrow Catholic Church. He was also awarded the 20222023 OLSS Spirit Award


Class of 1973 participated in the 2023 graduation ceremonies as they received a commemorative diploma celebrating their graduation 50 years ago.

Class of 1972 participated in the 2022 graduation ceremonies as they received a commemorative diploma celebrating their graduation 50 years ago. 48


was honored by the Catholic Diocese of Brownsville for 35 years of service in Catholic Education

Dr. Janna Arney ‘82, UTRGV executive vice president and provost, was awarded the UTRGV Presidential Medal of Honor by UTRGV

honored by the Catholic Diocese of Brownsville for 30 years of service in Catholic Education

Chavez ’80 John Moran Gonzalez '84 was appointed Chair of the English Department at the University of Texas at Austin for a five-year term Monique Carre ’87 was Eduardo “ Teddy” Lopez ‘87 & Laura Lieck ‘87 were engaged in June Carolyn Wood ‘94 was named head cheer coach for Saint Joseph Academy
1980 1982 1984 1994 1998 1987 49
John Cowen '98 was elected Mayor of the City of Brownsville

Tino Villarreal ‘99 won his election for City Commissioner. He also celebrated his 50th careeer win as Head Football Coach at Saint Joseph Academy. In May, Congressman Vicente Gonzalez (TX-34) presented a United States Flag Flown Over the U.S. Capitol Building to our Athletic Director and Head Football Coach, Tino Villarreal ‘99, to celebrate his nearly two decades of service to the Brownsville Community.

Las Ramblas Co-Owner and Alumnus Michael Limas '01, and his brother, Co-Owner Fabian Limas were nominated for a James Beard Award in the Outstanding Bar Category

In September, SJA Alumnus Alex Gonzalez ' 03 was honored with the South Texas College of Law Houston's Young Alumni Award

Daniela Espinosa '00 was honored by the Catholic Diocese of Brownsville for 15 years of service in Catholic Education.

Lizzy De La Garza ‘02 and Steven Putegnat ‘95 welcomed their daughter, Elliana

Elizabeth Borrego ‘03 got engaged to Owen Smith and will be moving to London

1999 2000 2001 2003






Michael'03 & Kristina '07 Guerra welcomed their son, Mateo Jose Katie Tipton Wilson ‘04 and her husband Brad welcomed home their son, Bennett James Griffin ‘05 and Andrea Griffin ‘08 welcomed their daughter, Ivanna Johanna Malu SaldivarTostado ‘05 and Jonathan Tostado welcomed their son, Gael Devin Van Holsbeke ‘06 is engaged to Lindsey Pollard Alvaro ‘06 and Sofía De La Garza ‘11 welcomed their son, Alvaro Javier Jason '06 and Carla Serafy welcomed a baby boy, Alexander Dr. Andres Goza ‘07, a faculty member from The University of Illinois UrbanaChampaign College of Aerospace Engineering was selected to be part of a team of Aerospace Engineers who are tasked with the creation of a multidisciplinary field to transform Department of Defense air vehicles. Miguel Sarkis '08 married Daniela Fuentes '14.



Marcela Gallegos '08 and Alejandro Chapa welcomed a baby girl in October. Monica Martinez '08 married Jonny Wilson. Ashley Gloor Cantu '08 and Erik Cantu welcomed their son, Maddox John Cantu on June 11. Anyolett Castillo Hernandez '08 and her husband, Roberto Hernandez, welcomed their baby girl, Alessa Adriana (Morfitt) Allen '08 and her husband, Blake, welcomed their second baby girl, Oakley Isabel Allen. Gabi Garcia '09 has been named Teacher of the Year at IDEA Montopolis in Austin. Ian Buenrostro ‘09 married Natalia De La Garza ‘13 Isaac Pizarro '09 and Monica Oliver welcomed their daughter, Roberta. Jessica Pinkett '10 and Dean Tahir welcomed their son, Kai
Victoria Camargo '11 married Ivan Mendoza. Dr. Amanda Rae Leal ‘12 earned her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine! Kimberly Muncy '12 graduated with a Masters of Arts in Psychology, specializing in school psychology from Houston Christian University Brandon Barron '12 got engaged to Alexis Arancio in July. Andrea Bernes Casillas '12 married Ricardo Huitron Trevino
2011 2012 53
Carlos Enrique Garza ‘12 & Faridha Salas Meléndez ‘16 were married

In June, Jaime Diez ‘14 competed in the StartUp Texas Pitch Competition to get funding for his scrap tire recycling project Out of 9 teams, Valley Tire Recycling was selected as the winner and received $25,000 to use towards permitting, machinery installation, and electrical.

Chelsey Gloor Navarro '12 and Anthony Navarro welcomed their daughter, Emilia Raine Navarro on June 12

Gilbert Hernandez '14 opened a bookstore in Downtown Brownsville. The bookstore named Búho, which is Spanish for owl, is located in the heart of downtown Brownsville

Andres Cardenas '12 married Giselle Ricoy '12. Maryela Gomez ‘12 & Julio Jaime García ‘11 gave birth to their baby girl, Maryella Carolina Ninti Villarreal '13 married Richard Wilburn Gonzalo Cedillo '14 is now a resident with the University of Texas Medical Branch.


In April, Courtney Conner ‘16, won first place in the Seventh Annual Ultimate Writer Legal Writing Competition Connor received an $8,000 cash prize for her efforts thanks to the generous underwriting of the Charles and Lisa Frazier Endowed Fund for Excellence in Writing and the law firm of Durham, Pittard &


Carmen Garcia ‘15 graduated with her Master in Education. Megan Lynn Lopez ‘15 graduated from The University of Rio Grande Valley with a Bachelors of Art In Dance with a teachers certification Spalding Nichole Barron Willemse ‘15 graduated from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia with her Masters of Teaching and Learning Analisa Garcia '15 graduated from Saint Mary's University School of Law.
Nichole Barron '15 married Aaron Willemse

is pursuing his law degree online through St. Mary’s J.D. Program. Out of 900 applicants, only 27 were admitted and he was one of them. St. Mary’s is the nation’s first to begin a fully online J.D. Program accredited by the American Bar Association

Vanessa Whitley '16 graduated from Texas Southmost College with a degree in Vocational Nursing. Jaime Bernes ‘17 Renata Martinez ‘17 was named the 2023 AJNFF Excellence in Teaching Award winner for her innovation, leadership, and impact in her classroom. Ricardo Adobbati '17 graduated from Texas A&M University, receiving a Masters in Economics. Conner Pace ‘17 and Roberta Chacon ‘17 are engaged Jose Rolando Olvera '18 graduated from The University of Texas at Austin Joacob Esparza '19 graduated from The University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business Jessie Hainley '19 graduated from Texas A&M Mays Business School with a double major in Business 2017 2018
enu с S A I N T J O S E P H A C A D E M Y Revenue Type Amount Administration/Advancement $ 1,885,676 Academics $ 2,538,673 Student Activities $ 276 240 Buildings & Grounds $ 178,1224 Tuition & Fees $ 4,556,737 Philanthropy $ 836,344 Rental Income $ 682,080 EANS Grant $ 77,132 Other $ 686,832 Expenditures Revenue Expenditure Amount !"#$#%&'(')**+ /0H 34#56&$ 47%89 F?H ;*&$65'<&=%>* F@H ABCD'E76&$ FH G$ 4*7 F@H !" #$%$&'()'$*%+ !" ,)%-.#.%' 7BC !- )".#$-& 8 BC 9' :".%'6!-'$,$'$.& ;C =: $>"$%?&6@6A(*:%"& 71C 57
E x p
& Rev

T han  to o ur D o n o rs


St. Joseph Society

$50,000 and above

• Donald and Marilyn Keough Foundation

• Kenedy Memorial Foundation

• SJA Athletic Booster Club

• Texas Mutual Insurance

St. Marcellin Champagnat Society

$20,000 - $49,999

• Astra Education in Sport

• Mellena Conner

• John Ford Cowen Jr '98 and Robin Cowen

• Luis '86 and Cecilia De La Garza

• Scanlan Foundation

• Serafy Foundation

• SJA Style Show

Mary Our Good Mother Society

$10,000 - $19,999

• Antonio and Carrie Beth Cantú, Sr

• William Steven De La Garza '69

• Law Offices of Ignacio G Martínez

• John and Cristy Ortíz

• Dr Homer '69 Richer and Dr Angela Kosak-Richer

• The Congregation of Sisters of Charity of the Incarnate Word

• Trailhouse O'Leary, LP.

• William (Brad) '83 and Cassandra Wolfe

Marist Society

$5,000 - $9,999

• Bryan and Marcella G Long Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas

• Casa 511, LP

• Construction Specialties

F U N D D O N A T I O N S & P H I L A N T H R O P Y

• Fernando '97 and Patricia De León

• Gabriela's Heavenly Wings XV, LLC

• Edgardo García and María Cadena

• Gómez Cardiovascular Clinic

• Hacienda West Phase I, LLC

• Roman Hinojos and Luisa Violeta '93

Larrazolo Hinojos

• IBC Bank

• Law Offices of Javier Villarreal PLLC

• Pat and Mellena (Beth) '82 Pace

• Dr Jordan and Dr Claudia '94 Pirtle

• PNC Bank

• Pronto Insurance

• Rancho Viejo Resort and Country Club/ FINSA

• Luis Pablo Rhi '94

• Rubiano Vineyard & Winery

• José '93 and Silvia '99 Salínas

• Dr. Gregory Smith

• Texas National Bank

• Texas Regional Bank

• The P Twenty - One Foundation

• University of Notre Dame

• Raúl '90 and Georgina '93 Villanueva

Golden Bloodhound Society

$2,500 - $4.999

• American Endowment Foundation

• Brisky & Pérez Insurance Agency, Inc

• Budget Blinds of Brownsville

• Burton McCumber & Longoria, LLP

• C Frank Wood PC

• Christopher Columbus High School

• Global HVAC Distribution, LLC

• Carlos '99 and Marytere '97 Garza

• Dr Emilio '72 and Dalia Hernández

• Jacobs Engineering

• Kenmont Montessori School

• Law Office of Ruth Gómez Serra RN

• Lone Star National Bank

• Los Fresnos Family Dentistry, PC

• Los Olivos Market by Rebecca Varela

• Lower Valley Dental Associates, P A

• Melt LLC

• Nova/Link Inc

• Perma-Temp Personnel Services, Inc

• PlainsCapital Bank

• Port of Brownsville

• Royal Metal Building Components, Inc.

• Rio Bank

• José Luis '62 and Linda Rodríguez

• Roser & J Cowen Logistical Services Ltd

• Robert Stevenson, II '81

• The Green Law Firm PC

• Jim and Amy Tipton

• Unlimited Printing


Today, Tomorrow, Forever St. Joe Club

$1,000 - $2 499

• Alpha Insurance Solutions Inc

• Mario '91 and Charity Avendaño

• Dr Eric '83 and Donna Barron

• Benevity, Inc

• David and Elsa Blanton

• Davidson Kempner Capital Management

• Brownsville Dental Associates

• Larry '69 Burch and Victoria Palazuelos

• Casa Sunshine LP

• Coastal Insurance Agency LLC

• Peter Clark '82

• Dana Properties Inc.

• William '66 and Jane Daniel

• Robert and Paty '78 Daniels

• Jennifer Davis Halpin '92

• Dell

• Jorge '84 and Liliana De La Garza

• Dr Fernando De León

• Carlos and Nidia De León

• Robert (Bob) '64 and Catheryn Estrada

• First Community Bank

• Andrés and Maria García

• Ambassador Antonio Garza, Jr '77

• Jaime and Renata '95 Garza

• Sholom Gorovitz

• Harmodio Granados, III ‘01and Allison Diaz Granados

• Jonathan '05 Gulley and Dr Kindra '06 Phillipp Gulley

• Brother Hank Hammer, FMS

• Steven and Catherine Hartwig

• Kevin Johnston

• Karzo Corporation, LLC

• Marion Lawler and Marcela Arguellas Lawler

• Marysol McGee '89

• Mark and Laura '82 Musemeche

• Marist Brothers, NY - Brother Dan O'Riordan, FMS

• Notaria 13 Tampico

• Noé '59 and Eva Ortíz

• Richard (Rick) '84 and Martha Ortiz

• Rick Ortiz Insurance Agency P C

• Federico '64 and Cindy Peña

• Cesar Perogli

• Stephen '48 and Mary Phillipp

• Victor Reis '98

• Bernard '73 and Lindsey Reyes

• Richer Enterprises, Inc

• Luis Rodriguez and Connie Cano de Rodríguez

• Royston, Rayzor, Vickery & Williams, LLP

• Robert '73 and Becki Russell


• Ethan Salazar

• Michael and Mayra Sandoval

• Dr Oyetunde and Amanda Siyanbade

• José G Sosa FNP PC

• State Farm Insurance - Rick Armendariz

• James (Nick) '01 and Kelly '01 Tipton

• José and Lourdes Varela

• Valley Day and Night Clinic

• Valley Regional Medical Center

• Vantage Bank Texas

• Hugo Yañez

Red & White Club

$500 - $999

• Luis Vázquez and Adriana '81 Babiak Vázquez

• Bill (Billy) and Leatrice Bradford

• Kerri Cortes Bridgwater '78

• Class of 1982

• Class of 1992

• Luigi '89 and Theresa '89 Cristiano

• John and Felicia '85 Edge

• Gustavo '07 and Bianca Elizondo

• Sergio Torres and Blanca Espinoza

• Dr Ralph Flores '65

• Victoria Flores '27

• Xavier Flores '29

• Las Ventanas

• Alvaro and Cynthia '96 Garza

• Ramiro and Estibaliz González

• Rodolfo and Liza González

• Roger and Erika González

• James '05 and Andrea '08 Griffin

• Michael Guerra '03

• Margaret Hasse Cowen '78

• Abraham Hernández and Iris Tapia

• Alamo Metal Recycling

• Ronald Humphreys, Jr '87

• Matthew '78 and Monique Johnson

• Jones & Crane Attorneys

• José and Claudia Kauachi

• Albert Cisneros and Dr Michelle Lee Cisneros

• Matthew '99 and Monica '99 Leyendecker

• José and Cindy Martínez

• Marcia Martínez '88

• Michael Motyl and Dandy Pilon

• Frank '99 and Marjorie '03 Ortíz

• Javier Rivera

• Edward '86 and Keeley Rodríguez

• Neto '69 and Gail Roser

• Joe and Ida Sáenz

• Karina Saldivar '97

• Jim Starkey

• Tipton Services LLC

• Shallow Sports Boats


• Jaime Torres

• Andrés Treviño '17

• Ediberto (Eddie) Treviño, Jr '83

• Valenz Mexican Restaurant, LLC dba Bigo's

• Rudy Valle DDS, Inc

• Carlos and Raquel '91 Varela

• Atenogenes (Teno) Villarreal '96

• Valley Speech, Language & Learning Center

• Celestino Villarreal '99

• Jaime Villarreal '05

• Alfonso Zolezzi and Karla Lozano

Friends of St. Joe Club

$250 - $499

• Felipe Barrera '26

• Portia Belmont

• Brad Bierstedt

• M Brenner

• Oscar '69 and Lourdes Castro

• Vivian Cavazos '25

• Javier and Olga Cisneros

• Dzu and Julie Dao

• Randy and Kathy Davis

• Bernardo De La Garza '08

• Luis Del Pozo, Sr

• David '81 and Jacqui Dempsey

• Liliana Elizondo '05

• Rosendo Escareño '76

• Roman (Dino) '89 and Jennifer Esparza

• Dr Manuel Espinoza and Dr Erica Ruíz Espinoza

• Dr Stella Filizola

• Gabriela Gallegos '88

• Erin Gamez '07

• Manuel and Felipa Gámez

• Andres '89 and Adriana García

• Miguel (Mike) '71 and Analicia García

• Oscar '88 and Dania López García

• Steve Garza and Mary '89 Parra Garza

• Steve and Ana '88 Gómez

• Lee Groninger

• Carlos Buentello and Edith Guerra

• Reynaldo and Linda Guillen

• Peter and Elizabeth '86 Harris

• Dr Ameer and Summer Hassan

• Eduardo and Josie Hernández

• Austin '08 Phillips and Dr Alisha '08


• Kevin Hickson

• Mauricio and Lila '97 Ibarra

• Lindsay Irwin

• Bertha Janis '80

• Craig '83 and Diana Jennings

• Ernesto and Lorena Knosel

• Eduardo '90 and Claudia Lash

• Ruben Leal and Silvia Zolezzi

• Joey '77 and Sylvia López

• Andy and Alma Miller

• Rafael '93 and Carina Munguia

• Ramiro Munguia '99

• Paola Peraglie

• Jorge Puig and Veronica '93 Garza Puig

• Martha Rodríguez '18

• Antonio (Tony) Martinez and Carla Saenz Martinez

• Robert Shaun Saunders

• Michael and María (Lupita) Schlater

• Mark and Gloria Schlatter

• Sameer Soleja '99

• Celeste Solis '91

• South Texas Rehabilitation Hospital

• Ricardo '80 and Jeanette Tamayo

• Bryant '06 and Jocelyn '07 Touchy

• Cristobal and Melissa '90 Valadez

• Vann Builders Developers, LLC

• Dr. John Venturella

• Robert Duran and Alicia '82 Vera Duran

• Gary Williams

Bloodhound Club

$100 - $249

• Sergio Adame '99

• Maria Arellano

• Doug and Dr Janna '82 Arney

• Iliana Arzac '99

• Marsha Atkinson '99

• Victor '93 and Dr Jane Ayala

• Fernando '90 and Tatiana Balli

• Lamberto (Bobby) '82 Balli and María Fernanda '88 Dorantes Balli

• Israel and Imelda Barela

• Mark Babcock and LeeAnn '88 Barreda

• Cassandra Barrera '16

• Carlos '71 and Gina Barrera

• Brandon Barron '12

• Jaime Bastida-Diaz and Ana España de Bastida

• Taylor and Martha Blanton

• Claudia Bond

• Joseph Bosley

• Trevor Boyce

• Mitchell Bradford '06

• Rusty '72 and Robin Brechot

• Ruben and Bertha Caballero

• Juan and Rosa Del Carmen Camorlinga

• Ernest Granado and Roxanne '88 Cancio Granado

• Hugo Cano and Desiree Uscanga

• Antonio (Tony) Cantú, Jr '75 f

• Rafael Cantú

• Dr Jaime Gómez and Joanna '91 Cappella

• Joe Cardenas '69


• Pedro '99 and Lourdes '01 Cardenas

• James Castillo

• María Castillo '17

• Ruben '96 and Laura Ceballos

• Andy Cedillo

• Class of 1997

• Class of 2002

• Joseph and Vanesa Clements

• Brother Robert Conley, FMS

• Miguel and Diana Contreras

• Narciso '81 and Marisela Cortez

• Armando Covarrubias

• George '81 and Tracy Cox

• Robert Keller and Monique '81 Crixell-Keller

• Francis Curley

• Robert '02 and Michelle '02 Daniels

• Eliseo '91 and Monica Dávila

• René '89 and Maria De Coss

• Alicia De la Garza '05

• Gaby de la Garza

• Leland '77 and Alicia De La Garza

• Linda De Los Santos

• Randy Del Bosque and Marilyn '91

Del Bosque Gilbert

• Marcia Del Rios

• Dennis Walker and Kelly '76 Dempsey Walker

• Barrett Determan

• Fr. Terrence Devino

• Jaime and María Luisa '88 Diez

• Thomas and Judy '78 Dunson

• Monica Duran '13

• Eliz Termite & Pest Management, LLC

• Luis and Magdalena Elizondo

• Isaac Escamilla

• Dr Hector and Zahidaly Escobar

• Norman and Norma Esquivel

• Tomás '81 and Lisa Esteve

• Christina Farias '02

• Marisa Fava

• Dr Alberto '53 and Bessie Fernández

• Ricardo '93 and Nancy '93 Filizola

• Humberto Flores

• Robert '64 and Marie Franson

• Gerald Gabbert

• Javier and Adelita Gallegos

• Marcela Galvan '99

• Hector García

• Juan and Claudia García

• Rogelio García

• Juan and Vanessa García

• Homero Garcia and Carolina Cazares

• Alfredo Garza '14

• Alonzo Garza

• Dr Alvaro Garza '99


• Brother Francis Garza, FMS '58

• Eduardo Garza '93

• Ernesto and Maricela Garza

• Gonzalo '95 and Stephanie Garza

• Humberto Garza

• Humberto Garza and Mireya Dávila de Garza

• Jorge and Barbara Garza

• Juan (Meme) '68 and Beth Garza

• Carlos '99 and Marytere '97 Garza

• Nicholas '02 and Mattie Garza

• Nicolas Garza '02

• Jaime and Renata '95 Garza

• Roland '69 and Leticia Garza

• Thomas Garza '05

• Gregory '80 and María Goga

• Eric Gonzales

• Adrian González '01

• Alejandro and Carmina '99 González

• Chelsey González

• Chester González and Judge Janet Leal

• Raúl and Jessica '17 González

• Justo González '83

• Victor and Paola González

• Jeff and Dr Rose Gowen

• Joseph Graham '87

• Michael '88 and Elizabeth Grasso

• Marvo Guajardo

• Hector Guerra

• Mark Guerra '75

• Alejandro Guerrero and Martha Cardenas '00

• Monica Guerrero '86

• Cynthia Guevara

• Michael Gutiérrez

• Maureen Hagan

• John Herrera '06

• Richard '78 and Kim Hinojosa

• Ari Holzman '21

• Binoy Prahlad and Annette '81 Hunter Prahlad

• Wale Ibarra

• Danny and Diane Ikner

• Charles Imbergamo

• Donnie and Kristi Jones

• Gabriel and Ana Kauachi

• Frank '63 and Peggy Klinger

• John Landry '69

• Anne Lapeyre Richburg '79

• Carlos '89 and Ana Lastra

• Edmundo (Eddie) '99 and Alessandra '09 Leandro, III

• Chad Lentscher

• Laura Lieck '87

• Joseph LoGiudice

• Charles and Linda Loop

• Natasha López

• Hector '07 Valdez and Daniella '09 López Valdez

• Hector and Beatriz Loya

• Juan Loya

• Samuel Lucio

• Myron's at Alon Town Center

• Myron's Steak House

• Carlos and Mary Luna

• Paul and Goldie Marian

• Mary Elizabeth (Beth) Martin

• Benigno (Trey) Martínez, III '89

• Jorge Martínez '06

• Manuel Martínez and Mariana Vivanco

• Marcela Martínez '10

• Rodrigo Martínez '99

• Luis and Nayive Masso

• Donald Mayer and Enedelia Quezada

• Gregg and Edith '84 McCumber

• Eduardo Melguizo '99

• Roberto Mendez and María Torres

• Klaus '89 and Dulce Meyer

• Virginia Miller

• Carl and Mary Suzanne (Suzi) Mohr

• Xavier '86 and Carole Montemayor

• Carlos Morton and Luz Pedraza

• Terry and Donna Murphy

• Dolores Olguin

• Martin Olguin

• Dr. Salvador and Karla Sobrevilla

• Sombrero Festival LTD

• Antonio Ortiz, III '01

• Robert and Leandra '93 Ortiz

• Melinda Ottolino '87

• Paul Parker '77

• Veronica Peña '88

• Iran Pérez

• Francisco Hinojosa and Rebecca '99 Perez Hinojosa

• Patrick '81 and Colleen '82 Phillips

• Bryan '92 and Jennifer Pinkerton

• Evelyn Ruth Poole

• Samantha Ptacnik '08

• Sergio and Ana Puig

• Kevin '98 and Nydia '98 Putegnat

• Tara Putegnat '96

• Dr. Michael and Pamela Quantz

• Kathy Quintana

• Joseph and Marcia Raley

• Claudio Reyes

• Tomás Rios

• Dr Juan and Beatriz '90 Rodríguez

• Michael and Destiny '08 Rodríguez

• Cynthia Rosas '99

• Robert Ruíz '69

• Mariana Sacramento '07

• Roberto '90 and Lesleigh Saldivar

• Ivan Sampayo '99


• Carlos and Lya '91 Sánchez

• José Treviño and Julie '81 Schoenmakers Treviño

• Andres Shane '08

• Andrew Sicnolf

• Houston Simmons '02

• Kayleigh Sommer

• Phillip Steffy

• Zachary Stutts

• Jaime Luna and Gabriela Talancon de Luna

• Ian Teo Ong '15

• Sean Teo Ong '21

• Mark and Denise '78 Thiele

• Arturo Treviño

• Sixto and Lidia Trujillo

• Tudor and Hellen Uhlhorn

• Bertha Ukoli

• Rafael and Eulalia Varela

• Paola Villalon-Perezsandi '93

• Raúl Villanueva '24

• Yordana Villarreal '99

• Patrick Philpot and Liza '81 Williams Philpot

• Charles '93 and Rebecca '94 Wood

• John and Virginia Wood

• Kay Young Ezell

• Victoria Zabarte '18

• Dr Jesus '64 and Irma Zavaleta

Supporters $1 up to $99

• Katy Abete

• Jesús and Leslie Abrego

• Bradley '82 and Judy Altemeyer

• Jorge '99 and Dulce Alvarez

• Eric Amato

• AmazonSmile Org Central

• Nora Anderson

• Ulysses Arizmendi '28

• AT & T

• Camryn Atkinson

• Timothy Ayala '18

• Alejandro Banda '14

• Sandra Betancourt

• Lizeth Brown '08

• Catherine Canning

• José Cano and Claudia Morales

• Diego and Sandra Cardona

• Terry Stackowiak and Monique '87 Carré

• Guadalupe and Amelia Casanova

• Issac and Maribel Castañeda

• Diego and Maria Ceballos

• Jorge Chabrand and Juany De los Reyes

• Dora Chanes

• Jennifer Clearman Stapleton '87

• Robert and Adrienne '02 Cohen


• Pedro and Karla Coronado

• William Cortez

• Marco and Claudia '94 Cortina

• Matthew Curoe

• Danielle Davey

• Leticia Dávila

• Mariafernanda Dávila '28

• Bernardo De La Garza '17

• Roberto '98 Espinoza and Daniela '00 De La Garza

• Ian '09 Buenrostro and Natalia '13 De La Garza

• Romeo '95 and Sasha '96 De La Garza

• Kathryn Dempsey '78

• Gabriela Díaz

• Jaime Diez '14

• Edward Doria '69

• Jeffrey '88 and Monica Douglas

• Gerardo Durán

• Opinya and Doreen Ekabo

• Emanuel Torres and Enis '00 Espinosa

• Alejandro Farias

• Fabian Contreras and Emelia Figueroa

• Conor Fitzpatrick

• Marco and Nubia Flores

• Daniela Fuentes '14

• Edith Fuentes

• Venissa Gallardo

• Damian Galvan and Christine Hess Galvan

• Juan and Melissa García

• Rogelio and Leticia '97 García

• Hector and Silvia García

• David and Rosalie '81 García Keszler

• Alejandro and Sandra Garza

• Antonio Garza '20

• Perla Garza

• Regina Garza '14

• Rolando Cavazos and Monica '80 Garza Cavazos

• Carmen Gavito '89

• Dr Ruben '82 Martínez and Blanca Gavito-Martínez

• Arturo Gómez and Nilda '97 Garza

• Cecilia Gómez

• José and Marisa '99 Gómez

• Amanda González '89

• Edwin Cordero and Elsa '97 González

• Esteban González '18

• Jorge '90 and Julietta '90 González

• Marivel González

• Raúl González and Liliana Treviño

• Richard and Anita Grasso

• Leo Gross

• Adrian Guerra '14

• José Pablo and Deissy ’05 Guerra

• Protasio Guerra and Maria De la Garza

• William McDaniel and Margaret '83 Hall McDaniel

• Dr David and Alma Haman

• Juan Hernández

• Mariana Hernández '25

• Rene and Karoleva Hinojosa

• Taylor Holmes

• Marcos and Dabney Holtzman

• Dr. Michael '96 and Sherry Hoskins

• Marisol Ibarra '93

• Alejandro Martínez and Silvia '93 Ibarra

• Haley Izquierdo

• Adam and Katherine Jagelski

• Jennifer Jaimes

• Gabriel Kauachi '21

• Kathryn Kauachi

• Luis Kauachi

• Tom and Deborah '81 Kirk

• Ashley Langer '81

• Isidro and Ana Lavin

• Marion Lawler IV '18

• Juan and Ana '93 Loya

• Maria José Lozada '17

• Diana Lozano '08

• Dr. James '71 and Virginia Lukefahr

• Rebekah Madrid

• Maureen Maire

• Kathy Maldonado

• Cary Martin

• Rex Martin '11

• Eduardo Martínez '12

• Juan and Irma '97 Martínez

• Dr Pablo Martínez '06

• Daniel Matar '15

• Micah Middleton

• Luis Montelongo and Linda De Luna

• Briana Montes '19

• Kevin Moran '19

• Eliut Motyl '19

• Juan Nader '14

• Patrick Pace '17

• Roberta (Bobbie) Pacheco

• Dante Gonzalez and Karla Paez

• Luis Perales and Jenniffer Veytia

• Amelia Pérez '98

• Daniel Pérez '99

• Felipe and Nereyda Pérez

• Brother Paul Phillipp, FMS '40

• Cecilia Pinales ‘14

• José Dávila and Diana Ponce-Dávila

• Dave Pruski

• Isela Ramírez

• John and Christine '79 Reed

• Jeff and Nancy Reed

• Veronica Rego '93

• José Renteria and Aida Jiménez

• Mark Rimmer


• Hortencia Ríos

• Ivan Robles and Lily Andrade Robles

• Leticia Rocha

• Judith Rock '15

• Amy Rodríguez

• Cesar Rodríguez '10

• David Torres and Christine '82 Rodríguez

• Daniel Rodríguez '13

• Eduardo and Maria Elena Rodríguez

• Carlos and Fabiola '90 Rodríguez

• Marisela Rodríguez Tijerina

• Robert Rosas '94

• Daniel Rousseau

• Daniel and Carla '93 Sáenz

• Marcella Saldaña

• Javier '99 and Cristina '99 Saldivar

• Kimberly Sánchez

• Armando Sánchez, Jr

• Carlos and Adriana '94 Sarmiento

• Maria Schuetze

• Enrique Serna

• Vivian Seyfarth

• Denise Silva

• Daniela Celeste Solis '19

• Dr Judith Solis

• José Muñoz and Faviola Sosa

• Ray and Rosie Sotelo

• Cloyce Stetson and Dr Janice '79 Stachowiak

• Jason and Larkie Starkey

• Michael '78 and Lucia Swartz

• Alberto Tejada and Mayra Jasso

• Hector and Ana '89 Tejeda

• Jacqueline Thibodeaux

• Julianne Thibodeaux '18

• Reynaldo and Maria Torres

• Mark Saldaña and Karla Torres Saldaña

• Hugh and Graciela '79 Touchy

• Edgar and Lesly Tovar

• José Treviño

• Raúl '81 and Nicole Treviño

• Juan and Patricia Valles

• Elida Vásquez

• Lindsay Vásquez

• Michael '81 and Barbara Vega

• Javier '78 and Nancy Vera

• Stephanie Versteegh '83

• Dario and Ingrid '93 Vicent

• Javier Villarreal and Cynthia '96 Cantú

• Martin Villarreal '19

• Joe and Sylvia '81 Villarreal Mraz

• Cecil Sterns and Melissa '81 Vitek Sterns

• Anirudh Vyas

• Elizabeth Watters

• Ivan Welker

• Rosalyna Yarbrough

• Patricia Zamora


A lumni G iving b y C lass

Class of 1940

• Brother Paul Phillipp '40

Class of 1948

• Stephen Phillipp '48

Class of 1953

• Alberto Fernández '53

Class of 1958

• Brother Francis Garza '58

Class of 1959

• Noé Ortíz '59

Class of 1962

• José Luis Rodríguez '62

Class of 1963

• Frank Klinger '63

Class of 1964

• Robert (Bob) Estrada '64

• Robert Franson '64

• Federico Peña '64

• Jesús Zavaleta '64

Class of 1965

• Ralph Flores '65

Class of 1966

• William Daniel '66

Class of 1968

• Juan (Meme) Garza '68

Class of 1969

• Larry Burch '69

• Joe Cardenas '69

• Oscar Castro '69

• William Steven De La Garza '69

• Edward Doria '69

• Roland Garza '69

• John Landry '69

• Dr Homer Richer '69

• Neto Roser '69

• Robert Ruíz '69

Class of 1971

• Miguel (Mike) García '71

• Dr James Lukefahr '71

Class of 1972

• Rusty Brechot '72

• Dr Emilio Hernández '72

Class of 1973

• Bernard Reyes '73

• Robert Russell '73

Class of 1975

• Antonio (Tony) Cantú '75 †

• Mark Guerra '75

Class of 1976

• Kelly Dempsey Walker '76

• Rosendo Escareño '76

Class of 1977

• Leland De La Garza '77

• Hon. Antonio Garza '77

• Joe (Joey) López '77

• Paul Parker '77

Class of 1978

• Kerri Cortes Bridgwater '78

• Kathryn Dempsey '78

• Judy Dunson '78

• Margaret Hasse Cowen '78

• Richard Hinojosa '78

• Matthew Johnson '78

• Michael Swartz '78

• Denise Thiele '78

• Javier Vera '78

Class of 1979

• Anne Lapeyre-Richburg '79

• Christine Reed '79

• Dr Janice Stachowiak '79

• Graciela Touchy '79

Class of 1980

• Monica Garza Cavazos '80

• Gregory Goga '80

• Bertha Janis '80

• Ricardo Tamayo '80

Class of 1981

• Dr Adriana Babiak-Vázquez '81

• Narciso Cortez '81

• George Cox '81

• Monique Crixell Keller '81

• Tomás Esteve '81

• Rosalie García Keszler '81

• Annette Hunter Prahlad '81

• Deborah Kirk '81

• Ashley Langer '81

• Patrick Phillips '81

• Julie Schoenmakers Treviño '81

• Robert Stevenson, II '81

• Raúl Treviño '81

• Michael Vega '81

• Sylvia Villarreal Mraz '81

• Melissa Vitek Sterns '81

• Liza Williams Philpot '81

Class of 1982

• Bradley Altemeyer '82

• Dr. Janna Arney '82

• Lamberto (Bobby) Balli '82

• Peter Clark '82

• Class of 1982

• Laura Musemeche '82

• Mellena (Beth) Pace '82

• Christine Rodríguez '82

• Alicia Vera Duran '82

Class of 1983

• Dr Eric Barron '83

• Justo González '83

• Margaret Hall McDaniel '83

• Craig Jennings '83

• Stephanie Lieck Versteegh '83

• Judge Eddie Treviño Jr '83

• William (Brad) Wolfe '83


Class of 1984

• Jorge De La Garza '84

• Edith McCumber '84

• Richard Ortiz '84

Class of 1986

• Luis De La Garza '86

• Monica Guerrero '86

• Elizabeth Harris '86

• Edward Rodríguez '86

Class of 1987

• Monique Carré '87

• Jennifer Clearman Stapleton '87

• Joseph Graham '87

• Ronald Humphreys '87

• Laura Lieck '87

• Melinda Ottolino '87

Class of 1988

• LeeAnn Barreda '88

• Roxanne Cancio Granado '88

• Gabriela Gallegos '88

• Oscar García '88

• Ana Gómez '88

• Michael Grasso '88

• Marcia Martínez '88

• Veronica Peña '88

Class of 1989

• Luigi Cristiano '89

• Theresa Cristiano '89

• Roman (Dino) Esparza '89

• Andrés García '89

• Carmen Gavito '89

• Amanda González '89

• Carlos Lastra '89

• Benigno (Trey) Martínez '89

• Marysol McGee '89

• Klaus Meyer '89

• Ana Tejeda '89

Class of 1990

• Fernando Balli '90

• Julietta González '90

• Eduardo Lash '90

• Beatriz Rodríguez '90

• Fabiola Rodríguez '90

• Roberto Saldivar '90

• Melissa Valadez '90

• Raul Villanueva '90

Class of 1991

• Mario Avendaño '91

• Joanna Cappella '91

• Eliseo Dávila '91

• Marilyn Del Bosque Gilbert '91

• Lya Sánchez '91

• Celeste Solis '91

Class of 1992

• Class of 1992

• Jennifer Davis Halpin '92

• Bryan Pinkerton '92

Class of 1993

• Victor Ayala '93

• Nancy Filizola '93

• Ricardo Filizola '93

• Eduardo Garza '93

• Veronica Garza Puig '93

• Marisol Ibarra '93

• Silvia Ibarra Martínez '93

• Ana Loya '93

• Rafael Munguia '93

• Leandra Ortiz '93

• Veronica Rego '93

• Carla Saenz '93

• Jose Salínas '93

• Ingrid Vicent '93

• Paola Villalon-Perezsandi '93

Class of 1994

• Dr Claudia Pirtle '94

• Luis Pablo Rhi '94

• Robert Rosas '94

• Adriana Sarmiento '94

• Rebecca Wood '94

Class of 1995

• Gonzalo Garza '95

• Renata Garza '95

Class of 1996

• Ruben Ceballos '96

• Sasha De la Garza '96

• Cynthia Garza '96

• Michael Hoskins '96

• Tara Putegnat '96

• Atenogenes (Teno) Villarreal '96

Class of 1997

• Class of 1997

• Fernando De León '97

• Leticia García '97

• Marytere Garza '97

• Elsa González '97

• Lila Ibarra '97

• Karina Saldivar '97

Class of 1998

• John Ford Cowen Jr. '98

• Amelia Pérez '98

• Kevin Putegnat '98

• Victor Reis '98

Class of 1999

• Sergio Adame '99

• Jorge Alvarez '99

• Iliana Arzac '99

• Marsha Atkinson '99

• Pedro Cardenas '99

• Marcela Galvan '99

• Alvaro Garza '99

• Carlos Garza '99

• Marisa Gómez '99

• Carmina González '99

• Edmundo (Eddie) Leandro '99

• Matthew Leyendecker '99

• Rodrigo Martínez '99

• Eduardo Melguizo '99

• Ramiro Munguia '99

• Frank Ortiz '99

• Daniel Pérez '99

• Rebecca Pérez Hinojosa '99

• Cynthia Rosas '99

• Cristina Saldívar '99

• Silvia Salínas '99

• Ivan Sampayo '99

• Sameer Soleja '99

• Celestino (Tino) Villarreal '99

• Yordana Villarreal '99

Class of 2000

• Daniela De La Garza '00

• Enis Espinosa '00

Class of 2001

• Adrian González '01

• Harmodio Granados '01

• Antonio Ortiz '01

• James (Nick) Tipton '01

Class of 2002

• Class of 2002

• Adrienne Cohen '02

• Robert Daniels '02

• Christina Farias '02

• Nicholas Garza '02

• Nicolas Garza '02

• Houston Simmons '02

Class of 2003

• Michael Guerra '03

• Marjorie Ortíz '03


Class of 2005

• Alicia De la Garza '05

• Liliana Elizondo '05

• Thomas Garza '05

• James Griffin '05

• Jonathan Gulley '05

• Jaime Villarreal '05

Class of 2006

• Mitchell Bradford '06

• John Herrera '06

• Jorge Martínez '06

• Pablo Martínez '06

• Bryant Touchy '06

Class of 2007

• Gustavo Elizondo '07

• Erin Gamez '07

• Mariana Sacramento '07

• Jocelyn Touchy '07

Class of 2008

• Lizeth Brown '08

• Bernardo De La Garza '08

• Andrea Griffin '08

• Dr Alisha HernándezPhillips '08

• Diana Lozano '08

• Samantha Ptacnik '08

• Destiny Rodríguez '08

• Andrés Shane '08

Class of 2009

• Daniella López Valdez '09

Class of 2010

• Marcela Martínez '10

• Cesar Rodríguez '10

Class of 2011

• Rex Martin '11

Class of 2012

• Brandon Barron '12

• Eduardo Martínez '12

Class of 2013

• Natalia De La Garza '13

• Monica Duran '13

• Daniel Rodríguez '13

Class of 2014

• Alejandro Banda '14

• Jaime Diez '14

• Daniela Fuentes '14

• Alfredo Garza '14

• Regina Garza '14

• Adrian Guerra '14

• Juan Nader '14

Class of 2015

• Daniel Matar '15

• Judith Rock '15

• Ian Teo Ong '15

Class of 2016

• Cassandra Barrera '16

Class of 2017

• María Castillo '17

• Bernardo De La Garza '17

• Jessica González '17

• María Lozada '17

• Patrick Pace '17

• Andrés Treviño '17

Class of 2018

• Timothy Ayala '18

• Esteban González '18

• Marion Russell Lawler, IV '18

• Martha Sofia Rodríguez '18

• Julianne Thibodeaux '18

• Victoria Marie Zabarte '18

Class of 2019

• Briana Michelle Montes '19

• Kevin Moran '19

• Eliut Motyl '19

• Daniela Celeste Solis '19

• Martin Rogelio Villarreal '19

Class of 2020

• Antonio Claudio Garza '20

Class of 2021

• Ari Israel Holzman '21

• Gabriel Kauachi '21

• Sean Teo Ong '21


G if ts o f C ur rent S tud ents

Class of 2024

• Raúl Villanueva, Jr '24

Class of 2025

• Vivian Cavazos '25

• Mariana Hernández '25

Class of 2026

• Felipe Barrera '26

Class of 2027

• Victoria Flores '27

Class of 2028

• Ulysses Arizmendi '28

• Maríafernanda Dávila '28

Class of 2029

• Xavier Flores '29

• Israel Barela

• Portia Belmont

• Leatrice Bradford

Fa culty & S taf f Sch o lars hi p F und

• Manuel Gámez

• Alonzo Garza

• Eric Gonzales

• Tomás Rios

• Destiny Rodríguez '08

• Ida Saenz

• Antonio (Tony) Cantú, Jr '75†

• Rafael Cantú

• Monique Carré '87

• Olga Cisneros

• William Cortez

• Matthew Curoe

• Leticia Dávila

• Enis Espinosa '00

• Blanca Espinoza

• Dr Stella Filizola

• Felipa Gámez

• Edith Guerra

• Kevin Hickson

• Lindsay Irwin

• Haley Izquierdo

• Joseph LoGiudice

• Samuel Lucio

• Mary Elizabeth (Beth) Martin

• José Martínez

• Marcia Martínez '88

• Andy Miller

• Pamela Quantz

• María (Lupita) Schlater

• Gloria Schlatter

• Celeste Solis '91

• Kayleigh Sommer

• Faviola Sosa

• Larkie Starkey

• María (Celia) Torres

• Melissa Valadez '90

• Celestino (Tino) Villarreal '99


I n-Kind D o n o rs

• Kennedy Bag Impressions Inc

• KO Storage

• María Parra

• Martínez, Barrera y Martínez, LLP

• Model Laundry, LLC

• Stevenson's Appliances

• Tequila Group

• Valley IT Solutions


I n M em o ria m

Antonio (Tony) Cantú, Jr '75

• Doug and Dr. Janna '82 Arney

• Dr Eric '83 and Donna Barron

• Joseph Bosley

• Bill (Billy) and Leatrice Bradford

• Mitchell Bradford '06

• Mellena Conner

• Dzu and Julie Dao

• Leticia Dávila

• Randy and Kathy Davis

• Jennifer Davis Halpin '92

• Marcia Del Rios

• David '81 and Jacqui Demapsey

• Dennis Walker and Kelly '76 Dempsey Walker

• Gabriela Diaz

• Monica Duran '13

• Maureen Hagan

• Peter and Elizabeth '86 Harris

• Rebekah Madrid

• Kathy Maldonado

• Mary Elizabeth (Beth) Martin

• Marcela Martínez '10

• Frank '99 and Marjorie '03 Ortíz

• Pat and Mellena (Beth) '82 Pace

• Evelyn Ruth Poole

• Kathy Quintana

• David Torres and Christine '82 Rodríguez

• Neto '69 and Gail Roser

• Serafy Foundation

• Dr. Judith Solis

• Cloyce Stetson and Dr Janice '79 Stachowiak

• Michael '78 and Lucia Swartz

• Mark and Denise '78 Thiele

• Jim and Amy Tipton

• Valley Speech, Language & Learning Center

• Dr John Venturella

• Robert Duran and Alicia '82 Vera Duran

• William (Brad) '83 and Cassandra Wolfe

Classmates of 1964

• Dr. Jesús '64 and Irma Zavaleta

Dr Martín García '57

• Brad Bierstedt

• Taylor and Martha Blanton

• M Brenner

• Mellena Conner

• Tom and Deborah '81 Kirk

• Pat and Mellena (Beth) '82 Pace

• Paola Peraglie

• Cesar Perogli

• Gary Williams

Eutimio "Timo" Carlos Hernández

• Eduardo and Josie Hernández

• Kevin Johnston

• Myron's at Alon Town Center

• Myron's Steak House

• Vivian Seyfarth

• Sombrero Festival LTD

Enrique "Henry" C. González

• Serafy Foundation

Jeannie Kirkconnell

• Monica Guerrero '86

Mirelle Knosel (Varela)

• Tudor and Hellen Uhlhorn

Barbara Lapeyre

• Pat and Mellena (Beth) '82 Pace

Gloria Layton Escareño

• Serafy Foundation

Bob Stevenson

• Mellena Conner


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