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Religions Around the World Healthy Living
Junior Kindergarten students finished their Healthy Living Unit. The students enjoyed learning about healthy habits such as proper hand washing, oral hygiene and personal hygiene. Students welcomed a special guest, a Dentist who demonstrated how to take care of their teeth properly. The students were engaged with hands-on activities and new songs that helped them follow through with healthy habits. At the end of the unit, each student had the opportunity to present their summative about healthy habits.
Grade 4 students explored the different religions that people believe in all around the world. They learned about Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sikhism. Students made connections between different religions, and how stories of the origin, God and celebrations all relate to one another despite being a part of different religions. Students were the decision-makers in the learning process of this unit. Students chose creative ways to display their learning as a whole and then demonstrated what they learned about a religion of their choice in either PowerPoint presentations, booklets or poster-boards!