July 17, 2022 Bulletin

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DONUTS & COFFEE FELLOWSHIP HALL • 10AM – NOON After service come meet new people while grabbing a coffee and donut. CONNECTION CENTERS OUTSIDE THE SANCTUARY & ROBERTSON CHAPEL Stop by the Connection Centers to get your questions answered, sign up for groups, serving opportunities, and events, and learn about ways to connect here. RESTLESS CHILD AREAS GATHERING AREA (LEFT OF THE SANCTUARY) & CENTRAL PASSAGE NURSING MOTHER’S AREA E126 (EAST PASSAGE) Enjoy our live services in these spaces if you’d like to nurse in private and/or if your child needs a break during worship. CONNECTIONS GIFT STORE OPEN SUNDAYS • 9AM – NOON You can support our local community by shopping at Connections! The store is run by volunteers, and the profits fund St. Luke’s Outreach Ministry partners. ARTIST RECEPTION AFTER SERVICES Julie Davis Veach is an American painter, multidisciplinary artist, and visual designer based in Zionsville, Indiana. Through her mediums, she creates vibrant, visceral works that invoke states of being and invite self-reflection, joy, healing, gratitude, and connection. Stop by the East Gallery on Sunday, July 17 to meet Julie and experience her art. The exhibit will be available for the month of July.

STEPHEN MINISTER INFO SESSION COMMUNITY ROOM • 10:30-11AM Are you looking for that unique and very special way to serve God and members of our St. Luke’s congregation? Still have questions about Stephen Ministry? Come learn more about this vibrant and crucial ministry and how you can become an integral part of God’s healing. See powerful videos, hear live testimonies from Stephen Ministers and Care Receivers, meet one-on-one with Stephen Leaders and Ministers, and learn how you can change lives through the direct and powerful intervention of Jesus Christ. Bring a friend, and be prepared to prayerfully receive His call to serve as never before. You can also learn more at stlukesumc.com/care.


Jenna Michelle Hensley Clara Crishon Burton-Krieger


Administrative Assistant for Adult Discipleship/Kid’s Ministry (full-time) Childcare Caregiver (part-time) Director of Outreach (full-time) Director of Technical Arts (full-time) Director of Visitation (full-time) Videographer – Worship & the Arts (full-time) Learn more and apply at stlukesumc.com/jobs.


STARTING POINT JULY 20 • 7PM • ONLINE This 30-minute class is great for those new to St. Luke’s. Come gain an orientation to St. Luke’s and leave with recommended next steps to help you find your place within the church. It’s also a great way to meet others who are new and find community! Sign up at stlukesumc.com/nextsteps. CHURCH TOUR AUGUST 23 • 6:30PM Whether you’re new to St. Luke’s or you’ve been coming for a while, join with others to explore our facilities and learn a bit of our history as well. Tour guides: Susan and Roger Frick. If you require childcare, please call Debra Peek 317-846-3404 x 364 at least two weeks in advance. Signup at stlukesumc.com/events.


Music is food for the soul, and this summer at St. Luke’s we are going back to the classics...the Psalms. Join us for a summer series that will warm your heart and inspire you. We encourage you to visit stlukesumc.com/summer for resources, a Spotify playlist, and even a fun music/worship style quiz!


BACK TO SCHOOL EXTRAVAGANZA Each year we partner with Washington Township schools as they kick off a new academic year. We work closely with their teachers and administrators to find the BEST way we can support the school district, while at the same time upholding our shared commitment to justice, anti-racism, and inclusivity. This year, we have a goal to raise $50,000 to cover the cost of school supplies for 4,200 students for the entire academic year, adopt classrooms in Washington Township, and adopt a school in Kenya. To learn more and give, visit stlukesumc.com/backtoschool. ENDING GUN VIOLENCE MEETING WEDNESDAY, JULY 27 AT 7PM | COMMUNITY ROOM Ending Gun Violence Committee is forming to offer programming and events at both St. Luke’s campuses in the fall/winter of 2022 and 2023. Sign up at stlukesumc.com/ events. SERVE WITH KIDS & STUDENTS Every week, an average of 250 kids engage in Kids and Student Ministries! The aim is for kids to grow to love God, love others, and love themselves. But we can’t do this without your help. We still need 100 more volunteers to serve as greeters, small group leaders, and more. If you’re interested in serving, visit stlukesumc.com/serve. Have questions? Contact amy.boles@stlukesumc.com about Kids Ministry and heather. kenison@stlukesumc.com about Youth Ministry. SPECIAL NEEDS BUDDIES NEEDED A special needs buddy partners with a child or youth with special needs to help them fully participate in their Sunday School or Youth Group activities alongside their peers. This could include providing physical assistance, behavioral supports, energy breaks, medical monitoring, or helping make small adjustments to activities to help individuals participate. The most important part of the role is to form a relationship with an individual to help make church more meaningful and accessible! NEW SONG AUDITIONS NOW - AUGUST New Song is welcoming new members! This wonderful treble voice ensemble is open to ladies of all ages who have experience singing and reading music. The group rehearses every Tuesday evening from 7:30-9PM and performs in the Traditional worship service one Sunday each month. Rehearsals begin the second week of September. If you are interested in joining, contact Katie Kouns at kathrine.kouns@stlukesumc.com. EARLY CHILDHOOD PROGRAM REGISTRATION NOW OPEN St. Luke’s Early Childhood Program (ECP) is a weekday, play-based program that creates opportunities through play, promoting the development of language, imagination, self-expression, problem-solving, and emotional growth. We are in session from 9AM-1PM Monday through Friday, September through May. Classes fill up quickly. Complete the registration packet at stlukesumc.com/ecp OR pick one up from the preschool office, located in the education wing of the church.

TRADITIONAL ORDER OF WORSHIP Prelude | Michael Conley, piano & Jilayne Kistner, soloist Welcome & Call to Worship | Rev. Rob Fuquay Leader: We gather to worship—those who have doubts and questions, those who cannot always find their way. ALL: We bring ourselves to this holy place. Leader: We gather to worship—those who see the signs and believe, those who are assured of their faith. ALL: We bring ourselves to this holy place. Leader: Both in our doubts and in our faith, it is here where Jesus’ light is revealed among us, and we hear him say, “Peace be with you.” All: Peace be with you! Leader: To God be the Glory! Let us sing together. Opening Hymn | Marching to Zion #733 Affirmation of Faith | Rev. Dr. Regina Proctor Glory to God Anthem | By Faith | Summer Choir Prayer Time and The Lord’s Prayer | Rev. Dr. Regina Proctor Announcements Call for Offering | Rev. Dr. Regina Proctor Offertory Song | On Eagles Wings | Kim Davis, soloist & Michael Conely, piano Scripture Reading | Psalm 121 | Mary Eckard Message | Rev. Rob Fuquay Song of Reflection | I Lift Up My Eyes to the Hills | Kim Davis, soloist Benediction | Rev. Rob Fuquay Postlude


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