Bulletin 8.28.22

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8.28.22 8.28.2022


ART EXHIBIT - ROBERT SCHAEFER SUNDAY, AUGUST 28 FROM 10:15AM-12:30PM NORTH INDY CAMPUS - EAST GALLERY Robert Schaefer says, “I love painting and creating art that is full of movement and emotion. I like to engage the viewer visually and psychologically. I am a multimedia artist and earned my BFA from IU.” Take some time to sit with Robert’s art and understand what it says to you. BOOK SIGNING WITH DOT OWEN AUGUST 28 • AFTER SERVICES • OUTSIDE CONNECTIONS GIFT STORE Dot Owen, wife of deceased former St. Luke’s pastor David Owen, will be onsite to sign and sell the book “When We Don’t Know the Length of the Race” - Sermons on Christian Quandaries and How to Move Beyond Them. This is a collection of sermons delivered by David Owen. DONUTS & COFFEE FELLOWSHIP HALL • 10AM – NOON After service come meet new people while grabbing a coffee and donut. Also, be sure to stop buy to purchase popcorn to support the Scouts BSA Troop 56 Popcorn Sales. JUSTICE MINISTRIES WEST PASSAGE • AFTER SERVICES Stop by to learn about what is going on at St. Luke’s in the areas of Racial Justice, Creation Care, ending gun violence, homelessness and eviction, voting rights, Prison Ministry, Interfaith Relationships, LGBTQIA+ Ministry, and more. CONNECTION CENTERS OUTSIDE THE SANCTUARY & ROBERTSON CHAPEL Stop by the Connection Centers to get your questions answered, sign up for groups, serving opportunities, and events, and learn about ways to connect here. RESTLESS CHILD AREAS GATHERING AREA (LEFT OF THE SANCTUARY) & CENTRAL PASSAGE

NURSING PERSON’S AREA E126 (EAST PASSAGE) Enjoy our live services in these spaces if you’d like to nurse in private and/or if your child needs a break during worship. CONNECTIONS GIFT STORE OPEN SUNDAYS • 9AM – NOON You can support our local community by shopping at Connections! The store is run by volunteers, and the profits fund St. Luke’s Outreach Ministry partners. ALTAR FLOWERS Altar flowers are given by Debra Peek in honor of her husband Jeff Peek’s birthday on August 26.


JOIN A GROUP, CLASS, OR BOOK STUDY Are you looking to grow deeper in your faith and understanding of the Bible, receive care in a group setting, or find a community of people who will love and support you? This fall we’re launching 50+ groups, classes, and book studies for those specific purposes! These are places where life transformation happens, and we want you to be a part of it! Visit stlukesumc.com/group-finder to search by day, topic, and class or group type. CONTEMPLATIVE MONDAYS Start your week off right with these unique ways to connect with God: • Mindful Community | Mondays 4-4:45PM • Yoga | Mondays from 5-6:30PM or 6:30-7:30PM • Spiritual Companionship Group | 2nd Mondays from 6:30-8PM • Taize Contemplative Service | 3rd Mondays from 5:30-6PM • Labyrinth Walks | Various Mondays Learn more and sign up at stlukesumc.com/events. WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNER & CLASSES NOW - NOVEMBER 9 FROM 5:15-6:15PM Join us Wednesday night for dinner, provided by Chef Joseph, and fellowship. It’s only $5 per person! After dinner, we will offer a variety of classes. Stay for a class, or just come for dinner. Childcare will be available upon request for the class you register. Learn more and sign up at stlukesumc.com/events. KIDS MUSIC INTEREST MEETING SUNDAY, AUGUST 28 FROM 10:30-11AM • GREAT HALL At St. Luke’s, we are committed to helping all children explore a variety of ways to worship and praise God! Register your child for our fall music season (SeptemberDecember) below. Registration will be open until September 30. There will be a parent meeting for those interested or signed up for Kids Music on Sunday, August 28 from 10:30-11AM in the Great Hall. No registration needed, just show up! AUGUST HIGH SCHOOL EVENT - AMAZING RACE SUNDAY, AUGUST 28 • 1-3PM (BONUS: LUNCH AT NOON) NORTH INDY CAMPUS - LODGE If you’re in 9th-12th grade, join us for our August 2022 high school event - Amazing Race! Students will be sorted into teams for an unforgettable battle. We will start and end in the Lodge. Advance registration is required to attend a noon lunch before the event. Sign up at stlukesumc.com/students.

UNGUIDED LABYRINTH WALK MONDAY, AUGUST 29 AT 7PM | NORTH INDY PARKING LOT Celebrate the creation of a permanent labyrinth. Enjoy an opportunity for moments of contemplation and prayer. There will be a host present to explain labyrinth walking to those new to the spiritual practice. No registration is needed; just show up. STARTING POINT WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 31 • 7PM • ONLINE This 30-minute class is great for those new to St. Luke’s. Come gain an orientation to St. Luke’s and leave with recommended next steps to help you find your place within the church. It’s also a great way to meet others who are new and find community! Sign up at stlukesumc.com/nextsteps. GRIEFSHARE WEDNESDAYS, SEPTEMBER 7-NOVEMBER 30 FROM 3:15-5PM • NORTH INDY CAMPUS - COMMUNITY ROOM It may be difficult for you to feel optimistic about the future after the loss of a loved one. You may have found there are not many people who understand the deep hurt that you feel. It can be a confusing time when you feel isolated and have many questions about things you’ve never faced before. Our GriefShare group meets weekly to help you face these challenges and move toward rebuilding your life. Register in advance at stlukesumc.com/group-finder. IFD SHOWCASE SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 10 FROM 10AM-2PM (QUIET HOUR FROM 10-11AM) St. Luke’s is excited to host the Indianapolis Fire Department (IFD) Annual Showcase. This event will feature the Indianapolis Fire Department along with up-close experiences with the vehicles, special stations to educate you on the services they provide, as well as rescue protection and medical emergency demonstrations. We’ll also have fun activities, games, food, face painting, a bookmobile, picture station, safety stations, and more! There will also be a quiet hour for individuals and families with various sensory needs. Register at stlukesumc.com/showcase DIVORCECARE MONDAYS, SEPTEMBER 12-DECEMBER 5 • 6:30-8:30PM • N101/102 While divorce is always hard, many are facing additional obstacles that make this season of life all the more difficult. St. Luke’s wants you to know that you are not alone. We offer DivorceCare with no registration fee. The only fee is your purchase of the workbook which is $20 and can be purchased at the first group. Sign up for this group at stlukesumc.com/group-finder. FUZE WKND: KIN-DOM SEPTEMBER 16-18 | NORTH INDY CAMPUS We invite students 5th-12th grade to FUZE WKND: KIN-DOM. Through activities, serving, teaching, and intentional discussion, we will explore what it means to be in God’s family and how we can invite others who also want a place to belong. Everyone will get to spend the entire weekend with their small groups! Students have the option to sleep overnight at the church or go home and return in the morning. On Sunday, we invite all Youth ministry families to join us for worship together. The cost is only $75 for the entire weekend and you can sign up at stlukesumc.com/fuze2022. I LOVE MY CITY SEPTEMBER 17 Join over1,000 St. Lukers by serving all over our city, the country, and even online. We have dozens of opportunities for individuals and groups of all ages and abilities! This is a day that will have lasting impacts for years to come, so don’t miss out! Visit stlukesumc.com/city to sign up today.


Condolences to daughters Abby Jahns, Maggie Jahns, family and friends on the death of Scott Jahns.

TRADITIONAL ORDER OF WORSHIP Prelude | Michael Conley, Piano; Nick Drumm, Violin Welcome | Rev. Rob Fuquay Opening Hymn | #127 - Guide me O Thou Great Jehovah Affirmation of Faith | Rev. Dr. Regina Proctor Leader: Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the one true church, apostolic and universal, whose holy faith let us now declare: All: We believe in the one God, maker and ruler of all things, the source of all goodness and beauty, all truth and love. We believe in Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, our teacher, example, and Redeemer, the Savior of the world. We believe in the Holy Spirit, God present with us for guidance, for comfort, and for strength. We believe in the forgiveness of sins, in the life of love and prayer, and in grace equal to every need. We believe in the Word of God contained in the Old and New Testaments as the sufficient rule both of faith and of practice. We believe in the Church as the fellowship, for worship and for service, of all who are united to the living Lord. We believe in the kingdom of God as the divine rule in human society, in the final triumph of righteousness, and in the life everlasting. Amen. Glory to God | #70 -The Gloria Patri Anthem | When I Can Read My Title Clear, Chancel Choir , Dr. Jeff Rogers, Director Prayer Time and the Lord’s Prayer | Rev. Dr. Regina Proctor Announcements Call for Offering | Rev. Dr. Regina Proctor Offertory Song | We Shall Walk Through the Valley in Peace | arr. Moses Hogan, Chancel Choir Scripture | Numbers 14:1-4, Susan Loomis Message | Rev. Rob Fuquay Closing Hymn | #128 - He Leadeth Me: O Blessed Thought Benediction | Rev. Rob Fuquay Postlude | Michael Conely, organ @STLUKESINDY

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