5 minute read


Eugenie Stoll

Eugenie, better known as "Butch " , is about feet , I inch, with s hort blonde hair and green eyes. Butch is friend to all, enemy to none.

Butch is editor of the newspaper and Year Book, and a member of the cheerleader squad, but to us she is much more. She is a part of almost eve r yth ing that goes on at St. Martin',. When we had our Christmas formal, who ha<l ch,rge of decorations and tickets? - When we had o u r Halloween dance, who had charge of decorations?--When the Episcopal Diocese had their banquet in the cafeteria, who decorated?Who made and painted the c u rtain which WlS used on Stunt Nig ht?-Who ha s done most of the work o n the Year Book> Only one guess is needed to answer these questions-Butch!

As far as her schol:ist ic achievements are concerned, it wouldn't se em po ss ible that sh e could have much time for school work , but s h e does, and sh e does very well for the sma ll amount of time that she can devote to her books. Butch takes German, Eng lish, French, U. S. Hi sto r y , Biology, and Geometry Although she h asn't studied art this yea r, sh e draws and paints very well.

To u s, the s taff, and to the other stude nt s, Butch is sore of an institution at St. Martin's. Hardly a day goes by that someone i sn't as king her w h at to do abo ut thi s, or what she think s about some thin g else.

She enjoys horseback riding rnd takes part in many l oca l h orse shows.

sh e plans to attend art the samples of h e r ability arc certain that she will her cho sen field of art.

sc ho o l and jud g in g by chat we have see n, we be a great s uccess in




Bill's out s tandin g ability 111 leader s hip was s hown soo n after the beginning of school hr his efficient work o n the Constitution and by h is election as Student Body Pr es ident. But leadership does no t seem to be hi s only ability, for he has proven himself outstanding on the football field, the b asketball court and in all forms of athletics, as well as in the class room where h e has excelled in every s ubje ct.

Bill was c h osen as the mo s t o ut s tanding boy of the year be c ause of hi s un selfish devotion an<l lo ya lty to St. Martin' s. Thi s ha s been s hown by hi s con~tant work co better t he Student Govern• ment and in hi s carefu l thought in the appointment uf ::i. st udent officer .

He 1s a great s port in eve r yt hing that he doc s

Bill 1s s tudying Eng li sh, Spanish, C i vics, Biology, Senior Math., Trigonometry which is no easy sc hedul e, but he has a "B" average in a ll. He plans to further hi s s tudies at Tulane in \1edical School.

We feel certain tlut with hi s ability and integrity, he will reach every goal that he strives for in the g a lne of life, ju st as he did in football, and we pred ict that he will be s uccessful in all things.


Most Valuable Players



Behind the coaching of Mr. Porter and Mr. Roberts, St. Martin had its first year of competitive sports. Although almost all of the football games were canceled , they did manage to play two games. After losing their first game to a fine Eunice team, the Saints came back strong by downing the Delgado Traders. In both games the Saints showed fine spirit. and a very goo d chance of being the Metro Champs next season.

Ba 11q II I' I

Following the season the Sain ts were given a fine banquet at the school cafeteria, which had been beautifullv decorated bv Mrs. Crawfori C laude "Little.Monk" Simons was the guest speaker. After dinner Mr. Harry Redmon turned the program over to Coach CO f\ CHES

Porter, who announced the lettermen and t he schedule for next year. Lettermen for the '50 season were: Le o nard Gurvich, \'v'illiam Doswell, Harris Falgout, Fred Capdevielle, R ·rndolph Butts, \Vilber Lewis, Doyle Spell, Barry Benton, Frank Geo r ge, Vic Vegas, Harry Redm o n, Jr., Bert Swails, Herbert Hoppmeye r , Robert Perrin, Kent Russell, Ronny Crochet, Te r rel Brewster , Frank McLaughlin., Bob \fotes, James Gundlach, Keneth McIntosh, Wesely \\7oolf, Robert Brownsberger, Ben Ti sdale, and Ross Hatch. The team presented Coach Porter with a beautiful piece of luggage and Coach Roberts with a handsome watch, both as a token of their appreciation for t he time and work they gave for the team.

Three trophies were given. To the most valuable lineman, Doyle Spell, was presented a handsome trophy. William Doswell received the most valuable back award. Harris Falgout was awarded the most valuable p 1 aye r title with a sp lendid trophy for the same. Spell and Falgout will be back ne xt vear.

Bask etball

Three teams were sponsored by St. Martin's this year. The Metroleague team, composed of Freshmen and one or two Sophomores, did surprisingly well against much more experienced teams. Bob Perrin, Greek Cabrales, Terrel Brewster, Billy Sewell, Jimmy Gundlach, Jimmy Robert s, Bob Porter, Berky Wonder, Herbert Hoppmeyer, composed the Metro team.

Another team entered in the Junior A. A. U. did fairly well considering the fact that some of its competition was of college caliber. This team was composed of Doyle Spell, Buddy Falgout, Dan Manget, Lenny

Gurvich, Bill Doswell, Bo b Motes, George Watkins, Ronny Crochet . Much of this same crew made up the team which entered the NORD League.

Ju n ior teams were in action in basketball also . Jim Roddy, L. Chapman, K. Russell, Shannon Lamb, Mike Porter, D ick Porter, Karl Zander , Jack Petrie, Gene Doswell, Elliot Laudemann , Tommy Lind, Moose Potter, Jerry Favrot were members of the team. A junior foo tb all team coach e d by Mr. Little showed many promising prospects for the varsity .

Spring Practice

Spring practice closed this year with the future of St. Martin's much to th e brighter side than at the end of last season. Only four starters were lost from the entire squad. Filling these spots has been Coach Roberts ' main problem. Some 3 0 boys were out for the spring session and as things look now they should be filled by the beginning of next fall. Sometime around the end of May an inter-squad game should show the wares of the coming year.

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