3 minute read
L. D. White
· . mtadle. Miite· PreJe ant ra n 4J
Cards Nip St. Mn• : 1 4th Quarter , !2-8
j yards early _in _the fourth quart - · er for the wmnmg score.
The Saints fain ed gl'oct ___ " ' , field position in the first • ' quarter when they recovered : -~- a fumble on the Ccirds' 10yard line. On thirrl down Brewster passed to Lib·comb
The defendin g state chan:ipi- for the Saints' on ly score.
The Cardinals sutained <l 76
1 on E. D. White Cardinals ca.me -I yard drive after re covering anfrom behind in the fourth quart- other Saint fumble midway in er to defeat St. Martin's 12-8 • the secon d quarter to get their in a Class A ball game 'at st '. I first tally. Joe Fakier's attempt Martin Saturday afternoon. to tie up the ball game was
The Martin Saints took the • stopped by the Saint defense IJead midway in the first ouarcer I Fakier intercepted a pass when <ro;;rterb.ack Gary Br ews- from Saint q u a r t e r b a c k t~r hi t~~~~· with ,, : i Brews ter givin~ the Cards the e1ght-ya rcf pass for a to1•:;11• · ball on the Samt 40 and set<lown. Brewster ],}assed to P '. .-,;,, tin g up the Cards' second TD. Hatch for the hfo points aft er :1 On third-and-three Preje~nt the TD . .~ ·•.-: ·, broke loose up the middle for Barry Jy$_Cne put ~he Ca rdi- · the soore. nals.,_on the scoreb9ai;_d for the ft·. ¼ 0 ~1~ 1 :::::::::::::: i i g ~.1~ firsf t1me in the second quarter ~f.0 ¼~L,bsco mb, 8 po ss from Brews~; with a ~<>-t~d bur st up . ~i11
011 , ctJ \
- [ Other defensive giants !or the NEWMANrDUO J~reenies included Chi~ IWtn, · t· Brownell Chalstrom, Mike Ma- TOPS SAf NTS Ioo,ey, Mark Strauss, and Britt Mioton. Barry Kennedy turned 1n a hlgh level defensive effort Clement and Tr ox e U ' for the Saints.
Lead Win 25-6 1 ~t. Martin's put up a deter' •• mmed performanee, but was '' the , victim of the high power-
. ed, double-barrelled Newman Miles Clement and Todd Trox- offense.
ell, Newman's explosive~ 'fwin l .Newman took the opening terrors, ripped through 1:1}.e St. kkkoff and in four plays were Martin's defense as the Green- on the scoreboard via the Kemp Ies downed the Saints 25-6 fa an 'I to_ Lapeyre 47-ya~d pass. In a _ m1xup m defensive coverage, unportant District 7A battl, Fri- Lapeyre was completely in the day at Behrman Stadium. i;, l_ open at the 20 when he took tht; Clement, only a sophrrtoft, i toss. rushed for 76 yards, incl!1(llngial' S~. Martin's h_ad to _ punt fol23-yard touchdown run. But that lowmg. the ensum~ k1cko_ff and · .. !Clement grabbed it at his own was secondary to two . other.. 20, darted down the sidelines, spectacular touchdowns he and outraced defenders to the scored, one on an 80-yard punrllgoaL Clement a1so booted the • return and another on a 64-yard extra point.
pass from Bill Kemp on which I Clement, who also plays dehe raced on the ground for 58 fense on Newman's depthiess · squa4, intercepted a Brewster .~ thos_e yards. ae~ to set up a third quar' • Troxell rushed for 95 yards ter touchdown. On the next ' and performed brilliantly on play Kemp hit Clement on tb e I. defense. The other Newman 1 ..··beginning of the 64-yard t~u~,. down play and Clement did his score came on a 47-yard pass best ninning of the day to get I from Kemp to Chuck Lapeyre. f the score: district , , The · Saints are 1·3 J~tw ~~tin• s ·: · : : 15 i g t:~ 11 n~A 0-2 · 7A t· Scoring: N-Lopeyre, 47-vord oos s from overa PJ.iU ill compe i- Kemp (+c ick foiled). N-C lement, SO•vord l t ;on , > punt return (Clemen tK, k !ck).(kN I -kcI1em I:;1)t,]
St. Martin's scored on a sev•,i _ 'Ihe teams traded touchdowns ' en-yard pass from fxary Brew- i m ~he last ,quar ter. ster to Keith Maxson. I _ Newman h~d 17~ yards. rushI . • mg and 125 tnrougn the air. St. i N~~• third-ranked m ~e Martin's had 41 rushing and 129 . 1state, 1s · 4-0 overall and 2--0 m , in the air.
• • 64-yard pass from emp c 01
• SM-Maxson, 7-vord oosa from Brewster [ (1<Y~k ~~\1,:~\'. N--Cleme9.t, 23-vord run I