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Admini s tration
ROBERT C. CAIRNS, Assistant Headmaster, B.A., Southern Methodist University
JOHN L. RHYMES, Lower School Principal, B.A., University of Mississippi; B.D., Kenyon College; M. Ed. , Tulane University ; University of the South
DONALDS. SCHWARTZ, Middle S c hool Dean, B. S., Texas Christian University; McN eese State College; Washington University; Tulane University
FRANKIE YEARGAIN , Director of S tud ent Ac ti v iti es , B. S ., Newcomb College
FLORENCE B. KREEG ER, Registrar , B.S ., Newcomb Co ll ege; M.S , Tu lan e University
ELSIE C. PHILPOTT, Sec r etary to the Headmaster
JANE SC HMIDT, Secretary to th e Assistant Headmaster
OUIDA G. MULLER, Upper School Counselor, B. S., University of \southern Mississippi; M.S.Ed., Indiana University
BESSIE T ISDALE, Bookstore Manager
JERRY WILLIAMS, Assistant in the Bookstore
KATHLEEN KEMP, Permanent Substitute
BETTY BOURGEOIS, Assistant to the Registrar
MARGE MONTGOMERY , Director of Development
ALMA DUNLAP, Assistant in th e Development Office
CLAIRE ROB IN SON, Secretary to the Lower School Pr i ncipal
BENTZ 0. POTTHARST, Lower School Read in g , L. S. U .N . O.
LILLI VAN SLATE, Reading, Un i vers it y of Wiscons i n at M ilw aukee
FRANCES R HURTH, Assistant i n Physical Education, B A. , Woman's Co ll ege of the Univers it y of North Carolina; Ohio Wesleyan Uni vers ity
REG I NALD GONZALES , U S.A., CWO-3 (Re t ), Maintenance Super int e nd e nt
BARBARA B. SIMS, A. B., Univ. of Al.; M.A., Memphis St Univ.; Wesleyan Col. ; Univ.· of Cal ; La. St Univ. ; Sout hern Univ
HILDA G . LOBENSTEIN, B,A., Mi ss . St. Col. for Women ; St. Mary's Domin i can Co l.
CHARLOTTE W MATHES, B.A., Emory Univ ; M.Ed., LSUNO: Fl. St Univ.
HARRIETTE S. BURKS, Dep. Head, B.A., Univ. ofWy.;M.A., Uni v of Southwes t e rn La. ; Tulane Univ.
OLETA M. HETHERWICK, B S ,, D e lta St Teacher ' s Col. ; Bowlin g Green Col. of Comm .; St. Mary's Dominican Co l.
JANE O 'M ARA, B.A., Vanderbilt Univ.; George Peabody Co l. for Teachers
GARY C ROUNSAVALL, B.A., M.A., Univ. of Ark.
MITCHEL L BERARD, Dept. Head, B A , Univ. of Southwestern La.; C.D.F., Univ. de Bordeaux; Tulane Univ. ; Univ. of Tenn. ; Univ. de Rennes
ISABELL. ANGLADE, B.A ., Univ. of Puerto Rico; M.A. , Tulane Univ .
PEDRO B. PEREZ, B A., Sou theas t ern La. Co l.; LSUN O; Loyola Univ.; Tulane Univ.
AGNES GOUT AGNEUX, B. A., Inst. St. Paul; C .F.P., Inst. de P 'Oratoire
DOU GLA S M. HUDSON, B.A., M Ed , Univ ofVir.; Tulane Univ.