For more than 20 years, St. Martin’s eighth grade class has celebrated Elizabethan Day, a cross-curricular event that engages students in a study of the “golden age in English history” that took place from 1558to 1603. The time in England’s history was marked by peace, prosperity, and flourishing poetry, music, and literature. For students, the day is full of laughter and memorable moments.
“Elizabethan Day is a celebration. After the students have spent the fourth quarter researching, analyzing, discussing, and writing about the Elizabethan period in both their history and English classes, this is an opportunity to show off their knowledge while having fun — and eating giant turkey legs.”
- Jordan Soyka, 7th and 8th grade English teacher
“Elizabethan Day was a lot of fun. ‘Thank you’ to Ms. Dieth and Mr. Soyka for making this possible, and ‘thank you’ to the rest of our Middle School teachers for helping with this wonderful way to end the year.”
— Garrett DeViney
“I think Elizabethan Day was a great opportunity for me to experience what some our ancestors’ lives might have been like. It was really special and I had a really great time!”
— Jenna DeLatte
“Elizabethan Day is an unforgettable experience... I will also never forget the play. We put a lot of work into it and it turned out great! It was such a fun experience and I know future eighth graders will enjoy it.”