04 oct 15 bulletin

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Saint Michael Parish October 4, 2015

Rev. Arturo Chagala, Parochial Administrator Ms. Grace Galaschewski, Office Manager Sr. Jennie Catanese, M.S.B.T., Receptionist Saint Michael Church Founded 1831

1445 North Second Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 215-739-2358 Fax: 215-739-5766

“Let the children come to me; for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”

http://stmichaelsphilly.org E-mail 1saintmichaelchurch@comcast.net

Immaculate Conception Church Front & Allen Streets Office hours at Saint Michael Monday-Thursday 9 -4:00 p.m. Friday 9 - 1:00 p.m.


Sunday Vigil (Saturday) 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. (IC) 11:30 a.m. (español) Daily Mass Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. Holy Days Noon at Immaculate Conception (IC) 7:00 p.m. at Saint Michael (bilingual) CONFESSIONS Saturday 4:15 p.m. to 4:50 p.m. & by request

“Dejen que los niños se acerquen a mi; porque el Reino de Dios es de los que son como ellos.”

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saint Michael Parish has been a viable part of Fishtown/Northern Liberties for 182 years. We continue creating a community where all God’s children are treated with dignity & respect and where faith, hope and love/charity are abound. We welcome all new immigrants and visitors to our parish. La parroquia de Santo Michael ha sido una parte viable de Fishtown/Northern Liberties por 182 ños. Continuamos creando una comunidad donde tratamos con dignidad y respeto los niños y donde la fe, la esperanza y el amor/la caridad es abundante. Damos la bienvenida a todos los nuevos inmigrantes y visitantes a nuestra parroquia.

October 4, 2015 Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Conjugal love, lived in fidelity to God's original plan, is to be one of the principal manifestations of the kingdom proclaimed by Jesus. Through baptism into Christ, we join with him in having one and the same Father. 10/4

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5:00 PM vigil Ellen Callahan r/o Schindle Family 8:30 AM Kathleen Chorlton r/o Msgr. Miller 10:00 AM Joseph Zarowski r/o Mary Zarowski 11:30 AM The People of the Parish 10/5

10/5 Monday Weekday 8:00 AM Msgr.Bartholomew J. O’Brien—Deceased 10/6

Tuesday St. Bruno, Priest; Blessed Marie-Rose Durocher, Virgin 8:00 AM Deceased members—Kennelly Family r/o Cookie Sullivan 10/7 Wednesday Our Lady of the Rosary 8:00 AM James Tully r/o Kathleen Chorlton 10/8 Thursday Weekday 8:00 AM Robert Campbell Sr. r/o James & Winnie O’Connor 10/9 8:00 AM


St. Denis, Bishop & Companions, Martyrs; St. John Leonardi, Priest The People of the Parish

10/11 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 PM vigil Margaret McTear r/o Geri McTear 8:30 AM Ancient Order of Hibernia Div. 61 120th Anniversary 10:00 AM Eugene Seedes r/o Ellen & John Callahan 11:30 Am Felix Hoyos Difunto r/o Betty Hoyos SUNDAY COLLECTIONS: September 20, 2015 1st Collection $ 1,708.00 Black & Indian Missions (to date) $ 155.00 Catholic University (to date) $ 162. 00 Mission Co-op (to date) $ 268, 00


will burn in the Churches this week for Frank Johnson at the request of Catherine & John Gliwa. ===================================== LITURGICAL MINISTERS October 11, 2015, 5:00 PM Lector & Euch. Min.: As Available 8:30 AM Lector: Walt Daskaluk Euch. Min.:Cass Micenec 10:00 AM Lector: Jean Robertson Euch. Min Jim Galdo 11:30 AM Lectors: Mercedes Sanchez/Nelly Cintron Euch. Min.: As Available ====================================================================================

THANK YOU to all who donated food for our Pilgrim guests & exhibited a true community Spirit!!! God bless you all!!! =================================== PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Catherine Feltenberger, Isabella Lederer, Bianca Mercado, Joanne Sherman, Mary Zarowski, Dorothy Schill, Rosita Renta, Millie Adair, Olga Espada, Hilda Rodriguez, Pat Regler, Maria Cruz, Freddie Nagle our benefactors, those who have asked for our prayers & those who have no one to pray for them. .Also, remember in your prayers Our recent deceased: Anna Brady . Please note: If you wish to include the names of those in need of prayers, please call the rectory. The names will remain on the list for four weeks and then be removed unless otherwise notified.. Thank you.

New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses Welcome. Please call the rectory and make an appointment to register as soon as possible. Bienvenidos. Favor de llamar la rectoría y haga una cita para inscribirse lo mas antes posible. Change of Address/Cambio de Direccion Please notify the parish secretary if you plan to move. Favor de notificar la secretaria de la parroquia si planificas mudarse. Collection Envelopes/Sobres para la colecta Every working person should support the parish by regularly using their envelopes - they can be obtained by calling the rectory or filling out one of the “welcome” envelopes at the entrance of the church. Cada persona de trabajo debe habitualmente apoyar la parroquia usando los sobres—puedes obtenerlos llamando la rectoría o llenando unos de los sobres maracados “bienvenidos” en entrada de la iglesia. 214-1

October 4, 2015

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sunday Scripture Reflections

Domingo Escritura Reflexions

Reading 1 Genesis 2:18-24

Primera lectura Génesis 2:18:24

Here is the second poetic story of creation from the Book of Genesis. In earlier verses which are not part of today's reading, the story describes how God made the first man from clay. God then fashioned all kinds of birds and animals. But none of them were suitable partners for the man. So God made the first woman from the man's own body.

He aquí la segunda historia poética de la creación del libro del Génesis. En los primeros versos que no son parte de la lectura de hoy, se describe como Dios creó al prime hombre de barro. Dios entonces creó a todos los animales y aves. Pero no esas criaturas no eran una compañía perfecta para el hombre. Así que Dios creó la primera mujer del cuerpo del hombre.

Together the man and the woman became one body. They were equal and suitable partners for one another. In marriage, husband and wife enter a union blessed by God.

Juntos hombre y mujer se convirtieron en un solo cuerpo. Ellos fueron iguales y compañeros adecuados uno para el otro. En le matrimonio, marido y mujer entran en una unión bendecida por Dios.

The primary message of the story is that man and woman both come from God. We are God's unique creation in a world of wonderful creatures he has entrusted to our care.

Reading 2 Hebrews 2:9-11 The humble person does not look down on others or try to raise himself to a prominent position. Jesus, the Son of God, is a perfect example of humility. He made himself lower than the angels by taking on our human nature. He then made himself subject to suffering and death in order to gain our salvation. Jesus tasted death for all of us so that we can share in his glory with God the Father. He is pleased to call us his brothers and sisters. In return, at every Eucharist, we thank him for lifting us up with him.

Gospel Mark 10:2-16 Some people are more interested in the letter of the law than the spirit of the law. The Pharisees tried to test Jesus by asking him if he agreed with the law of Moses regarding divorce. Jesus draws their attention to the true meaning of marriage. He reminds the Pharisees of the teaching from Genesis about the man and the woman becoming one flesh. Jesus is focusing on God's loving plan for marriage partners. In the second story, Jesus scolds his disciples for trying to keep the little children away from him. He hugs, holds, and blesses the children. Once again he teaches that all who follow him must trust in God and openly accept the Good News.

El primer mensaje de la historia es que el hombre y la mujer ambos vienen de Dios. Somos oración únicas de Dios en inmundo de criaturas maravillosas que él ha puesto a nuestro cuidado.

Segunda lectura Hebreos 2:9-11 La persona humilde no mira a los demás condesprecio o se creen superiores. Jesús, el Hijo de Dios, es un ejemplo perfecto de humildad. El se hizo más pequeños que los ángeles tomando nuestra naturaleza humana. El se sufrió y murió para gana nuestra salvación. Jesus probó la muerte por nosotros para que pudiéramos compartir en su gloria con Dios el Padre. El recomplace en llamarnos hermanos. En cada Eucaristía damos gracias a Jesús por levantarnos con él.

Evangelio Mateo 10:2-16 Algunas personas están más interesadas en la letra de la ley que en su espíritu. Los fariseos trataron de probar a Jesús preguntándole si el estaba de acuerdo con la ley de Moisés referente al divorcio. Jesús dirige su atención al verdadero significa del matrimonio. El recuerda a los fariseos la enseñanza del Génesis sobre el hombre y la mujer ser un solo cuerpo. Jesús se basa en el plan amoroso de Dios para la pareja matrimonial. En la segunda historia, Jesús reprende a sus discípulos por t4atar de que los niños no se le acerquen. El abraza y bendice a los niños. Una vez más enseña que todos los que los siguen deben confiar en Dios y abiertamente aceptar la buena nueva. 214-3

October 4, 2015

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Baptism/Bautismos Call the Rectory to make arrangements. Parents and sponsors must attend an instruction class.

Mother Boniface Spirituality Center 3501 Solly Avenue in northeast Philadelphia is offering a Weekend Retreat with Thomas Merton on Llame la rectoría para hacer arreglos. October 23-25, 2015. Padres y padrinos deben asistir This retreat will be an opportunity to pray with clases de instrucción. Thomas Merton as we explore his teachings on Marriage/Matrimonio personal growth, contemplation, social justice Arrangements must be made six months in adand interfaith dialogue. vance in order to fulfill Diocesan requirements. Retreat Presenter: Fr. Anthony Ciorra. Please call 267-350-1830 for more information Debe hacer arreglos seis meses de antemano para or to register by October 13th cumplir los requisitos diocesanos. ======================================== Care for the Sick/Cuido para los enfermos In the occasion of an emergency call the rectory John W. Hallahan Catholic Girl’s School immediately. Call the rectory for visits at home to 311 N. 19th Street the elderly and infirm or when someone enters the Philadelphia, PA. hospital and wishes a visit from the parish priest. Invites you to our Open House on Saturday, October 17, 2015, 12:00-2:00 p.m. En caso de una emergencia llame la rectoría 2015 Entrance/Scholarship Exam Dates: inmediatamente. Para visitas en casa de las October 24, and November 7, 8:30-noon personas mayores y enfermas o cuando alguien Application is required to take the exam. Application este en el hospital y desee una visita del sacerdoform is available online at te llame la rectoría. www.jwhallahan.com/admissions For questions call Jessica Barlow, Admissions =================================================== 215-563-8930 x252. St. Michael’s Religious Education Classes : Saturday from 9:00 AM—10:30 AM in the Church Hall For more information regarding registration & the program: Please feel free to call: Gwendy at 832-770-0238 or Reina at 469-867-2310 ======================================


A Little Bit of Wisdom There are two ways of being rich. One is to have all you want, the other is to be satisfied with what you have. Proverb


======================================== BED AND BREAKFAST WITH THE SAINTS Retreat at FATIMA HOUSE Bedminister, Bucks County If the increasing hostility toward Christians in today’s culture is making you feel discouraged and defeated, let an evening with the saints help you regain your perspective and restore your hope! The Catholic Life Institute is hosting Susan Brinkmann, OCDS, on October 30-31 at Fatima House for a retreat featuring the saints who showed us how to fight for Christ in hostile times from the earliest days of the Church to the current day. We will also have dozens of relics of the saints available for veneration during this retreat. The retreat begins at 7:00 pm on 10/30 and concludes at 11:00 am on 10/31. It includes two conferences, overnight accommodation and breakfast. Cost $85. Register at www.freeandfaithful.com or call 215-983-9701. 214-2

October 4, 2015

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

2) National Shrine of St. Katharine Drexel, located at: 1663 Bristol Pike, Bensalem, Pa., 19020 215-244-9900 Katharine Drexel was born and lived in the PhilaThe word “shrine” is often applied too casually. Unless the local bishop designates a place a shrine, it is not delphia area from 1858 to 1955.From a wealthy family, a shrine. According to the Code of Canon Law, a shrine is a she was devoted to those less fortunate and lived her entire life helping those in need. She was the foundress of sacred place approved by a bishop and visited by religious the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament and first opened the pilgrims. It is not a parish church as parish churches meet the regular needs of people in its neighborhood, rather than Motherhouse doors in 1891 to begin serving the Black and Native American peoples. Located beneath the chapel, attracting pilgrims. the Shrine is the final resting place of St. Katharine, where Shrines are built to draw pilgrims for a particular all can pray seeking her intercession. She was elevated to devotion. For example; several American shrines honor the the sainthood on October 1, 2000. Virgin Mary, including the Basilica Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. 3) Miraculous Medal Shrine, located at: 500 East Chelten Avenue. Philadelphia, Pa.19144 Shrines are often erected in places where people 215-848-1010 have seen saintly apparitions. Famous examples include The Chapel of the Immaculate Conception is the Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City and Our Lady of home of the Miraculous Medal Shrine. This came about Fatima in Portugal. Bishops do not rush into accepting the- when, in 1912, a Vincentian priest, Fr. Joseph Skelly, was se miracles. In the case of Fatima, the local bishop reassigned to raise funds for the construction of a minor searched the apparition for 10 years before approving the seminary. Father Skelly placed a small Medal in each shrine. appeal letter that he mailed. So generous was the response Shrines may also be erected at places where historic brought through the intercession of Mary Immaculate that Father Skelly felt some special mark of gratitude to Our faith-related events occurred. For example; three Jesuit missionaries were killed in a Mohawk village in the 1640s. Lady was in order. In March of 1915 the Central Association of the Miraculous Medal, a society devoted to Mary, The Shrine of Our Lady of Martyrs in Auriesvillle, New York, is located on land that used to be the Mohawk village. was formed. In 1927 “Mary’s Central Shrine” was built The site for a shrine may be chosen because a can- as part of the Chapel. Novenas were introduced and devotions at the Shrine became increasingly popular and fruitonized saint is buried there such as the National Shrine St. John Neumann in Philadelphia, Pa. and the National Shrine ful. While Our Lady revealed the design of the Miraculous Medal to St. Catherine Laboure in Paris in 1830, the of St. Katharine Drexel in Bensalem, Pa. Perpetual Novena originated at Mary’s Central Shrine in The following are four of the major shrines located in the Philadelphia. The Miraculous Medal Novena has been and still is, faithfully prayed there every week since Philadelphia Archdiocese: December 8, 1930.


1) National Shrine of St. John Neumann; located at : 5th Street & Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. , 19123 215-627-3080. For more than 150 years, pilgrims have journeyed to St. John Neumann’s burial place to ask for this saintly bishop’s intercession. People come from all walks of life, and from all parts of the globe, trusting that the only canonized male American saint will ask God to answer their humble prayers. Although three official miracles led to his canonization by Pope Paul VI on June 19, 1977, the contemporary testimony of countless others bears witness to the present-day intercession of this holy Redemptorist. Bishop Neumann’s Feast Day is celebrated on January 5th.

4) National Shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia located at: 1166 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa., 19146 215-546-8333 St. Rita, born in Italy in 1381 was canonized a saint in 1900 because of “the amazing normality of her daily existence, which she lived first as a spouse and mother, then as a widow and lastly as an Augustinian nun". Untold numbers of men and women have been drawn by the message and example of this wonder-worker saint over the course of the years to visit her church, invoke her aid, and sing her praises. In September,2003 the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops declared St. Rita’s a National Shrine “in consideration of its outstanding ministry and its effective service to the spiritual, liturgical and devotional life of pilgrims from across the United States”. 214-4

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