26 mar 17 st michael bulletin

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Saint Michael Parish March 26, 2017 Rev. Arturo Chagala, Parochial Administrator Mrs. Sue Fritz, Office Manager Mrs. Delia Silva, Receptionist

Saint Michael Church Founded 1831

1445 North Second Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 215-739-2358 Fax: 215-739-5766

“I came into this world for judgment, so that those who do not see might see, and those who do see might become blind.”

https:// icstmichael19122.wordpress.com/ E-mail st.michaelrcchurch1831@aol.com

Immaculate Conception Church Front & Allen Streets

Office hours at Saint Michael Tuesday—Friday 9:00 a.m.— 1:00 p.m.

MASS /MISA Sunday 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. (IC) 11:30 a.m. (español) Daily Mass Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m.

Holy Days Noon at Immaculate Conception (IC) CONFESSIONS Contact Fr. Arturo At Rectory

“Para un juicio he venido a este mundo. para que los que no ven, vean. Y los que ven, se vuelvan ciegos.” Fourth Sunday of Lent

Saint Michael Parish has been a viable part of Fish town/Northern Liberties for 185 years. We continue creating a community where all God’s children are treated with dignity & respect and where faith, hope and love/charity are abound. We welcome all new immigrants and visitors to our parish. La parroquia de Santo Michael ha sido una parte viable de Fishtown/Northern Liberties por 185 años. Continuamos creando una comunidad donde tratamos con dignidad y respeto los niños y donde la fe, la esperanza y el amor/la caridad es abundante. Damos la bienvenida a todos los nuevos inmigrantes y visitantes a nuestra parroquia.

March 26, 2017 Fourth Sunday of Lent

Samuel does not see as God sees in the choice of David, who is anointed with oil. As Jesus cures the blind man so too are we brought from darkness into light through the grace of baptism.

3/26 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM



Fourth Sunday of Lent Thomas Laderer r/o Rita Lederer Freddie Napgle r/o Ruth Mongan People of the Perish

1st collection, Eastern Offering Collection for Military Services Church for Latin America Easter Flowers Church in Central + East Europe Catholic Mission Appeal

3/27 Monday Lenten Weekend 8:30 AM People of the Parish 3/28 8:30

Tuesday Lenten Weekend People of the Parish

3/29 Wednesday Lenten Weekday 8:30 AM People of the Parish 3/ 30 Thursday Lenten Weekday 8:30 AM People of the Parish 3/31 Friday Lenten Weekday 8:30 AM People of the Parish 4/02 Fifth Sunday of Lent 8:30 AM People of the Parish 10:00 AM Freddie Nagle r/o (Health) Ruth Mongan 11:30 PM available SANCTUARY LIGHTS

This week, the candles in the sanctuaries Will burn for the following intentions: Joseph Floody Jr.


March 19, 2017 $1,059.00 $20.00 $22.00 $40.00 $100.00 $10.00 $2.00 April 02, 2017

8:30 AM Lector: Walt Daskaluk Euch. Min.: Maria Maldonado 10:00 AM Lector: Araham Amit Euch. Min.: Jim Galdo 11:30 AM Leticia Garcia & Carmen Arroyo Euch. Min.: As Available PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Elaine Hoffman, Amador & Carmen Santiago, Sonny Dunbar, Sharon Micenec, Michael Jordan, Carmen Robles, Ray Fenner, John Halgen, Audrey Brown,Edward Campbell, Zoraida Caez, Edward Holmes, Henry Lucier, Sis Clemens, Ralph Berarducci, Maria Rivera, Isabella Lederer, Bianca Mercado, Dorothy Schill, Olga Espada, Hilda Rodriguez, Freddie Nagle, Joseph Micenec those who have asked for our prayers & those who have no one to pray for them. REMINDER: There are a number of Masses available Throughout the months to honor your love ones. To schedule a Mass-Please call or come to the Rectory, Thank you!

New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses Welcome. Please call the rectory and make an appointment to register as soon as possible. Bienvenidos. Favor de llamar la rectoría y haga una cita para inscribirse lo mas antes posible Change of Address/Cambio de Direccion Please notify the parish secretary if you plan to move. Favor de notificar la secretaria de la parroquia si planificas mudarse. Collection Envelopes/Sobres para la colecta Every working person should support the parish by regularly using their envelopes - they can be obtained by calling the rectory or filling out one of the “welcome” envelopes at the entrance of the church. Cada persona de trabajo debe habitualmente apoyar la parroquia usando los sobres—puedes obtenerlos llamando la rectoría o llenando unos de los sobres maracados “bienvenidos” en entrada de la iglesia. 214-2

March 26, 2017 Fourth Sunday of Lent SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Those wishing to have their child baptize Classes will be held: on the 3rd Saturday of every month at

11:30 a.m. in the Gallagher Hall. The Sacrament of Baptism: will take place on the 4th Saturday of every month At 11:00 a.m. in Saint Michael Parish. ======================================= SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made with the pastor six months in advance in order to fulfill Diocesan requirements. Couples rather than parents or wedding coordinators should contact the church. If either party was previously married, an annulment must be granted prior to the selection of a future wedding date. CARE FOR THE SICK: In the occasion of an emergency call the rectory immediately. Call the rectory for a visits at home to the elderly and inform or when someone enters the hospital and wishes a visit from the parish priest. SPONSORSHIP: Sponsorship: In order to be a sponsor/godparent for Baptism or Confirmation and receive a Letter of Eligibility from the Pastor, a person must be a registered member of the parish for a minimum of 6 months, at least 16 years of age, received all the Sacraments through Confirmation, attending Mass faithfully, and if applicable, married sacramentally.

A T T E N T IO N A L L P A R I S H I O N E R S EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Thursday in the Church following the 8:30am mass until 1:00 p.m.


Prayer for a Fruitful Lent! My precious and crucified Lord, I offer You this Lent. I offer it to You with total abandonment and trust. I offer You my prayers, sacrifices and my very life this day. Do with me, Lord, as You will. I pray that this Lent will be fruitful. I know You have much to say to me and much to do in my life. May this Lent be a time through which Your mercy is poured in abundance into my soul, and into the souls of all Your faithful. Dearest Lord, help me to especially see my sin, this Lent. Humble me so that I may see clearly. Give me courage and strength to confess my sins, and to turn from them with all my heart. Enlighten me with Your Holy Word, dear Lord. Help me to come to know You and to deepen the gift of faith in my life. Show me the plan You have for me, and place my feet upon the path You have chosen. My suffering Lord, I thank You for the fullness of Your perfect Sacrifice. I thank You for holding nothing back, giving Your life to the last drop of blood. May I offer You my very life as a sacrifice, trusting in Your mercy with every offering. Keep me faithful to my Lenten promises, and bring forth new life through these sacrifices of love. Strengthen my prayer and make me holy. Help me to turn to You, each day, seeking Your sacred and pierced Heart. Blessed Mother, you stood by your Son in His suffering and death, stand by me, I pray, as I journey through this life. Pray for me and offer me to Your Son, that He may take me into His loving embrace. Lord, Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner. Lord, Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner. Lord, Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner. Mother Mary, Mother of our Crucified Lord, pray for us who have recourse to thee. Amen 214-3

March 26, 2017 Fourth Sunday Of Lent



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Fr. Arturo Chagala John Healey Walter Daskaluk Pedro Biaggi Dinohrie Biaggi

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


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Fr. Arturo Chagala Liam Slavin Thomas Villanueva Juan Manuel Silva


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Please support the Catholic Charities Appeal and help children, women and men throughout the Archdiocese. Por favor, apoye las Caridades Católicas y ayudar a los niños, las mujeres y los hombres en toda la arquidiócesis. R E M I N D E R: We will have the stations of the Cross, every Friday at 3:30 p.m. Thank you!

Fr. Arturo Chagala John Healey Walter Daskaluk Pedro Biaggi Dinohrie Biaggie

Fr. Arturo Chagala Liam Slavin Thomas Villanueva Juan Manuel Silva A REMINDER— DID YOU PICK UP YOUR RICE BOWL AND ARE YOU MAKING USE OF IT?

UN RECORDATORIORecogiste tu plato de arroz? ¿Y ESTAS HACIENDO uso DE ÉL?

Recuerde la Catequesis Para jóvenes y adultos Lunes y jueves a las 7:30 p.m. En el Salón de la Iglesia de San Miguel. ¡Por favor vengan a Escuchar!

Re c o r d a t o r i o : Tendremos el Viacrucis Todos los viernes a las 3:30 p.m. ¡Gracias!

Attention Parishioners! March baptismal Classes will be rescheduled to April 1st, 2017 for more information call the Parish: 215-739-2358

Las Clases bautismales de marzo serán reprogramadas al 1 de abril de 2017 Llame ala parroquia para mas información Gracias

Remember Catechesis For yong and Adults Monday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m. In the Hall of the Church of Saint Michael Please come and Listen!

Catholic Cruise Western Caribbean! Come and sail away on a 7 Night Tropical Caribbean Cruise with Fr. John Harper on: November 19-26 2017 on Holland American’s Eurodam out of Ft. Lauderdale (Port Everglades), Florida ports of call: Half Moon Cay, Bahamas, George Town, Grand Cayman, Cozumel, Mexico. For further info: Contact Doug Doug@CatholicCruisesandTours.com 214-4

Fourth Sunday Of Lent SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: Aquellos que desean que sus hijos sean bautizados, La clase se llevarán a cabo el 3er Sábado de cada mes, A las 11:30 a.m. en el Salón de la Iglesia. El Sacramento del Bautismo, tendrá lugar el 4to Sábado de cada mes, a las 11:00 a.m. en la Iglesia

para mas información comunicarse ala oficina. =========================== SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Se deben hacer arreglos con el administrados parroquial, seis meses antes y cumplir con los requisitos Diocesanos. Si alguna de las partes estaba casada previamente, Una anulación debe ser otorgada antes de seleccionar la fecha del matrimonio.

==================================== CUIDADO DE LOS ENFERMOS: En ocasión de una Situación de emergencia, de enfermedad o visitas en casa o hospital y desea la visita del Párroco. Llame inmediatamente ala Parroquia!

¡Oración para una fructífera Cuaresma!

Mi precioso y crucificado Señor, Te ofrezco esta Cuaresma. Te lo ofrezco con total abandono y confianza. Te ofrezco mis oraciones, sacrificios y mi misma vida este día. Haz ==================================== conmigo, Señor, como quieras. PADRINOS: Oro para que esta Cuaresma sea fructífera. Sé que Tienes Para ser padrino/madrina de Bautismo o confirmación mucho que decirme y mucho que hacer en mi vida. Que esta y si Usted esta en necesidad de recibir una carta de elegibilidad del párroco la persona debe ser miembro re- Cuaresma sea un tiempo por el cual Tu misericordia sea derramada en abundancia en mi alma, y en las almas de gistrado de la Parroquia por un mínimo de 6 meses, por lo menos 16 años de edad, recibió todos los Sacramentos todos tus fieles. Querido Señor, ayúdame especialmente a ver mi pecado, hasta confirmación, asistir ala misa fielmente esta Cuaresma. Humíllame para que pueda ver claramente. Y si es pareja, ser casado sacramentalmente… Dame coraje y fuerza para confesar mis pecados y apartarme de ellos con todo mi corazón. =================================== Ilumíname con Tu Santa Palabra, querido Señor. Ayúdame RECORDATORIO: a conocerte ya profundizar el don de la fe en mi vida. MuésHay una serie de misas disponibles para honrar trame el plan que Tú tienes para mí, y pones mis pies en el Tus seres queridos. sendero que has escogido. Para programar una misa-Por favor llame o vaya a la Mi Señor sufriente, te agradezco por la plenitud de Tu perParroquia! fecto Sacrificio. Te agradezco por no retener nada, dando Tu vida a la última gota de sangre. Te ofrezco mi vida como sacrificio, confiando en tu misericordia con toda ofrenda. Mantenme fiel a mis promesas de Cuaresma, y traiga nueva vida a través de estos sacrificios de amor. Fortalece mi oración y santifícame. Ayúdame a recurrir a Ti, cada día, busAT ENCION PARROQUIANOS cando tu sagrado y traspasado Corazón. Bienaventurada Madre, tú estuviste junto a tu Hijo en Su sufrimiento y muerte, permanece junto a mí, ruego, mienEXPOSICION DEL tras camino por esta vida. Ruega por mí y ofrecérmelo a tu SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Hijo, para que me lleve a su amoroso abrazo. Señor, Jesús, Hijo del Dios Viviente, ten misericordia de mí Cada Jueves en la Iglesia pecador. Señor, Jesús, Hijo del Dios Viviente, ten miseridespues de la misa de las cordia de mí pecador. Señor, Jesús, Hijo del Dios Viviente, 8:30am hasta la 1pm. ten misericordia de mí pecador. Madre María, Madre de nuestro Señor Crucificado, ruega VENID, Y ADOREMOS por nosotros que recurrimos a ti. Amén 214-5

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