Saint Michael Parish September 6, 2015
Rev. Arturo Chagala, Parochial Administrator Ms. Grace Galaschewski, Office Manager Sr. Jennie Catanese, M.S.B.T., Receptionist Saint Michael Church Founded 1831
1445 North Second Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 215-739-2358 Fax: 215-739-5766 E-mail
Immaculate Conception Church Front & Allen Streets Office hours at Saint Michael Monday-Thursday 9 -4:00 p.m. Friday 9 - 1:00 p.m.
Sunday Vigil (Saturday) 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. (IC) 11:30 a.m. (español) Daily Mass Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. Holy Days Noon at Immaculate Conception (IC) 7:00 p.m. at Saint Michael (bilingual) CONFESSIONS Saturday 4:15 p.m. to 4:50 p.m. & by request
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Saint Michael Parish has been a viable part of Fishtown/Northern Liberties for 182 years. We continue creating a community where all God’s children are treated with dignity & respect and where faith, hope and love/charity are abound. We welcome all new immigrants and visitors to our parish. La parroquia de Santo Michael ha sido una parte viable de Fishtown/Northern Liberties por 182 años. Continuamos creando una comunidad donde tratamos con dignidad y respeto los niños y donde la fe, la esperanza y el amor/la caridad es abundante. Damos la bienvenida a todos los nuevos inmigrantes y visitantes a nuestra parroquia.
September 6, 2015
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
The advent of the age of salvation is upon us: the deaf hear, the blind see, and those bowed down are raised up. The kingdom is made manifest around the Eucharistic table, where rich and poor alike are invited to feast. 9/6 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time
5:00 PM vigil Deceased Relatives & Friends` 8:30 AM Robert Campbell Sr. r/o James & Winnie O’Connor 10:00 AM The People of the Parish 11:30 AM David Ayala & his mother, Esmeralda r/o Pablo Ayala . 9/7 Monday Weekday - Labor Day 8:00 AM For the Unemployed 9/8 Tuesday The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8:00 AM Anna Charlton r/o Cookie Sullivan 9/9 Wednesday St. Peter Claver, Priest 8:00 AM Deceased Members—Floody Family r/o Lee & Sis Clemens 9/10
Thursday Weekday
8:00 AM Michael Wharton, 3rd Anniversary, r/o Barbara Galaschewski 9/11 Friday Weekday 8:00 AM For all Firefighters, Police, & Emergency Medical Technicians who service our Community 9/13 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time 5:00 PM vigil Ellen Callahan r/o Schindle Family 8:30 AM Thomas Rawlings r/o Alberta Brown 10:00 AM Frank Galaschewski r/o Galaschewski Family 11:30 AM The People of the Parish
SANCTUARY LIGHTS will burn in the Churches this week for the Deceased Members of the Floody Family requested by Lee & Sis Clemens.
SUNDAY COLLECTIONS: August 30, 2015 1st Collection $ 963.00 Mission Co-op (to date) $ 258.00 Catholic University (to date) $ 142.00 LITURGICAL MINISTERS September 13, 2015, 5:00 PM Lector & Euch. Min.: As Available 8:30 AM Lector: Walt Daskaluk Euch. Min.:Alberta Brown 10:00 AM Lector: Grace Galaschewski Euch. Min Maria Tanczak 11:30 AM Lectors: Cruz & Angelica Rodriguez Euch. Min.: As Available ====================================================================================
PLEASE NOTE: We are in need of donations for visitors who will be hosted by St. Michael’s during the Papal Visit. Please bring to the church after Sunday Masses the following: Water, milk, soda, orange juice, coffee, cereal, bread, cheese, ham, mayo, jelly. peanut butter. & chips. Thank you. ========================================================================
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Isabella Lederer, John Regler, Bianca Mercado, Joanne Sherman, Mary Zarowski, Dorothy Schill, Rosita Renta, Millie Adair, Olga Espada, Hilda Rodriguez, Pat Regler, Maria Cruz, Freddie Nagle our benefactors, those who have asked for our prayers & those who have no one to pray for them. .Also, remember in your prayers Our recent deceased: Catherine T. Wagner. Please note: If you wish to include the names of those in need of prayers, please call the rectory. The names will remain on the list for four weeks and then be removed unless otherwise notified.. Thank you.
New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses Welcome. Please call the rectory and make an appointment to register as soon as possible. Bienvenidos. Favor de llamar la rectoría y haga una cita para inscribirse lo mas antes posible. Change of Address/Cambio de Direccion Please notify the parish secretary if you plan to move. Favor de notificar la secretaria de la parroquia si planificas mudarse. Collection Envelopes/Sobres para la colecta Every working person should support the parish by regularly using their envelopes - they can be obtained by calling the rectory or filling out one of the “welcome” envelopes at the entrance of the church. Cada persona de trabajo debe habitualmente apoyar la parroquia usando los sobres—puedes obtenerlos llamando la rectoría o llenando unos de los sobres maracados “bienvenidos” en entrada de la iglesia. 214-1
September 6, 2015
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Baptism/Bautismos Call the Rectory to make arrangements. Parents and sponsors must attend an instruction class.
A great big THANK YOU to all of the volunteers who helped clean at Immaculate Conception on Saturday, August 15th. You did a wonderful job and the church looks beautiful. Llame la rectoría para hacer arreglos. Please contact Grace at St. Michael’s Padres y padrinos deben asistir (215-739-2358) to find out when clases de instrucción. the next scheduled cleaning will take place. Marriage/Matrimonio ===================================== Arrangements must be made six months in advance SAVIO BOY CHOIR AUDITIONS: Do you know a boy who loves to sing? in order to fulfill Diocesan requirements. Debe hacer arreglos seis meses de antemano para cumplir los requisitos diocesanos. Care for the Sick/Cuido para los enfermos In the occasion of an emergency call the rectory immediately. Call the rectory for visits at home to the elderly and infirm or when someone enters the hospital and wishes a visit from the parish priest. En caso de una emergencia llame la rectoría inmediatamente. Para visitas en casa de las personas mayores y enfermas o cuando alguien este en el hospital y desee una visita del sacerdote llame la rectoría. ===================================================
AN IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT St. Michael’s will be resuming Religious Education Classes this Fall We are happy to welcome to St. Michael’s our new Religious Education Coordinator. Gwendy Coronado & the Assistant Coordinator, Reina Martinez. Classes are scheduled to start on Saturday, September 12, 2015 Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. Registrations will be taken after all the Masses on Sunday; beginning this weekend. For more information regarding registration & the program: Please feel free to call Gwendy at 832-770-0238 or Reina at 469-867-2310
The Savio Boy Choir offers a rich musical & spiritual experience for boys in grades 2-8. Under the patronage of St. Dominic Savior, this world-class choir will tour locally in the U.S. & abroad in Europe. The choir is directed by Tom Windfelder, the former 25-year director of the Archdiocesan Boy Choir of Philadelphia. Auditions will be on Saturday, September 12. To schedule an audition please call: Director Tom Windfelder at 215-425-6995 or assistants Diana Boyle at 610-636-6060 & Amy Roat at 215-768-8479. For more information please visit our website at: =========================================
“Rachel’s Vineyard is at the Heart of the Church” Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats are for anyone hurting from the spiritual and emotional pain of an abortion. The weekend will help you experience the mercy and compassion of God; grieve your loss; and forgive yourself and others. Retreat Dates: October 2,3, & 4, 2015 at the Spirituality center in Frazier, PA Call 215-906-6337 or 610-399-0890 All contacts are confidential. National website: ======================================
************************* A Little Bit of Wisdom The only things worth learning are the things you learn after you know it all.
September 6, 2015
Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Sunday Scripture Reflections Reading 1 Isaiah 35:4-7a Times of fear and hopelessness make our hearts feel pinched and small. When the people of the kingdom of Judah were threatened by their enemies, God took pity on their fear and hopelessness. He sent the prophet Isaiah with a message that strengthened them. Isaiah foretold a time when God would come to save his people. The signs of God's coming would include the healing of the blind, the deaf, and the lame.
Domingo Escritura Reflexions Primera lectura Isaias 354-7a Los tiempos de desalientos hacen que nuestro corazón se sienta pequeño. Cuando la gente del reino de Judá fueron atemorizados por sus enemigos, Dios los miró con piedad. Dios envió al profeta Isaías con un mensaje de fortaleza. Isaías predijo un tiempo en que Dios vendría a salvar a su pueblo. Las señales de la venida del reino de Dios incluirían la cura de ciegos, sordos y cojos.
Estas señales de la venida del Mesías fueron cumplidas These signs of the Messiah's coming were later fulfilled en Jesús como el enviado de Dios. Los que seguimos a Jesús by Jesus as the One sent by God. We who follow him are somos llamados a compartir este trabajo de cuidar de los called to share his work of caring for the weak, the sick, débiles, lo enfermos y los más pobres entre nosotros. and the poor among us.
Reading 2 James 2:1-5 The expression "telling it like it is" definitely fits this reading. Saint James points a finger at the common practice of showing greater respect to the rich than to the poor. When this kind of discrimination is practiced in a church setting, it is an even greater offense than it is elsewhere. James reminds us that poor are especially loved by God and are chosen to be "rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom." As members of the faith community, we are to share God's love and concern for the poor who live in our midst. They may be poor in financial resources. Or they may be poor in spiritual or intellectual gifts. Whatever they lack, they are never to be discriminated against or thought less important than those who are not in any way poor.
Gospel Mark 7:31-37 What was promised in today's first reading we see fulfilled in this gospel story. A man who is deaf and suffers from a speech impediment is taken by his friends to see Jesus. Moved by the man's pitiful condition, Jesus takes him aside and performs a healing ritual. He concludes by praying that the man's senses "Be opened!" And the man begins immediately to hear and speak plainly. Despite Jesus' command to keep the miracle a secret, the crowd goes wild with excitement and spreads the news throughout the region. They praise Jesus because "He has done everything well!" Jesus, however, does not want them to expect a Messiah who will bring them political power and economic riches. He was a Messiah who used God's power only to serve others and not to avoid suffering himself.
Segunda lectura Santiago 2:1-5 La expresión "decirlo tal cual es" definitivamente encaja en esta lectura. Santiago señala con el dedo la práctica común de mostrar más respeto por los ricos que por los pobres. Cuando este tipo de discriminación se practica en la Iglesia, es aún más ofensivo que en otro lugar. Santiago nos recuerda que los pobres son amados por Dios de manera especial y son escogidos para ser "ricos en la fe y herederos del reino". Como miembros de la comunidad de fe, estamos llamados a compartir el amor y la preocupación de Dios con los pobres que viven en medio de nosotros. Puede que ellos sean pobres en recursos monetarios, o en dones intelectuales o espirituales. Sea lo que sea su carencia, nunca deben ser discriminados o tratados con menos importancia que los que no son pobres.
Evangelio Marcos 7:31-37 Lo prometido en la primera lectura de hoy lo vemos cumplirse en la historia del evangelio. Un hombre que es sordo y sufre de problemas del habla es llevado a Jesús por sus amigos para que lo cure. Jesús al ver la condición del pobre hombre lo lleva a un lado y hace un rito de sanación. Concluye rezando para que los sentidos del hombre se abran. El hombre empieza a hablar y a escuchar. A pesar del mandato de Jesús de mantener en secreto el milagro, la multitud enloquece y comienza a comentar la noticia por toda la región. Ellos alaban a Jesús porque "El ha hecho todas las cosas buenas". Jesús, sin embargo, no quiere que ellos esperen a un Mesías que les dé el poder político y económico. El era el Mesías que usaba el poder de Dios sólo para servir a otros y no para evitar sufrir. 214-3
September 6, 2015 Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time A FEW MORE QUOTES FROM POPE FRANCIS’ ENCYCLICAL…… “Our insistence that each human being is an image of God should not make us overlook the fact that each creature has its own purpose. None is superfluous. The entire material universe speaks of God’s love, his boundless affection for us.” “The created things of this world are not free of ownership: ‘For they are yours, O Lord, who love the living’. This is the basis of our conviction that, as part of the universe, called into being by one Father, all of us are linked by unseen bonds and together form a kind of universal family, a sublime communion which fills us with a sacred, affectionate and humble respect.” “A spirituality which forgets God as allpowerful and Creator is not acceptable. That is how we end up worshipping earthly powers, or ourselves usurping the place of God, even to the point of claiming an unlimited right to trample his creation underfoot.” “The best way to restore men and women to their rightful place, putting an end to their claim to absolute dominion over the earth, is to speak once more of the figure of a Father who creates and who alone owns the world. Otherwise, human beings will always try to impose their own laws and interests on reality.” ======================================= Please pray for the health and welfare of Pope Francis and all of those who will participate in the World Meeting of Families as well as all who live and work in the areas where he will be visiting. Por favor, oren por la salud y el bienestar del papa San Francisco y todos aquellos que quieran participar en el Encuentro Mundial de las familias, así como todos los que viven y trabajan en las zonas donde se va a viajar. ========================================
May we be in this world a ray of light that shines forth, bringing joy and peace to the hearts of all men and women.” Pope Francis
THE FEAST OF THE NATIVITY OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY The Catholic Church celebrates the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary on its traditional fixed date of September 8, nine months after the December 8 celebration of her Immaculate Conception. The circumstances of the Virgin Mary’s infancy & early life are not directly recorded in the Bible, but other documents & traditions describing the circumstances of her birth are cited by some of the earliest Christian writers from the first centuries of the Church. These accounts, although not considered authoritative in the same manner as the Bible, outline some of the Church’s traditional beliefs about the birth of Mary. The “Protoevangelium of James”, which was probably put into its final written form in the early second century, describes Mary's father, Joachim, as a wealthy member of one of the Twelve Tribes of Israel. Joachim was deeply grieved, along with his wife, Anne, by their childlessness. Joachim and Anne began to devote themselves extensively and rigorously to prayer and fasting, initially wondering whether their inability to conceive a child might signify God's displeasure with them. As it turned out, however, the couple were to be blessed abundantly as an angel revealed to Anne when he appeared to her and prophesied that all generations would honor their future child. After Mary’s birth, Anne “made a sanctuary” in the infant girl's room, and “allowed nothing common or unclean” on account of the special holiness of the child. When Mary was one year old, her father “made a great feast, and invited the priests, & the scribes, & the elders, & all the people of Israel.” The priest blessed the child saying: “O God of our fathers, bless this child, and give her an everlasting name to be named in all generations.” The Protoevangelium goes on to describe how Mary’s parents, along with the temple priests, subsequently decided that she would be offered to God as a consecrated Virgin for the rest of her life, and enter a chaste marriage with the carpenter Joseph. Saint Augustine described the birth as an event of cosmic and historic significance, and an appropriate prelude to the birth of Jesus Christ. He said, “She is the flower of the field from whom bloomed the precious lily of the valley.” 214-4
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