Saint Michael Parish July 7, 2019 Fourteenth Sunday Ordinary Time Rev. Arturo Chagala, Parochial Administrator Bernadette Brokars– Office Manager Saint Michael Church Founded 1831
1445 North Second Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 215-739-2358 Fax: 215-739-5766 E-mail
Immaculate Conception Church Front & Allen Streets Worship Ctr Office hours at Saint Michael Tuesday—Friday 9:30 a.m.— 1:00 p.m.
MASS /MISA Sunday Mass at St. Michael
9:30 a.m. English 11:30 a.m. Español Daily Mass at St. Michael Monday to Friday 8:30 Am Confessions Contact Father Artura
Collection June 9, was $701.00 Lector schedule back of church Saint Michael Parish has been a viable part of Fish town/Northern Liberties for 185 years. We continue creating a community where all God’s children are treated with dignity & respect and where faith, hope and love/charity are abound. We welcome all new immigrants and visitors to our parish. La parroquia de San Miguel ha sido una parte viable de Fishtown/Northern Liberties por 185 años. Continuamos creando una comunidad donde tratamos con dignidad y respeto a los niños y donde la fe, la esperanza y el amor/la caridad es abundante. Damos la bienvenida a todos los nuevos inmigrantes y vecinos a nuestra parroquia.
July 7, 2019
The Kingdom of God is at Hand Masses For the Week Sunday July 7, 2019 9:30 Victims of Abortion 11:30 Evangelization July 8, 2019 Monday Ordinary time 8:30 Newly ordained Priests July 9, 2019 Tuesday St Augustine 8:30 Pope Francis July 10, , 2019 Wednesday 8:30am Our Archbishop Charles July 11, 2019 Thursday St. Benedict People of Parish July 12, 2019 2019 Friday 8:30 Evangelization Sunday July 14,, 2019 Sunday Ordinary time 9:30 People of Parish 11:30 Newly ordained priests
Please Pray for our Sick Carmen Gonzalez, Samuel Biaggi, Gloria Mathis , Hanah Rauch Sissy Colville, , Bill Long, Dean Colville, Eileen Lederer, Cheryl Howards, Elaine Hoffman, Amador & Carmen Santiago, Sonny Dunbar, Sharon Micenec, Ray Fenner, John Halgen, Audrey Brown, Edward Campbell, Zoraida Caez, Edward Holmes, Henry Lucier, Sis Clemens, Ralph Berarducci, Maria Rivera, Isabella Lederer, Bianca Mercado, Dorothy Schill, Joseph Micenec, Olga Espada, and Hilda Rodriguez. Those who have asked for our prayers & those who have no one to pray for them.
July 7, 2019 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Those wishing to have their child bap zed. Need to call the office at least two months in advance to schedule the prepara on class. There is a fee for the class. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made with the pastor eight months in advance in order to fulfill Diocesan requirements. Couples rather than parents or wedding coordinators should contact the church. CARE FOR THE SICK: In the occasion of an emergency call the rectory immediately. Call the rectory for a visits at home to the elderly and inform or when someone enters the hospital and wishes a visit from the parish priest. SPONSORSHIP: To be a sponsor/godparent for Bap sm or Confirma on and receive a le er of eligibility from the Pastor, a person must be a registered member of the parish for a minimum of 6 months, at least 16 years of age, received all the Sacraments through Confirma on, a ending Mass faithfully, and Married sacramentally. Come or call the office to schedule a mass for your love ones.
SACRAMENTO DEL BAUTISMO: Aquellos que desean que sus hijos sean bautizados, Llamar a la oficina por lo menos dos meses por anticipado para registrarse y pagar por la clase de preparación al sacramento. SACRAMENTO DEL MATRIMONIO: Se deben hacer arreglos con el administrados parroquial, ocho meses antes y cumplir con los requisitos Diocesanos. CUIDADO DE LOS ENFERMOS: En ocasión de una Situación de emergencia, de enfermedad o visitas en casa o hospital y desea la visita del Párroco. PADRINOS: Padrino/madrina de Bautismo o confirmación y si Usted necesita recibir una carta comprobante del párroco la persona debe ser miembro registrado de la Parroquia por un mínimo de 6 meses, por lo menos 16 años de edad, recibió todos los Sacramentos hasta confirmación, asistir a la misa fielmente Y si es pareja, ser casado sacramentalmente. RECORDATORIO: Hay una serie de misas disponibles para honrar a tus seres queridos. Para programar una misa, llame o venga a la oficina.
ATTENTION ALL PARISHIONERS EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Every Thursday in the Church following the 8:30 a.m. mass un l 1:00 p.m No adora on July and August ——————————————————————————————
ATENCION FELIGRESES EXPOSICION DEL SANTISIMO SACRAMENTO Cada Jueves en la Iglesia despues de la misa de las 8:30 a.m. hasta la 1:00 p.m.
Venid y adoremos!
Today’s first readings focus on our need to focus on the providence of God as well as to embrace the cross (our commitments) of Jesus if we wish to partake of our new creation in Christ. Here are a few thoughts of St. Francis on the value of simplicity in becoming Christ-like: Simplicity is nothing else but a pure and simple act of charity. This act of simple charity has only one aim and one desire: to love God. (Conf. Coneiro, 96-7) Simplicity is a virtue. Truly simple persons spend their time with the Lord. Learn from the dove to love God in the simplicity of your heart. Doves have only one single partner for whom they do everything. They are quite certain of their love and happy to be in each other’s company. That is, obtain in yourselves an increase of divine love through the simplicity of your heart. (Conf. Coneiro, 97) Simplicity removes from our hearts all the worry and anxiety that we have searching to know the art of loving God. The only way we can experience and grow in the love of God is to start doing the things that please God. Simplicity includes all the means prescribed to each person, according to one’s particular vocation, to acquire God’s love. (Conf. Coneiro, 98) Simplicity is opposed to all kinds of subtlety, cheating and duplicity, which are ways we deceive our neighbor. Simplicity requires that our interior disposition match our exterior behavior. This does not imply that we ought to necessarily reveal exteriorly all our interior feelings. God’s love requires that we admit our agitated feelings so that we are able with God’s love to transform them so that they serve God’s good and wholesome purpose.. (Conf. Coneiro, 99-100). This is to say that by cooperating with God’s grace through the use of reason and our free will all of our destructive feelings become transformed through virtuous acts of doing God’s will. On the one hand we are told to take great care of our perfection and progress, and on the other hand not to think about it. The misery of the human spirit is that it never follows the middle course, but usually runs to extremes. It is these extremes that we must avoid. (Conf. Coneiro, p.103). In the end, true simplicity seeks our wellbeing in letting ourselves be led and directed absolutely by God’s Spirit. (Ibid)
San Miguel Arcángel,defendernos en la batalla, Sé nuestra protección contra la maldad y las trampas del diablo. Que Dios lo reprenda, oremos humildemente; y haz tú, oh príncipe de la hueste celestial,por el poder de Dios, arroja al infierno Satanás y todos los espíritus malignos que vagan por el mundo buscando la ruina de souan Amen
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