April 5, 2015 bulletin

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Saint Michael Parish April 5, 2015

Rev. Arturo Chagala, Parochial Administrator Ms. Maryellen Carroll, Director of Religious Education & Parish Services Ms. Grace Galaschewski, Office Manager Sr. Jennie Catanese, M.S.B.T., Receptionist Saint Michael Church Founded 1831

1445 North Second Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 215-739-2358 Fax: 215-739-5766 www.saintmichael.catholicweb.com

Immaculate Conception Church Front & Allen Streets Office hours at Saint Michael Monday-Thursday 9 -4:00 p.m. Friday 9 - 1:00 p.m.


Sunday Vigil (Saturday) 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. (IC) 11:30 a.m. (español) Daily Mass Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. Holy Days Noon at Immaculate Conception (IC) 7:00 p.m. at Saint Michael (bilingual) CONFESSIONS Saturday 4:15 p.m. to 4:50 p.m. & by request

¡Resucitó! ¡Aleluya!

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Saint Michael Parish has been a viable part of Fishtown/Northern Liberties for 182 years. We continue creating a community where all God’s children are treated with dignity & respect and where faith, hope and love/charity are abound. We welcome all new immigrants and visitors to our parish. La parroquia de Santo Michael ha sido una parte viable de Fishtown/Northern Liberties por 182 años. Continuamos creando una comunidad donde tratamos con dignidad y respeto los niños y donde la fe, la esperanza y el amor/la caridad es abundante. Damos la bienvenida a todos los nuevos inmigrantes y visitantes a nuestra parroquia.

April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

On this day of days we offer a joyful sacrifice of praise to the Father who raised his Son from the dead. Let us be intent upon the life Christ offers us, Christ our Passover who has been sacrificed. 4/5 Sunday

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

5:00 PM vigil 8:30 AM 10:00 AM 11:30 AM

All Masses today will be offered for all the Deceased & Living Members of the Parish

4/6 Monday within the Octave of Easter 8:00 AM Gregory Micenec r/o Bill Radlbeck 4/7 Tuesday within the Octave of Easter 8:00 AM In honor of St. Michael r/o Ralph Berarducci 4/8 Wednesday within the Octave of Easter 8:00 AM Deceased Members—Seibert & Sullivan Families r/o Cookie Sullivan 4/9 Thursday within the Octave of Easter 8:00 AM Mary Murphy Kinee r/o Kathleen Chorlton 4/10 Friday within the Octave of Easter 8:00 AM Ellen Burg, 3rd Anniversary, r/o Rosemary Campbell

4/12 2nd Sunday of Easter —Divine Mercy Sunday 5:00 PM vigil Francis McKeon r/o Kathleen Hackett 8:30 AM Soja Daskaluk, 25th Anniversary. r/o Walt Daskaluk 10:00 AM Betty & Stash Sebzda r/o Cookie Sullivan 11:30 AM Eladio Gonzalez r/o Geri McTear .

The SANCTUARY LIGHTS will burn in the Churches this week for John & Edith Callahan.

Sunday Collections: Due to holiday publication schedules this information will appear in a later bulletin. LITURGICAL MINISTERS April 12, 2015 5:00 PM Lector & Euch. Min.: As Available 8:30 AM Lector: Walt Daskaluk Euch, Min.: Maria Maldonado 10:00 AM Lector: Jean Robertson Euch. Min.: Maria Tanczak 11:30 AM Lectors: Cruz & Angelica Rodriguez Euch. Min.: As Available ================================= STEWARDSHIP: Alleluia! Christ is risen and is victorious over sin and death! We are good stewards of our faith if, like St. Paul, we share this good news whenever and wherever we can. ¡Aleluya! ¡Cristo ha resucitado y es victorioso sobre el pecado y la muerte! Somos buenos administradores de nuestra fe si, como San Pablo, compartimos esta buena nueva en todos los sitios y en todos los momentos en que podamos.

=================================== PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK:

Rev. Jim Brennan (Redemptorist), Dolores McGough, Mary Zarowski, Matthew Muldoon, Dorothy Schill, Rosita Renta, Millie Adair, Peggy Dunbar, Robert Campbell, Joseph Sheenan, Robert Kleinberg, Gilbert Velasquez, Olga Espada, Hilda Rodriguez, Diane Mills, Elizabeth Campbell, Pat Regler, Maria Cruz, Dolores Kelly, Marina Pagan, Freddie Nagle, our benefactors and all those who have asked for our prayers and those who have no one to pray for them.

New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses Welcome. Please call the rectory and make an appointment to register as soon as possible. Bienvenidos. Favor de llamar la rectoría y haga una cita para inscribirse lo mas antes posible. Change of Address/Cambio de Direccion Please notify the parish secretary if you plan to move. Favor de notificar la secretaria de la parroquia si planificas mudarse. Collection Envelopes/Sobres para la colecta Every working person should support the parish by regularly using their envelopes - they can be obtained by calling the rectory or filling out one of the “welcome” envelopes at the entrance of the church. Cada persona de trabajo debe habitualmente apoyar la parroquia usando los sobres—puedes obtenerlos llamando la rectoría o llenando unos de los sobres maracados “bienvenidos” en entrada de la iglesia. 214-1

April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Saturday, April 18 Baptism Class 10:00 -noon in the Rectory for all parents and godparents. Sunday, April 19 Parish Mission begins Sunday, April 26 beginning with the 8:30 a.m. Mass until noon. First Communion retreat & practice. Sunday, May 10 @ 11:30 a.m. Mass FIRST COMMUNION & May Procession

Estamos una gente de Pascua! Aleluya es nuestro canto! Después de seis semanas, nos traen de vuelta el ¡aleluya! Hemos caminado con Jesús a través de la Cuaresma, el Triduo (Jueves Santo, Viernes Santo y Vigilia Pascual) y se ha llegado a la cima de la Fe Cristiana. Jesús cumplió su promesa de resucitar de entre los muertos y de la Fe Cristiana. Escuchamos en el Evangelio que cuando las mujeres fueron a la tumba, estaba vacío pero que vieron a un hombre por que les dijo que “no tenga miedo.” Las mujeres no se dieron cuenta que estaban hablando de Cristo resucitado. Junto con el Aleluya!, traer de regreso la Gloria porque queremos gritar desde el tejado de nuestra felicidad en el Cristo resucitado, y dar alabanza y honor en el mensaje evangélico de amar a Dios con todo nuestro corazón y amar a nuestro prójimo como a nosotros mismos. Ser un ¡Aleluya! Personas y vivir su fe. Así que nos preguntamos: ∗¿se tiene miedo de lo que no sabemos o no podemos poner nuestra confianza en Dios y conocer a Dios nos llevará y nos ayuden a tratar con todo lo que ocurre en nuestra vida? ∗¿no se cantar y vivir el aleluya!? ¿no somos cristianos porque nuestras palabras y acciones ejemplifican Jesucristo? ∗¿que nos absorben el mensaje de la salvación que se nos ofrece de Jesucristo y hacer todo lo posible para tener una relación estrecha con el Rey de la Paz?

Thank you for participating in CRS Rice Bowl! Our parish helped make a difference in the lives of millions of people around the world suffering from poverty and hunger. To ensure that our donations will be put to use as soon as possible, please return your Rice Bowl by next Sunday, April 12. Gracias por participar en Plato de Arroz de CRS! Nuestra parroquia ayudó a mejorar la vida de millones de personas en todo el mundo que sufren pobreza y hambre. Para asegurar que nuestros donativos se usen para bien lo más pronto posible, devuelva su Plato de Arroz para de 12 Avril.

We are an Easter People! Alleluia is our song! After six weeks, we bring back the ALLELUIA! We have journeyed with Jesus through Lent and the Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Vigil) and have reached the pinnacle of the Christian Faith. Jesus fulfilled his promise to rise from the dead and the Christian Faith began. We hear in the Gospel that when the women went to the tomb it was empty but they saw a man close by that said to them “Do not be afraid.” The women did not realize that they were speaking to the Risen Christ. Along with the Alleluia!, we bring back the Gloria because we want to shout from the roof our happiness in the Risen Christ and give praise and honor to the Gospel message to love God with our whole heart and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Be an Alleluia! people and live your faith! So we ask ourselves: ∗Are we afraid of what we don’t know or do we place our trust in God and know God will lead us and help us deal with whatever happens in our lives? ∗Do we sing out and live the ALLELUIA!? Do people know we are Christians because our words and actions exemplify Jesus Christ? ∗Do we absorb the message of salvation offered to us from Jesus Christ and do everything we can to have a closer relationship with the King of Peace?


April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Happy Easter/Felizes Pascuas! From Father Arturo & staff!

An Easter Jelly Bean Poem GREEN the hill so far away. RED the blood he shed that day. PURPLE for the robe, He wore. BLACK for our sins our Savior bore. ORANGE is for the setting sun. YELLOW new day has begun. PINK the joy that Easter morn. White as snow, we are reborn.

The World Meeting of Families Prayer God and Father of us all, in Jesus, your Son and our Savior, you have made us your sons and daughters in the family of the Church. May your grace and love help our families in every part of the world be united to one another in fidelity to the Gospel. May the example of the Holy Family, with the aid of your Holy Spirit, guide all families, especially those most troubled, to be homes of communion and prayer and to always seek your truth and live in your love. through Christ our Lord. Amen. Jesus, Mary and Joseph pray for us!

Great Mission Coming soon to Saint Michael’s during the Easter Season. Pope Francis tells us : “All of us are called to offer others an explicit witness to the saving love of the Lord…..Our falling short of perfection should be no excuse; on the contrary., mission is a constant stimulus not to remain mired in mediocrity but to continue growing .” ( Joy of the Gospel 121)

Please plan to join us, in the park, beginning April 19 and for consecutive Sunday afternoons. More information forthcoming. 214-3

April 5, 2015

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Baptism/Bautismos Call the Rectory to make arrangements. Parents and sponsors must attend an instruction class. Llame la rectoría para hacer arreglos. Padres y padrinos deben asistir clases de instrucción. Marriage/Matrimonio Arrangements must be made six months in advance in order to fulfill Diocesan requirements. Debe hacer arreglos seis meses de antemano para cumplir los requisitos diocesanos. Care for the Sick/Cuido para los enfermos In the occasion of an emergency call the rectory immediately. Call the rectory for visits at home to the elderly and infirm or when someone enters the hospital and wishes a visit from the parish priest. En caso de una emergencia llame la rectoría inmediatamente. Para visitas en casa de las personas mayores y enfermas o cuando alguien este en el hospital y desee una visita del sacerdote llame la rectoría. Forming our Faith Any adult interested in receiving instruction in preparation for Confirmation or initiation into the Catholic Church, please call Maryellen at the Rectory.

La Salle Academy, 1434 North 2nd Street - Phila, a Catholic School (Grades 3-8) for students whose parents desire but can not afford a catholic education. Now accepting applications for students entering Third Grade 2015-2016 School Year. ∗Small classes (less than 15 students per instructor) ∗Extended day 8 am –5 pm ∗Saturday school five times a year ∗Extended year September—July ∗Tuition $250 per year ∗Call 215-739-5804 Open Doors to your Child’s Future La Salle Academy, una Escuela Católica (Grados 3-8) para estudiantes quell desean, pero no puede permitirse una educación católica. Ahora aceptando applicciones para los estudiantes entrando el ercer grado período 2015-2016 año escolar. ∗Las clases pequeñas (menos de 15 alumnos por instructor)

∗día Extendido 8 am a 5 pm sábado ∗escuela cinco veces al año ∗año extendido Septiembre de Julio ∗Matrícula de $250 por año ∗llamada


Puertas Abiertas para el futuro de su hijo The Catholic Charities Appeal is the Archdiocese of Philadelphia’s single most important fundraising initiative. The 2015 Catholic Charities Appeal: GIVING HOPE continues to build on last year’s success and reach out to the entire Catholic community of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia. Catholic Charities Appeal es la iniciativa para recaudar fondos más importante de la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia. Catholic Charities Appeal 2015: DAR ESPERANZA continúa mejorando gracias al éxito y la cooperación del año pasado de toda la comunidad católica de la Arquidiócesis de Filadelfia.

¡Ayude por favor a nuestros vecinos en necesidad viven una vida mejor!

Encuentro Mundial de las Familias Oración Dios y Padre de todos nosotros, en Jesús, tu Hijo y nuestro Salvador, que nos han convertido en sus hijos e hijas en la familia de la Iglesia. Que tu gracia y amor ayudar a nuestras familias en todas las partes del mundo se unen entre sí en la fidelidad al Evangelio. Que el ejemplo de la Sagrada Familia, con la ayuda de tu Espíritu Santo, guía a todas las familias, especialmente aquellas con más problemas, como los hogares de la comunión y la oración y buscar siempre su verdad y vivir en su amor. Por Cristo nuestro Señor. Amén . Jesús, María y José, ruega por nosotros! 214-4

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