Saint Michael Parish December 6, 2015
Rev. Arturo Chagala, Parochial Administrator Ms. Grace Galaschewski, Office Manager Sr. Jennie Catanese, M.S.B.T., Receptionist Saint Michael Church Founded 1831
1445 North Second Street Philadelphia, PA 19122 215-739-2358 Fax: 215-739-5766 E-mail
Immaculate Conception Church Front & Allen Streets Office hours at Saint Michael Monday-Thursday 9 -4:00 p.m. Friday 9 - 1:00 p.m.
Sunday Vigil (Saturday) 5:00 p.m. 8:30 a.m., 10:00 a.m. (IC) 11:30 a.m. (español) Daily Mass Mon-Fri 8:00 a.m. Holy Days Noon at Immaculate Conception (IC) 7:00 p.m. at Saint Michael (bilingual) CONFESSIONS Saturday 4:15 p.m. to 4:50 p.m. & by request
Second Sunday of Advent
Saint Michael Parish has been a viable part of Fishtown/Northern Liberties for 182 years. We continue creating a community where all God’s children are treated with dignity & respect and where faith, hope and love/charity are abound. We welcome all new immigrants and visitors to our parish. La parroquia de Santo Michael ha sido una parte viable de Fishtown/Northern Liberties por 182 años. Continuamos creando una comunidad donde tratamos con dignidad y respeto los niños y donde la fe, la esperanza y el amor/la caridad es abundante. Damos la bienvenida a todos los nuevos inmigrantes y visitantes a nuestra parroquia. 1
December 6, 2015
Second Sunday of Advent
The Lord has done great things, leading his people out of slavery to the glorious splendor of Jerusalem. Let us make ready the way of the Lord by abounding in love and in works of justice. 12/6
2nd Sunday of Advent 5:00 PM vigil The People of the Parish 8:30 AM George Brown, 15th Anniversary r/o Alberta & Family 10:00 AM Joseph & Sophie Floody r/o Lee & Sis Clemens 11:30 AM En Honor a Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe
12/7 Monday St. Ambrose, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 8:00 AM
Robert Campbell r/o James & Winnie O’Connor
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9:30 AM LaSalle Academy Mass 12 noon (I.C.) The People of the Parish 7:00 PM (St.M.) The People of the Parish 12/9 Wednesday St. Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin 8:00 AM Health of Fred Nagle r/o Fred Nagle
will burn in the Churches this week for the Deceased Members of the Clemens Family at the request of Sis & Lee Clemens
SUNDAY COLLECTIONS: 1st Collection Block Collection (to date) St. Charles Seminary (to date)
Nov. 22, 2015 $ 1,549.00 $ 578,00 $ 846.00
LITURGICAL MINISTERS December 13, 2015 5:00 PM Lector & Euch. Min.: As Available 8:30 AM Lector: Bernadette Zotter Euch. Min.: Cass Micenec 10:00 AM Lector: Jean Robertson Euch. Min.: Grace Galaschewski 11:30 AM Lectors: Mercedes Sanchez/Nelly Cintron Euch. Min.: As Available ====================================================================================
12/10 Thursday Advent Weekday 8:00 AM Rev. Paul A. Wiedmann—Deceased 12/11 Friday 8: 00 AM
St. Damasus I, Pope
12/13 3rd Sunday of Advent 5:00 PM vigil Joseph & Vella Farrell, 50th Anniversary r/o Their Children 8:30 AM Betty Brooks r/o Kathleen Chorlton 10:00 AM Patricia Johnston r/o Colleen Johnston 11:30 AM The People of the Parish
PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK: Sis Clemens, Ralph Berarducci, Barbara Schindle, Maria Rivera, Osealdo Rodriguez, Joseph Galdo, Isabella Lederer, Bianca Mercado, Joanne Sherman, Mary Zarowski, Dorothy Schill, Rosita Renta, Millie Adair, Olga Espada, Hilda Rodriguez, Pat Regler, Maria Cruz, Freddie Nagle, our benefactors, those who have asked for our prayers & those who have no one to pray for them. Remember also to pray for all our deceased relatives and friends.
New Parishioners/Nuevos Feligreses Welcome. Please call the rectory and make an appointment to register as soon as possible. Bienvenidos. Favor de llamar la rectoría y haga una cita para inscribirse lo mas antes posible. Change of Address/Cambio de Direccion Please notify the parish secretary if you plan to move. Favor de notificar la secretaria de la parroquia si planificas mudarse. Collection Envelopes/Sobres para la colecta Every working person should support the parish by regularly using their envelopes - they can be obtained by calling the rectory or filling out one of the “welcome” envelopes at the entrance of the church. Cada persona de trabajo debe habitualmente apoyar la parroquia usando los sobres—puedes obtenerlos llamando la rectoría o llenando unos de los sobres maracados “bienvenidos” en entrada de la iglesia. 214-2
December 6, 2015
Second Sunday of Advent l
The second candle is lit …… The second candle is called the “Bethlehem Candle” or the Candle of Preparation and symbolizes FAITH. God kept his promise of a Savior who would be born in Bethlehem. Preparation means to “get ready”. Help us to be ready to welcome YOU, O GOD ! As it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the Prophet: “A voice of one calling in the desert, Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him. Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low. The crooked roads shall become straight, the rough ways smooth. And all mankind will see God’s salvation.” (Luke 3:4-6)
This week we celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Some background information: A feast called the Conception of Mary arose in the Eastern Church in the 7th Century. It came to the West in the 8th Century. In the 11th Century it received its present name, the Immaculate Conception. In the 18th Century it became a feast of the universal Church. It is now recognized as a Solemnity. In 1854, Pius IX solemnly proclaimed: “The most Blessed Virgin Mary, in the first instant of her conception, by a singular grace and privilege granted by almighty God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the savior of the human race, was preserved free from all stain of original sin.” “Adorned from the first instant of her conception with splendors of an entirely unique holiness, the Virgin of Nazareth is, on God’s command, greeted by an angel messenger as ‘full of grace’ To the heavenly messenger she replies: ‘Behold the handmaid of the Lord, be it done to me according to thy word'. (Luke 1:38) ”( Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, 56).
Today we celebrate this solemnity on December 8th and it is a Holy Day of Obligation. ======================================= THE JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY
HOLY YEAR OF MERCY PRAYER Lord Jesus Christ, Send your spirit and consecrate every one of us with its anointing, so the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace from the Lord and your church. With renewed enthusiasm bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives and the oppressed and restore sight to the blind. We ask this through the intercession of Mary, Mother of Mercy, you who live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit for ever and ever. Amen. “Let Us Remember The Golden Rule: Do Unto Others, As You Would Have Them Do Unto You.” “It is a favorable time to heal wounds, a time to offer everyone the way of Forgiveness and Reconciliation.” (Pope Francis)
The Holy Year of Mercy will open on December 8, 2015, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. On that day, the Holy Door will become a Door Of Mercy through which anyone who enters will experience the love of God who consoles, pardons, and instills hope… in every local Church., at the cathedral—the mother church of the faithful in any particular area—or, alternately, at the co-cathedral or another church of special significance, a Door of Mercy will be opened for the duration of the Holy Year. At the discretion of the local ordinary, a similar door may be opened at any Shrine frequented by large groups of pilgrims, since visits to these holy sites are so often grace-filled moments, as people discover a path to conversion. I have chosen the date of December 8th because of its rich meaning in the recent history of the Church… The Jubilee year will close with the liturgical Solemnity of Christ the King on November 20, 2016. On that day, as we seal the Holy Door, we shall be filled above all, with a sense of gratitude and thanksgiving to the Most Holy Trinity for having granted us an extraordinary time of grace. ( Pope Francis) 214-3
December 6, 2015
Second Sunday of Advent
Sunday Scripture Reflections Reading 1 Baruch 5:1-9
Domingo Escritura Reflexions Primera lectura Baruc 5:1-9
Perhaps you noticed right away that the author of this reading is a poet. He is filled with hope and joy as he assures the Israelites in exile that God will bring them back to the holy city of Jerusalem. They are suffering very much because they are far from their homeland. But their return will be such a joyful event that even the mountains, the valleys, and the forests will do what they can to make the journey easier! In this beautiful vision of the future, the people have God¹s "mercy and justice for company." Advent is a time for making progress on our faith journey. Take time to give thanks for God's mercy and justice in your life.
Quizás de das cuenta inmediatamente de que el autor de esta lectura es un poeta. El está lleno de esperanza y gozo cuando asegura a los israelitas en el exilio que Dios los llevará de nuevo a la ciudad de Jerusalén. Ellos están sufriendo mucho porque están lejos de su país. Pero su regreso será un evento lleno tan alegre que las montañas, los valles, las forestas harán todo lo posible para que el viaje sea fácil. Esta es una hermosa visión del futuro, el pueblo tiene la "misericordia, y la justicia" de Dios por compañía. El adviento es tiempo para progresar en nuestro peregrinaje de fe. Toma un momento para dar gracias a Dios por su misericordia y justicia para contigo.
Reading 2 Philippians 1:4-6, 8-11
Segunda lectura Filipenses 1:4-6, 8-11
In his letter to the Christians at Philippi, a city in Macedonia, Paul makes two things clear. The first is his great love and affection for the Philippians, who have helped him in his ministry. The second is his hope that they will continue to become more and more like Christ. Paul is looking forward to the second coming of Christ. And he wants to make sure that all Christ's followers will be ready to receive him when he comes. What will you do during this second week of Advent to show that you, too, are becoming more like Christ? ?
En su carta a los cristianos de Filipos, ciudad de Macedonia, Pablo deja dos cosas clears. La primera es su gran amor y afecto por los filipenses, quienes le ayudaban en su ministerio. La segunda es su esperanza de que ellos sigan siendo más y más como Cristo. Pablo está mirando hacia la segunda avenida de Cristo y quiere asegurarse de que todos los seguidores de Cristo estén listos para recibirlo cuando llegue. ¿Qué harás durante la segunda semana de Adviento para mostrar que te estás pareciendo a Cristo?
Gospel Luke 3:1-6 Why do you suppose Luke makes such an effort to pin down the historical timing of the preaching of John the Baptist? He gives us a complete rundown of Roman and Jewish leaders who were in power. Luke wants us to realize that John, a "common man" chosen by God, is much more important than any worldly ruler, because he is the herald who announces the Lord's coming. John urges the people to be baptized as a sign of their repentance for their sins. When they do this, they will make the path clear for Christ to come into their lives. Then all people "shall see the salvation of God."
Evangelio Lucas 3:1-6 ¿Cómo crees que Lucas se esforzó para puntualizar el histórico tiempo de la prédica de Juan el Bautista? El nos da una completa explicación de los líderes romanos y judíos en el poder. Lucas quiere que nos demos cuenta de que Juan, un "hombre común" escogido por Dios, es mucho más importante que muchos gobernantes, porque él es el heraldo que anuncia la venida del Señor. Juan urge al pueblo a que se bautice como señal de arrepentimiento de sus pecados. Cuando se arrepientan harán un camino claro para que Cristo venga a sus vidas. Entonces todo el pueblo "verá la salvación de Dios". 214-4
December 6, 2015 Second Sunday of Advent Baptism/Bautismos Call the Rectory to make arrangements. Parents and sponsors must attend an instruction class. Llame la rectoría para hacer arreglos. Padres y padrinos deben asistir clases de instrucción. Marriage/Matrimonio Arrangements must be made six months in advance in order to fulfill Diocesan requirements. Debe hacer arreglos seis meses de antemano para cumplir los requisitos diocesanos. Care for the Sick/Cuido para los enfermos In the occasion of an emergency call the rectory immediately. Call the rectory for visits at home to the elderly and infirm or when someone enters the hospital and wishes a visit from the parish priest. En caso de una emergencia llame la rectoría inmediatamente. Para visitas en casa de las personas mayores y enfermas o cuando alguien este en el hospital y desee una visita del sacerdote llame la rectoría.
ATENCIƠN EL DIA DE HOY MISA: DOMINGO 12/6/15 11:30 AM EN HONOR A NUESTRA SENORA DE GUADALUPE Despues un compartir en el Hall de San Miguel VEN BIENVENIDO TODOS A todos los parroquianos de les invita a participar en la recepción. Por favor traer bocadillos y bebidas para compartir. All parishioners are invited to participate in a reception in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe today, December 6th, after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. It will take place in St. Michael’s Hall. Please bring some refreshments and drinks to share if you are able. Thank you.
COMING EVENTS OF NOTE……… FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2015 The procession in honor of Our Lady of Guadalupe towards the Cathedral will take place on this date. We will gather at St. Michael’s at 6:30 p.m. and will join the Visitation parishioners. The procession is followed by a Mass at the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. ALL ARE WELCOME !! La procesión en honor a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe hacia la catedral seró el ll de Diciembre. Nos reuniremos en San Miguel a las 6:30 p.m. y nos juntaremos con los parroquianos de Visitation. La procesión es seguida por la Misa en la Catedral. VEN BIENVENIDO TODOS ========================================== SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2015 All parishioners are invited to participate in our parish “POSADA” - a way to transmit faith and pray together with our families as we sing traditional songs or carols. Please bring your favorite dish to share or drinks. The event will be after the 11:30 a.m. at St. Michael’s. POSADA PARROQUIAL Invitamos a todos los parroquianos a participar en la posada parroquial, - un modo de transmitir fe y orar juntos con nuestras familias mientras cantamos villancicos. Por favor traer su platillo favorito para compartir. El evento será December 20th después de la Misa de 11:30 a.m. en San Miguel. ===========================================
HEAR YE! HEAR YE! CONCERT COMING! The SAVIO BOY CHOIR (formerly the Archdiocesan Boys Choir) under the direction of our own Tom Windfelder, will be presenting a Concert at the Immaculate Conception Church located at Front & Allen Streets on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2015 Time: 6:00 p.m. The cost - A Free Will Offering All Are Welcome 214-5
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