Ali Fox "Me, Unique?" Children's book

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Me Unique?

Written By: Holly Moede and Amanda Van Handel Illustrated By: Ali Fox

“Me, Unique?” was written by Holly Moede and Amanda Van Handel and Illustrated by Ali Fox.

Me Unique?

This children’s book was created in Art 130, Introduciton to Design in collaboration with Dr. Johnson’s education class at St. Norbert College. It was published in the Spring of 2016. The font used in this book was Cooper Standard. The illustrations are personally drawn by hand and colored in with sharpie and colored pencil.

Written By: Holly Moede and Amanda Van Handel Illustrated By: Ali Fox

I walk into school today feeling upset. I think all of my friends are better than I am because they have talents School

On the playground I see Kira jumping rope with her eyes closed. I look at Kira and say, “I can’t even jump well with my eyes open on two feet,” I drop my head.

Kira tells me, “Juan you are unique because you are always the fastest runner in tag.”

Back in our classroom I tell Omar, “You are so good at math because you can count to 300 by 5s in less than a minute. I can’t even count to 100 by 5s in a minute.”

Omar then tells me, “But Juan, you are unique because you can read a chapter book and I can’t even read a chapter!”

At lunch, everyone sits by Leo first. I wonder, “Why does no one want to sit by me? They always want to sit by Leo. I don’t have any friends.” Leo tells me, “Juan you are unique because you always make our friends laugh. That’s why they sit by us.”

In the art room, Omar always tells Nina that her artwork is amazing. He never tells me that my artwork is amazing. I’m not a good artist.

Nina says, “Juan, you are unique because every time the art teacher needs an example, she uses yours!”

Finn tells me, “Juan you are unique because you never miss a basket when we shoot them in basketball. It takes me three tries to make one.”

When I get to gym I see Finn and say, “Everytime that you get the ball in kickball you score a homerun. Everytime I kick when we play I miss the ball.”

After hearing all of these things that are “unique” about me I go home to ask Mom and Dad what “unique” means. Mom tells me that unique means something that is special about me--that makes me different from other people. I tell Dad that I don’t want to be different. Dad tells me that being different is what makes me Juan--just like my talents do. I guess it’s a good thing to be unique! I can’t wait to tell my friends at school tomorrow.

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