St. Peter AME Church Members Manual 2014-2015

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Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in: Jerusalem lies in ruins, and its gates have been burned with fire. Come, let us rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, and we will no longer be in disgrace. Nehemiah 2:17

‘From Mess to Miracle’

“With God and Each Other, We Cannot Fail”

St. Peter AME Church

TABLE OF CONTENTS A Word from the Pastor………………………………….…………………………………...3 Immediate Implementation………………………………………………..………………….4 Church Administrative Staff……………………………………………….............................5 Objectives & Goals………………………………………………………..…...........................6 How to Get Things Done……………………………………………..….….…....................7-8 Organization and Board Chairs………………………………………..……….....................9 Elected Positions………………………………………………………….…………………..10 Commission Descriptions Membership & Evangelism………………………………………...............................11 Christian Education……………………………………………..…….........................11 Mission & Welfare…………………………………………..………………………...12 Stewardship & Finance……………………………………………….........................12 Public Relations…………………………………………………..…………………....13 Christian Social Action……………………………………..………………………....13 Health…………………………………………………………………………………..13 Commission Chairs………………………………………………………..……....................13 Ministerial Staff…………………………………………………………..……......................14 Forms (all forms may be found on the St. Peter website) Official Board Report………………………………………………………………..............15 Monthly Budget Report………………………………………………...................................16 Quarterly Conference Report……………………………………………………….............17 Baptism………..………………………………………………………………………………18 Central Budget Voucher Request…………………………………...………………………19 Announcement Request…………………………………………...…………………………20 Birthdays, Wedding Anniversary…………………………….………..................................21 Benevolence Assistance………………………………………….….......................................22 Pastoral Conference/Counseling…………………………………………………………….23 Pastoral Conference Disclosure………………………………….………………….............24 Calendar of Events………………………………………………………………………..25-26

A Word from the Pastor No other words are better suited to begin this message than those words from Charles Wesley’s hymn: A charge to keepI have, A God to glorify, A never dying soul to save and fit it for the sky. Our God is sovereign, omnipresent, omniscient, and eternal; and we are glad about it. I am eternally grateful for this opportunity to serve the Saved, Sanctified, and Spirit-filled Soldiers of St. Peter this Conference Year. This New Year will bring changes, challenges and opportunities. We must strive for greater excellence in Jesus Christ. Our worship services must be full of Spirit and life. We know that only “by the mercies of God (we) present our bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our reasonable Service.” (Romans 12:1) After much prayer and careful consideration, the Lord has given me the vision for Saint Peter this Conference Year. We will use as a theme: “From Mess To Miracle.” Our scriptural reference is Nehemiah 2:17. When Nehemiah had considered the matter and the shape Jerusalem and her walls were in, he told the Jews that God had put it into his heart to build the walls of Jerusalem, that there would be no more reproach. He does not undertake to do it without them, but he challenged them to work together to fulfill the vision that God had given him. Nehemiah showed us by stirring up ourselves and one another, to that which is good, we strengthen ourselves and one another for the task ahead. When we encourage and inspire others, we put teamwork into action to accomplish God's goals. If our church is to not only survive and be a beacon of life and light for our community, St. Peter must strive to become a multicultural, multi-generational church family, where the word of God is preached/taught/song, and all are welcome no matter what walk of life they come from. We must minister to the needs of our congregants and the community meeting their spiritual, physical, emotional, psychological and financial needs. We are to be the voice of the least, the lost, the left out and the looked over. Love, Faith, Family and forgiveness must be our watchwords. “With God and Each Other, We Cannot Fail.” Yours In Christ! Steven D. Shepard, Sr., Pastor 3 - St. Peter AME Church

I would like to propose the following items for immediate implementation. Community Outreach Programs: God is still calling for us to move beyond the boundaries of the four walls of our church and reach out into the community in which we live and worship. We must become part of the “Workable Solution” to crime, poverty, hunger, education, unemployment, health care and social justice on all fronts. We must look beyond our clothes and our appearance. But rather focus on the heart and soul. If we get them here, God will clean them up. We will partner, collaborate with, and work hand-and-hand with “Project Uplift” to provide our community with outreach programs that provides relief, hope, and self-help programs. Leadership Seminars: In addition to ongoing teaching on Stewardship; giving and tithing, we will give ourselves to a serious of workshops for all those who are in leadership positions and who fill the pews in our church. I call upon the Commission on Christian Education in conjunction with the Organized Lay to conduct “Know Your Church” Workshops throughout the year to equip the Saints for Service. Evangelism: I am asking the Commission on Membership and Evangelism and each member of the clergy staff to work with me on soul-winning and bringing new members into our church by canvassing our communities and neighbors, having revivals and training each member of our congregation on how to effectively witness and bring new members into our church. It is our prayer that through this training and our collaborative efforts, we will gain 50(+) new members between the ages of 20-40. Benevolence Committee: This committee will consist of persons who will assist in meeting the specific missions of the local church, the poor and indigent. Specific guidelines have/will be set in place to insure strict accountability and confidentiality.

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CHURCH ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Pastoral Appointment/Elected Positions Chief Executive Officer………………………The Reverend Steven D. Shepard, Sr. Administrative Assistant………………………………………….Sister Terri Moore Office Manager...………………………………………….Sister Patricia Henderson Official Board Secretary……………………… Official Board Corresponding Secretary……… Church Facilities Manager………………………………………..Brother Leon King Church Custodian………………………………………………Brother Harvey Lacy Church Statistician…………………………….. Church Treasurer……………………………… Church Financial Secretary…………………………………….Sister Carnecia Cole Wedding Coordinator………………………………………….. Sister Carnecia Cole Minister of Music……………………………………………….Brother Donald Gill Director of Music……………………...Sister Larketta Patterson, Sister Terri Moore Pianist/Organist………………………………………….……....Brother Donald Gill Percussionist……………………………………………...............Brother Leon King Visitation Chair………………………………………………...Rev. Barbara Ballard

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OBJECTIVES AND GOALS · Stewardship: Save 10-15% of weekly income. · Increase Church Membership by 50-plus members. · Archive Church records. · Implement Singles Ministry · Implement Couples Ministry · Create “Welcome Packets” for Church visitors · Implement Weekly Church Staff Meetings. · Yearly Audit of Church Finances (outside agency). · Increase Income Revenue (Tithes and Offerings). · Continue to build better relationships. · Plan and execute “Living Legends” Gala. · Increase youth/young adult presence and participation in worship. · Plan and execute a Women's Conference · Plan and execute a Brother 2 Brother Conference · Plan and execute a Youth and Young Adult Weekend Conference · Increase awareness and participation in Feeding Ministries · Collaborate with Project Uplift · Quarterly “Meet and Greet” (Class Leaders Council). · Annual Easter Prayer & Praise Breakfast led by our WMS. · Inventory all church property and assess net-worth of church owned equipment. · Raise $500,000.00 (+) this Conference year to satisfy our budgeted items, make needed repairs and provide savings. 6 - St. Peter AME Church

HOW TO GET THINGS DONE Altar Flowers: Commemorative floral arrangements placed in the pulpit for special occasions (e.g., memorials) will be handled by the Altar Guild. Baptisms: Baptisms will be held monthly when requested. All persons to be baptized should contact the Church office to schedule a meeting with the Pastor. Benevolent Assistance: Emergency assistance is sometimes available to those in need. An application should be made to the benevolence committee. All requests for enormous financial assistance and long-term care will be referred to Project Uplift and available resources within our community. Bulletin Announcements: Your announcements should be completed and hand delivered, faxed or emailed to the Church office by Wednesday of each week no later than 1pm. Please do not phone your notice to be announced or placed in the bulletin. Death/Funeral Arrangements: To report the death of a church member or of a loved one, please contact the Pastor immediately. He is on call 24 hours. If unable to reach the Pastor, please call the Church office and provide as much information as possible. Please do not set the date and time of the service without consultation and confirmation from the Pastor. It is the recommendation of the Pastor that funerals for church members be held at the church. A full funeral packet will be shared with the family during bereavement consultation. Spiritual Guidance: Is available free of charge to all members who wish to speak with the Pastor. However, referrals are made to other counseling and psychiatric services when necessary. New Members’ Orientation: All new members are required to attend New Members’ Training Orientation. New Members’ classes are conducted each 2nd Sunday following morning worship service. The purposes of these classes are to provide NEW MEMBERS and CHURCH SEEKERS an opportunity to build some relations and review the doctrine and organizational structure of Saint Peter A.M.E. Church. The Objectives of New Members’ Orientation is to: (1) Get to know the Pastor. (2) Meet other newcomers. (3) Encourage spiritual growth. (4) Learn about Saint Peter's vision, values and goals. (5) Understand membership commitments and have an opportunity to join, if desired. All members are welcome to attend. Church Office Hours: The church office will be open from 10am-5pm, Tuesday through Friday of each week. The Pastor’s Executive and Administrative Assistants are available each day for business and to assist you. The nature of the Pastorate demands flexible hours. Persons who desire to see the Pastor about church business are advised to call the office and schedule an appointment. Yes, the Pastor has a demanding schedule, but he is never too busy for his members. Therefore, members should always feel free to contact the Pastor about personal concerns 7 - St. Peter AME Church

HOW TO GET THINGS DONE Church Staff Personnel: The staff members provided for in-the-church budget will be under the direct supervision of the Pastor, and will be held accountable to him in all that pertains to the work. The Pastor will have the sole responsibility of hiring or dismissing any member of the paid staff. Staff Meetings: Staff meetings are held weekly at 11:00 a.m., on Thursdays. The purpose of these meetings provides the Pastor and Staff an opportunity to review the immediate church administrative needs and ensure sound communication between staff members. Members of our congregation are welcome to attend these meetings. Sick and Shut-in: To report the illness of a member(s), contact the Class Leader and the Church office. Please provide the name of the hospital or health care facility, room number or nursing home information, so the Pastor and his visitation team can respond to the individual needs of our sick and shut-in members. Members scheduled for surgery are encouraged to notify the Pastor immediately. Media Ministry: If you wish to purchase a CD of our worship services, please contact the church office or submit a written request to place your order. CDs are available for a $5.00 donation. CDs will be provided at no charge to our sick and shut-in members upon request. Weddings: To arrange a wedding, please contact the Church Office and arrange a consultation with the Pastor. The date and time of the ceremony will be established by the minister and the couple, in accordance with the availability of the facilities. We will make every effort to accommodate the desires of the couple where possible and feasible. The coordination of weddings is handled by our Wedding Coordinator, who will be available to assist you in the planning of the matrimonial ceremony. Facilities Usage: Individuals and organizations desiring the use of any of the church facilities should contact the Church Office Manager or Facilities Manager to schedule your date and time. No items should be loaned out or otherwise removed from the church except for church purposes. Vouchers: The voucher is the only “official� way to request funds from the church treasury. Vouchers should be submitted two weeks prior to the scheduled event (if possible), with all supporting documents attached. If/when the voucher is approved by the Pastor; check(s) will be available on Friday, after 2pm. End of Year Financial Statement: If you would like to request your end of the year giving statement, please do so in writing to the church treasurer or church financial secretary. Statement(s) will be ready for distribution no late than January 28, of each year. Statements will not be given to anyone other than the person(s) they are for unless requested in writing.

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ORGANIZATION AND BOARD CHAIR Steward Board…………………………………………....…….Sister Jacqui Phillips Trustee Board……………………………………………………...Sister Diana Mays Class Leaders’ Council..……………..……………………........Sister Wanda Moose Deaconess Board…………………………………………………Mother Cheryl Irby Stewardess Board………………………………………………...Mother Cheryl Irby Lay Organization…………………………………………………...Sister Pat Samuel Women’s Missionary Society……………………………….........Sister Sonja Harris Young People’s Department Director ………………..........Sister Crystal Henderson Young People’s Department President…………………Brother Carvone Henderson Men’s Chorus...………………………………………………..Brother Darryl Colvin Daughters of Destiny………………………………. Saving our Sons Young Men Ministry……………………………..To Be Appointed Sunday School Superintendent………………………………Brother Sam McCauley Adult Usher Board…………………………….……..………...Sister Jacquie Young Inspirational Choir………………………………………………Sister Gwen Phillips Children/Youth Choir…………………………………… Prayer Ministry………………………………………….Evangelist Charley Johnson Adult Liturgical Dancers…………..……………..........Sister Sommer Harris-Nance, Evangelist Charley Johnson Scholarship Committee………………………………………….Sister Nonetta Sode Seniors’ Ministry…………………………………………….......Mother Cheryl Irby Benevolence Committee………………..................................... Nurses’ Unit/Health Ministry…………………………………Sister Helen Williams Bereavement Ministry………………………………………….Rev. Barbara Ballard Visitation Ministry……………………………………………..Rev. Barbara Ballard Food Panty Ministry……………………...Mother Cheryl Irby, Sister Wanda Moose Hospitality Committee………………… Media Ministry…………………………………………….........Brother Mark Carter Ed Wilson Men’s Guild Ministry……………………............Brother Darryl Franklin Wedding Coordinator…………………………………………...Sister Carnecia Cole 9 - St. Peter AME Church

ELECTED POSITIONS Church Conference Recording Secretary

Official Board Recording Secretary

Corresponding Secretary

Quarterly Conference Recording Secretary Elected by the Quarter

Annual Conference Delegate:


Youth Delegate:

District Steward

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COMMISSION DESCRIPTION The Pastor shall be the chairperson of the Commission on Stewardship and Finance and the ex-officio chairperson on other commissions. The chairperson for each commission shall be a Steward, and therefore a member of the Official Board and Quarterly Conference, to which he/she is amenable, with the exception of the Commission on Missions and Welfare, whose chairperson may be either a Steward or a Trustee. They shall make monthly reports to the Official Board and also quarterly reports to the Quarterly Conference. The members of the Commissions shall be elected by the Church Conference, except the Commission on Christian Education shall be composed of the Pastor, The Superintendent of Church School, President of the Allen Christian Fellowship, Director of the Young People’s Division and additional members who shall be nominated by the Pastor. Each commission shall be composed of no fewer than three, no more than seven members, who are in good and regular standing in the AME church and eighteen years of age or over. The Commission on Stewardship and Finance shall be composed of an equal number of Stewards and Trustees, plus Official Board members-at-large. The total number of persons on this commission shall not be fewer then three, or more than nine. The commission shall only meet at the call of the chair. MEMBERSHIP AND EVANGELISM 1. Study the demographics of the community in which the church seeks to minister, in order to identify opportunities for the church to engage in meaningful ministries. 2. Develop workshops for the leadership of the local church and its membership to enhance the ministries of the local church. 3. Implement street ministries, trained home visitation teams, revival and evangelistic services. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION (See Doctrine and Discipline for make-up of committee members) 1. Supply each organization, departments and groups with adequate and appropriate literature and proper equipment. 2. Shall see that suitable missionary programs are carried out. 3. Shall see appropriate days are observed annually as Church School Day, and Promotion Day. 4. Shall cooperate in the proper observance of Easter, Children’s Day, Allen Jubilee Week (Feb. & Sept.) and Christian Education Week (Sept.).

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COMMISSION DESCRIPTION MISSION AND WELFARE 1. Provide for the dissemination of missionary literature and circulation of general missionary periodicals. 2. Must plan on an annual basis. 3. Must cooperate with other departments, units and commissions. 4. Shall oversee and control the local church program of welfare and charity. (Pastor) 5. Shall confer annually with the Commission on Stewardship and Finance in setting up the local budget. STEWARDSHIP AND FINANCE (3-9 members, equal number of Stewards and Trustees, plus Official Board Member(s) (at-large) 1. Shall promote and cultivate Christian Stewardship and administer the financial program of the church. 2. Set up a budget for the church and submit the same to the Official Board for its action and determination. 3. Take action to provide the income to meet budget. 4. Canvas every member for individual pledges. 5. Deposit fund promptly in a bank approved by the Official Board; the account shall be in the name of the local church. 6. Disburse funds as the Official Board directs, subject to the approval of the Pastor. The income received each month shall have been shared proportionately among the budgeted items after the Pastor’s salary and that of the entire church staff has been given priority. 7. A report shall be made by the financial secretary and treasurer (s) to the Official Board each month and to the Quarterly Conference of all receipts and disbursements and of unpaid obligations against the budget. 8. Inform the congregation of the financial needs of the church. 9. Ensure no lottery, raffle, or other games of chance be used in raising money for any purpose. 10. Ensure all monies raised by organizations of or for the church are reported immediately. Each commission shall be permitted to draw on funds upon presentation of a voucher previously prepared for such purpose. Each organization shall withdraw funds for incidental needs, using the same procedures.

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COMMISSION DESCRIPTION PUBLIC RELATIONS 1. Gather and disseminate information of public interest to the secular press, religious press, radio, television and other legitimate media of information. 2. Responsible for intra-congregational communication. 3. Disseminate information to the official organizations of the AME church. 4. Submit an annual budget to the Stewardship and Finance Commission. CHRISTIAN SOCIAL ACTION 1. This commission shall coordinate activities in the area of social, racial and economic relations: temperance, world peace and community cooperation. HEALTH 1. This commission shall ensure that the Health Ministry of the local church is supplied with adequate and appropriate literature and proper equipment. 2. Submit an annual budget to the Stewardship and Finance Commission. 3. Work with the other commission to meet the needs of the local congregation and community served by the local church.


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MINISTERIAL STAFF The Right Reverend Theodore Larry Kirkland Presiding Prelate th 5 Episcopal District 4519 Admiralty Way, Suite 201 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 Office: (310) 577.8540 Fax: (310) 577-8540 Website: The Reverend Edmund E. Lowe Sr. Presiding Elder St. Louis -Cape Girardeau District 1715 Derhake Road Florissant, MO 63033 or P.O. Box 702 Florissant, MO 63032 Office: (314) 921.7733 (314) 420.2305 Website:

The Reverend Steven D. Shepard, Sr. Senior Pastor St. Peter AME Church Home: (314) 716.3657 Cell: (510) 965.2077 Office: (314) 381.3345 Fax: (314) 381.7877 Email: Website:

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ST. PETER AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4730 Margaretta Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63115 OFFICIAL BOARD REPORT FORM To the Pastor and members of the Official Board, we the members of ___________________________________________________________________ submit the following Official Board Report for the period ending ___________________________________________________________________. We did/did not meet last month, with ____________members in attendance. Our activities during the month were the following: ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ Our planned activities for this month coming are (List time, dates and places of activities) ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ FINANCIAL REPORT Beginning Balance

$ ____________

Receipts (List Source of Income) 1. Dues






Subtotal (Beginning Balance plus Total Receipts) Expenditures (List Itemized Expenditures)








Total Expenditures


Ending Balance (Grand Total Minus Expenditures)


President: __________________________________________ Secretary: __________________________________________ 15 - St. Peter AME Church

ST. PETER AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH ORGANIZATION AND AUXILIARIES’ MONTHLY BUDGET REPORT FORM MONTH______________________YEAR______________ Dates: from ____________to _______________ Organization/Auxiliaries_______________________________________________ INCOME






























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DATE: _________________

ORGANIZATION’S NAME __________________________________________ PRESIDENT/CHAIRPERSON: _______________________________________ TOTAL MEMBERS: ___________ WORK ACCOMPLISHED: __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________

FINANCE REPORT: AMOUNT RAISED: (If not a part of Central Treasurer Report)


AMOUNT RAISED: (And Reported to the Central Treasurer)


PRESIDENT/CHAIR: _______________________________________________

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ST. PETER AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4730 Margaretta Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63115 BAPTISM FORM 1. Name of Person being baptized: ______________________________________ 2. Child of (Father) __________________________________________________ 3. Child of (Mother) _________________________________________________ 4. Born at: _________________________________________________________ 5. Date of birth: _____________________________________________________ 6. Address of Parents: ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 7. Phone: __________________________________________________________ 8. Godparents: ______________________________________________________ 9. Address(es) of Godparents __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10. Phone: _________________________________________________________ 11. Date of baptism: _________________________________________________ 12. Certificate of baptism given?

Yes ___________

No ____________

13. Logged in permanent file records?

Yes ___________

No ____________

14. Remarks:

Signature of person filling form: ________________________________________ Recorded and filed on _____________ by ________________________________

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ST. PETER AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4730 Margaretta Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63115 CENTRAL BUDGET VOUCHER REQUEST To Be Completed by REQUESTOR 1. Date of Request: _______________________________________________ 2. Date Check Needed: ____________________________________________ 3. Name of Requestor: _____________________________________________ 4. Organization/Auxiliary: __________________________________________ 5. Make Check Payable to: _________________________________________ _________________________________________ _________________________________________ 6. Amount of Check:


7. Description of Disbursement: _____________________________________ 8. Receipt Attached?



9. Where should check be left? _____________________________________ To Be Completed by PASTOR 10. Payment Approved:



11. Signature of Pastor:


12. Date Signed/Approved:




14. Check Number:


15. Account Number:

_____________________________________ 19 - St. Peter AME Church

ST. PETER AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4730 Margaretta Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63115 ANNOUNCEMENT REQUEST To Be Completed By REQUESTOR Date of Request: _____________________________________________________ Date (s) Bulletin Announcement Desired: _________________________________ Title of Announcement: _______________________________________________ Announcement:______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Contact Name: ______________________________________________________ Telephone: ___________________________________________________________________ Organization/Auxiliary: _______________________________________________ To Be Completed By PASTOR Announcement Approved:



Signature of Pastor:


Date Signed/Approved:


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ST. PETER AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4730 Margaretta Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63115 BIRTHDAY Name: ___________________________________ Birthdate: ________________ (Ex.-January 1) Name: ___________________________________ Birthdate: ________________ Name: ___________________________________ Birthdate: ________________ Name: ___________________________________ Birthdate: ________________ Name: ___________________________________ Birthdate: ________________ Name: ___________________________________ Birthdate: ________________

WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Name: _____________________________________________________________ Wedding date: __________________________________________ (Ex-January 1) Number of years married: ______________________

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____________________________ SSN (Last Four Digits): ___________



CITY: ______________________________________ STATE: ______________ ZIP CODE: _________ TELEPHONE: ______________ MOBILE: ___________ NUMBER IN HOUSEHOLD: _________ WEEKLY INCOME: _____________ TYPE OF ASSISTANCE REQUESTED: _________________________________ REFERRED BY: ____________________________________________________ ******************************************************************* DATE OF APPOINTMENT: __________________ TIME: __________________ REVIEWED BY: ________________________ TITLE: ___________________ RECEIPT(s) ATTACHED:




ACTION ITEM: ____________________________________________________ COMMENTS:


SIGNATURE OF REQUESTOR: ______________________________________ SIGNATURE OF ST. PETER AMEC Benevolence Authorization: ___________________________________________

DATE: ______________

******************************************************************* _____CHURCH OFFICE COPY

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ST. PETER AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4730 Margaretta Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63115 ESTABLISHED BOUNDARIES FOR PASTORAL CONFERENCE/COUNSELING Time and Location of Services – Sessions will occur during regular office hours, or at times when other staff members are present within the building. No session will be held in any homes when there are only two adults present. Length and Number of Sessions – Sessions will be limited to 50 minutes, with no more than 6-8 sessions. Frequency of Sessions – The standard of one meeting per week will be observed. Telephone Conference/Counseling Sessions – Sessions will be conducted in the same manner as if it were in person; observing all established boundaries. Appropriate and Inappropriate Touching – While hugging might be appropriate before and after worship service it may not be appropriate in a conference/counseling session especially if only the counselee and the counselor are the only two present. Touching should always respond to the need of the counselee and not to the need of the counselor. Referrals – Referrals will be made for those requiring additional counseling and/or counseling outside of the scope of the Pastor and/or staff member. Accountability through Supervision – Ministers and staff members will provide regular reports on their ministry (counseling/visitation) activities. Report shall include date, time, location and those present during conference/counseling session. Screening of Workers – Reference checks, employment verification and background checks will be conducted before hiring. High Risk Settings – Visitation and Counseling will be conducted in pairs. At no time shall any child/children meet or be left alone and/or behind closed doors with any adult persons. Training – Training and a periodical review of policies and procedures will be required for all clergy, staff members, employees and officials of the church. Feedback will be solicited on how well policies and procedures are working and what changes need to be made. Background Checks – Background checks will be conducted for those who work and wish to work with our youth and young adults. Previous Misconduct – Once information is obtained regarding previous sexual misconduct, church leadership will evaluate to what degree the prior misconduct places the church at risk, and will determine a reasonable course of action based upon the fact, as well as advice and input from professionals, and denominational leadership. All information will be handled in the strictest of confidence. 23 - St. Peter AME Church

ST. PETER AFRICAN METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH 4730 Margaretta Ave. Saint Louis, MO 63115 PASTORAL CONFERENCE DISCLOSURE FORM I, ____________________________________________________ (the counselee), have entered into conference/counseling sessions at St. Peter African Methodist Episcopal Church. For my benefit, the following is a list of general guidelines, which the Church has established to be followed during conference/counseling session(s). 1. No after-hours conference/counseling. Conference/Counseling shall occur between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., unless there are two people in addition to the counselee present. 2. All counseling or meetings between the counselee and counselor shall take place on church premises. 3. All conference/counseling sessions shall be held in a professional manner and atmosphere including: ! Under no circumstances should there be any physical contact between the counselee and counselor; ! The counselor and counselee must remain attired at all times; and ! The counselor and counselee must avoid the establishment of any intimate personal relationship. 1. I also understand that any information disclosed by me regarding the abuse of a child and/or abuse of any kind in any form may not be confidential. I agree that if any of the above provisions are violated, or if any other situation should arise which makes me feel uncomfortable, I will report immediately and directly to: 1. The Pastor and/or any officer of Saint Peter A.M.E. Church, and/or 2. The Presiding Elder of the St. Louis – Cape Girardeau District of the A.M.E. Church, and/or 3. The St. Louis Police/Sheriff Department. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS READ THE FOREGOING AND FULLY UNDERSTANDS IT. ______________________________________(Signature) _____________(Date)

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CALENDAR OF EVENTS NOVEMBER 2014- 11/27, Thanksgiving; Sun., 11/30, PCWMS "Missionaries Who Cook" Luncheon; DECEMBER 2014- Sat, 12/6, 12-1:00pm, Hanging of the Greens - Altar Guild; Sat., 12/10, 9:00am, YPD & Project Uplift “Toys for Tots” Sun., 12/21; PCWMS Babes in Toyland; Tues., 12/23, Poinsettia Placement - Altar Guild; Wed., 12/24, Christmas Eve Service; Thurs., 12/25, Christmas; Fri., 12/26, Kwanza begins; Wed., 12/31, 7:00PM, Rev. Shepard preaching @ St. Paul Revival Wed. 12/31, 10:30PM, Rev. Shepard preaching @ Ward Chapel, Florissant JANUARY 2015- Thurs., 1/1, Kwanza ends; Sun., 1/4 YPD Chicken Snack Fundraiser Sat., 1/17, St. Peter Lay Organization Prayer Breakfast; Sun., 1/18, All Church Pew Rally Mon., 1/19, Dr. King Holiday; Sun. 1/25, PCWMS "A Tribute to Martin" Drum Major Award; FEBRUARY 2015- Sun., 2/8, African Dress Founder’s Day; Sun., 2/15, Installation of Officers Sun., 2/15, 2:00pm, St. Peter Lay Black Heritage Luncheon Tues., 2/17, 6-7pm, MO Conference WMS Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper & Worship Service, Ward Chapel AME Church; Wed., 2/18, 6:00pm, Ash Service at St. Peter; MARCH 2015 – Begin preparing for District Conference; Sun., 3/15, 3:00pm, St. Peter Men's Concert; Sun., 3/22, PCWMS "Hats Off to Our Missionaries" Luncheon; Sun., 3/29, 9:00am, Palm Sunday Service @ St. Elizabeth; 5thDistrict Midyear Convocation (TBD); APRIL 2015- Thurs., 4/2, 6:00pm, Maundy Thursday @ St. Peter; Fri., 4/3, Good Friday; Sun., 4/5, 6:00am, Sunrise Service; Sun., 4/5, 7:00am, Lay Breakfast; Sun., 4/5, 10:00am, Resurrection Sunday Service; Sun., 4/26, First Lady Sheila Shepard’s Birthday; Thurs.-Sat., 4/23-25, District Conference @ St. Peter; 25 - St. Peter AME Church

2014-2015 CALENDAR OF EVENTS MAY- 5/3 YPD Chicken Snack Fundraiser; 5/10, Mother’s Day; 5/24, Recognize members who have gone on to glory during this conference year; 5/25, Memorial Day; JUNE- 6/7, 3:00pm, St. Peter Inspirational Choir Concert; 6/14, Promotion Sunday @ St. Peter; 6/19, Juneteenth; 6/21, Father’s Day; 6/28, Church in the Street JULY - 7/1–3; 5th Episcopal District Call to the Wall 5, 7/29-31 (Kansas City, MO), 5th District Lay Convention; 7/5, YPD Chicken Snack Fundraiser; 7/20-24, 5:30-8:00pm, Vacation Bible School AUGUST- 8/16, Rev. Shepard preaching, Inspirational Choir singing, Brown Chapel Church Anniversary, Poplar Bluff, MO Sat., 8/22, 11:00am, St. Peter Usher Luncheon/Training, Sat.; Sun., 8/23, 3:00pm, St. Peter Annual Usher Day; Sun., 8/30, Rev. Shepard’s Birthday SEPTEMBER- Sun., 9/16, YPD Chicken Snack Fundraiser; 168th Church Anniversary

OCTOBER - Missouri Conference – 10/4-11, St. Paul A.M.E. Church, St. Louis, Missouri, Host Church; Rev. Spencer L. Booker, Host Pastor 5thDistrict Planning Meeting – 10/26 - 27, First A.M.E. Church, Los Angeles, CA

26 - St. Peter AME Church




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St. Peter African Methodist Episcopal Church 4730 Margaretta Ave. St. Louis, Missouri 63115 (314) 381.3345 (Office) (314) 381.7877(Fax) Church School Sundays - 8:30-9:30AM Worship Service Sundays - 10:00AM Prayer Meeting Tuesdays - 6:30PM Bible Study Tuesdays - 7:00PM Wednesdays - 12 Noon

Rev. Steven D. Shepard, Sr., Pastor

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