22 minute read

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Mr Fred Abikhair (95 years), father/father-in-law of Susan and Anthony Zampatti (SJC Old Collegian 1985). Mrs Katrina Antonac (83 years), mother of Old Collegian Steven Antonac (1980), Suzanne Antonac (past Sacred Heart), grandmother of Lewis Antonac (Year 7) and Madison Antonac (Grade 5 St Roberts). Mrs Aileen Appleford mother of Kathleen, Mark (1981), and Peter (1983). Aileen was a past President of our Parents & Friends Association, and was a dedicated and valued supporter of the St Joseph’s College Football and Cricket Clubs. Aileen took part and enjoyed many Josephine functions here at the college. We extend our heartfelt sympathy to Kathleen, Mark, Peter and their families. Mrs Una Bates (89 years), mother of Greg Bates (Old Collegian 1972), sister of Pat Redden (Old Collegian) and aunt of Damian Moynihan, (staff member) and Phil Bates (dec) past staff member/student and Fr Kevin Bates, great aunt to Tom (2008) and Tara Bates (staff member). To all the extended family we extend our deep sympathy. Mr Albert Batty (92 years), father/father-in-law of Albert and Bev Batty, past parents and supporters of SJC, grandfather of Old Collegians, Adrian (1988), Ashley (1991) and Albert Batty (1996). Mrs Lena Baverstock (80 years), grandmother of Ryan Baverstock (Year 11). Mrs Maria Baynes (67 years) of Lavershill, auntie of staff member Carmen Ahearn and Mrs Alice McCarthy (99 years) of Lancefi eld, Carmen’s grandmother. It is extremely diffi cult to comprehend the sadness that has enveloped their family. Our thoughts and prayers are with Carmen and Troy, their children Eliza, Michael, Laura and all their extended family as they come to terms with their loss. Mr Wills Beer father / father in law of Lorraine and Kevin Costa. Kevin and Lorraine Costa have been loyal supporters of our College over many years. We extend our deepest sympathy to all the extended family. Mr Gaetano Bertucci (86 years), father/father-in-law of Sarina Merlino and Frank Merlino (deceased, long serving College staff member), grandfather of John Bertucci (Year 8), Phillip (Year 9) and Old Collegian Thomas Bertucci (2006). Mrs Marian Blake (53 years), aunty of Andrew Blake (Year 12), Hayley Blake (Year 10) Sacred Hear t College, Sarah Blake and Louise Blake both past Sacred Heart College. Mr George Bollard (92 years) father of Old Collegians Michael Bollard (1981) and Christopher Bollard (1983), grandfather of Lachlan Barnett (Year 8), Caitlin Barnett (Grade 6 Holy Spirit),Tom Barnett (Grade 4) and Lucy Barnett. Mr Anthony(Tony) Bongiorno (83 years) Old Collegian 1937, father of Old Collegians Paul Bongiorno (9980) and Mark Bongiorno (1977), grandfather of Oscar Bongiorno (Year 10), Michael Bongiorno (Year 8)and Old Collegain Lachlan Hough (2004).To all the Bongiorno families, we extend our deepest sympathy. Mrs Joan Bowman mother /mother-in-law of Gavan and Julie Prendergast (past Staff Member, Board Member and parent), grandmother of Patrick (2004), Xavier (2006), Thomas (2008) and Mary-Kate (SHC). Mr John Bowman father / father in law of Julie Prendergast (past staff and Board member) and her husband Gavan, grandfather of Old Collegians Patrick Prendergast (2004), Xavier Prendergast (2006), Thomas Prendergast (2008) and Mary-Kate (2010) Sacred Heart College. Mrs Leanne Braithwaite (57 years), aunty of Christian West (Year 11), Old Collegians Dylan West (2010) and Patrick West (2009). Br Herbert (Herbie) Breach (96 years), past Principal 1971 – 1973 at St Joseph’s College. Br Breach is remembered as a highly intelligent, kind and hardworking man who loved teaching and working with young people. He was a keen sportsperson and coached many athletics teams. Over the years he has returned to our College many times attending functions with great enthusiasm and pride. Br Breach was fi lled with the spirit of Edmund Rice, the founder of the Christian Brothers. He gave his life from age 14 years to his Christian Brothers family and made a difference in many people’s lives. May he rest in peace. Mr Norman Brooks (78 years) grandfather of Jake Brooks (Year 8), Emily Brooks (Year 7) Sacred Heart College, Luke and Tom Brooks. Mr Lionel Brown (69 years), step father of Jacqui Murpy (current parent) and partner Neville Long, poppy of Nicholas Murphy (Year 11) and Old Collegian Ben Murphy (2011). Mrs Carmela Caccamo (83 years), mother of Old Collegian Michael Caccamo (1983) and grandmother (nonna) of Nicholas Caccamo (1989), Paul Ruggeri (1989), Mark Genua (1994), Kristian Ruggeri (2005) and current students Jordan Caccamo (Year 8) and Makayla Caccamo (Year 10 Sacred Heart College). Mrs Helen Cameron (84 years), grandmother of Max Hardwick (Year 7) and Paris Hardwick (Year 10 Sacred Heart College). Mrs Joan Cameron (96 years), great grandmother of Lewis Antonac (Year 7). Mr Angelo Capra (100 years), father/ father-in-law of John Capra (Old Collegian 1980 / current Finance & Planning Committee Member) and Pina (Staff Member SHC), Vicki (past SHC student), Sam Capra (Year 11), Ben (Old Collegian SJC 2007), Mitchell (2009) and all their extended families. It’s been an extremely sad time having lost their mother/grandmother (Angelo’s wife) recently also. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Mr William Harry Carter (Old Collegian St Bede’s College, Mentone), grandfather of Harry Lockyer (Year 7), during the school holidays. Mr Graham Carthew father / father in-law of Jeff and Bernie Carthew (staff member), grandfather of Ash Carthew (Christian College). Fr Kevin Casey O.M.I., Old Collegian (1954), son of Jack and Molly (both dec). Loved and loving brother of Val, Gerald (1963) and Bernard Casey (1968). Brother-in-law of Bob, Sue and Jenny. Loved uncle to 11 nieces and nephews and 18 grand- nieces and nephews. Kevin passed away in Indonesia on May 15, 2013 surrounded by the love and loving people he had served for 42 years. He was interred at “Kaliori” a shrine to Our Lady and Retreat House he established during one of his appointments in central Java. To all the Casey family and Fr Kevin’s priestly family and parishioners we extend our heartfelt sympathy. Mr Allan Cations father / father in law of Jacqueline and Matthew McKeegan Old Collegian (1988), grandfather of Harry McKeegan (Year 7), Sophie McKeegan (Grade 5) and Maggie McKeegan (Grade 3) St Margaret’s. Mrs Wendy Coral Clarke aunty of Harry Lockyer (Year 7). Our thoughts and prayers are with David, Kim, Harry and all their extended family on their great sadness. Mr Denis Cockerill, grandfather of Jordan Cockerill (Year 10) and Bayley Cockerill (Year 8). Mrs Marie Condon (89 years) mother / mother in law of Peter and Anne Condon (staff member) and Josie and Rob Blackley (past staff members), grandmother of Old Collegians Michael Condon (2008), Alice Condon (past Sacred Heart College) and Clare Condon (past Sacred Heart College), Xavier Blackley (Year 9) and Tessa Blackley (2012) Sacred Heart College. Mrs Maria Costa sister of Jack J Costa Old Collegian (1945), mother of Old Collegian John Costa (1974), grandmother of Thomas Costa Old Collegian (2008) and Peter Oddi (2006). Mr John Cotter (86 years), father/father-in-law of Chris and Pat McGivern, grandfather of Aiden and Joseph (Year 8), Bridget (Year 11 SHC), Kiera (Year 7 SHC) and Maeve McGivern (Clairvaux Primary School). Mr Edward Crane in Tasmania, great grandfather of Brandon Di Pasquale (Year 11). Mrs Elma Crowe mother/mother in law of Kayleen (past SHC student/staff member St Margaret’s Primary School) and Flavio Guirco (1969), grandmother of Damien (1992) and Stephanie (past SHC Student). Mr Kenneth Dean (73 years) grandfather of Jack Brogden (Year 8) and Chloe Brogden (Year 8) Sacred Heart College. Mrs Camille Dempsey (47 years), dear friend of the Conway family, Nicholas (Year 12), William (Year 10), Jackson (Year 8) and Old Collegians Ben Conway (2012) and Jonathan Conway (2009). Mr Domenico De Rosso father of staff member Frank De Rosso, Robert De Rosso, John De Rosso and Michael De Rosso (1986), grandfather of Ben, Zarra and Joren Old Collegian (2010). Domenico was a foundation member of the St Mary’s of the Angels Catholic Church Choir and a talented musician. This year was the Choir’s 60th Anniversary celebration and was dedicated to Domenico who was extremely ill and unable to attend. His legacy and memory will live on in the hearts of all who know and love him. Mrs Srimathi DeSilva (76 years) in Sri Lanka, grandmother of Isitha Subasinghe (Year 9). Mrs Giovina Moschetta Di Santo grandmother of Sandro (staff member) and wife Kylie Di Santo (staff member), Enza (Old Collegian Sacred Heart College 1987) and Mark Hughes, great grandmother of Daniel and Caitlyn Di Santo, Amy and Georgia Hughes (Year 8 Sacred Heart College). Mr Brian Dixon father /father in law of Neil Dixon valued member of the Men’s Association and Gayle Dixon (Past Sacred Heart College), grandfather of Liam Dixon (Year 10) and Old Collegian, John Dixon (2009). Mrs Elodia Capra (85 years), mother /mother in law of Old Collegian John (1980) and Pina Capra (staff member Sacred Heart), Vicki Capra Old Collegian Sacred Heart College, grandmother of Sam Capra (Year 11) and Old Collegians Mitchell Capra (2009) and Ben Capra (2007). John has been a committed member on our College Finance and Planning Committee for many years. Our thoughts and prayers are with John and Pina, and the extended families. Mr Alan Dodds (82 years) father of Carolyn Dodds (staff member), grandfather of Karah Fox and Tori Fox. Mr Damian Dougherty (39 years), son of past parent and Josephine member, Desma Dougherty and Garry (deceased). Brother to Dean Dougherty Old Collegian (1981 alumni year), and Ashley Dougherty Chanel College Old Collegians. Damian also has four sisters Shelley, Loretta, Gabrielle and Rachael all of whom attended Clonard College. Uncle of Danielle Higgins, staff member at Clonard College, Shaun Higgins (Old Collegian 2005), Matthew Higgins (2011) and Levi Jones (current Year 10 SJC). To all the Dougherty families we extend our heartfelt sympathy on their tragic loss. Mr John Doyle (84 years) of Melbourne, father/father-in-law of past Board Chairperson/parent, Chris and Angela Doyle. Grandfather of Old Collegians Chris (1998), Anthony (1999), Tom (2004) and Ben Doyle (2004).

Mr Norman Drew (87 years), grandfather of staff member Lauren Barton and husband Tim, great grandfather of Mira. Mrs Kathleen Duffy grandmother/nana Kath of Angus Hubber (Year 10) and Old Collegians, Duncan Hubber (2006) and Edward Hubber (2011). Mr Bob Eibl (72 years) grandfather of Nicholas Eibl (Year 10) and Liam Eibl (Year 7). Mr Harry Farrell (85 years), grandfather of Darcy Rapa (Year 11), Old Collegian Jess Rapa (2011) and Madison Rapa (past student SHC). Mr Peter Flint (79 years) in Sydney, father/father-in-law of James and Laurent Flint (current staff member), following ongoing illness. Mrs Philomena Flint (76 years) in Sydney, mother/mother-in-law of Jim and Lauren Flint (current staff member). Fr Thomas Furey, Fr Richard Rafter. Our College Community acknowledges two long-serving Catholic Priests from the Geelong region who have died recently, Fr Thomas Furey and Fr Richard Rafter. Both these amazing men have been hard working and dedicated parish priests who have diligently and passionately served the Catholic Church and all the people in their care. To their families, friends and all who knew and loved these two humble men we extend our heartfelt sympathy and fi nd comfort in knowing they are at peace in God’s loving care. Mr Ken Gallagher (87 years) father / father in law of Old Collegians Greg Gallagher (1972), Mark Gallagher (1983), Brendan Callaghan (1972), Old Collegians Clonard College, Karen Baylis , Jill Callaghan and Michelle Gallagher. Grandfather of Ged Gallagher (Year 7) and Lily Gallagher (Grade 3) Holy Spirit, Tim Callaghan Old Collegian St Joseph’s College (1999), Rebecca, Beth and Jessica Callaghan (Old Collegians Clonard College), Jacqueline, Melissa and Shane Gallagher (Old Collegians Catholic Regional College). Mrs Valarie Gras (81 Years), grandmother of Gareth Gras, Brittany Gras (Old Collegian Clonard College), Ayden Gras (Year 8) and Romy Gras (Grade 6, St Patrick’s Primary School). Mr Bob Gray (81 years) of Bendigo, father/father-in-law of Ron and Gemma Gray (staff member). Grandfather of Meg Gray (Year 9, Sacred Heart College) and Will Gray (Year 5, St Patrick’s Primary School). Mr Phillip Gray (75 years) grandfather of Ethan Gray (Year 7), Jaccob Gray (Year 11 Covenant College), Esther Gray (Year 9 Clonard College), Sarah Gray (Grade 4 Nelson Park) and Micah Gray (Grade 2 Covenant College). Mrs Evelyn Harrison (88 years) grandmother of Kate McLaren (staff member). Mr Daniel Hearsch (90 years), former Principal in Melbourne and the Geelong Region. Grandfather of Jacob Nicholson (Year 11) and Isabel Nicholson (Year 8 Sacred Heart College). Mr Brian Henderson (74 years), grandfather of Patrick Henderson (Year 7). Mr Graeme Hibberd (59 years), uncle of Clancy Breen (Year 9) and Charles Breen (Year 12) and Old Collegian Louis Breen (2011). Mrs Patricia Hoare (87 years), mother/mother-in-law of Siobhan (Old Collegian Clonard College) and Rohan Carnie (SJC Old Collegian 1981), grandmother (Garnie) of Patrick Carnie (Year 10) and Eamon Carnie (Year 8). The Hoare family have been a tremendous support of both St Joseph’s and Clonard College over many years. It was Patsy’s husband Paddy Hoare who carried out the excavation works on our Carey Oval in the early days of the College. To all the Hoare, Vaughan, Lamaro and extended families we express our heartfelt sympathy on the passing of their precious Patsy. Mrs Colleen Holmes (76 years) of Kalgoorlie, grandmother of Joshua Black (Year 9), Samuel Black (Year 7) and Jemma Black (Prep Montpellier Primary School). Mr Noel Imbrogno, suddenly as the result of an accident on 1 July, father of Joseph Imbrogno (Year 10) and Jordan Imbrogno (Year 8). Mr Bruce James (49 years) in Ballarat, uncle of Michael James Kennedy (Year 12) and Rebecca (Year 10 Matthew Flinders Girls College). Mrs Elsie Jennings (77 years), grandmother of Old Collegians Ashley Knight (2007), Christopher Knight (2011), great aunt of Liam Blackwell (2012) and Connor Blackwell (Year 9). Mr Dermot Jerinic (42 years), brother of Paula (dec), Damien (SJC 1982), Justin and Liam Jerinic. Mrs Patricia Jones (75 years) of Ballarat, mother/mother in law of staff member Nick Jones and Nerilee, grandmother of Max, Archer and Sully, Mrs Gayle Judge (66 years), grandmother of Oliver Boothey (Year 7), Will Boothey Grade 4 and Sam Boothey Grade 1 St Margret’s Primary School. Mr John Kavenagh (84 years), grandfather of Joseph Kavenagh (Year 8), Patrick Kavenagh (Year 10), Michael Kavenagh (Year 8) and Gabrielle Kavenagh (Year 10) Sacred Heart College. John was an Old Collegian, a boarder from Camperdown and was here at the College in 1943 and 1944. Mr Alec Lane (96 years) of Swanhill, father/father-in-law of Greg and Sharon Lane (College Co Care Group Coordinator), grandfather of Alexandra (past student SHC), Lachlan (Old Collegian 2009), Jacob (Year 12) and Georgia (Grade 4 Star of the Sea Primary School). Mr Filippo Leone (93 years), grandfather of Old Collegians Carlo Leone (1976), Andrew Palmieri (2006) and great grandfather of Lucas Pante (Year 8) and James Pante (Grade 5, Holy Spirit Primary School). Dr Barry Loughnan (Xavier College), past parent and supporter of SJC, husband of Marcelle and father of Michael (Old Collegian1969), Chris (1973), Tim (1977), Mark (class of 1985), Sue (1971 past student SHC), Genevieve (1975 SHC) and families. Grandfather of Joseph Loughnan (Year 9) and Amy Loughnan (2011 SHC). Barry was a hardworking and generous Doctor who helped many throughout the wider Geelong community. Mrs Marcelle Loughnan (88 years), past parent and supporter of SJC, wife of Dr Barry Loughnan (deceased Jan 2013) and mother of Dr Michael Loughnan (Old Collegian1969), Chris (1973), Tim (1977), Mark (class of 1985), Sue (1971 past student SHC), Genevieve (1975 SHC) and families. Grandmother of Joseph Loughnan (Year 10) and Amy Loughnan (2011 SHC). United with her beloved husband; a beautiful lady now at rest. Sgt Brendan Lynch (52 years) from Benalla, uncle of Mitchell Whelan (Year 8) and Sean Whelan (Year 10) and Sophie Whelan (Grade 2) Clairvaux Primary School, brother of Julie and Kieran Whelan. To Brendan’s wife Jenny and children Patrick, Matthew, Elizabeth and Anthony and all the extended family, we send our deepest sympathy on the passing of Brendan. Mr David McColl past staff member. Mr Lou McCormack (86 years) grandfather of Cooper McCormack (Year 8) and Jade McCormack (Year 11) Sacred Heart College. Great uncle of Thomas McCormack (Year 12) and Old Collegian Matthew McCormack (2007), Zack Mongelli (Year 8) and Old Collegian Jake Mongelli (2009), Abbey Mongelli past Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College and Old Collegian Mark McCormack (2004). Mr Peter Mc Dermott (68 years), grandfather of Jack McDermott (Year 8) and Callum McDermott (Grade 6 St Therese Primary School). Mr Douglas McDonald (88 years) St Augustine’s/Old Collegian, devoted husband of June for 62 wonderful years, father of Denis McDonald, Eileen O’Sullivan, Robert McDonald (deceased Old Collegian). Jacinta and Mark McDonald (current parent), grandfather of Old Collegian Hamish McDonald (2010), Clare (SHC 2010), Liam McDonald (Year 10), James McDonald (2005), Joshua McDonald (2008), Michael O’Sullivan (2001), Patrick O’Sullivan (2005) and uncle to Old Collegian Philip Bates (1977, deceased staff member) and great uncle of Tom Bates (2009) and Elisa Bates (SHC Year 10). To all the extended families we offer our thoughts and prayers as they carry special memories and love of this very special person in their lives. Mr James McDonald (41 years), uncle of Callum McDonald (Year 10) and Ewen McDonald (Year 5), St Roberts Primary School. Mr Charlie McKinnon (95 years), father of John McKinnon (Old Collegian 1981) and Michael (1979), grandfather of Angus (Year 7) and Maggie (SHC Year 10). Mrs Dorothy McKinnon following ongoing illness, grandmother of Declan (Year 11) and Angus McKinnon (Year 8). Mr Kevin McManus (83 years), grandfather of Daniel McManus (Year 12), Liam McManus (Year 9) and Old Collegian Tom McManus (2008) and Lauren McManus (past Sacred Heart College). Mr Gerard Madden (90 years) of Ballarat, brother of Bill Madden, Uncle of Old Collegians, Bernie Madden (1968), Paul (1970), Peter (1973) and Jamie (1983). To all the Madden families we extend our deepest sympathy. Mrs Pat Magher mother/mother-in-law of past parents, Jan and Peter Fagan, grandmother of Emma, Sarah and Josh Fagan, Old Collegian (2007). Pat was a long-serving volunteer and parishioner at St Bernard’s Church in Belmont. A beautiful lady now at rest. Mr Sasha Melnik (44 years) father of Jesse Melnik (Year 11), Melissa Melnik (Year 9) Clonard College and Daniel Melnik Grade 4 St Therese. Mrs Stella (Peggy) Moorfoot (91 years). Wife of Ken (dec) past parents and supporters of St Joseph’s College. Mother of Old Collegians, Ken, Greg and Craig Moorfoot, grandmother of Courtney, Daniel, Nicholas and Chris Moorfoot. Aunt of Denis and Libby Moorfoot (past staff member) and great aunt to Cameron (1994). To all the extended Moorfoot family we send our heartfelt sympathy. We have many wonderful memories of Ken’s great involvement with Russell Zampatti in the running of our College Men’s Association, of which Ken was a member for many, many years. We have Stella to thank for allowing him to give so much of his time to our College. Sister Eileen Monagle (90 years, Good Samaritan Order), auntie of staff member, John Monagle and Anne and great aunt of Liam Monagle (Year 11) and Erin Monagle (Year 10) Sacred Heart College. Sr Eileen passed away peacefully at Villa Maria in Bundoora. To all of the Monagle family, Sr Eileen’s Good Samaritan family and all those whose lives she has touched, we extend our heartfelt sympathy. Mrs Virginia Monagle (59 years), sister-in-law of Anne and John Monagle (current staff member), aunt of Liam (Year 11). Virginia’s funeral was conducted by Cardinal Pell. Her close friend Angela Shanahan wrote in The Australian newspaper, “Virginia was an educator with a brilliant vision, she and her husband Frank were part of a group that founded several schools in Sydney, and worked tirelessly with parents and children.”


Mr Frank Monahan (78 years), great uncle of Thomas Saunders (Year 9), Lauren Saunders (Grade 6), Charlie Saunders (Grade 4) and Nicholas Saunders (Grade 1) St Aloysius. Mrs Lucia Monea grandmother of Michael Monea (Year 12) and Peter Monea (Old Collegian 2011). Mr Mike Morton (68 years), father of Ann Morton and Dawn Morton (past Sacred Heart College), grandfather of Finbar Lonergan (Year 7), Isobel Lonergan (Year 12) Sacred Heart College and Maggie Douglas (Year 12) Sacred Heart College. Mrs Anne Nolan (97 years) of South Australia, great grandmother of Tom Dixon (Year 10), Isabelle Dixon (Year 12 Sacred Heart College) and Georgia Dixon (Year 5 Bellaire Primary School). Br Justin O’Farrell (99 years) died during the Christmas break. Br O’Farrell lived in the Brothers’ residence here at the College and worked in our metal/ woodwork area assisting, Russell Zampatti and Br Hewett over a 5 year period, making props and staging for our school productions. Br O’Farrell was a quiet, unassuming and dedicated Christian Brother who is fondly remembered by the St Joseph’s Community. May he rest in peace. Mrs Ava O’Reilly (81 years), grandmother of Diarmuid O’Reilly (Year 9), Old Collegian, Conor O’Reilly (2010) and Michael O’Reilly, great grandmother of Aidan O’Reilly. Mr Keith Patterson (82 years), grandfather of Justin and Aidan Patterson (Year 9), Nicholas Patterson and Old Collegians Thomas (2005), Sam (2008), James (2010), Daniel (2006), Timothy (2003) and Michael Patterson (2001). Mrs Helen Perry (93 years) great grandmother of Tomas Azzopardi (Year 8), Connor Azzapardi (Grade 5 St Anthony’s Lara)and Blake Azzapardi (Grade 1). Mr Patrick Pollard (93 years), Old Collegian of the original 1935 year, brother of James Pollard (alumni year 1944), Hannah Dean and Old Collegian Len Pollard (dec), uncle of Leon Pollard (1981), Maree Burn (past parent and Board Member), Old Collegians John Pollard (1976), Kevin Pollard (1977), Ian Pollard (1980) , Alan Pollard (1980) Maureen Bryant (staff member). Dearly loved husband of Noreen (dec), father of Margaret, Patricia, Nola, Joan, Susan, Christine and Jenny (past students of Clonard College). Pat was a quiet and gentle man who loved his girls and family dearly. Mr Stephen Priest (81 years), grandfather of Jack Wilding (Year 11) and Old Collegian Liam Flynn (2007). Raimondo (past student Clonard College), Robert Gulli (Past Student Catholic Regional College), Catherine Gulli (staff member SHC) and Marichle Gulli; grandmother of Jake Raimondo (Year 7), Jenna Raimondo (SHC Year 8), Christopher Gulli (Year 12), Nastassja Gulli (SHC 2010), Nathan Gulli (Year 11), Joshua Gulli (Year 9), Daniel Gulli (Year 6 St Robert’s PS) and Caitlin Gulli (SHC 2011), Agata is a past employee of Sacred Heart College (16 years) and is warmly remembered by all. Mrs Eila Sait (71 years) of Charlton, Josephine’s member who managed to attend several of our functions with her dear friend Kate Parke (Josephines Coordinator). We remember Eila as a beautiful lady who enjoyed life and making special friends along the way. She will be surely missed by all. Mrs Mary Sexton (95 years), mother of past parents, College Foundation Members and long-time supporters of St Joseph’s College, Louise (past Parents & Friends President) and Michael King (1973), Grandmother of Philip King (2002), Robert (2009), Stephen (2000), Beth ( SHC 1998), Chelsea (SHC 2004), Elly King (SHC 2007), Eleanor Lewis (SHC Year 8). In the early days when the Sexton family moved to Geelong, Mary was a great supporter of the St Joseph’s and Sacred Heart drama departments helping over 14 years with the joint College productions. Precious memories of a special lady! Mrs Margaret Shillinglaw-Fraser (71 years), grandmother of Connor Gallagher (Year 8), Willow and Miller. Mrs Branka Simic (74 years), mother/mother-in-law of Jack and Tracey Simic (SJC Foundation Committee Member), grandmother of Tom (Old Collegian 2012), Madeline (past student SHC) and Katie Simic (Year 10 SHC). The Simic family have been ongoing supporters of the College. Our thoughts and prayers are with all their family. Mr Clarence Smith (95 years), father and mentor to Ron Smith (SJC parent), loving grandfather of Waadhi Conole (Year 9) and Yarramun Conole (Year 10 ) Clonard College. Clarry was a very highly respected indigenous elder of the Barada people of the Rockhampton area and will be very deeply missed by those lives he touched. Mr Chris Suhr (64 years), husband of Mary, past parents, volunteers on our P & F, Josephines member, father of Old Collegian, Peter Suhr (1999) and Gabrielle Suhr (past student SHC). Mrs Enza Taranto (83 years), mother / mother –in-law of Bruno and Teresa Taranto (staff member), grandmother of Nicholas Taranto and Lucas Taranto. Mr John Thomas (66 years), past staff member, dearly loved husband of Anne Thomas (long serving staff member) and father of Jane, Simon and Sarah, their partners Andrew, Kasey and Blairy, grandfather of Daniel, William and Sienna. John was a quiet achiever who leaves special memories with all at St Joseph’s College. He has fought a tough battle with cancer over three years and thankfully is now resting in peace. Our thoughts and prayers are with the love of his life, Anne and all their family. Mrs Elia Tomadin (84 years), following ongoing illness, mother of staff member, George and Carol Tomadin, Nonna to Erin, Michael and Breahna. Great nonna to Aidan and Liam. Mrs Mollie Tracey (92 years), mother/mother-in-law of Carl Tracey (SHC staff member) and his wife Anne, grandmother of Ryan (Year 10) and Elaine Tracey (past SHC student 2011). Mrs Deborah Travers-Hucker, mother of Isaac Travers-Hucker (Year 8), Old Collegian Saul Travers-Hucker (2004), Cassandra Travers-Hucker (Past Clonard College) and Cora Travers –Hucker (Year 10) Clonard College. Mrs Assunta (Ann) Virgona (90 years), wife of Mr Joseph Virgona (dec)Old Collegian of the 1935 fi rst class of St Joseph’s College, grandmother of Matthew Motorniak (Year 12) and David Motorniak (Year 9). Aunty of Old Collegian Dr Joe Virgona (1969) and John Costa (1974). Our sympathy goes out to the Costa and Virgona families, who have had a long association with St Joseph’s College. Mr John Walker (84 years), grandfather of Connor McNearney (Year 7) and Ryan McNearney (Year 8). Mr James Winchester Aquinas College, Year 12 student was killed in a freak road accident on 12 June in his own residential street when driving home. James was hit by a falling tree that penetrated the windscreen and caused him to later crash into a tree. James has two sisters attending Aquinas, one in Year 7 and one in Year 10. A sad time for the Principal, Tony O’Byrne, the staff, students, Aquinas community and particularly for the Winchester family. Mr Ziggy Zielinski (66 years) past Chanel College student, grandfather of James Zielinski (Year 7), Joshua Zielinski (dec) and Jessica Zielinski (Grade 5) Nazareth Primary School. Mr Ante (Tony) Zivcic (74 years), grandfather of Mitchell Zivcic (Year 7), Adam and Luke Zivcic (Grade 2, Clairvaux Catholic Primary School).

Our hearts go out to you all as we pray “That God will welcome these faithfully departed into His loving arms. And that precious memories will be of comfort to those left behind, knowing that their love will live on in their hearts forever.”

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