4 minute read

Staff Farewells ________________________________Page


PAUL CLOHESY (2009 - 2015) My first experience of St Joseph’s College occurred when I was coaching the Salesian College Senior Cricket Team and we played against St Joseph’s on Zampatti Oval. While I don’t recollect the final result on that day, although suspect Joeys would have won, I do remember sitting in front of the Cricket Pavilion in the sun light with a magnificent view of the bay and thinking what a great place this would be to work. Not in my wildest dreams did I think that some five or so years later I would be fortunate enough to be appointed as Deputy Principal of the school. How time flies, it seems quite unbelievable that I am now sitting here reflecting on 7 magnificent years in such a great school as I plan for the next stage of my own professional journey. Throughout my time at Joeys I have so many highlights and fond memories that to mention them all would fill the pages of more than this entire publication. Over my time here, I have met and worked with so many remarkable students, staff and parents and will remember them all fondly. Our celebration days stand out, the music, the school productions and my involvement in school sport are all highlights. What I will remember most fondly though is the sense of compassion, warmth and generosity that exists in our wonderful college. The manner we care for each other and particularly for those experiencing trauma or difficulty leaves St Joseph’s with no peer. The involvement of parents and carers in the school and the support they provide, the dedicated and hard- working staff that often go above and beyond the expectations of their job in support of the boys and the fun-loving and genuine good humour of the boys all provide great memories. The enormous contribution made by so many to those living on the margins in the broader Geelong community. I am forever indebted to our principal, Paul Tobias, for giving me the opportunity to work in such a great school. I have loved every minute of my time at Joeys and in the Geelong community. While I will miss what I leave behind I am certainly looking forward to the challenges that await. St Joseph’s will be forever part of my life and I only hope that throughout my seven years I have had a positive impact on the school and more importantly the people who make the school what it is. JO HART (2007 - 2015) My nine years at St Joseph’s College have been the most enriching, invigorating, challenging, and inspiring of my adult life. I came to Geelong after living most of my life in Gippsland and found a wonderful home at St Joseph’s. The staff, students and families were and have continued to be so warm and welcoming. I have felt completely supported throughout my time here due to this wonderful community’s generosity and willingness to support others in need. For this I say a heartfelt thank you. Initially I came as an English teacher to the College then moved fairly quickly into the Mission Team. Through involvement in a number of roles in this team I was able to grow spiritually, intellectually and professionally into the Identity leader which I have become. Paul Tobias and other members of the Management team have supported me throughout this journey, putting their faith in my abilities and my initiatives. As a teacher, I have had the greatest of pleasures of guiding the learning of the young men who have grown up in front of me, particularly in their Religious Education and Media classes. As I move into my position at Edmund Rice Education Australia, I will continue to be conscious of Edmund Rice’s belief in each student, no matter their station in life, as an individual who is loved by God. While here at St Joseph’s I aimed to serve our College community, and therefore at EREA I will be aiming to serve Edmund Rice Schools around the country with the same compassion and justice oriented approach which has made St Joseph’s such a remarkable school. MICHAEL TIMMS (2007 - 2015) I have been fortunate enough to have spent the past nine years at St Joseph’s College. Throughout this time I have gotten married, had two beautiful children and established some life-long friendships. For these reasons it is easy to understand that St Joseph’s College means a lot more to me than a place to work. It is a magnificent school that is filled with exceptional staff and students. Therefore, the decision to leave was a very difficult one. I have enjoyed being part of the Physical Education Faculty, working closely with Darryl Wedding and Mark Rayson in establishing a comprehensive Outdoor Education curriculum and connecting with many students as a teacher and Year Level Coordinator. St Joseph’s has provided me with several opportunities to grow and mature not only as a classroom teacher but as a school leader and I am very grateful for that. This has been largely due to Paul Tobias’ faith in my ability and capacity as a leader. I would also like to acknowledge Paul Clohesy who has taught me many skills and been an exceptional mentor over the past seven years. I would like to thank all the students, staff, parents and the wider community of St Joseph’s for the support and encouragement that I have received during my time at the college.


To all members of staff who will not be returning in 2016, we extend our sincere thanks for all you have brought to our College and for sharing your expertise across so many areas throughout your time with us. Thank you all for your dedication, passion, commitment and service to the College. It has been much appreciated. We wish you all the best for the future.

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