Principal’s Report The College enrolment for 2016 was 1708 students. 18.2% of our students achieved an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank in excess of 90 and the Dux of the college was David Motorniak with an ATAR score of 99.55. Our commitment to continue to improve academic outcomes was evident in the formation of the Aspire Group designed to encourage students studying Units 3 and 4 in VCE to strive to achieve 40 plus study scores in as many subjects as possible. We are hopeful of a strong academic performance from our VCE students but would also acknowledge some excellent outcomes from some of our senior alternative programs involving VCAL and those undertaking other vocational courses. The capacity of those programs to integrate worthwhile community projects with their learning is a great example of what is possible in a Catholic school. This year we also made a financial commitment to joining Australia’s Academic and Research Network which has provided both the Edmund Rice and Westcourt campus with fibre optic, fast, high bandwidth internet access, linking us with the university sector. Last year the Westcourt Campus was fortunate to take out the Victorian Secondary School ANZAC Day Award. This year they went one better winning both the state and national prize. The day involved students from St Joseph’s and Clonard Colleges. St Joseph’s College staff member Annalee McKew is to be congratulated and commended for her outstanding work in organising this day. As a consequence of this initiative and several others, Annalee was nominated for and subsequently won, the National 2016 EREA Charter Leadership Award for Liberating Education. Australian conductor and music educator, Richard Gill AO, refers to the two essential bookends of an excellent education as music, performing and creative arts and sport. It has been an outstanding year for our College in these areas. The Herald Sun Shield win by our First XVIII team was an extraordinary achievement as was the Associated Catholic Colleges Premiership, and the winning of the Reconciliation Shield. The sportsman’s night hosted by Mark Howard to launch the AFL/VFL Representatives Wall of Fame here at the College was another celebration of a proud sporting heritage. Of equal importance was the success of senior student, Daniel Rabbat, in winning the Geelong Plain English Speaking Awards and then going on to finish third in Victoria. Daniel also took out the Youth Advocacy Award as part of the Geelong Youth Awards. The strength of the creative and performing arts were evident at our Arts Assembly held on Monday 25 July and the Opening of the Mrs Pat Bourke Gallery, which will provide a Big Fish
future venue to display the outstanding quality of our student work. The College production ‘Big Fish’ was one of the finest I have experienced. Local critic, Colin Morkett, made the following comments, “Underpinning the whole production was a fine 20 piece live orchestra, drawn from students and tutors, that kept the show on song and action flowing. I highly recommend Big Fish for a number of reasons. It’s big, bright, brash, logically and morally satisfying. It shows just how good school productions have become in Geelong in 2016. But mainly, for Geelong’s lovers of musical theatre, it’s really a truly fabulous experience.” The student commitment to community service has remained a strong feature of our College. Students across the school were involved in a multitude of practical works, visiting those less fortunate and getting behind a number of fundraising events. The $50,000 raised on Edmund Rice Day will be directed, as always, to the poorest of the poor via our partnerships with the parish of Mannya in Uganda and the Edmund Rice Foundation. The work of the students was reinforced by their parents’ commitment to the cause. The annual Fashion Dinner conducted by the Parents & Friends was a sell-out and raised $24,000 for our Ugandan ministries. Edmund Rice Education Australia has strongly supported a congress which took place in India during October. St Joseph’s has been a lead school for Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders, an international network of Catholic schools educating young people from different faiths and cultures. Over the coming years your sons will benefit from some of the initiatives which will enhance this global understanding, leading to a modern understanding of a world which is rapidly shrinking as a consequence of technology. The more we can promote common understandings, especially those which promote the idea of respecting differences and emphasising peace and tolerance, the more likely we are to achieve something closer to the Kingdom of God. I commend the Edmund Rice Education Beyond Borders as an important initiative into the future. One of the highlights of the 2016 school year was the opening of Mary’s Chapel at the Westcourt campus on 16 August. This project was strongly supported by the Old Collegians’ Association and will provide Year 9 students and all who work at the Westcourt campus with a beautiful sacred space. Looking back over my 22 years at the College, one of the critical areas that has always been an overwhelming force is the parent involvement at St Joseph’s College. We are blessed to have the level of support and participation that we have for such a large secondary college. The way our families come together to support not only myself, but our staff and students is at the heart and soul of St Joseph’s. ANZAC Awards