Arts VISUAL ARTS NEWS The long awaited Pat Bourke Gallery opened this year and as a result we have been able to showcase the outstanding work of our talented students, at all year levels.We are looking forward in 2017 and beyond to have this opportunity to broaden our audience to take the Visual Arts from the art rooms to our community. We were also able to showcase the Arts in general at our annual Arts Assembly, which took place in July. Highlighting the diversity in the Arts within our school environment. Senior Arts Leader, Antoine Saleh and Visual Art Teacher Mr Simon Cahir combined efforts with many in our team to produce a creative and entertaining assembly of Visual Media and Music Performance. On Tuesday 11 October we celebrated the creative work of Year 12 Studio Arts, Visual Communication Design, Media, Food, Design and Systems Technology. The Exhibition was held in The Pat Bourke Gallery and was opened by past student, Artist and Co-director of Boom Gallery, Ren Inei. Many students attended with their parents, families and friends. Teachers and friends of the College also attended. It was a great night and the first of many wonderful exhibitions to be held in our lovely new gallery. Congratulations to Waadhi Conole who was awarded the Principal’s Acquisitive Award for 2016. Congratulations to all students who exhibited their work and we wish them every success with their upcoming exams. We hope you enjoy the following overviews by the students and the images which give you a snapshot of our student achievement. - Anne Condon & Helen Kean, Arts Domain Leaders
Declan Brown, Year 8
YEAR 8 3D ART We started 3D art in Semester 2, we were positive that we were going to have a good semester with the class. We kicked off the first term with an interesting project, we made bugs out of recycled materials. We planned and made our bugs, it took us a while because we wanted them to look their best knowing that they were going to be on display.The next project was the most fun project, we got our hands dirty and made dragons out of Charlie Donohue, Year 10
Nicholas Van Meel, Year 10
Year 8 3D Art
Isaak De Agrela Year 10
Year 8 Recycled Material Bugs
clay.We constructed the dragons using techniques that we learned throughout the term, they turned out great. For the last topic we put our brains together and formed groups to work on a project of any choice, like sculptures, blankets, fake food and much more. Over all it was a fun semester with the class. - Benjamin Clark, 8J & Jack Bentley, 8I YEAR 8 2D ART In 2D Art, I participated in learning about the different aspects, materials and styles that can be used when creating art. I completed a visual analysis of different artworks and gained an understanding of the different ways to paint. In completing these tasks, I have gained a range of skills such as how to write about art, paint, draw and use different techniques such as stippling and crosshatching. I had never been interested in art that much before but the things I like most about this subject is that it opened my eyes to different art and how interesting, creative and fun it can be to make art. - Mackenzie Ewings, 8D YEAR 8 2D ART This year I chose to do the subject 2D Art. In the subject, we covered a variety of topics. These were: Impressionist painting and drawing, where we got to choose a landscape to paint, lino printing, where we took a photo and then made a lino print from it and we also did some theory on Vincent van Gogh and French Impressionism. These tasks have given me the skills of trying things that I wouldn’t usually do, as well as my knowledge of different art styles. I enjoyed this subject because it covered a variety of tasks and I learnt a lot about these different types of art styles, art elements and principles as well as Van Gogh and French Impressionism. My painting skills improved also. - Clancy Hehir, 8G YEAR 10 2D ART This year, the class has studied a wide range of art which included printmaking, a drawing unit and an abstract painting unit. These topics have given us the opportunity to look deeper into different art forms. The class itself is fun but work is always expected to get done in the time set. I really enjoyed the abstract painting because we got to Christian Del Guidice - Year 11 Studio Arts