2 minute read
College Foundation
The St Joseph’s College Foundation was generously supported throughout the year by many donors who became members of the Foundation, joined the McNeill Society or gave during our Annual Gifting campaign for scholarships and building projects. The work of the Foundation would not be possible without the committed support of many from within the College community and I would like to take this opportunity to thank those donors, members and our Old Collegians for their ongoing generosity.
The Foundation has strived throughout 2018 to broaden its profile by hosting and aligning itself with a number of events and activities to help maintain our close links with the College community.
Our signature event each year has been the annual Foundation Dinner. This year we were pleased to host 100 members and guests who were able to enjoy an evening of catching up with old friends as well as hearing some powerful stories from special guests. On this evening, members were given the opportunity to hear first-hand about the profound impact the work of the Foundation and the College Bursary program has had on the life of a family within the College community. It has been life changing for this family.
We also heard a touching account from an Old Collegian, as he reflected on losing his father at the age of 10 and his motivation for wanting to give back to the College in the form of a bursary. Their inspirational stories really brought to life the work of the Foundation. For many Old Collegians, families and friends of the College our bequest program the McNeill Society is a wonderful way to shape a lasting gift and support the education of future generations.
Now into its second year, a social event for members took place on 29 November. The gathering of Old Collegians, past and current parents and staff was a great opportunity to thank and acknowledge everyone for their ongoing support of the College and the Foundation.
During the year the Foundation took the opportunity to reflect and capture the story of Old Collegian, Foundation member, past parent and McNeill Society member Mr Kevin Costa, whose relationship with the College spans 60 years and many generations.
Kevin believes every boy should have the opportunity of a St Joseph’s education and in leaving a bequest, Kevin will continue to part of College story going forward. Kevin’s inspiring account is available for viewing on the College website.
These activities are bringing the work of the Foundation to life in a meaningful way. We look forward to building on the success of the program in 2019 and beyond.
We thank once again the members of our College community for your commitment and support in raising $60,000 through our annual gifting campaign. Your generosity of spirit will ensure the ongoing funding of educational programs and bursaries and affords every Joey’s boy the opportunity to strive for the highest.
As many community members would be aware, the College is embarking on a building development program at both campuses which will require significant financial resources. We will be appealing to the generosity of the College community to assist the Foundation and the College in bringing this vision to reality.
I wish to thank the Foundation management team, the College Board, and all the College support groups and staff members, for your ongoing support. We look forward to 2019
Paul McNamara
Foundation Chair
Foundation Committee
Chairperson Paul McNamara
Treasurer Steve Madden
Secretary Kristen Gleeson
General Committee Warick Brown
General Committee Kevin Costa
General Committee Lucy Dripps
General Committee Heather Kelly
General Committee Roland Mrak
General Committee Joe Virgona
General Committee Maureen Zampatti