Br Dominic Mark (Stan) McCabe Bursary

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How you can give

Cheque Payment Cheques are to be made out to St Joseph’s College Bursary Fund.

Your Details:

Donate online


You can elect to donate to the College via the College website click on OUR COMMUNITY and select DONATE to go to the online donations page.

Address: Suburb:



GREAT MAN, one in a million.

We wer We ere al all so so luc ck ky y to co come e un nd de er r his is in nf fl lu uen ence c ." ."” "” - La Laur uri ie e Rya yan, SJO JOC 119 9 949 49-1 49 -1957 957 95

I would like to donate over time You can elect to give your gift as a ‘Pledge’. All gifts $5000 or more can be pledged over a 5 year period. OR alternatively you can elect to give a gift to the Br McCabe Bursary as part of your Will.

Phone: Email:

Please send me more information on donating as a:

I would like to donate to the Br Mccabe Bursary  $100  $250  $500  $1000  $5000  Other:

Payment Details: Gifts are Tax Deductable EFT Direct Payment Electronic fund transfers can be made direct to the St Joseph’s College Bursary Fund account. Bendigo bank - BSB 083 347 Account number - 676165198 Please fill out and return this form in order for us to issue a receipt.

 Pledge amount over 5 years

 Gift from my Will

Returning your Gifting Form Forms can be returned directly to St Joseph’s College Geelong Reception, or scanned and emailed to: or alternatively via Reply Paid Post (details below). Return via reply paid address (no stamp required) to: Foundation Office, St Joseph’s College Geelong Reply Paid 75446 NEWTOWN VIC 3220

 I wish to pay via EFT For further information contact Credit Card Details

Mrs Julie Cole, Fundraising & Alumni Coordinator

Name: Card type:


Br Dominic Mark (Stan) McCabe


Phone: 03 5226 8149 Email:  Visa

 Mastercard

Card number:

Mr Kristen Gleeson, Community & Development Manager Phone: 03 5226 8120 Email: ST JOSEPH’S COLLEGE GEELONG

Expiry Date: Signature:



St Joseph’s College Geelong 135 Aphrasia Street Newtown,Victoria 3220 ABN: 74 114 857 147


The College Foundation along with former students are proud to announce the establishment of the Br Dominic Mark McCabe Bursary, honouring his commitment and contribution to his students during their time at St Joseph’s College. A young Br McCabe commenced employment as a classroom teacher in 1949. The College was quick to discover there was more than just teaching to this enthusiastic 22-year-old. “Stan” as he was affectionately known to the students, made his mark as a talented sportsman and a keen supporter of musical productions (with Gilbert and Sullivan amongst his favourites). He was a positive influence on not only the young students he taught, but also on those who joined in many a sporting game, stage

production or were residents of the Boarding House. This remarkable man was an inspiration, friend and advisor to many over the 11 years he was at St Joseph’s.

acknowledged with an Ad Alta Award which recognises those who have contributed to the College in the Spirit of Edmund Rice.

Brother McCabe is fondly remembered for his cheery disposition, encouragement and genuine concern for all in his care. He had a wonderful rapport with his students and parents alike who were often singing his praises. He continued to positively shape the lives of many young men well into adulthood.

Here is an opportunity for you to join us, as we recognise and honour Br Mark McCabe’s service to St Joseph’s College and his students.

Br McCabe maintains his connection to the College with his attendance at Old Collegian’s Association events and reunions, enjoying catching up with past students, some of whom still visit him today. In 1993 he returned to St Joseph’s to celebrate his Golden Jubilee and in 2010 his dedication to the College was " L Lo oo ok kiin ng ba back k in la late er y ye ear ar rs s I c ca ame me to un unde der rs sta sta tand nd the he qu q ual alit liit ties ie es o of f Br Mc McCa Cab Cabe be e th ha at at shap sh hap ape ed d my g gr row owt th h th hr ro ou ugh gh th t ho os se te teen enag age y ye ears. ars. ar s. I e ex xpr pres e s my my las ast ti ing ng gra rat ti it tu ude de fo f or the the g th gi ift ft of hi his p pr res esence en e nce ce iin n my li liife fe jou fe urn rney ne ey y." ."”

SJC First Eighteen 1957 - Coached by Br McCabe

- Mic icha hae el l No ol la an n, SJO SJ OC C 19 95 53 3-119 957 957 57

The Br Dominic Mark McCabe Bursary will provide an education for disadvantaged Catholic boys who would not otherwise be in a position to attend St Joseph’s College. It will be supported by an endowment fund to exist in perpetuity and all gifts are tax deductible. Thank you for considering a gift to the Br Dominic Mark McCabe Bursary. All gifts will help us achieve our goal and whilst paying tribute to Br McCabe’s lasting memory. "B Br M Mc cCa ab be e did id not ot tea each ch me in a c me cl las as s sr roo om bu but what wh te ev ver r siit tu ua at tiio on ns w ns we e s ar sh are ed d: sp port or rt, mu us sic ic, gene ge eral ra al ad adv viiso or, friie en nd an nd Bo oa ar rd diin ng g Mas as t te er, he ta aug ught ught t me mo m re re tha han an an any cl c la as ss te teac che her coul coul co uld. ld d.."

“"The Br Dominic Mark McCabe Bursary is a fitting tribute to Stan: humble servant of God, teacher, mentor and good bloke."

- Kev evin in Dun unn, SJ S JO OC C 19 95 53 3-19 1958 58

- Peter Kenyon, SJOC 1951-1958

Br McCabe with the winners of Junior Choir Competition at Dandenong Music Festival 1955.

The College Foundation along with former students are proud to announce the establishment of the Br Dominic Mark McCabe Bursary, honouring his commitment and contribution to his students during their time at St Joseph’s College. A young Br McCabe commenced employment as a classroom teacher in 1949. The College was quick to discover there was more than just teaching to this enthusiastic 22-year-old. “Stan” as he was affectionately known to the students, made his mark as a talented sportsman and a keen supporter of musical productions (with Gilbert and Sullivan amongst his favourites). He was a positive influence on not only the young students he taught, but also on those who joined in many a sporting game, stage

production or were residents of the Boarding House. This remarkable man was an inspiration, friend and advisor to many over the 11 years he was at St Joseph’s.

acknowledged with an Ad Alta Award which recognises those who have contributed to the College in the Spirit of Edmund Rice.

Brother McCabe is fondly remembered for his cheery disposition, encouragement and genuine concern for all in his care. He had a wonderful rapport with his students and parents alike who were often singing his praises. He continued to positively shape the lives of many young men well into adulthood.

Here is an opportunity for you to join us, as we recognise and honour Br Mark McCabe’s service to St Joseph’s College and his students.

Br McCabe maintains his connection to the College with his attendance at Old Collegian’s Association events and reunions, enjoying catching up with past students, some of whom still visit him today. In 1993 he returned to St Joseph’s to celebrate his Golden Jubilee and in 2010 his dedication to the College was " L Lo oo ok kiin ng ba back k in la late er y ye ear ar rs s I c ca ame me to un unde der rs sta sta tand nd the he qu q ual alit liit ties ie es o of f Br Mc McCa Cab Cabe be e th ha at at shap sh hap ape ed d my g gr row owt th h th hr ro ou ugh gh th t ho os se te teen enag age y ye ears. ars. ar s. I e ex xpr pres e s my my las ast ti ing ng gra rat ti it tu ude de fo f or the the g th gi ift ft of hi his p pr res esence en e nce ce iin n my li liife fe jou fe urn rney ne ey y." ."”

SJC First Eighteen 1957 - Coached by Br McCabe

- Mic icha hae el l No ol la an n, SJO SJ OC C 19 95 53 3-119 957 957 57

The Br Dominic Mark McCabe Bursary will provide an education for disadvantaged Catholic boys who would not otherwise be in a position to attend St Joseph’s College. It will be supported by an endowment fund to exist in perpetuity and all gifts are tax deductible. Thank you for considering a gift to the Br Dominic Mark McCabe Bursary. All gifts will help us achieve our goal and whilst paying tribute to Br McCabe’s lasting memory. "B Br M Mc cCa ab be e did id not ot tea each ch me in a c me cl las as s sr roo om bu but what wh te ev ver r siit tu ua at tiio on ns w ns we e s ar sh are ed d: sp port or rt, mu us sic ic, gene ge eral ra al ad adv viiso or, friie en nd an nd Bo oa ar rd diin ng g Mas as t te er, he ta aug ught ught t me mo m re re tha han an an any cl c la as ss te teac che her coul coul co uld. ld d.."

“"The Br Dominic Mark McCabe Bursary is a fitting tribute to Stan: humble servant of God, teacher, mentor and good bloke."

- Kev evin in Dun unn, SJ S JO OC C 19 95 53 3-19 1958 58

- Peter Kenyon, SJOC 1951-1958

Br McCabe with the winners of Junior Choir Competition at Dandenong Music Festival 1955.

How you can give

Cheque Payment Cheques are to be made out to St Joseph’s College Bursary Fund.

Your Details:

Donate online


You can elect to donate to the College via the College website click on OUR COMMUNITY and select DONATE to go to the online donations page.

Address: Suburb:



GREAT MAN, one in a million.

We wer We ere al all so so luc ck ky y to co come e un nd de er r his is in nf fl lu uen ence c ." ."” "” - La Laur uri ie e Rya yan, SJO JOC 119 9 949 49-1 49 -1957 957 95

I would like to donate over time You can elect to give your gift as a ‘Pledge’. All gifts $5000 or more can be pledged over a 5 year period. OR alternatively you can elect to give a gift to the Br McCabe Bursary as part of your Will.

Phone: Email:

Please send me more information on donating as a:

I would like to donate to the Br Mccabe Bursary  $100  $250  $500  $1000  $5000  Other:

Payment Details: Gifts are Tax Deductable EFT Direct Payment Electronic fund transfers can be made direct to the St Joseph’s College Bursary Fund account. Bendigo bank - BSB 083 347 Account number - 676165198 Please fill out and return this form in order for us to issue a receipt.

 Pledge amount over 5 years

 Gift from my Will

Returning your Gifting Form Forms can be returned directly to St Joseph’s College Geelong Reception, or scanned and emailed to: or alternatively via Reply Paid Post (details below). Return via reply paid address (no stamp required) to: Foundation Office, St Joseph’s College Geelong Reply Paid 75446 NEWTOWN VIC 3220

 I wish to pay via EFT For further information contact Credit Card Details

Mrs Julie Cole, Fundraising & Alumni Coordinator

Name: Card type:


Br Dominic Mark (Stan) McCabe


Phone: 03 5226 8149 Email:  Visa

 Mastercard

Card number:

Mr Kristen Gleeson, Community & Development Manager Phone: 03 5226 8120 Email: ST JOSEPH’S COLLEGE GEELONG

Expiry Date: Signature:



St Joseph’s College Geelong 135 Aphrasia Street Newtown,Victoria 3220 ABN: 74 114 857 147


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